#include "singleapplication.h" #include #include #ifdef QT_DEBUG #include "debughelper.h" #endif /** * @brief SingleApplication::SingleApplication this replaces the QApplication * allowing for local socket based communications. * @param argc * @param argv * @param uniqueKey */ SingleApplication::SingleApplication(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString &uniqueKey) : QApplication(argc, argv), _uniqueKey(std::move(uniqueKey)) { sharedMemory.setKey(_uniqueKey); if (sharedMemory.attach()) { _isRunning = true; } else { _isRunning = false; // create shared memory. if (!sharedMemory.create(1)) { #ifdef QT_DEBUG dbg() << "Unable to create single instance."; #endif return; } // create local server and listen to incomming messages from other // instances. localServer.reset(new QLocalServer(this)); connect(localServer.data(), &QLocalServer::newConnection, this, &SingleApplication::receiveMessage); localServer->listen(_uniqueKey); } } // public slots. /** * @brief SingleApplication::receiveMessage we have received (a command line) * message. */ void SingleApplication::receiveMessage() { QLocalSocket *localSocket = localServer->nextPendingConnection(); if (!localSocket->waitForReadyRead(timeout)) { #ifdef QT_DEBUG dbg() << localSocket->errorString().toLatin1(); #endif return; } QByteArray byteArray = localSocket->readAll(); QString message = QString::fromUtf8(byteArray.constData()); emit messageAvailable(message); localSocket->disconnectFromServer(); } // public functions. /** * @brief SingleApplication::isRunning is there already a QtPass instance * running, to check wether to be server or client. * @return */ bool SingleApplication::isRunning() { return _isRunning; } /** * @brief SingleApplication::sendMessage send a message (from commandline) to an * already running QtPass instance. * @param message * @return */ bool SingleApplication::sendMessage(const QString &message) { if (!_isRunning) return false; QLocalSocket localSocket(this); localSocket.connectToServer(_uniqueKey, QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!localSocket.waitForConnected(timeout)) { #ifdef QT_DEBUG dbg() << localSocket.errorString().toLatin1(); #endif return false; } localSocket.write(message.toUtf8()); if (!localSocket.waitForBytesWritten(timeout)) { #ifdef QT_DEBUG dbg() << localSocket.errorString().toLatin1(); #endif return false; } localSocket.disconnectFromServer(); return true; }