AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-10-13doc: update the documentation for connection via SSL.doc/environmentlaixintao
2020-09-14Merge pull request #1211 from dbcli/bugfix/behavelaixintao
fix behave test, keep support for prompt-toolkit 2.x; lock prompt-toolkit==3.0.5 for test.
2020-09-14format code using black.bugfix/behavelaixintao
2020-09-14lock prompt_toolkit on 3.0.5 for prompt_toolkit.laixintao
2020-09-14disable cache for pip install.laixintao
Otherwise it will use cache from travis.
2020-09-14bugfix: revert prompt_toolkit to 2.0.6laixintao
This was introduced by: e9c97072afe9d79276da568ef6791276fddb15d7 ( Use InputMode.REPLACE_SINGLE (#1208) ) see also:
2020-09-14Revert "Temporarily comment out behave tests."laixintao
This reverts commit 59ae65cbbf698d1608e7fd3d55b507f3599ac117.
2020-09-08Temporarily comment out behave tests.Irina Truong
2020-09-08Add schema suggestion for functions (#1206)Jan Brun Rasmussen
* Add schema suggestion for functions - Update - Update metadata files * Move autocomletion for function under condition - Make sure suggestion are only added under drop, alter etc.
2020-09-06Add Token.Prompt/Continuation (#1207)bitkeen
2020-09-05Use InputMode.REPLACE_SINGLE (#1208)bitkeen
InputMode.REPLACE_SINGLE was added to prompt-toolkit. This fixes Exception <InputMode.REPLACE_SINGLE: 'vi-replace-single'> in single-char replace mode when using prompt_toolkit>=3.0.6.
2020-07-31More explicit error message when DSN alias is not found (#1198)Tom Caruso
* add a specific error message when DSN with provided alias is not found * update changelog & authors file
2020-07-31Update suggestion literals (#1195)Sky.G.Uieen
* Updated all data types literals * Updated sql functions literals * Updated changelog and auther * Updated test code * Added datatype test case
2020-07-28Move from humanize to pendulum library for displaying query durations (#1199)Tom Caruso
2020-07-08Keep support for prompt_toolkit 2 (#1197)Dick Marinus
* Keep support for prompt_toolkit 2 * include prompt toolkit 3
2020-07-07Add custom color (#1196)Sky.G.Uieen
* Updated author, changelog for supporting color of string, number, keyword * Added string, number, keyword custom color
2020-06-28Merge pull request #1194 from dbcli/j-bennet/fix-sql-commentlaixintao
J bennet/fix sql comment
2020-06-26Fix for #1193 list index out of range on sql comment.Irina Truong
2020-05-28Support style for missing value. (#1186)laixintao
* Support style for missing value. * update changelog. * upgrade minimal version of cli_helpers, in order to use style for null.
2020-05-26Merge pull request #1187 from anthonydb/masterAmjith Ramanujam
Minor typo fixes in pgclirc
2020-05-26Add nameanthonydb
2020-05-26Add info to changelog.rst and AUTHORSanthonydb
2020-05-26Minor typo fixes in pgclircanthonydb
2020-05-12add python_requires constraint to (#1182)Georgy Frolov
2020-05-11Update python version from 2.7 to 3.8 in Dockerfile (#1181)Igor Kim
* Update python version from 2.7 to 3.8 in Dockerfile * Update AUTHORS and changelog.rst
2020-05-07Fix bug introduced in #1102. (#1178)Irina Truong
2020-04-23Add support for using pspg as the pager. (#1173)pmav99
* Stop printing "status" when table_format is "csv" * Use the "unix" dialect on *nix for CSV output. * Use a pager when `pspg` has been configured with CSV "table_format". Fix #1102
2020-04-18Update changelog for the compact output.Amjith Ramanujam
2020-04-18Merge pull request #1171 from dbcli/bugfix/no-new-lineAmjith Ramanujam
bugfix: don't echo a newline when output is empty.
2020-04-18bugfix: don't echo a newline when output is empty.laixintao
2020-04-17show_bottom_toolbar - Feature to Show/Hide Toolbar (#1170)Stephano Paraskeva
* adds ternary to decide whether bottom_toolbar is shown based on config value * runs black format * adds name to authors * modifies changelog.rst * removes change in changelog.rst * formats config * removes unused variable, adds change to changelog * changes default back to true * removed reference to var
2020-04-17Add pg_service.conf handling (#1155)g.denis
* add parse_service_info * added tests * changelog + AUTHORS * py35
2020-04-10Releasing version 3.0.0v3.0.0Irina Truong
2020-04-10New release 3.0.0. (#1165)Irina Truong
2020-04-05upgrade prompt-toolit to 3.0 (#1149)赖信涛
* upgrade prompt-toolit to 3.0 fix: related: in order to make the `behave` test pass, I have to: - extend timeout for database connection test. - extend timeout for basic command expect. - extend timeout for features/steps/ see data selected. - disable cpr for features but "run the cli" * [ci] disable CPR for all behave tests. * bugfix: remove duplicated prompt expect. * [ci] delete CPR env setting. * Revert "[ci] delete CPR env setting." This reverts commit fe4d5b565e01be6237b6df646429d26eaa0c6d92. * revert the extending timeout back. * [ci] test when didn't disable CPR. * Revert "[ci] test when didn't disable CPR." This reverts commit d379b1e736dcc6623ba53fc3d4e6f095fd3e8344.
2020-04-03pgcli bash completion script (#892)antoniotrkdz
This file is a bash completion script for pgcli. It allows to <tab> complete database names, users and hosts, plus showing the other available options when calling pgcli atthe terminal prompt. In order to work it steals a couple of functions from psql, which is the postgres CLI client installed by default. It is intended to be packaged with the debian package and to be copied on /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/pgcli (filename changes for consistency) upon installation of the package. Please make the debian package mantainer aware of it and include it in the relevant section of the installation scripts/package. I hope it is useful.
2020-03-30Add --help output to README (#1164)Chris Barnes
* Add --help output to README * README: Add reference to psql env variables
2020-03-30Add an example for how to use the colored prompt. (#1163)Amjith Ramanujam
2020-03-18upgrade coverage to 5.x (#1158)赖信涛
2020-03-18python3.8: add travis test and class. (#1157)赖信涛
2020-03-14removed py2-related stuffGeorgy Frolov
2020-03-12Fix: Unable to drop previously connected-to database (#1152)g.denis
* close connections + added to authors + changelog * check conn exists
2020-03-11Drop Python3.5. (#1154)赖信涛
* Drop Python3.5. * delete 3.5 from * fix black format. Using python3.7 for development now. * black target to py36
2020-03-09Deprecate Python2.7. (#1153)赖信涛
* deprecate Python2.7. So we can use latest version of prompt-toolit. Relate: * black format, remove 2.7 support. * using version py35 for black. * Revert "black format, remove 2.7 support." This reverts commit 4b6d0496ccc18d0ebd696b5f21d8065c4a9b0cb9. * deprecated py27 using black. * remove 2.7 from travis. * update delete python 2.7 support.
2020-02-13Add Support for partitioned tables. (#1145)lazydba247
* partitioned tables: add support Starting from 9.6+ relkind has new members (more info here: * Update AUTHORS * Update changelog.rst * foreign tables: add support Starting from 9.6+ relkind has new members (more info here:
2020-01-15Drop Python 3.4 support (#1141)赖信涛
* remove python3.4 support. Python 3.4 has reached end-of-life. * drop maximun version of pytest * update changelog * add laixintao to contributors, delete py34 from tox
2020-01-14Fix warning raised for using `is not` to compare string literal (#1139)George Thomas
Using `is not` for comparing string literals raises warning that != should be used. Fixes #1138
2020-01-07Merge pull request #1123 from TheJJ/main-fileAmjith Ramanujam
add main file to allow python3 -m pgcli execution
2020-01-07Merge branch 'master' into main-fileAmjith Ramanujam
2020-01-07Merge pull request #1135 from BrownShibaDog/masterAmjith Ramanujam
Fix dead link of behave package.