I have lots more references etc, and will update this list in the future, 30 Aug 1996 - eay SSL The SSL Protocol - from Netscapes. RC4 Newsgroups: sci.crypt From: sterndark@netcom.com (David Sterndark) Subject: RC4 Algorithm revealed. Message-ID: RC2 Newsgroups: sci.crypt From: pgut01@cs.auckland.ac.nz (Peter Gutmann) Subject: Specification for Ron Rivests Cipher No.2 Message-ID: <4fk39f$f70@net.auckland.ac.nz> MD2 RFC1319 The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm MD5 RFC1321 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm X509 Certificates RFC1421 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I RFC1422 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II RFC1423 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III RFC1424 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV RSA and various standard encoding PKCS#1 RSA Encryption Standard PKCS#5 Password-Based Encryption Standard PKCS#7 Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER An Overview of the PKCS Standards Some Examples of the PKCS Standards IDEA Chapter 3 The Block Cipher IDEA RSA, prime number generation and bignum algorithms Introduction To Algorithms, Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Section 29 Arithmetic Circuits Section 33 Number-Theoretic Algorithms Fast Private Key algorithm Fast Decipherment Algorithm for RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem J.-J. Quisquater and C. Couvreur, Electronics Letters, 14th October 1982, Vol. 18 No. 21 Prime number generation and bignum algorithms. PGP-2.3a