# Contributing Make sure you have read the [FAQ](FAQ.md) Thank you for wanting to contribute to making QtPass awesome. ## This document This document is still in a very early stage and needs a lot more work. ## Translations * Add you language to the `qtpass.pro` file under TRANSLATIONS and in the `resources.qrc` file. * Next run the command `lupdate qtpass.pro` which will create the localization files. * Edit your file with (let's imagine your language is sv_SE (Swedish) `linguist localization/localization_sv_SE.ts` Qt Linguist has very nice in-context translation options [for translators](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linguist-translators.html) ## IRC For questions or brainstorming about features please join #ijhack on freenode. ## Gitter Or if you prefer to use [gitter](https://gitter.im/IJHack/qtpass)