#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "usersdialog.h" #include "keygendialog.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN/*_KILLING_MACHINE*/ #define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN #include #include #undef DELETE #endif /** * @brief MainWindow::MainWindow * @param parent */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), process(new QProcess(this)), fusedav(this) { // connect(process.data(), SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readyRead())); connect(process.data(), SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError))); connect(process.data(), SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(processFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); ui->setupUi(this); enableUiElements(true); wrapperRunning = false; execQueue = new QQueue; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Welcome to QtPass %1").arg(VERSION), 2000); firstRun = true; startupPhase = true; if (!checkConfig()) { // no working config QApplication::quit(); } QtPass = NULL; } /** * @brief MainWindow::~MainWindow */ MainWindow::~MainWindow() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (useWebDav) WNetCancelConnection2A(passStore.toUtf8().constData(), 0, 1); #else if (fusedav.state() == QProcess::Running) { fusedav.terminate(); fusedav.waitForFinished(2000); } #endif } QSettings &MainWindow::getSettings() { if (!settings) { QString portable_ini = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator() + "qtpass.ini"; if (QFile(portable_ini).exists()) { settings.reset(new QSettings(portable_ini, QSettings::IniFormat)); } else { settings.reset(new QSettings("IJHack", "QtPass")); } } return *settings; } void MainWindow::mountWebDav() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN char dst[20] = {0}; NETRESOURCEA netres; memset(&netres, 0, sizeof(netres)); netres.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; netres.lpLocalName = 0; netres.lpRemoteName = webDavUrl.toUtf8().data(); DWORD size = sizeof(dst); DWORD r = WNetUseConnectionA(reinterpret_cast(effectiveWinId()), &netres, webDavPassword.toUtf8().constData(), webDavUser.toUtf8().constData(), CONNECT_TEMPORARY | CONNECT_INTERACTIVE | CONNECT_REDIRECT, dst, &size, 0); if (r == NO_ERROR) { passStore = dst; } else { char message[256] = {0}; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, r, 0, message, sizeof(message), 0); ui->textBrowser->setTextColor(Qt::red); ui->textBrowser->setText(tr("Failed to connect WebDAV:\n") + message + " (0x" + QString::number(r, 16) + ")"); } #else fusedav.start("fusedav -o nonempty -u \"" + webDavUser + "\" " + webDavUrl + " \"" + passStore + '"'); fusedav.waitForStarted(); if (fusedav.state() == QProcess::Running) { QString pwd = webDavPassword; bool ok = true; if (pwd.isEmpty()) { pwd = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("QtPass WebDAV password"), tr("Enter password to connect to WebDAV:"), QLineEdit::Password, "", &ok); } if (ok && !pwd.isEmpty()) { fusedav.write(pwd.toUtf8() + '\n'); fusedav.closeWriteChannel(); fusedav.waitForFinished(2000); } else { fusedav.terminate(); } } QString error = fusedav.readAllStandardError(); int prompt = error.indexOf("Password:"); if (prompt >= 0) { error.remove(0, prompt + 10); } if (fusedav.state() != QProcess::Running) { error = tr("fusedav exited unexpectedly\n") + error; } if (error.size() > 0) { ui->textBrowser->setTextColor(Qt::red); ui->textBrowser->setText(tr("Failed to start fusedav to connect WebDAV:\n") + error); } #endif } /** * @brief MainWindow::checkConfig */ bool MainWindow::checkConfig() { QSettings &settings(getSettings()); usePass = (settings.value("usePass") == "true"); useClipboard = (settings.value("useClipboard") == "true"); useAutoclear = (settings.value("useAutoclear") == "true"); autoclearSeconds = settings.value("autoclearSeconds").toInt(); hidePassword = (settings.value("hidePassword") == "true"); hideContent = (settings.value("hideContent") == "true"); addGPGId = (settings.value("addGPGId") != "false"); passStore = settings.value("passStore").toString(); if (passStore.isEmpty()) { passStore = Util::findPasswordStore(); settings.setValue("passStore", passStore); } passStore = Util::normalizeFolderPath(passStore); passExecutable = settings.value("passExecutable").toString(); if (passExecutable.isEmpty()) { passExecutable = Util::findBinaryInPath("pass"); } gitExecutable = settings.value("gitExecutable").toString(); if (gitExecutable.isEmpty()) { gitExecutable = Util::findBinaryInPath("git"); } gpgExecutable = settings.value("gpgExecutable").toString(); if (gpgExecutable.isEmpty()) { gpgExecutable = Util::findBinaryInPath("gpg2"); } gpgHome = settings.value("gpgHome").toString(); useWebDav = (settings.value("useWebDav") == "true"); webDavUrl = settings.value("webDavUrl").toString(); webDavUser = settings.value("webDavUser").toString(); webDavPassword = settings.value("webDavPassword").toString(); profile = settings.value("profile").toString(); settings.beginGroup("profiles"); QStringList keys = settings.childKeys(); foreach (QString key, keys) { profiles[key] = settings.value(key).toString(); } settings.endGroup(); if (Util::checkConfig(passStore, passExecutable, gpgExecutable)) { config(); if (firstRun && Util::checkConfig(passStore, passExecutable, gpgExecutable)) { return false; } } useTrayIcon = settings.value("useTrayIcon").toBool(); hideOnClose = settings.value("hideOnClose").toBool(); if (useTrayIcon && tray == NULL) { initTrayIcon(); } else if (!useTrayIcon && tray != NULL) { destroyTrayIcon(); } firstRun = false; // TODO: this needs to be before we try to access the store, // but it would be better to do it after the Window is shown, // as the long delay it can cause is irritating otherwise. if (useWebDav) { mountWebDav(); } model.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "*.gpg"); model.setNameFilterDisables(false); proxyModel.setSourceModel(&model); proxyModel.setModelAndStore(&model, passStore); selectionModel.reset(new QItemSelectionModel(&proxyModel)); model.fetchMore(model.setRootPath(passStore)); model.sort(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); ui->treeView->setModel(&proxyModel); ui->treeView->setRootIndex(proxyModel.mapFromSource(model.setRootPath(passStore))); ui->treeView->setColumnHidden(1, true); ui->treeView->setColumnHidden(2, true); ui->treeView->setColumnHidden(3, true); ui->treeView->setHeaderHidden(true); ui->treeView->setIndentation(15); ui->treeView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); ui->treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(const QPoint&))); ui->textBrowser->setOpenExternalLinks(true); updateProfileBox(); env = QProcess::systemEnvironment(); if (!gpgHome.isEmpty()) { QDir absHome(gpgHome); absHome.makeAbsolute(); env << "GNUPGHOME=" + absHome.path(); } #ifdef __APPLE__ // If it exists, add the gpgtools to PATH if (QFile("/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin").exists()) { env.replaceInStrings("PATH=", "PATH=/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:"); } // Add missing /usr/local/bin if (env.filter("/usr/local/bin").isEmpty()) { env.replaceInStrings("PATH=", "PATH=/usr/local/bin:"); } #endif //QMessageBox::information(this, "env", env.join("\n")); updateEnv(); if (gitExecutable.isEmpty() && passExecutable.isEmpty()) { ui->pushButton->hide(); ui->updateButton->hide(); } ui->lineEdit->setFocus(); startupPhase = false; return true; } /** * @brief MainWindow::config */ void MainWindow::config() { QScopedPointer d(new Dialog(this)); d->setModal(true); // Automatically default to pass if it's available usePass = firstRun ? QFile(passExecutable).exists() : usePass; d->setPassPath(passExecutable); d->setGitPath(gitExecutable); d->setGpgPath(gpgExecutable); d->setStorePath(passStore); d->usePass(usePass); d->useClipboard(useClipboard); d->useAutoclear(useAutoclear); d->setAutoclear(autoclearSeconds); d->hidePassword(hidePassword); d->hideContent(hideContent); d->addGPGId(addGPGId); d->useTrayIcon(useTrayIcon); d->hideOnClose(hideOnClose); d->setProfiles(profiles, profile); d->wizard(); // does shit if (d->exec()) { if (d->result() == QDialog::Accepted) { passExecutable = d->getPassPath(); gitExecutable = d->getGitPath(); gpgExecutable = d->getGpgPath(); passStore = Util::normalizeFolderPath(d->getStorePath()); usePass = d->usePass(); useClipboard = d->useClipboard(); useAutoclear = d->useAutoclear(); autoclearSeconds = d->getAutoclear(); hidePassword = d->hidePassword(); hideContent = d->hideContent(); addGPGId = d->addGPGId(); useTrayIcon = d->useTrayIcon(); hideOnClose = d->hideOnClose(); profiles = d->getProfiles(); QSettings &settings(getSettings()); settings.setValue("passExecutable", passExecutable); settings.setValue("gitExecutable", gitExecutable); settings.setValue("gpgExecutable", gpgExecutable); settings.setValue("passStore", passStore); settings.setValue("usePass", usePass ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("useClipboard", useClipboard ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("useAutoclear", useAutoclear ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("autoclearSeconds", autoclearSeconds); settings.setValue("hidePassword", hidePassword ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("hideContent", hideContent ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("addGPGId", addGPGId ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("useTrayIcon", useTrayIcon ? "true" : "false"); settings.setValue("hideOnClose", hideOnClose ? "true" : "false"); if (!profiles.isEmpty()) { settings.beginGroup("profiles"); settings.remove(""); bool profileExists = false; QHashIterator i(profiles); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); //qDebug() << i.key() + "|" + i.value(); if (i.key() == profile) { profileExists = true; } settings.setValue(i.key(), i.value()); } if (!profileExists) { // just take the last one profile = i.key(); } settings.endGroup(); } else { settings.remove("profiles"); } updateProfileBox(); ui->treeView->setRootIndex(proxyModel.mapFromSource(model.setRootPath(passStore))); if (firstRun && Util::checkConfig(passStore, passExecutable, gpgExecutable)) { config(); } updateEnv(); if (gitExecutable.isEmpty() && passExecutable.isEmpty()) { ui->pushButton->hide(); ui->updateButton->hide(); } else { ui->pushButton->show(); ui->updateButton->show(); } if (useTrayIcon && tray == NULL) { initTrayIcon(); } else if (!useTrayIcon && tray != NULL) { destroyTrayIcon(); } } firstRun = false; } } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_updateButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_updateButton_clicked() { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Updating password-store"), 2000); currentAction = GIT; if (usePass) { executePass("git pull"); } else { executeWrapper(gitExecutable, "pull"); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Updating password-store"), 2000); currentAction = GIT; if (usePass) { executePass("git push"); } else { executeWrapper(gitExecutable, "push"); } } QString MainWindow::getDir(const QModelIndex &index, bool forPass) { QString abspath = QDir(passStore).absolutePath() + '/'; if (!index.isValid()) { return forPass ? "" : abspath; } QFileInfo info = model.fileInfo(proxyModel.mapToSource(index)); QString filePath = (info.isFile() ? info.absolutePath() : info.absoluteFilePath()) + '/'; if (forPass) { filePath.replace(QRegExp("^" + passStore), ""); filePath.replace(QRegExp("^" + abspath), ""); } return filePath; } QString MainWindow::getFile(const QModelIndex &index, bool forPass) { if (!index.isValid() || !model.fileInfo(proxyModel.mapToSource(index)).isFile()) { return QString(); } QString filePath = model.filePath(proxyModel.mapToSource(index)); if (forPass) { filePath.replace(QRegExp("\\.gpg$"), ""); filePath.replace(QRegExp("^" + passStore), ""); } return filePath; } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_treeView_clicked * @param index */ void MainWindow::on_treeView_clicked(const QModelIndex &index) { currentDir = getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), false); lastDecrypt = "Could not decrypt"; QString file = getFile(index, usePass); if (!file.isEmpty()){ currentAction = GPG; if (usePass) { executePass('"' + file + '"'); } else { executeWrapper(gpgExecutable , "-d --quiet --yes --no-encrypt-to --batch --use-agent \"" + file + '"'); } } else { ui->editButton->setEnabled(false); ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(true); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::executePass * @param args */ void MainWindow::executePass(QString args, QString input) { executeWrapper(passExecutable, args, input); } /** * @brief MainWindow::executeWrapper * @param app * @param args */ void MainWindow::executeWrapper(QString app, QString args, QString input) { // Happens a lot if e.g. git binary is not set. // This will result in bogus "QProcess::FailedToStart" messages, // also hiding legitimate errors from the gpg commands. if (app.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Trying to execute nothing.."; return; } // Convert to absolute path, just in case app = QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()).absoluteFilePath(app); if (wrapperRunning) { execQueueItem item; item.app = app; item.args = args; item.input = input; execQueue->enqueue(item); //qDebug() << item.app + "," + item.args + "," + item.input; return; } wrapperRunning = true; process->setWorkingDirectory(passStore); process->setEnvironment(env); ui->textBrowser->clear(); ui->textBrowser->setTextColor(Qt::black); enableUiElements(false); process->start('"' + app + "\" " + args); if (!input.isEmpty()) { process->write(input.toUtf8()); } process->closeWriteChannel(); } /** * @brief MainWindow::readyRead */ void MainWindow::readyRead(bool finished = false) { QString output = ""; QString error = process->readAllStandardError(); if (currentAction != GPG_INTERNAL) { output = process->readAllStandardOutput(); if (finished && currentAction == GPG) { lastDecrypt = output; if (useClipboard && error.size() == 0) { QClipboard *clip = QApplication::clipboard(); QStringList tokens = output.split("\n"); clip->setText(tokens[0]); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Password copied to clipboard"), 3000); if (useAutoclear) { clippedPass = tokens[0]; QTimer::singleShot(1000*autoclearSeconds, this, SLOT(clearClipboard())); } if (hidePassword) { //tokens.pop_front(); tokens[0] = "***" + tr("Password hidden") + "***"; output = tokens.join("\n"); } if (hideContent) { output = "***" + tr("Content hidden") + "***"; } } } output.replace(QRegExp("<"), "<"); output.replace(QRegExp(">"), ">"); } else { //qDebug() << process->readAllStandardOutput(); //qDebug() << process->readAllStandardError(); if (finished && 0 != keygen) { qDebug() << "Keygen Done"; keygen->close(); keygen = 0; // TODO some sanity checking ? } } if (!error.isEmpty()) { output = "" + error + "
" + output; } output.replace(QRegExp("((http|https|ftp)\\://[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\._\\?\\,\\'/\\\\+&%\\$#\\=~])*)"), "\\1"); output.replace(QRegExp("\n"), "
"); if (!ui->textBrowser->toPlainText().isEmpty()) { output = ui->textBrowser->toHtml() + output; } ui->textBrowser->setHtml(output); } /** * @brief MainWindow::clearClipboard * @TODO check clipboard content (only clear if contains the password) */ void MainWindow::clearClipboard() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); if (clipboard->text() == clippedPass) { clipboard->clear(); clippedPass = ""; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Clipboard cleared"), 3000); } else { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Clipboard not cleared"), 3000); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::processFinished * @param exitCode * @param exitStatus */ void MainWindow::processFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { wrapperRunning = false; bool error = exitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || exitCode > 0; readyRead(true); enableUiElements(true); if (!error && currentAction == EDIT) { on_treeView_clicked(ui->treeView->currentIndex()); } if (!execQueue->isEmpty()) { execQueueItem item = execQueue->dequeue(); executeWrapper(item.app, item.args, item.input); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::enableUiElements * @param state */ void MainWindow::enableUiElements(bool state) { ui->updateButton->setEnabled(state); ui->treeView->setEnabled(state); ui->lineEdit->setEnabled(state); ui->addButton->setEnabled(state); ui->usersButton->setEnabled(state); ui->configButton->setEnabled(state); // is a file selected? state &= ui->treeView->currentIndex().isValid(); ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(state); ui->editButton->setEnabled(state); ui->pushButton->setEnabled(state); } /** * @brief MainWindow::processError * @param error */ void MainWindow::processError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { QString errorString; switch (error) { case QProcess::FailedToStart: errorString = tr("QProcess::FailedToStart"); break; case QProcess::Crashed: errorString = tr("QProcess::Crashed"); break; case QProcess::Timedout: errorString = tr("QProcess::Timedout"); break; case QProcess::ReadError: errorString = tr("QProcess::ReadError"); break; case QProcess::WriteError: errorString = tr("QProcess::WriteError"); break; case QProcess::UnknownError: errorString = tr("QProcess::UnknownError"); break; } ui->textBrowser->setTextColor(Qt::red); ui->textBrowser->setText(errorString); if (process->state() == QProcess::NotRunning) enableUiElements(true); } /** * @brief MainWindow::setPassExecutable * @param path */ void MainWindow::setPassExecutable(QString path) { passExecutable = path; } /** * @brief MainWindow::setGitExecutable * @param path */ void MainWindow::setGitExecutable(QString path) { gitExecutable = path; } /** * @brief MainWindow::setGpgExecutable * @param path */ void MainWindow::setGpgExecutable(QString path) { gpgExecutable = path; } /** * @brief MainWindow::getGpgExecutable * @return */ QString MainWindow::getGpgExecutable() { return gpgExecutable; } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_configButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_configButton_clicked() { config(); } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_lineEdit_textChanged * @param arg1 */ void MainWindow::on_lineEdit_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { ui->treeView->expandAll(); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Looking for: %1").arg(arg1), 1000); QString query = arg1; query.replace(QRegExp(" "), ".*"); QRegExp regExp(query, Qt::CaseInsensitive); proxyModel.setFilterRegExp(regExp); ui->treeView->setRootIndex(proxyModel.mapFromSource(model.setRootPath(passStore))); selectFirstFile(); } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_lineEdit_returnPressed */ void MainWindow::on_lineEdit_returnPressed() { selectFirstFile(); on_treeView_clicked(ui->treeView->currentIndex()); } /** * @brief MainWindow::selectFirstFile */ void MainWindow::selectFirstFile() { QModelIndex index = proxyModel.mapFromSource(model.setRootPath(passStore)); index = firstFile(index); ui->treeView->setCurrentIndex(index); } /** * @brief MainWindow::firstFile * @param parentIndex * @return QModelIndex */ QModelIndex MainWindow::firstFile(QModelIndex parentIndex) { QModelIndex index = parentIndex; int numRows = proxyModel.rowCount(parentIndex); for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) { index = proxyModel.index(row, 0, parentIndex); if (model.fileInfo(proxyModel.mapToSource(index)).isFile()) { return index; } if (proxyModel.hasChildren(index)) { return firstFile(index); } } return index; } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_clearButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_clearButton_clicked() { ui->lineEdit->clear(); } /** * @brief MainWindow::getRecipientList * @param for_file * @return */ QStringList MainWindow::getRecipientList(QString for_file) { QDir gpgIdPath(QFileInfo(for_file.startsWith(passStore) ? for_file : passStore + for_file).absoluteDir()); bool found = false; while (gpgIdPath.exists() && gpgIdPath.absolutePath().startsWith(passStore)) { if (QFile(gpgIdPath.absoluteFilePath(".gpg-id")).exists()) { found = true; break; } if (!gpgIdPath.cdUp()) { break; } } QFile gpgId(found ? gpgIdPath.absoluteFilePath(".gpg-id") : passStore + ".gpg-id"); if (!gpgId.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { return QStringList(); } QStringList recipients; while (!gpgId.atEnd()) { QString recipient(gpgId.readLine()); recipient = recipient.trimmed(); if (!recipient.isEmpty()) { recipients += recipient; } } return recipients; } /** * @brief MainWindow::getRecipientString * @param for_file * @param separator * @param count * @return */ QString MainWindow::getRecipientString(QString for_file, QString separator, int *count) { QString recipients_str; QStringList recipients_list = getRecipientList(for_file); if (count) { *count = recipients_list.size(); } foreach (const QString recipient, recipients_list) { recipients_str += separator + '"' + recipient + '"'; } return recipients_str; } /** * @brief MainWindow::setPassword * @param file * @param overwrite */ void MainWindow::setPassword(QString file, bool overwrite, bool isNew = false) { if (!isNew && lastDecrypt.isEmpty()) { // warn? return; } bool ok; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 2, 0) QString newValue = QInputDialog::getMultiLineText(this, tr("New Value"), tr("New password value:"), lastDecrypt, &ok); #else QString newValue = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New Value"), tr("New password value:"), QLineEdit::Normal, lastDecrypt, &ok); #endif if (!ok || newValue.isEmpty()) { return; } currentAction = EDIT; if (usePass) { QString force(overwrite ? " -f " : " "); executePass("insert" + force + "-m \"" + file + '"', newValue); } else { QString recipients = getRecipientString(file, " -r "); if (recipients.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Can not edit"), tr("Could not read encryption key to use, .gpg-id file missing or invalid.")); return; } QString force(overwrite ? " --yes " : " "); executeWrapper(gpgExecutable , force + "--batch -eq --output \"" + file + "\" " + recipients + " -", newValue); if (!useWebDav) { if (!overwrite) { executeWrapper(gitExecutable, "add \"" + file + '"'); } QString path = file; path.replace(QRegExp("\\.gpg$"), ""); path.replace(QRegExp("^" + passStore), ""); executeWrapper(gitExecutable, "commit \"" + file + "\" -m \"" + (overwrite ? "Edit" : "Add") + " for " + path + " using QtPass\""); } } } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_addButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_addButton_clicked() { bool ok; QString dir = getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), usePass); QString file = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New file"), tr("New password file, will be placed in folder %1:").arg(QDir::separator() + getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), true)), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok || file.isEmpty()) { return; } file = dir + file; if (!usePass) { file += ".gpg"; } lastDecrypt = ""; setPassword(file, false, true); } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_deleteButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_deleteButton_clicked() { QFileInfo fileOrFolder = model.fileInfo(proxyModel.mapToSource(ui->treeView->currentIndex())); QString file = ""; if (fileOrFolder.isFile()) { file = getFile(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), usePass); if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Delete password?"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete %1?").arg(QDir::separator() + getFile(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), true)), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes) { return; } if (usePass) { currentAction = DELETE; executePass("rm -f \"" + file + '"'); } else { // TODO GIT QFile(file).remove(); } } else { file = getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), usePass); if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Delete folder?"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete %1?").arg(QDir::separator() + getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), true)), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes) { return; } if (usePass) { currentAction = DELETE; executePass("rm -r \"" + file + '"'); } else { // TODO GIT #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) QDir dir(file); dir.removeRecursively(); #else removeDir(file); #endif } } } /** * @brief MainWindow::removeDir * @param dirName * @return */ bool MainWindow::removeDir(const QString & dirName) { bool result = true; QDir dir(dirName); if (dir.exists(dirName)) { Q_FOREACH(QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::System | QDir::Hidden | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files, QDir::DirsFirst)) { if (info.isDir()) { result = removeDir(info.absoluteFilePath()); } else { result = QFile::remove(info.absoluteFilePath()); } if (!result) { return result; } } result = dir.rmdir(dirName); } return result; } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_editButton_clicked */ void MainWindow::on_editButton_clicked() { QString file = getFile(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), usePass); if (file.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Can not edit"), tr("Selected password file does not exist, not able to edit")); return; } setPassword(file, true); } /** * @brief MainWindow::listKeys * @param keystring * @param secret * @return */ QList MainWindow::listKeys(QString keystring, bool secret) { while (!process->atEnd() || !execQueue->isEmpty()) { Util::qSleep(100); } QList users; currentAction = GPG_INTERNAL; QString listopt = secret ? "--list-secret-keys " : "--list-keys "; executeWrapper(gpgExecutable , "--no-tty --with-colons " + listopt + keystring); process->waitForFinished(2000); if (process->exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) { return users; } QStringList keys = QString(process->readAllStandardOutput()).split(QRegExp("[\r\n]"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); UserInfo current_user; foreach (QString key, keys) { QStringList props = key.split(':'); if (props.size() < 10) { continue; } if (props[0] == (secret ? "sec" : "pub")) { if (!current_user.key_id.isEmpty()) { users.append(current_user); } current_user = UserInfo(); current_user.key_id = props[4]; current_user.name = props[9]; current_user.validity = props[8][0].toLatin1(); } else if (current_user.name.isEmpty() && props[0] == "uid") { current_user.name = props[9]; } } if (!current_user.key_id.isEmpty()) { users.append(current_user); } return users; } void MainWindow::userDialog(QString dir) { if (!dir.isEmpty()) { currentDir = dir; } on_usersButton_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_usersButton_clicked() { QList users = listKeys(); if (users.size() == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Can not get key list"), tr("Unable to get list of available gpg keys")); return; } QList secret_keys = listKeys("", true); foreach (const UserInfo &sec, secret_keys) { for (QList::iterator it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it) { if (sec.key_id == it->key_id) it->have_secret = true; } } QList selected_users; QString dir = currentDir.isEmpty()?getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), false):currentDir; int count = 0; QString recipients = getRecipientString(dir.isEmpty() ? "" : dir, " ", &count); if (!recipients.isEmpty()) { selected_users = listKeys(recipients); } foreach (const UserInfo &sel, selected_users) { for (UserInfo &user : users) { if (sel.key_id == user.key_id) user.enabled = true; } } if (count > selected_users.size()) { // Some keys seem missing from keyring, add them separately QStringList recipients = getRecipientList(dir.isEmpty() ? "" : dir); foreach (const QString recipient, recipients) { if (listKeys(recipient).size() < 1) { UserInfo i; i.enabled = true; i.key_id = recipient; i.name = " ?? " + tr("Key not found in keyring"); users.append(i); } } } UsersDialog d(this); d.setUsers(&users); if (!d.exec()) { d.setUsers(NULL); return; } d.setUsers(NULL); QString gpgIdFile = dir + ".gpg-id"; QFile gpgId(gpgIdFile); bool addFile = false; if (addGPGId) { QFileInfo checkFile(gpgIdFile); if (!checkFile.exists() || !checkFile.isFile()) { addFile = true; } } if (!gpgId.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot update"), tr("Failed to open .gpg-id for writing.")); return; } bool secret_selected = false; foreach (const UserInfo &user, users) { if (user.enabled) { gpgId.write((user.key_id + "\n").toUtf8()); secret_selected |= user.have_secret; } } gpgId.close(); if (!secret_selected) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Check selected users!"), tr("None of the selected keys have a secret key available.\n" "You will not be able to decrypt any newly added passwords!")); } if (!useWebDav && !gitExecutable.isEmpty()){ if (addFile) { executeWrapper(gitExecutable, "add \"" + gpgIdFile + '"'); } QString path = gpgIdFile; path.replace(QRegExp("\\.gpg$"), ""); executeWrapper(gitExecutable, "commit \"" + gpgIdFile + "\" -m \"Added "+ path + " using QtPass\""); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::setApp * @param app */ void MainWindow::setApp(SingleApplication *app) { #if SINGLE_APP connect(app, SIGNAL(messageAvailable(QString)), this, SLOT(messageAvailable(QString))); #endif } /** * @brief MainWindow::messageAvailable * @param message */ void MainWindow::messageAvailable(QString message) { if (message.isEmpty()) { ui->lineEdit->selectAll(); ui->lineEdit->setFocus(); } else { ui->treeView->expandAll(); ui->lineEdit->setText(message); on_lineEdit_returnPressed(); } show(); raise(); } /** * @brief MainWindow::setText * @param message */ void MainWindow::setText(QString text) { ui->lineEdit->setText(text); } /** * @brief MainWindow::updateEnv */ void MainWindow::updateEnv() { QStringList store = env.filter("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"); // put PASSWORD_STORE_DIR in env if (store.isEmpty()) { //qDebug() << "Added PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"; env.append("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=" + passStore); } else { //qDebug() << "Update PASSWORD_STORE_DIR with " + passStore; env.replaceInStrings(store.first(), "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=" + passStore); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::getSecretKeys * @return QStringList keys */ QStringList MainWindow::getSecretKeys() { QList keys = listKeys("", true); QStringList names; if (keys.size() == 0) { return names; } foreach (const UserInfo &sec, keys) { names << sec.name; } return names; } /** * @brief Dialog::genKey * @param QString batch */ void MainWindow::genKey(QString batch, QDialog *keygenWindow) { keygen = keygenWindow; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Generating GPG key pair"), 60000); currentAction = GPG_INTERNAL; executeWrapper(gpgExecutable , "--gen-key --no-tty --batch", batch); } /** * @brief MainWindow::updateProfileBox */ void MainWindow::updateProfileBox() { //qDebug() << profiles.size(); if (profiles.isEmpty()) { ui->profileBox->hide(); } else { ui->profileBox->show(); if (profiles.size() < 2) { ui->profileBox->setEnabled(false); } else { ui->profileBox->setEnabled(true); } ui->profileBox->clear(); QHashIterator i(profiles); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (!i.key().isEmpty()) { ui->profileBox->addItem(i.key()); } } } int index = ui->profileBox->findText(profile); if ( index != -1 ) { // -1 for not found ui->profileBox->setCurrentIndex(index); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::on_profileBox_currentIndexChanged * @param name */ void MainWindow::on_profileBox_currentIndexChanged(QString name) { if (startupPhase || name == profile) { return; } profile = name; passStore = profiles[name]; ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Profile changed to %1").arg(name), 2000); QSettings &settings(getSettings()); settings.setValue("profile", profile); settings.setValue("passStore", passStore); // qDebug() << env; QStringList store = env.filter("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"); // put PASSWORD_STORE_DIR in env if (store.isEmpty()) { //qDebug() << "Added PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"; env.append("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=" + passStore); } else { //qDebug() << "Update PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"; env.replaceInStrings(store.first(), "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=" + passStore); } ui->treeView->setRootIndex(proxyModel.mapFromSource(model.setRootPath(passStore))); } /** * @brief MainWindow::initTrayIcon */ void MainWindow::initTrayIcon() { if(tray != NULL){ qDebug() << "Creating tray icon again?"; return; } if(QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable() == true) { // Setup tray icon this->tray = new trayIcon(this); if(tray == NULL){ qDebug() << "Allocating tray icon failed."; } } else { qDebug() << "No tray icon for this OS possibly also not show options?"; } } /** * @brief MainWindow::destroyTrayIcon */ void MainWindow::destroyTrayIcon() { if(tray == NULL){ qDebug() << "Destroy non existing tray icon?"; return; } delete this->tray; tray = NULL; } /** * @brief MainWindow::closeEvent * @param event */ void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (hideOnClose) { this->hide(); event->ignore(); } else { event->accept(); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::showContextMenu * @param pos */ void MainWindow::showContextMenu(const QPoint& pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->treeView->indexAt(pos); bool selected = true; if (!index.isValid()) { ui->treeView->clearSelection(); ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(false); ui->editButton->setEnabled(false); currentDir = ""; selected = false; } ui->treeView->setCurrentIndex(index); QPoint globalPos = ui->treeView->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos); QFileInfo fileOrFolder = model.fileInfo(proxyModel.mapToSource(ui->treeView->currentIndex())); QMenu contextMenu; if (!selected || fileOrFolder.isDir()) { QAction* addFolder = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Add folder")); QAction* addPassword = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Add password")); QAction* users = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Users")); connect(addFolder, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addFolder())); connect(addPassword, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(on_addButton_clicked())); connect(users, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(on_usersButton_clicked())); } else if (fileOrFolder.isFile()) { QAction* edit = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit")); connect(edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editPassword())); } if (selected) { QAction* deleteItem = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Delete")); connect(deleteItem, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(on_deleteButton_clicked())); } contextMenu.exec(globalPos); } /** * @brief MainWindow::addFolder */ void MainWindow::addFolder() { bool ok; QString dir = getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), false); QString newdir = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New file"), tr("New folder, will be placed in folder %1:").arg(QDir::separator() + getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), true)), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok || newdir.isEmpty()) { return; } newdir.prepend(dir); //qDebug() << newdir; QDir().mkdir(newdir); // TODO add to git? } /** * @brief MainWindow::editPassword */ void MainWindow::editPassword() { while (!process->atEnd() || !execQueue->isEmpty()) { Util::qSleep(100); } // TODO move to editbutton stuff possibly? currentDir = getDir(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), false); lastDecrypt = "Could not decrypt"; QString file = getFile(ui->treeView->currentIndex(), usePass); if (!file.isEmpty()){ currentAction = GPG; if (usePass) { executePass('"' + file + '"'); } else { executeWrapper(gpgExecutable , "-d --quiet --yes --no-encrypt-to --batch --use-agent \"" + file + '"'); } process->waitForFinished(30000); // long wait (passphrase stuff) if (process->exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit) { on_editButton_clicked(); } } }