/* * Copyright 2015-2022 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ #ifdef _WIN32 # include #endif #include #include #include #include static int ctr = 0; static ASYNC_JOB *currjob = NULL; static int custom_alloc_used = 0; static int custom_free_used = 0; static int only_pause(void *args) { ASYNC_pause_job(); return 1; } static int add_two(void *args) { ctr++; ASYNC_pause_job(); ctr++; return 2; } static int save_current(void *args) { currjob = ASYNC_get_current_job(); ASYNC_pause_job(); return 1; } static int change_deflt_libctx(void *args) { OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_new(); OSSL_LIB_CTX *oldctx, *tmpctx; int ret = 0; if (libctx == NULL) return 0; oldctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(libctx); ASYNC_pause_job(); /* Check the libctx is set up as we expect */ tmpctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(oldctx); if (tmpctx != libctx) goto err; /* Set it back again to continue to use our own libctx */ oldctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(libctx); ASYNC_pause_job(); /* Check the libctx is set up as we expect */ tmpctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(oldctx); if (tmpctx != libctx) goto err; ret = 1; err: OSSL_LIB_CTX_free(libctx); return ret; } #define MAGIC_WAIT_FD ((OSSL_ASYNC_FD)99) static int waitfd(void *args) { ASYNC_JOB *job; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx; job = ASYNC_get_current_job(); if (job == NULL) return 0; waitctx = ASYNC_get_wait_ctx(job); if (waitctx == NULL) return 0; /* First case: no fd added or removed */ ASYNC_pause_job(); /* Second case: one fd added */ if (!ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_set_wait_fd(waitctx, waitctx, MAGIC_WAIT_FD, NULL, NULL)) return 0; ASYNC_pause_job(); /* Third case: all fd removed */ if (!ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_clear_fd(waitctx, waitctx)) return 0; ASYNC_pause_job(); /* Last case: fd added and immediately removed */ if (!ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_set_wait_fd(waitctx, waitctx, MAGIC_WAIT_FD, NULL, NULL)) return 0; if (!ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_clear_fd(waitctx, waitctx)) return 0; return 1; } static int blockpause(void *args) { ASYNC_block_pause(); ASYNC_pause_job(); ASYNC_unblock_pause(); ASYNC_pause_job(); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_init_thread(void) { ASYNC_JOB *job1 = NULL, *job2 = NULL, *job3 = NULL; int funcret1, funcret2, funcret3; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; if ( !ASYNC_init_thread(2, 0) || (waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL || ASYNC_start_job(&job1, waitctx, &funcret1, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || ASYNC_start_job(&job2, waitctx, &funcret2, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || ASYNC_start_job(&job3, waitctx, &funcret3, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_NO_JOBS || ASYNC_start_job(&job1, waitctx, &funcret1, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || ASYNC_start_job(&job3, waitctx, &funcret3, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || ASYNC_start_job(&job2, waitctx, &funcret2, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || ASYNC_start_job(&job3, waitctx, &funcret3, only_pause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || funcret1 != 1 || funcret2 != 1 || funcret3 != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_init_thread() failed\n"); ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 0; } ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 1; } static int test_callback(void *arg) { printf("callback test pass\n"); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_callback_status(void) { ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; int set_arg = 100; ASYNC_callback_fn get_callback; void *get_arg; int set_status = 1; if ( !ASYNC_init_thread(1, 0) || (waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL || ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_set_callback(waitctx, test_callback, (void*)&set_arg) != 1 || ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_callback(waitctx, &get_callback, &get_arg) != 1 || test_callback != get_callback || get_arg != (void*)&set_arg || (*get_callback)(get_arg) != 1 || ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_set_status(waitctx, set_status) != 1 || set_status != ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_status(waitctx)) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_callback_status() failed\n"); ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 0; } ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_start_job(void) { ASYNC_JOB *job = NULL; int funcret; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; ctr = 0; if ( !ASYNC_init_thread(1, 0) || (waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, add_two, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || ctr != 1 || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, add_two, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || ctr != 2 || funcret != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job() failed\n"); ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 0; } ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_get_current_job(void) { ASYNC_JOB *job = NULL; int funcret; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; currjob = NULL; if ( !ASYNC_init_thread(1, 0) || (waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, save_current, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || currjob != job || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, save_current, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || funcret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_get_current_job() failed\n"); ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 0; } ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds(void) { ASYNC_JOB *job = NULL; int funcret; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; OSSL_ASYNC_FD fd = OSSL_BAD_ASYNC_FD, delfd = OSSL_BAD_ASYNC_FD; size_t numfds, numdelfds; if ( !ASYNC_init_thread(1, 0) || (waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL /* On first run we're not expecting any wait fds */ || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, waitfd, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds) || numfds != 0 || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_changed_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds, NULL, &numdelfds) || numfds != 0 || numdelfds != 0 /* On second run we're expecting one added fd */ || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, waitfd, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds) || numfds != 1 || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds(waitctx, &fd, &numfds) || fd != MAGIC_WAIT_FD || (fd = OSSL_BAD_ASYNC_FD, 0) /* Assign to something else */ || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_changed_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds, NULL, &numdelfds) || numfds != 1 || numdelfds != 0 || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_changed_fds(waitctx, &fd, &numfds, NULL, &numdelfds) || fd != MAGIC_WAIT_FD /* On third run we expect one deleted fd */ || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, waitfd, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds) || numfds != 0 || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_changed_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds, NULL, &numdelfds) || numfds != 0 || numdelfds != 1 || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_changed_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds, &delfd, &numdelfds) || delfd != MAGIC_WAIT_FD /* On last run we are not expecting any wait fd */ || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, waitfd, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds) || numfds != 0 || !ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_changed_fds(waitctx, NULL, &numfds, NULL, &numdelfds) || numfds != 0 || numdelfds != 0 || funcret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_get_wait_fd() failed\n"); ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 0; } ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_block_pause(void) { ASYNC_JOB *job = NULL; int funcret; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; if ( !ASYNC_init_thread(1, 0) || (waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, blockpause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, blockpause, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || funcret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_block_pause() failed\n"); ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 0; } ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); return 1; } static int test_ASYNC_start_job_ex(void) { ASYNC_JOB *job = NULL; int funcret; ASYNC_WAIT_CTX *waitctx = NULL; OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_new(); OSSL_LIB_CTX *oldctx, *tmpctx, *globalctx; int ret = 0; if (libctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() failed to create libctx\n"); goto err; } globalctx = oldctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(libctx); if ((waitctx = ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_new()) == NULL || ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, change_deflt_libctx, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() failed to start job\n"); goto err; } /* Reset the libctx temporarily to find out what it is*/ tmpctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(oldctx); oldctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(tmpctx); if (tmpctx != libctx) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() failed - unexpected libctx\n"); goto err; } if (ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, change_deflt_libctx, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_PAUSE) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() - restarting job failed\n"); goto err; } /* Reset the libctx and continue with the global default libctx */ tmpctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(oldctx); if (tmpctx != libctx) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() failed - unexpected libctx\n"); goto err; } if (ASYNC_start_job(&job, waitctx, &funcret, change_deflt_libctx, NULL, 0) != ASYNC_FINISH || funcret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() - finishing job failed\n"); goto err; } /* Reset the libctx temporarily to find out what it is*/ tmpctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(libctx); OSSL_LIB_CTX_set0_default(tmpctx); if (tmpctx != globalctx) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() failed - global libctx check failed\n"); goto err; } ret = 1; err: ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_free(waitctx); OSSL_LIB_CTX_free(libctx); return ret; } static void *test_alloc_stack(size_t *num) { custom_alloc_used = 1; return OPENSSL_malloc(*num); } static void test_free_stack(void *addr) { custom_free_used = 1; OPENSSL_free(addr); } static int test_ASYNC_set_mem_functions(void) { ASYNC_stack_alloc_fn alloc_fn; ASYNC_stack_free_fn free_fn; /* Not all platforms support this */ if (ASYNC_set_mem_functions(test_alloc_stack, test_free_stack) == 0) return 1; ASYNC_get_mem_functions(&alloc_fn, &free_fn); if ((alloc_fn != test_alloc_stack) || (free_fn != test_free_stack)) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_set_mem_functions() - setting and retrieving custom allocators failed\n"); return 0; } if (!ASYNC_init_thread(1, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_set_mem_functions() - failed initialising ctx pool\n"); return 0; } ASYNC_cleanup_thread(); if (!custom_alloc_used || !custom_free_used) { fprintf(stderr, "test_ASYNC_set_mem_functions() - custom allocation functions not used\n"); return 0; } return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (!ASYNC_is_capable()) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenSSL build is not ASYNC capable - skipping async tests\n"); } else { if (!test_ASYNC_init_thread() || !test_ASYNC_callback_status() || !test_ASYNC_start_job() || !test_ASYNC_get_current_job() || !test_ASYNC_WAIT_CTX_get_all_fds() || !test_ASYNC_block_pause() || !test_ASYNC_start_job_ex() || !test_ASYNC_set_mem_functions()) { return 1; } } printf("PASS\n"); return 0; }