#include "passworddialog.h" #include "ui_passworddialog.h" #include #include #include /** * @brief PasswordDialog::PasswordDialog basic constructor. * @param parent */ PasswordDialog::PasswordDialog(MainWindow *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::PasswordDialog) { mainWindow = parent; templating = false; allFields = false; ui->setupUi(this); } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::~PasswordDialog basic destructor. */ PasswordDialog::~PasswordDialog() { delete ui; } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::on_checkBoxShow_stateChanged hide or show passwords. * @param arg1 */ void PasswordDialog::on_checkBoxShow_stateChanged(int arg1) { if (arg1) ui->lineEditPassword->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Normal); else ui->lineEditPassword->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::on_createPasswordButton_clicked generate a random * passwords. * @todo refactor when process is untangled from MainWindow class. */ void PasswordDialog::on_createPasswordButton_clicked() { ui->widget->setEnabled(false); ui->lineEditPassword->setText(mainWindow->generatePassword( ui->spinBox_pwdLength->value(), (MainWindow::clipBoardType)ui->passwordTemplateSwitch->currentIndex())); ui->widget->setEnabled(true); } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::setPassword populate the (templated) fields. * @param password */ void PasswordDialog::setPassword(QString password) { QStringList tokens = password.split("\n"); ui->lineEditPassword->setText(tokens[0]); tokens.pop_front(); if (templating) { QWidget *previous = ui->checkBoxShow; for (int i = 0; i < ui->formLayout->rowCount(); ++i) { QLayoutItem *item = ui->formLayout->itemAt(i, QFormLayout::FieldRole); if (item == NULL) continue; QWidget *widget = item->widget(); for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length(); ++j) { QString token = tokens.at(j); if (token.startsWith(widget->objectName() + ':')) { tokens.removeAt(j); QString value = token.remove(0, widget->objectName().length() + 1); reinterpret_cast(widget)->setText(value.trimmed()); } } previous = widget; } if (allFields) { for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length(); ++j) { QString token = tokens.at(j); if (token.contains(':')) { int colon = token.indexOf(':'); QString field = token.left(colon); QString value = token.right(token.length() - colon - 1); if (!passTemplate.contains(field) && value.startsWith("//")) continue; // colon is probably from a url QLineEdit *line = new QLineEdit(); line->setObjectName(field.trimmed()); line->setText(value.trimmed()); ui->formLayout->addRow(new QLabel(field), line); setTabOrder(previous, line); previous = line; tokens.removeAt(j); --j; // tokens.length() also got shortened by the remove.. } } } } ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(tokens.join("\n")); } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::getPassword join the (templated) fields to a QString * for writing back. * @return collappsed password. */ QString PasswordDialog::getPassword() { QString passFile = ui->lineEditPassword->text() + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < ui->formLayout->rowCount(); ++i) { QLayoutItem *item = ui->formLayout->itemAt(i, QFormLayout::FieldRole); if (item == NULL) continue; QWidget *widget = item->widget(); QString text = reinterpret_cast(widget)->text(); if (text.isEmpty()) continue; passFile += widget->objectName() + ": " + text + "\n"; } passFile += ui->plainTextEdit->toPlainText(); return passFile; } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::setTemplate set the template and create the fields. * @param rawFields */ void PasswordDialog::setTemplate(QString rawFields) { fields = rawFields.split('\n'); QWidget *previous = ui->checkBoxShow; foreach (QString field, fields) { if (field.isEmpty()) continue; QLineEdit *line = new QLineEdit(); line->setObjectName(field); ui->formLayout->addRow(new QLabel(field), line); setTabOrder(previous, line); previous = line; } } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::setFile show which (password) file we are editing. * @param file */ void PasswordDialog::setFile(QString file) { this->setWindowTitle(this->windowTitle() + " " + file); } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::templateAll basic setter for use in * PasswordDialog::setPassword templating all tokenisable lines. * @param templateAll */ void PasswordDialog::templateAll(bool templateAll) { allFields = templateAll; } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::useTemplate basic setter for use in * PasswordDialog::setPassword templating. * @param useTemplate */ void PasswordDialog::useTemplate(bool useTemplate) { templating = useTemplate; } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::setLength * @param l */ void PasswordDialog::setLength(int l) { ui->spinBox_pwdLength->setValue(l); } /** * @brief PasswordDialog::setPasswordCharTemplate * @param t */ void PasswordDialog::setPasswordCharTemplate(int t) { ui->passwordTemplateSwitch->setCurrentIndex(t); }