#include "dialog.h" #include "ui_dialog.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "keygendialog.h" #include #include #include /** * @brief Dialog::Dialog * @param parent */ Dialog::Dialog(MainWindow *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Dialog) { mainWindow = parent; ui->setupUi(this); ui->profileTable->verticalHeader()->hide(); ui->profileTable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); ui->label->setText(ui->label->text() + VERSION); } /** * @brief Dialog::~Dialog */ Dialog::~Dialog() { mainWindow->setGitExecutable(ui->gitPath->text()); mainWindow->setGpgExecutable(ui->gpgPath->text()); mainWindow->setPassExecutable(ui->passPath->text()); } /** * @brief Dialog::setPassPath * @param path */ void Dialog::setPassPath(QString path) { ui->passPath->setText(path); } /** * @brief Dialog::setGitPath * @param path */ void Dialog::setGitPath(QString path) { ui->gitPath->setText(path); } /** * @brief Dialog::setGpgPath * @param path */ void Dialog::setGpgPath(QString path) { ui->gpgPath->setText(path); } /** * @brief Dialog::setStorePath * @param path */ void Dialog::setStorePath(QString path) { ui->storePath->setText(path); } /** * @brief Dialog::getPassPath * @return */ QString Dialog::getPassPath() { return ui->passPath->text(); } /** * @brief Dialog::getGitPath * @return */ QString Dialog::getGitPath() { return ui->gitPath->text(); } /** * @brief Dialog::getGpgPath * @return */ QString Dialog::getGpgPath() { return ui->gpgPath->text(); } /** * @brief Dialog::getStorePath * @return */ QString Dialog::getStorePath() { return ui->storePath->text(); } /** * @brief Dialog::usePass * @return */ bool Dialog::usePass() { return ui->radioButtonPass->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::usePass * @param pass */ void Dialog::usePass(bool usePass) { if (usePass) { ui->radioButtonNative->setChecked(false); ui->radioButtonPass->setChecked(true); } else { ui->radioButtonNative->setChecked(true); ui->radioButtonPass->setChecked(false); } setGroupBoxState(); } /** * @brief Dialog::on_radioButtonNative_clicked */ void Dialog::on_radioButtonNative_clicked() { setGroupBoxState(); } /** * @brief Dialog::on_radioButtonPass_clicked */ void Dialog::on_radioButtonPass_clicked() { setGroupBoxState(); } /** * @brief Dialog::setGroupBoxState */ void Dialog::setGroupBoxState() { if (ui->radioButtonPass->isChecked()) { ui->groupBoxNative->setEnabled(false); ui->groupBoxPass->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->groupBoxNative->setEnabled(true); ui->groupBoxPass->setEnabled(false); } } /** * @brief Dialog::selectExecutable * @return */ QString Dialog::selectExecutable() { QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); dialog.setOption(QFileDialog::ReadOnly); if (dialog.exec()) { return dialog.selectedFiles().first(); } else return ""; } /** * @brief Dialog::selectFolder * @return */ QString Dialog::selectFolder() { QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::Directory); dialog.setFilter(QDir::NoFilter); dialog.setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly); if (dialog.exec()) { return dialog.selectedFiles().first(); } else return ""; } /** * @brief Dialog::on_toolButtonGit_clicked */ void Dialog::on_toolButtonGit_clicked() { QString git = selectExecutable(); if (git != "") { ui->gitPath->setText(git); } } /** * @brief Dialog::on_toolButtonGpg_clicked */ void Dialog::on_toolButtonGpg_clicked() { QString gpg = selectExecutable(); if (!gpg.isEmpty()) { ui->gpgPath->setText(gpg); } } /** * @brief Dialog::on_toolButtonPass_clicked */ void Dialog::on_toolButtonPass_clicked() { QString pass = selectExecutable(); if (!pass.isEmpty()) { ui->passPath->setText(pass); } } /** * @brief Dialog::on_toolButtonStore_clicked */ void Dialog::on_toolButtonStore_clicked() { QString store = selectFolder(); if (!store.isEmpty()) { // TODO call check ui->storePath->setText(store); } } /** * @brief Dialog::on_checkBoxClipboard_clicked */ void Dialog::on_checkBoxClipboard_clicked() { if (ui->checkBoxClipboard->isChecked()) { ui->checkBoxAutoclear->setEnabled(true); ui->checkBoxHidePassword->setEnabled(true); ui->checkBoxHideContent->setEnabled(true); if (ui->checkBoxAutoclear->isChecked()) { ui->spinBoxAutoclearSeconds->setEnabled(true); ui->labelSeconds->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->spinBoxAutoclearSeconds->setEnabled(false); ui->labelSeconds->setEnabled(false); } } else { ui->checkBoxAutoclear->setEnabled(false); ui->spinBoxAutoclearSeconds->setEnabled(false); ui->labelSeconds->setEnabled(false); ui->checkBoxHidePassword->setEnabled(false); ui->checkBoxHideContent->setEnabled(false); } } /** * @brief Dialog::useClipboard */ void Dialog::useClipboard(bool useClipboard) { ui->checkBoxClipboard->setChecked(useClipboard); on_checkBoxClipboard_clicked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::useAutoclear * @param useAutoclear */ void Dialog::useAutoclear(bool useAutoclear) { ui->checkBoxAutoclear->setChecked(useAutoclear); on_checkBoxAutoclear_clicked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::setAutoclear * @param seconds */ void Dialog::setAutoclear(int seconds) { ui->spinBoxAutoclearSeconds->setValue(seconds); } /** * @brief Dialog::useClipboard * @return */ bool Dialog::useClipboard() { return ui->checkBoxClipboard->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::useAutoclear * @return */ bool Dialog::useAutoclear() { return ui->checkBoxAutoclear->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::getAutoclear * @return */ int Dialog::getAutoclear() { return ui->spinBoxAutoclearSeconds->value(); } /** * @brief Dialog::on_checkBoxAutoclear_clicked */ void Dialog::on_checkBoxAutoclear_clicked() { on_checkBoxClipboard_clicked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::hidePassword * @return */ bool Dialog::hidePassword() { return ui->checkBoxHidePassword->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::hideContent * @return */ bool Dialog::hideContent() { return ui->checkBoxHideContent->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::hidePassword * @param hidePassword */ void Dialog::hidePassword(bool hidePassword) { ui->checkBoxHidePassword->setChecked(hidePassword); } /** * @brief Dialog::hideContent * @param hideContent */ void Dialog::hideContent(bool hideContent) { ui->checkBoxHideContent->setChecked(hideContent); } /** * @brief Dialog::addGPGId * @return */ bool Dialog::addGPGId() { return ui->checkBoxAddGPGId->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::addGPGId * @param addGPGId */ void Dialog::addGPGId(bool addGPGId) { ui->checkBoxAddGPGId->setChecked(addGPGId); } /** * @brief Dialog::genKey * @param QString batch */ void Dialog::genKey(QString batch, QDialog *dialog) { mainWindow->genKey(batch, dialog); } /** * @brief Dialog::setProfiles * @param profiles * @param profile */ void Dialog::setProfiles(QHash profiles, QString profile) { ui->profileTable->setRowCount(profiles.count()); QHashIterator i(profiles); int n = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (!i.value().isEmpty() && !i.key().isEmpty()) { ui->profileTable->setItem(n, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(i.key())); ui->profileTable->setItem(n, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(i.value())); //qDebug() << "naam:" + i.key(); if (i.key() == profile) { ui->profileName->setText(i.key()); ui->storePath->setText(i.value()); } } n++; } } /** * @brief Dialog::getProfiles * @return */ QHash Dialog::getProfiles() { QHash profiles; // Check? for (int i = 0; i < ui->profileTable->rowCount(); i++) { QTableWidgetItem* pathItem = ui->profileTable->item(i, 1); if (0 != pathItem) { profiles.insert(ui->profileTable->item(i, 0)->text(), pathItem->text()); } } return profiles; } /** * @brief Dialog::on_addButton_clicked */ void Dialog::on_addButton_clicked() { QString name = ui->profileName->text(); int n = 0; bool newItem = true; QAbstractItemModel *model = ui->profileTable->model(); QModelIndexList matches = model->match( model->index(0,0), Qt::DisplayRole, name); foreach(const QModelIndex &index, matches) { QTableWidgetItem *item = ui->profileTable->item(index.row(), index.column()); n = item->row(); qDebug() << "overwrite:" << item->text(); newItem = false; } if (newItem) { n = ui->profileTable->rowCount(); ui->profileTable->insertRow(n); } ui->profileTable->setItem(n, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(name)); ui->profileTable->setItem(n, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(ui->storePath->text())); //qDebug() << ui->profileName->text(); ui->profileTable->selectRow(n); if (ui->profileTable->rowCount() > 0) { ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(true); } } /** * @brief Dialog::on_profileTable_currentItemChanged * @param current */ void Dialog::on_profileTable_currentItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem *current) { if (current == 0) { return; } int n = current->row(); ui->profileName->setText(ui->profileTable->item(n, 0)->text()); ui->storePath->setText(ui->profileTable->item(n, 1)->text()); } /** * @brief Dialog::on_deleteButton_clicked */ void Dialog::on_deleteButton_clicked() { QSet selectedRows; //we use a set to prevent doubles QList itemList = ui->profileTable->selectedItems(); if (itemList.count() == 0) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("No profile selected"), tr("No profile selected to delete")); return; } QTableWidgetItem * item; foreach(item, itemList) selectedRows.insert(item->row()); //get a list, and sort it big to small QList rows = selectedRows.toList(); qSort(rows.begin(), rows.end()); //now actually do the removing: foreach(int row, rows) { ui->profileTable->removeRow(row); } if (ui->profileTable->rowCount() < 1) { ui->deleteButton->setEnabled(false); } } void Dialog::criticalMessage(const QString &title, const QString &text) { QMessageBox::critical(this, title, text, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok); } /** * @brief Dialog::wizard */ void Dialog::wizard() { //mainWindow->checkConfig(); QString gpg = ui->gpgPath->text(); //QString gpg = mainWindow->getGpgExecutable(); if(!QFile(gpg).exists()){ criticalMessage(tr("GnuPG not found"), tr("Please install GnuPG on your system.
Install gpg using your favorite package manager
or download it from GnuPG.org")); // TODO REST ? } QStringList names = mainWindow->getSecretKeys(); //qDebug() << names; if (QFile(gpg).exists() && names.empty()) { KeygenDialog d(this); if (!d.exec()) { return; } } QString passStore = ui->storePath->text(); if(!QFile(passStore + ".gpg-id").exists()){ criticalMessage(tr("Password store not initialised"), tr("The folder %1 doesn't seem to be a password store or is not yet initialised.").arg(passStore)); while(!QFile(passStore).exists()) { on_toolButtonStore_clicked(); // allow user to cancel if (passStore == ui->storePath->text()) return; passStore = ui->storePath->text(); } if (!QFile(passStore + ".gpg-id").exists()) { // appears not to be store // init yes / no ? mainWindow->userDialog(passStore); } } // Can you use the store? //ui->gpgPath->setText(gpg); } /** * @brief Dialog::useTrayIcon * @return */ bool Dialog::useTrayIcon() { return ui->checkBoxUseTrayIcon->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::hideOnClose * @return */ bool Dialog::hideOnClose() { return ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->isEnabled() && ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->isChecked(); } /** * @brief Dialog::useTrayIcon * @param useSystray */ void Dialog::useTrayIcon(bool useSystray) { ui->checkBoxUseTrayIcon->setChecked(useSystray); ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->setEnabled(useSystray); if (!useSystray) { ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->setChecked(false); } } /** * @brief Dialog::hideOnClose * @param hideOnClose */ void Dialog::hideOnClose(bool hideOnClose) { ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->setChecked(hideOnClose); } /** * @brief Dialog::on_checkBoxUseTrayIcon_clicked */ void Dialog::on_checkBoxUseTrayIcon_clicked() { if (ui->checkBoxUseTrayIcon->isChecked()) { ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->checkBoxHideOnClose->setEnabled(false); } }