path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
2 files changed, 1021 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/q b/bin/q
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8f8a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/q
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */
+# Name : q (With respect to The Q Continuum)
+# Author : Harel Ben Attia -, harelba @ github, @harelba on twitter
+# Requires : python with sqlite3 (standard in python>=2.6)
+# q allows performing SQL-like statements on tabular text data.
+# Its purpose is to bring SQL expressive power to manipulating text data using the Linux command line.
+# Full Documentation and details in
+# Run with --help for command line details
+q_version = "1.4.0" # Not released yet
+import os
+import sys
+import random
+import sqlite3
+import gzip
+import glob
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import traceback as tb
+import codecs
+import locale
+import time
+import re
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+import traceback
+import csv
+DEBUG = False
+# Encode stdout properly,
+if sys.stdout.isatty():
+ STDOUT = codecs.getwriter(sys.stdout.encoding)(sys.stdout)
+ STDOUT = codecs.getwriter(locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout)
+SHOW_SQL = False
+p = ConfigParser()[os.path.expanduser('~/.qrc'), '.qrc'])
+def get_option_with_default(p, option_type, option, default):
+ if not p.has_option('options', option):
+ return default
+ if option_type == 'boolean':
+ return p.getboolean('options', option)
+ elif option_type == 'int':
+ return p.getint('options', option)
+ elif option_type == 'string':
+ return p.get('options', option)
+ elif option_type == 'escaped_string':
+ return p.get('options', option).decode('string-escape')
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown option type")
+default_beautify = get_option_with_default(p, 'boolean', 'beautify', False)
+default_gzipped = get_option_with_default(p, 'boolean', 'gzipped', False)
+default_delimiter = get_option_with_default(
+ p, 'escaped_string', 'delimiter', None)
+default_output_delimiter = get_option_with_default(
+ p, 'escaped_string', 'output_delimiter', None)
+default_skip_header = get_option_with_default(p, 'int', 'skip_header', 0)
+default_formatting = get_option_with_default(p, 'string', 'formatting', None)
+default_encoding = get_option_with_default(p, 'string', 'encoding', 'UTF-8')
+parser = OptionParser(usage="""
+ q allows performing SQL-like statements on tabular text data.
+ Its purpose is to bring SQL expressive power to manipulating text data using the Linux command line.
+ Basic usage is q "<sql like query>" where table names are just regular file names (Use - to read from standard input)
+ When the input contains a header row, use -H, and column names will be set according to the header row content. If there isn't a header row, then columns will automatically be named c1..cN.
+ Column types are detected automatically. Use -A in order to see the column name/type analysis.
+ Delimiter can be set using the -d (or -t) option. Output delimiter can be set using -D
+ All sqlite3 SQL constructs are supported.
+ Examples:
+ Example 1: ls -ltrd * | q "select c1,count(1) from - group by c1"
+ This example would print a count of each unique permission string in the current folder.
+ Example 2: seq 1 1000 | q "select avg(c1),sum(c1) from -"
+ This example would provide the average and the sum of the numbers in the range 1 to 1000
+ Example 3: sudo find /tmp -ls | q "select c5,c6,sum(c7)/1024.0/1024 as total from - group by c5,c6 order by total desc"
+ This example will output the total size in MB per user+group in the /tmp subtree
+ See the help or for more details.
+parser.add_option("-b", "--beautify", dest="beautify", default=default_beautify, action="store_true",
+ help="Beautify output according to actual values. Might be slow...")
+parser.add_option("-z", "--gzipped", dest="gzipped", default=default_gzipped, action="store_true",
+ help="Data is gzipped. Useful for reading from stdin. For files, .gz means automatic gunzipping")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--delimiter", dest="delimiter", default=default_delimiter,
+ help="Field delimiter. If none specified, then space is used as the delimiter. If you need multi-character delimiters, run the tool with engine version 1 by adding '-E v1'. Using v1 will also revert to the old behavior where if no delimiter is provided, then any whitespace will be considered as a delimiter.")
+parser.add_option("-D", "--output-delimiter", dest="output_delimiter", default=default_output_delimiter,
+ help="Field delimiter for output. If none specified, then the -d delimiter is used if present, or space if no delimiter is specified")
+parser.add_option("-t", "--tab-delimited", dest="tab_delimited", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Same as -d <tab>. Just a shorthand for handling standard tab delimited file with one header line at the beginning of the file. You can use -d $'\t' if you want.")
+parser.add_option("-T", "--tab-delimited-output", dest="tab_delimited_output", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Same as -D <tab>. Just a shorthand for outputing tab delimited output. You can use -D $'\t' if you want.")
+parser.add_option("-H", "--skip-header", dest="skip_header", default=default_skip_header, action="store_true",
+ help="Skip header row. This has been changed from earlier version - Only one header row is supported, and the header row is used for column naming")
+parser.add_option("-f", "--formatting", dest="formatting", default=default_formatting,
+ help="Output-level formatting, in the format X=fmt,Y=fmt etc, where X,Y are output column numbers (e.g. 1 for first SELECT column etc.")
+parser.add_option("-e", "--encoding", dest="encoding", default=default_encoding,
+ help="Input file encoding. Defaults to UTF-8. set to none for not setting any encoding - faster, but at your own risk...")
+parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Print version")
+parser.add_option("-A", "--analyze-only", dest="analyze_only", action='store_true',
+ help="Analyze sample input and provide information about data types")
+parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", dest="mode", default="relaxed",
+ help="Data parsing mode. fluffy, relaxed and strict. In relaxed and strict mode, the -c column-count parameter must be supplied as well")
+parser.add_option("-c", "--column-count", dest="column_count", default=None,
+ help="Specific column count when using relaxed or strict mode")
+parser.add_option("-k", "--keep-leading-whitespace", dest="keep_leading_whitespace_in_values", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="Keep leading whitespace in values. Default behavior strips leading whitespace off values, in order to provide out-of-the-box usability for simple use cases. If you need to preserve whitespace, use this flag.")
+def regexp(regular_expression, data):
+ return, data) is not None
+class Sqlite3DB(object):
+ def __init__(self, show_sql=SHOW_SQL):
+ self.show_sql = show_sql
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
+ self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+ self.type_names = {
+ str: 'TEXT', int: 'INT', float: 'FLOAT', None: 'TEXT'}
+ self.numeric_column_types = set([int, float])
+ self.add_user_functions()
+ def add_user_functions(self):
+ self.conn.create_function("regexp", 2, regexp)
+ def is_numeric_type(self, column_type):
+ return column_type in self.numeric_column_types
+ def update_many(self, sql, params):
+ try:
+ if self.show_sql:
+ print sql
+ self.cursor.executemany(sql, params)
+ finally:
+ pass # cursor.close()
+ def execute_and_fetch(self, q):
+ try:
+ if self.show_sql:
+ print q
+ self.cursor.execute(q)
+ result = self.cursor.fetchall()
+ finally:
+ pass # cursor.close()
+ return result
+ def _get_as_list_str(self, l):
+ return ",".join(['"%s"' % x.replace('"', '""') for x in l])
+ def _get_col_values_as_list_str(self, col_vals, col_types):
+ result = []
+ for col_val, col_type in zip(col_vals, col_types):
+ if col_val == '' and col_type is not str:
+ col_val = "null"
+ else:
+ if col_val is not None:
+ if "'" in col_val:
+ col_val = col_val.replace("'", "''")
+ col_val = "'" + col_val + "'"
+ else:
+ col_val = "null"
+ result.append(col_val)
+ return ",".join(result)
+ def generate_insert_row(self, table_name, column_names):
+ col_names_str = self._get_as_list_str(column_names)
+ question_marks = ", ".join(["?" for i in range(0, len(column_names))])
+ return 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (table_name, col_names_str, question_marks)
+ def generate_begin_transaction(self):
+ def generate_end_transaction(self):
+ return "COMMIT"
+ # Get a list of column names so order will be preserved (Could have used OrderedDict, but
+ # then we would need python 2.7)
+ def generate_create_table(self, table_name, column_names, column_dict):
+ # Convert dict from python types to db types
+ column_name_to_db_type = dict(
+ (n, self.type_names[t]) for n, t in column_dict.iteritems())
+ column_defs = ','.join(['"%s" %s' % (
+ n.replace('"', '""'), column_name_to_db_type[n]) for n in column_names])
+ return 'CREATE TABLE %s (%s)' % (table_name, column_defs)
+ def generate_temp_table_name(self):
+ return "temp_table_%s" % random.randint(0, 1000000000)
+ def generate_drop_table(self, table_name):
+ return "DROP TABLE %s" % table_name
+ def drop_table(self, table_name):
+ return self.execute_and_fetch(self.generate_drop_table(table_name))
+class BadHeaderException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str(self):
+ return repr(self.msg)
+class EmptyDataException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+class FileNotFoundException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str(self):
+ return repr(self.msg)
+class ColumnCountMismatchException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str(self):
+ return repr(self.msg)
+# Simplistic Sql "parsing" class... We'll eventually require a real SQL parser which will provide us with a parse tree
+# A "qtable" is a filename which behaves like an SQL table...
+class Sql(object):
+ def __init__(self, sql):
+ # Currently supports only standard SELECT statements
+ # Holds original SQL
+ self.sql = sql
+ # Holds sql parts
+ self.sql_parts = sql.split()
+ # Set of qtable names
+ self.qtable_names = set()
+ # Dict from qtable names to their positions in sql_parts. Value here is a *list* of positions,
+ # since it is possible that the same qtable_name (file) is referenced in multiple positions
+ # and we don't want the database table to be recreated for each
+ # reference
+ self.qtable_name_positions = {}
+ # Dict from qtable names to their effective (actual database) table
+ # names
+ self.qtable_name_effective_table_names = {}
+ # Go over all sql parts
+ idx = 0
+ while idx < len(self.sql_parts):
+ # Get the part string
+ part = self.sql_parts[idx]
+ # If it's a FROM or a JOIN
+ if part.upper() in ['FROM', 'JOIN']:
+ # and there is nothing after it,
+ if idx == len(self.sql_parts) - 1:
+ # Just fail
+ raise Exception(
+ 'FROM/JOIN is missing a table name after it')
+ qtable_name = self.sql_parts[idx + 1]
+ # Otherwise, the next part contains the qtable name. In most cases the next part will be only the qtable name.
+ # We handle one special case here, where this is a subquery as a column: "SELECT (SELECT ... FROM qtable),100 FROM ...".
+ # In that case, there will be an ending paranthesis as part of the name, and we want to handle this case gracefully.
+ # This is obviously a hack of a hack :) Just until we have
+ # complete parsing capabilities
+ if ')' in qtable_name:
+ leftover = qtable_name[qtable_name.index(')'):]
+ self.sql_parts.insert(idx + 2, leftover)
+ qtable_name = qtable_name[:qtable_name.index(')')]
+ self.sql_parts[idx + 1] = qtable_name
+ self.qtable_names.add(qtable_name)
+ if qtable_name not in self.qtable_name_positions.keys():
+ self.qtable_name_positions[qtable_name] = []
+ self.qtable_name_positions[qtable_name].append(idx + 1)
+ idx += 2
+ else:
+ idx += 1
+ def set_effective_table_name(self, qtable_name, effective_table_name):
+ if qtable_name not in self.qtable_names:
+ raise Exception("Unknown qtable %s" % qtable_name)
+ if qtable_name in self.qtable_name_effective_table_names.keys():
+ raise Exception(
+ "Already set effective table name for qtable %s" % qtable_name)
+ self.qtable_name_effective_table_names[
+ qtable_name] = effective_table_name
+ def get_effective_sql(self):
+ if len(filter(lambda x: x is None, self.qtable_name_effective_table_names)) != 0:
+ raise Exception('There are qtables without effective tables')
+ effective_sql = [x for x in self.sql_parts]
+ for qtable_name, positions in self.qtable_name_positions.iteritems():
+ for pos in positions:
+ effective_sql[pos] = self.qtable_name_effective_table_names[
+ qtable_name]
+ return " ".join(effective_sql)
+ def execute_and_fetch(self, db):
+ return db.execute_and_fetch(self.get_effective_sql())
+class LineSplitter(object):
+ def __init__(self, delimiter, expected_column_count):
+ self.delimiter = delimiter
+ self.expected_column_count = expected_column_count
+ if delimiter is not None:
+ escaped_delimiter = re.escape(delimiter)
+ self.split_regexp = re.compile('(?:%s)+' % escaped_delimiter)
+ else:
+ self.split_regexp = re.compile(r'\s+')
+ def split(self, line):
+ if line and line[-1] == '\n':
+ line = line[:-1]
+ return self.split_regexp.split(line, max_split=self.expected_column_count)
+class TableColumnInferer(object):
+ def __init__(self, mode, expected_column_count, input_delimiter, skip_header=False):
+ self.inferred = False
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.rows = []
+ self.skip_header = skip_header
+ self.header_row = None
+ self.expected_column_count = expected_column_count
+ self.input_delimiter = input_delimiter
+ def analyze(self, col_vals):
+ if self.inferred:
+ raise Exception("Already inferred columns")
+ if self.skip_header and self.header_row is None:
+ self.header_row = col_vals
+ else:
+ self.rows.append(col_vals)
+ if len(self.rows) < 100:
+ return False
+ self.do_analysis()
+ return True
+ def force_analysis(self):
+ # This method is called whenever there is no more data, and an analysis needs
+ # to be performed immediately, regardless of the amount of sample data that has
+ # been collected
+ self.do_analysis()
+ def determine_type_of_value(self, value):
+ if value is not None:
+ value = value.strip()
+ if value == '' or value is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ i = int(value)
+ if type(i) == long:
+ return long
+ else:
+ return int
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f = float(value)
+ return float
+ except:
+ pass
+ return str
+ def determine_type_of_value_list(self, value_list):
+ type_list = [self.determine_type_of_value(v) for v in value_list]
+ all_types = set(type_list)
+ if len(set(type_list)) == 1:
+ # all the sample lines are of the same type
+ return type_list[0]
+ else:
+ # check for the number of types without nulls,
+ type_list_without_nulls = filter(
+ lambda x: x is not None, type_list)
+ # If all the sample lines are of the same type,
+ if len(set(type_list_without_nulls)) == 1:
+ # return it
+ return type_list_without_nulls[0]
+ else:
+ return str
+ def do_analysis(self):
+ if self.mode == 'strict':
+ self._do_strict_analysis()
+ elif self.mode in ['relaxed', 'fluffy']:
+ self._do_relaxed_analysis()
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Unknown parsing mode %s' % self.mode)
+ if self.column_count == 1:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: column count is one - did you provide the correct delimiter?"
+ if self.column_count == 0:
+ raise Exception("Detected a column count of zero... Failing")
+ self.infer_column_types()
+ self.infer_column_names()
+ def validate_column_names(self, value_list):
+ column_name_errors = []
+ for v in value_list:
+ if v is None:
+ # we allow column names to be None, in relaxed mode it'll be filled with default names.
+ # RLRL
+ continue
+ if ',' in v:
+ column_name_errors.append(
+ (v, "Column name cannot contain commas"))
+ continue
+ if self.input_delimiter in v:
+ column_name_errors.append(
+ (v, "Column name cannot contain the input delimiter. Please make sure you've set the correct delimiter"))
+ continue
+ if '\n' in v:
+ column_name_errors.append(
+ (v, "Column name cannot contain newline"))
+ continue
+ if v != v.strip():
+ column_name_errors.append(
+ (v, "Column name contains leading/trailing spaces"))
+ continue
+ try:
+ v.encode("utf-8", "strict").decode("utf-8")
+ except:
+ column_name_errors.append(
+ (v, "Column name must be UTF-8 Compatible"))
+ continue
+ nul_index = v.find("\x00")
+ if nul_index >= 0:
+ column_name_errors.append(
+ (v, "Column name cannot contain NUL"))
+ continue
+ t = self.determine_type_of_value(v)
+ if t != str:
+ column_name_errors.append((v, "Column name must be a string"))
+ return column_name_errors
+ def infer_column_names(self):
+ if self.header_row is not None:
+ column_name_errors = self.validate_column_names(self.header_row)
+ if len(column_name_errors) > 0:
+ raise BadHeaderException("Header must contain only strings and not numbers or empty strings: '%s'\n%s" % (
+ ",".join(self.header_row), "\n".join(["'%s': %s" % (x, y) for x, y in column_name_errors])))
+ # use header row in order to name columns
+ if len(self.header_row) < self.column_count:
+ if self.mode == 'strict':
+ raise ColumnCountMismatchException("Strict mode. Header row contains less columns than expected column count(%s vs %s)" % (
+ len(self.header_row), self.column_count))
+ elif self.mode in ['relaxed', 'fluffy']:
+ # in relaxed mode, add columns to fill the missing ones
+ self.header_row = self.header_row + \
+ ['c%s' % (x + len(self.header_row) + 1)
+ for x in xrange(self.column_count - len(self.header_row))]
+ elif len(self.header_row) > self.column_count:
+ if self.mode == 'strict':
+ raise ColumnCountMismatchException("Strict mode. Header row contains more columns than expected column count (%s vs %s)" % (
+ len(self.header_row), self.column_count))
+ elif self.mode in ['relaxed', 'fluffy']:
+ # In relaxed mode, just cut the extra column names
+ self.header_row = self.header_row[:self.column_count]
+ self.column_names = self.header_row
+ else:
+ # Column names are cX starting from 1
+ self.column_names = ['c%s' % (i + 1)
+ for i in range(self.column_count)]
+ def _do_relaxed_analysis(self):
+ column_count_list = [len(col_vals) for col_vals in self.rows]
+ if self.expected_column_count is not None:
+ self.column_count = self.expected_column_count
+ else:
+ # If not specified, we'll take the largest row in the sample rows
+ self.column_count = max(column_count_list)
+ def get_column_count_summary(self, column_count_list):
+ counts = {}
+ for column_count in column_count_list:
+ counts[column_count] = counts.get(column_count, 0) + 1
+ return ", ".join(["%s rows with %s columns" % (v, k) for k, v in counts.iteritems()])
+ def _do_strict_analysis(self):
+ column_count_list = [len(col_vals) for col_vals in self.rows]
+ if len(set(column_count_list)) != 1:
+ raise ColumnCountMismatchException('Strict mode. Column Count is expected to identical. Multiple column counts exist at the first part of the file. Try to check your delimiter, or change to relaxed mode. Details: %s' % (
+ self.get_column_count_summary(column_count_list)))
+ self.column_count = len(self.rows[0])
+ if self.expected_column_count is not None and self.column_count != self.expected_column_count:
+ raise ColumnCountMismatchException('Strict mode. Column count is expected to be %s but is %s' % (
+ self.expected_column_count, self.column_count))
+ self.infer_column_types()
+ def infer_column_types(self):
+ self.column_types = []
+ self.column_types2 = []
+ for column_number in xrange(self.column_count):
+ column_value_list = [
+ row[column_number] if column_number < len(row) else None for row in self.rows]
+ column_type = self.determine_type_of_value_list(column_value_list)
+ self.column_types.append(column_type)
+ column_value_list2 = [row[column_number] if column_number < len(
+ row) else None for row in self.rows[1:]]
+ column_type2 = self.determine_type_of_value_list(
+ column_value_list2)
+ self.column_types2.append(column_type2)
+ comparison = map(
+ lambda x: x[0] == x[1], zip(self.column_types, self.column_types2))
+ if False in comparison and not self.skip_header:
+ number_of_column_types = len(set(self.column_types))
+ if number_of_column_types == 1 and list(set(self.column_types))[0] == str:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning - There seems to be header line in the file, but -H has not been specified. All fields will be detected as text fields, and the header line will appear as part of the data'
+ def get_column_dict(self):
+ return dict(zip(self.column_names, self.column_types))
+ def get_column_count(self):
+ return self.column_count
+ def get_column_names(self):
+ return self.column_names
+ def get_column_types(self):
+ return self.column_types
+def encoded_csv_reader(encoding, f, dialect, **kwargs):
+ csv_reader = csv.reader(f, dialect, **kwargs)
+ if encoding is not None and encoding != 'none':
+ for row in csv_reader:
+ yield [unicode(x, encoding) for x in row]
+ else:
+ for row in csv_reader:
+ yield row
+def normalized_filename(filename):
+ if filename == '-':
+ return 'stdin'
+ else:
+ return filename
+class TableCreator(object):
+ def __init__(self, db, filenames_str, line_splitter, skip_header=False, gzipped=False, encoding='UTF-8', mode='fluffy', expected_column_count=None, input_delimiter=None):
+ self.db = db
+ self.filenames_str = filenames_str
+ self.skip_header = skip_header
+ self.gzipped = gzipped
+ self.table_created = False
+ self.line_splitter = line_splitter
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.expected_column_count = expected_column_count
+ self.input_delimiter = input_delimiter
+ self.column_inferer = TableColumnInferer(
+ mode, expected_column_count, input_delimiter, skip_header)
+ # Filled only after table population since we're inferring the table
+ # creation data
+ self.table_name = None
+ self.pre_creation_rows = []
+ self.buffered_inserts = []
+ # Column type indices for columns that contain numeric types. Lazily initialized
+ # so column inferer can do its work before this information is needed
+ self.numeric_column_indices = None
+ def get_table_name(self):
+ return self.table_name
+ def populate(self, analyze_only=False):
+ # Get the list of filenames
+ filenames = self.filenames_str.split("+")
+ # for each filename (or pattern)
+ for fileglob in filenames:
+ # Allow either stdin or a glob match
+ if fileglob == '-':
+ files_to_go_over = ['-']
+ else:
+ files_to_go_over = glob.glob(fileglob)
+ # If there are no files to go over,
+ if len(files_to_go_over) == 0:
+ raise FileNotFoundException(
+ "File %s has not been found" % fileglob)
+ # For each match
+ for filename in files_to_go_over:
+ self.current_filename = filename
+ self.lines_read = 0
+ # Check if it's standard input or a file
+ if filename == '-':
+ f = sys.stdin
+ else:
+ f = file(filename, 'rb')
+ # Wrap it with gzip decompression if needed
+ if self.gzipped or filename.endswith('.gz'):
+ f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f)
+ self.read_file_using_csv(f, analyze_only)
+ if not self.table_created:
+ self.column_inferer.force_analysis()
+ self._do_create_table()
+ def _flush_pre_creation_rows(self):
+ for i, col_vals in enumerate(self.pre_creation_rows):
+ if self.skip_header and i == 0:
+ # skip header line
+ continue
+ self._insert_row(col_vals)
+ self._flush_inserts()
+ self.pre_creation_rows = []
+ def read_file_using_csv(self, f, analyze_only):
+ csv_reader = encoded_csv_reader(self.encoding, f, dialect='q')
+ try:
+ for col_vals in csv_reader:
+ self.lines_read += 1
+ self._insert_row(col_vals)
+ if analyze_only and self.column_inferer.inferred:
+ return
+ if self.lines_read == 0 or (self.lines_read == 1 and self.skip_header):
+ raise EmptyDataException()
+ finally:
+ if f != sys.stdin:
+ f.close()
+ self._flush_inserts()
+ def _insert_row(self, col_vals):
+ # If table has not been created yet
+ if not self.table_created:
+ # Try to create it along with another "example" line of data
+ self.try_to_create_table(col_vals)
+ # If the table is still not created, then we don't have enough data, just
+ # store the data and return
+ if not self.table_created:
+ self.pre_creation_rows.append(col_vals)
+ return
+ # The table already exists, so we can just add a new row
+ self._insert_row_i(col_vals)
+ def initialize_numeric_column_indices_if_needed(self):
+ # Lazy initialization of numeric column indices
+ if self.numeric_column_indices is None:
+ column_types = self.column_inferer.get_column_types()
+ self.numeric_column_indices = [idx for idx, column_type in enumerate(
+ column_types) if self.db.is_numeric_type(column_type)]
+ def nullify_values_if_needed(self, col_vals):
+ new_vals = col_vals[:]
+ for i in self.numeric_column_indices:
+ v = col_vals[i]
+ if v == '':
+ new_vals[i] = None
+ return new_vals
+ def normalize_col_vals(self, col_vals):
+ # Make sure that numeric column indices are initializd
+ self.initialize_numeric_column_indices_if_needed()
+ col_vals = self.nullify_values_if_needed(col_vals)
+ expected_col_count = self.column_inferer.get_column_count()
+ actual_col_count = len(col_vals)
+ if self.mode == 'strict':
+ if actual_col_count != expected_col_count:
+ raise ColumnCountMismatchException('Strict mode - Expected %s columns instead of %s columns in file %s row %s. Either use relaxed/fluffy modes or check your delimiter' % (
+ expected_col_count, actual_col_count, normalized_filename(self.current_filename), self.lines_read))
+ return col_vals
+ # in all non strict mode, we add dummy data to missing columns
+ if actual_col_count < expected_col_count:
+ col_vals = col_vals + \
+ [None for x in xrange(expected_col_count - actual_col_count)]
+ # in relaxed mode, we merge all extra columns to the last column value
+ if self.mode == 'relaxed':
+ if actual_col_count > expected_col_count:
+ xxx = col_vals[:expected_col_count - 1] + \
+ [self.input_delimiter.join(
+ col_vals[expected_col_count - 1:])]
+ return xxx
+ else:
+ return col_vals
+ if self.mode == 'fluffy':
+ if actual_col_count > expected_col_count:
+ raise ColumnCountMismatchException('Deprecated fluffy mode - Too many columns in file %s row %s (%s fields instead of %s fields). Consider moving to either relaxed or strict mode' % (
+ normalized_filename(self.current_filename), self.lines_read, actual_col_count, expected_col_count))
+ return col_vals
+ raise Exception("Unidentified parsing mode %s" % self.mode)
+ def _insert_row_i(self, col_vals):
+ col_vals = self.normalize_col_vals(col_vals)
+ effective_column_names = self.column_inferer.column_names[
+ :len(col_vals)]
+ if len(effective_column_names) > 0:
+ self.buffered_inserts.append((effective_column_names, col_vals))
+ else:
+ self.buffered_inserts.append((["c1"], [""]))
+ if len(self.buffered_inserts) < 5000:
+ return
+ self._flush_inserts()
+ def _flush_inserts(self):
+ # print self.db.execute_and_fetch(self.db.generate_begin_transaction())
+ # If the table is still not created, then we don't have enough data
+ if not self.table_created:
+ return
+ insert_row_stmt = self.db.generate_insert_row(
+ self.table_name, self.buffered_inserts[0][0])
+ params = [col_vals for col_names, col_vals in self.buffered_inserts]
+ self.db.update_many(insert_row_stmt, params)
+ # print self.db.execute_and_fetch(self.db.generate_end_transaction())
+ self.buffered_inserts = []
+ def try_to_create_table(self, col_vals):
+ if self.table_created:
+ raise Exception('Table is already created')
+ # Add that line to the column inferer
+ result = self.column_inferer.analyze(col_vals)
+ # If inferer succeeded,
+ if result:
+ self._do_create_table()
+ else:
+ pass # We don't have enough information for creating the table yet
+ def _do_create_table(self):
+ # Then generate a temp table name
+ self.table_name = self.db.generate_temp_table_name()
+ # Get the column definition dict from the inferer
+ column_dict = self.column_inferer.get_column_dict()
+ # Create the CREATE TABLE statement
+ create_table_stmt = self.db.generate_create_table(
+ self.table_name, self.column_inferer.get_column_names(), column_dict)
+ # And create the table itself
+ self.db.execute_and_fetch(create_table_stmt)
+ # Mark the table as created
+ self.table_created = True
+ self._flush_pre_creation_rows()
+ def drop_table(self):
+ if self.table_created:
+ self.db.drop_table(self.table_name)
+def determine_max_col_lengths(m):
+ if len(m) == 0:
+ return []
+ max_lengths = [0 for x in xrange(0, len(m[0]))]
+ for row_index in xrange(0, len(m)):
+ for col_index in xrange(0, len(m[0])):
+ new_len = len(unicode(m[row_index][col_index]))
+ if new_len > max_lengths[col_index]:
+ max_lengths[col_index] = new_len
+ return max_lengths
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if options.version:
+ print "q version %s" % q_version
+ sys.exit(0)
+if len(args) != 1:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+if options.mode not in ['fluffy', 'relaxed', 'strict']:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Parsing mode can be one of fluffy, relaxed or strict"
+ sys.exit(13)
+# Create DB object
+db = Sqlite3DB()
+# Create SQL statment
+sql_object = Sql('%s' % args[0])
+# If the user flagged for a tab-delimited file then set the delimiter to tab
+if options.tab_delimited:
+ options.delimiter = '\t'
+if options.tab_delimited_output:
+ options.output_delimiter = '\t'
+if options.delimiter is None:
+ options.delimiter = ' '
+elif len(options.delimiter) != 1:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Delimiter must be one character only"
+ sys.exit(5)
+if options.keep_leading_whitespace_in_values:
+ skip_initial_space = False
+ skip_initial_space = True
+q_dialect = {'skipinitialspace': skip_initial_space, 'quoting': 0,
+ 'delimiter': options.delimiter, 'quotechar': '"', 'doublequote': False}
+csv.register_dialect('q', **q_dialect)
+file_reading_method = 'csv'
+if options.column_count is not None:
+ expected_column_count = int(options.column_count)
+ # infer automatically
+ expected_column_count = None
+# Create a line splitter
+line_splitter = LineSplitter(options.delimiter, expected_column_count)
+if options.encoding != 'none':
+ try:
+ codecs.lookup(options.encoding)
+ except LookupError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Encoding %s could not be found" % options.encoding
+ sys.exit(10)
+ table_creators = []
+ # Get each "table name" which is actually the file name
+ for filename in sql_object.qtable_names:
+ # Cr