Instructions to bump the version of q in homebrew 1. Sync your fork with homebrew original fork git checkout master git pull upstream master git push origin master 2. Create a branch for the version bump git checkout -b q 3. Edit the file Library/Formula/q.rb. a. Change the url to the new tar.gz file b. Change the sha256 checksum $ curl -sL "" | shasum -a 256 - $ Change the checksum in q.rb's "sha256" line to the new checksum c. Verify by running the following: $ brew fetch -s q The output should show the new SHA256 without any warning 4. Check the diff git diff | vi - 5. Commit the change as "q " 6. Push it as a separate branch to your repository: git push origin q 7. Go the homebrew fork in github, and press "compare and pull-request" on the just-pushed branch 8. Review the diff and make sure that the pull-request is from / to homebrew/master (should be the default) 9. Press "create pull-request" button 10. If everything is fine, you'll be confirmed after several hours