AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-02-24Try to feed fs_uniquifierDashie
2021-02-24client_metadata migrationDashie
2021-02-24Revert "Rename migration; Rename some CI targets; Switch to cimg images"Dashie
2021-02-24Revert "Also test current node"Dashie
2021-02-24Revert "Bump versions"Dashie
2021-02-24Revert "Remove .python-version"Dashie
2021-02-24Remove .python-versionDashie
2021-02-24Bump versionsDashie
2021-02-24Also test current nodeDashie
2021-02-24Rename migration; Rename some CI targets; Switch to cimg imagesDashie
2021-02-24Set fs_uniquifier here tooDashie
2021-02-24Add python 3.8 to CIDashie
2021-02-23Is that THE fixDashie
2021-02-23This uses the client_metadata from authlib, /oauth/authorize seems ok, /oauth...Dashie
2021-02-23add pytest-sugar pluginDashie
2021-02-23Bump lof of libs versionsDashie
2021-02-23Fix Authlib breakageDashie
2021-02-23bump some versionsDashie
2021-02-23Fix requirementDashie
2021-02-23forgot the linterDashie
2021-02-23Some fixes for Flask-Security and Oauth thingyDashie
2021-02-23useless requirementDashie
2021-02-23Front in //Dashie
2021-02-23Add python 3.9Dashie
2021-02-23Switch to the right Flask-SecurityDashie
2021-02-22fix(ci): Adapt to change in authlib importsPolyedre
2021-02-22fix(ci): Update python packages versionsPolyedre
2021-02-22fix(ci): Remove error displayed by flake8Polyedre
2021-02-22fix(ci): Use black to reformat utils.pyPolyedre
2021-02-22fix(ci): Add rustc to the system dependenciesPolyedre
2021-02-22fix(front): Bump docker base image to node:12Polyedre
2020-10-23Merge pull request #372 from reel2bits/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/front/object-p...Valérianne
2020-10-23Bump object-path from 0.11.4 to 0.11.5 in /frontdependabot[bot]
2020-10-23Merge pull request #371 from reel2bits/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/front/node-fet...Valérianne
2020-10-23Merge pull request #370 from reel2bits/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/front/http-pro...Valérianne
2020-10-23Merge pull request #369 from reel2bits/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/front/elliptic...Valérianne
2020-10-23Merge pull request #368 from reel2bits/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/front/lodash-4...Valérianne
2020-10-23Merge pull request #367 from reel2bits/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/front/websocke...Valérianne
2020-09-12Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 in /frontdependabot[bot]
2020-09-10Bump http-proxy from 1.17.0 to 1.18.1 in /frontdependabot[bot]
2020-07-31Bump elliptic from 6.5.0 to 6.5.3 in /frontdependabot[bot]
2020-07-18Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /frontdependabot[bot]
2020-06-07Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 in /frontdependabot[bot]
2020-04-06Prevent #358 by fixing validations in frontendDashie
2020-03-11Hotfix Funkwhale actor discoveryDashie
2020-02-04Merge pull request #356 from reel2bits/dependabot/pip/api/waitress-1.4.3Valérianne Lagrange
2020-02-04Bump waitress from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 in /apidependabot[bot]
2020-01-29Bump feedgen from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 in /api (#355)Valérianne Lagrange