path: root/pgcli/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-09-06Add Token.Prompt/Continuation (#1207)bitkeen
2020-07-07Add custom color (#1196)Sky.G.Uieen
2020-05-28Support style for missing value. (#1186)laixintao
2020-03-14removed py2-related stuffGeorgy Frolov
2019-05-25black all the things. (#1049)Irina Truong
2018-09-28Cherry-picked prompt-toolkit 2.0 changes. (#930)Irina Truong
2018-03-04move style_factory_output in pgstylefraoustin
2018-03-04add color for tablefraoustin
2018-01-11correction of my mistake ... revert -2fraoustin
2018-01-11add color in table and token parameterfraoustin
2016-01-17Upgrade to prompt-toolkit-0.57Jonathan Slenders
2015-08-07Replace eval with pygments.string_to_tokentypeDarik Gamble
2015-08-06Add custom styles for menus, toolbars etc.Amjith Ramanujam
2015-07-09Change style for completion meta entries.Amjith Ramanujam
2015-07-09Set completions meta-text styling to matchDarik Gamble
2015-05-11Upgrade to prompt-toolkit 0.34Jonathan Slenders
2015-02-04Add safety check for non-existent style.Amjith Ramanujam
2015-02-03Add syntax styles to config.Amjith Ramanujam
2014-12-11Add a toolbar and keybinding F2 for smart completion.Amjith Ramanujam
2014-11-26Move pgcli into a directory and make a package.Amjith Ramanujam