progress - Coreutils Progress Viewer ===================== What is it ---------- This tool can be described as a **tiny**, dirty C command that looks for coreutils basic commands (cp, mv, dd, tar, gzip/gunzip, cat, etc.) currently running on your system and displays the **percentage** of copied data. It can also show **estimated time** and **throughput**, and provides a "top-like" mode (monitoring). ![progress screenshot with cp and mv]( _(After many requests: the colors in the shell come from [powerline-shell]( Try it, it's cool.)_ `progress` works on Linux, FreeBSD and macOS. Formerly known as cv (Coreutils Viewer). How do you install it --------------------- On deb-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) run: apt install progress On Arch Linux, run: pacman -S progress On Fedora, run: dnf install progress On openSUSE, run: zypper install progress On macOS, with homebrew, run: brew install progress On macOS, with MacPorts, run: port install progress How do you build it from source ------------------------------- make && make install On FreeBSD, substitute `make` with `gmake`. It depends on the library ncurses, you may have to install corresponding packages (maybe something like 'libncurses5-dev', 'libncursesw6' or 'ncurses-devel'). How do you run it ----------------- Just launch the binary, `progress`. What can I do with it --------------------- A few examples. You can: * monitor all current and upcoming instances of coreutils commands in a simple window: watch progress -q * see how your download is progressing: watch progress -wc firefox * look at your web server activity: progress -c httpd * launch and monitor any heavy command using `$!`: cp bigfile newfile & progress -mp $! and much more. How does it work ---------------- It simply scans `/proc` for interesting commands*, and then looks at directories `fd` and `fdinfo` to find opened files and seek positions, and reports status for the largest file. It's very light and compatible with virtually any command. (*) on macOS, it does the same thing using libproc