# -*- coding: utf-8 """ Steps for behavioral style tests are defined in this module. Each step is defined by the string decorating it. This string is used to call the step in "*.feature" file. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function from behave import when, then import wrappers @when('we save a named query') def step_save_named_query(context): """ Send \ns command """ context.cli.sendline('\\ns foo SELECT 12345') @when('we use a named query') def step_use_named_query(context): """ Send \n command """ context.cli.sendline('\\n foo') @when('we delete a named query') def step_delete_named_query(context): """ Send \nd command """ context.cli.sendline('\\nd foo') @then('we see the named query saved') def step_see_named_query_saved(context): """ Wait to see query saved. """ wrappers.expect_pager(context, 'Saved.\r\n', timeout=1) @then('we see the named query executed') def step_see_named_query_executed(context): """ Wait to see select output. """ wrappers.expect_exact(context, '12345', timeout=1) wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'SELECT 1', timeout=1) @then('we see the named query deleted') def step_see_named_query_deleted(context): """ Wait to see query deleted. """ wrappers.expect_pager(context, 'foo: Deleted\r\n', timeout=1)