How to compile SSLeay for multi-threading. Well basically it is quite simple, set the compiler flags and build. I have only really done much testing under Solaris and Windows NT. If you library supports localtime_r() and gmtime_r() add, -DTHREADS to the makefile parameters. You can probably survive with out this define unless you are going to have multiple threads generating certificates at once. It will not affect the SSL side of things. The approach I have taken to doing locking is to make the application provide callbacks to perform locking and so that the SSLeay library can distinguish between threads (for the error state). To have a look at an example program, 'cd mt; vi mttest.c'. To build under solaris, sh, for Windows NT or Windows 95, win32.bat This will build mttest which will fire up 10 threads that talk SSL to each other 10 times. To enable everything to work, the application needs to call CRYPTO_set_id_callback(id_function); CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(locking_function); before any multithreading is started. id_function does not need to be defined under Windows NT or 95, the correct function will be called if it is not. Under unix, getpid() is call if the id_callback is not defined, for solaris this is wrong (since threads id's are not pid's) but under IRIX it is correct (threads are just processes sharing the data segement). The locking_callback is used to perform locking by the SSLeay library. eg. void solaris_locking_callback(mode,type,file,line) int mode; int type; char *file; int line; { if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) mutex_lock(&(lock_cs[type])); else mutex_unlock(&(lock_cs[type])); } Now in this case I have used mutexes instead of read/write locks, since they are faster and there are not many read locks in SSLeay, you may as well always use write locks. file and line are __FILE__ and __LINE__ from the compile and can be usefull when debugging. Now as you can see, 'type' can be one of a range of values, these values are defined in crypto/crypto.h CRYPTO_get_lock_name(type) will return a text version of what the lock is. There are CRYPTO_NUM_LOCKS locks required, so under solaris, the setup for multi-threading can be static mutex_t lock_cs[CRYPTO_NUM_LOCKS]; void thread_setup() { int i; for (i=0; i