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A formatted and aligned table printer written in rust. # How to use ## Including More often, you will include the library as a dependency to your project. In order to do this, add the following lines to your **Cargo.toml** file : ```toml [dependencies] prettytable-rs = "0.5.0" ``` ## Basic usage You can start using it the following way : ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate prettytable; use prettytable::Table; use prettytable::row::Row; use prettytable::cell::Cell; fn main() { // Create the table let mut table = Table::new(); // Add a row table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]); table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]); // Or the more complicated way : table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new("foobar2"), Cell::new("bar2"), Cell::new("foo2")]) ); table.printstd(); } ``` This code will produce the following output : ```text +---------+------+---------+ | ABC | DEFG | HIJKLMN | +---------+------+---------+ | foobar | bar | foo | +---------+------+---------+ | foobar2 | bar2 | foo2 | +---------+------+---------+ ``` ## Using macros To make the code simpler, the `table!` macro is there for you. The following code would produce the same output : ```rust #[macro_use] extern crate prettytable; fn main() { let table = table!(["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"], ["foobar", "bar", "foo"], ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"] ); table.printstd(); } ``` Using the `ptable!` macro would even print it on stdout for you. Tables also support multiline cells content. As a consequence, you can print a table into another table (yo dawg ;). For example, the following code ```rust let table1 = table!(["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"], ["foobar", "bar", "foo"], ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"] ); let table2 = table!(["Title 1", "Title 2"], ["This is\na multiline\ncell", "foo"], ["Yo dawg ;) You can even\nprint tables\ninto tables", table1] ); table2.printstd(); ``` Would print the following text : ```text +-------------------------+------------------------------+ | Title 1 | Title 2 | +-------------------------+------------------------------+ | This is | foo | | a multiline | | | cell | | +-------------------------+------------------------------+ | Yo dawg ;) You can even | +---------+------+---------+ | | print tables | | ABC | DEFG | HIJKLMN | | | into tables | +---------+------+---------+ | | | | foobar | bar | foo | | | | +---------+------+---------+ | | | | foobar2 | bar2 | foo2 | | | | +---------+------+---------+ | +-------------------------+------------------------------+ ``` Rows may have different numbers of cells. The table will automatically adapt to the largest row by printing additional empty cells in smaller rows. ## Do it with style Tables can be added some style like colors (background / foreground), bold, and italic, thanks to the `term` crate. You can add `term` style attributes to cells programmatically : ```rust extern crate term; use term::{Attr, color}; (...) table.add_row(Row::new(vec![ Cell::new("foobar2") .with_style(Attr::ForegroundColor(color::GREEN)) .with_style(Attr::Bold), Cell::new("bar2") .with_style(Attr::ForegroundColor(color::RED)), Cell::new("foo2")]) ); ``` Or you can use the style string : ```rust Cell::new("foo2").style_spec("FrByc") ``` Where **FrBybc** means **F**oreground: **r**ed, **B**ackground: **y**ellow, **b**old, **c**enter With macros it's even simpler : > **Currenly style in macros don't work on nightly rust because of _Type Ascription_. See issue [#11](https://github.com/phsym/prettytable-rs/issues/11) for details** In rows, for each cells : ```rust row![FrByb:"ABC", FrByb:"DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]; ``` Or for the whole row : ```rust row![FY -> "styled", "bar", "foo"]; ``` In tables, for each cells : ```rust table!([FrBybl:"A", FrBybc:"B", FrBybr:"C"], [123, 234, 345, 456]); ``` Or for each rows : ```rust table!([Frb -> "A", "B", "C"], [Frb -> 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]); ``` Or a mix : ```rust table!([Frb -> "A", "B", "C"], [Frb:1, Fgi:2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]); ``` ### List of style specifiers : * **F** : **F**oreground (must be followed by a color specifier) * **B** : **B**ackground (must be followed by a color specifier) * **b** : **b**old * **i** : **i**talic * **u** : **u**nderline * **c** : Align **c**enter * **l** : Align **l**eft * **r** : Align **r**ight * **d** : **d**efault style ### List of color specifiers : * **r** : Red * **b** : Blue * **g** : Green * **y** : Yellow * **c** : Cyan * **m** : Magenta * **w** : White * **d** : Black Capital letters are for **bright** colors. Eg : * **R** : Bright Red * **B** : Bright Blue * ... and so on ... Additional examples are provided in documentation and in [examples](./examples/) directory