#include "mainwindow.h" #include #include /*! \mainpage QtPass * * \section intro_sec Introduction * * QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager. * * https://qtpass.org/ * * \section install_sec Installation * * \subsection dependencies Dependencies * * - QtPass requires Qt 4.8 or later, preferably Qt5.5 or later. * - The Linguist package is required to compile the translations. * - For use of the fallback icons the SVG library is required. * * At runtime the only real dependency is gpg2 but to make the most of it, * you'll need git and pass too. * * \subsection source From source * * On most *nix systems all you need is: * * `qmake && make && make install` */ /** * @brief main * @param argc * @param argv * @return */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // @todo(annejan) check for stupid apple psid or whatever flag QString text = ""; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (i > 1) text += " "; text += argv[i]; } #if SINGLE_APP QString name = qgetenv("USER"); if (name.isEmpty()) name = qgetenv("USERNAME"); SingleApplication app(argc, argv, name + "QtPass"); if (app.isRunning()) { if (text.length() > 0) app.sendMessage(text); return 0; } #else QApplication app(argc, argv); #endif QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("IJHack"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("ijhack.org"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("QtPass"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(VERSION); // Setup and load translator for localization QTranslator translator; QString locale = QLocale::system().name(); // locale = "nl_NL"; // locale = "he_IL"; // locale = "ar_MA"; translator.load(QString(":localization/localization_") + locale + QString(".qm")); app.installTranslator(&translator); app.setLayoutDirection(QObject::tr("LTR") == "RTL" ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight); MainWindow w; QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &w, SLOT(clearClipboard())); app.setActiveWindow(&w); app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":artwork/icon.png")); w.setApp(&app); w.setText(text); w.show(); return app.exec(); }