#!/usr/bin/env perl package x86nasm; *out=\@::out; $lprfx="\@L"; $label="000"; $under=($::netware)?'':'_'; sub ::generic { my $opcode=shift; my $tmp; if (!$::mwerks) { if ($opcode =~ m/^j/o && $#_==0) # optimize jumps { $_[0] = "NEAR $_[0]"; } elsif ($opcode eq "lea" && $#_==1)# wipe storage qualifier from lea { $_[1] =~ s/^[^\[]*\[/\[/o; } } &::emit($opcode,@_); 1; } # # opcodes not covered by ::generic above, mostly inconsistent namings... # sub ::movz { &::movzx(@_); } sub ::pushf { &::pushfd; } sub ::popf { &::popfd; } sub ::call { &::emit("call",(&islabel($_[0]) or "$under$_[0]")); } sub ::call_ptr { &::emit("call",@_); } sub ::jmp_ptr { &::emit("jmp",@_); } # chosen SSE instructions sub ::movq { my($p1,$p2,$optimize)=@_; if ($optimize && $p1=~/^mm[0-7]$/ && $p2=~/^mm[0-7]$/) # movq between mmx registers can sink Intel CPUs { &::pshufw($p1,$p2,0xe4); } else { &::emit("movq",@_); } } sub ::pshufw { &::emit("pshufw",@_); } sub get_mem { my($size,$addr,$reg1,$reg2,$idx)=@_; my($post,$ret); if ($size ne "") { $ret .= "$size"; $ret .= " PTR" if ($::mwerks); $ret .= " "; } $ret .= "["; $addr =~ s/^\s+//; # prepend global references with optional underscore $addr =~ s/^([^\+\-0-9][^\+\-]*)/islabel($1) or "$under$1"/ige; # put address arithmetic expression in parenthesis $addr="($addr)" if ($addr =~ /^.+[\-\+].+$/); if (($addr ne "") && ($addr ne 0)) { if ($addr !~ /^-/) { $ret .= "$addr+"; } else { $post=$addr; } } if ($reg2 ne "") { $idx!=0 or $idx=1; $ret .= "$reg2*$idx"; $ret .= "+$reg1" if ($reg1 ne ""); } else { $ret .= "$reg1"; } $ret .= "$post]"; $ret =~ s/\+\]/]/; # in case $addr was the only argument $ret; } sub ::BP { &get_mem("BYTE",@_); } sub ::DWP { &get_mem("DWORD",@_); } sub ::QWP { &get_mem("",@_); } sub ::BC { (($::mwerks)?"":"BYTE ")."@_"; } sub ::DWC { (($::mwerks)?"":"DWORD ")."@_"; } sub ::file { if ($::mwerks) { push(@out,".section\t.text\n"); } else { my $tmp=<<___; %ifdef __omf__ section code use32 class=code align=64 %else section .text code align=64 %endif ___ push(@out,$tmp); } } sub ::function_begin_B { my $func=$under.shift; my $tmp=<<___; global $func align 16 $func: ___ push(@out,$tmp); $::stack=4; } sub ::function_end_B { my $i; foreach $i (%label) { undef $label{$i} if ($label{$i} =~ /^$prfx/); } $::stack=0; } sub ::file_end { # try to detect if SSE2 or MMX extensions were used on Win32... if ($::win32 && grep {/\s+[x]*mm[0-7]/i} @out) { # One can argue that it's wasteful to craft every # SSE/MMX module with this snippet... Well, it's 72 # bytes long and for the moment we have two modules. # Let's argue when we have 7 modules or so... # # $1<<10 sets a reserved bit to signal that variable # was initialized already... my $tmp=<<___; align 16 ${lprfx}OPENSSL_ia32cap_init: lea edx,[${under}OPENSSL_ia32cap_P] cmp DWORD [edx],0 jne NEAR ${lprfx}nocpuid mov DWORD [edx],1<<10 pushfd pop eax mov ecx,eax xor eax,1<<21 push eax popfd pushfd pop eax xor eax,ecx bt eax,21 jnc NEAR ${lprfx}nocpuid push edi push ebx mov edi,edx mov eax,1 cpuid or edx,1<<10 mov DWORD [edi],edx pop ebx pop edi ${lprfx}nocpuid: ret segment .CRT\$XCU data align=4 dd ${lprfx}OPENSSL_ia32cap_init segment .bss common ${under}OPENSSL_ia32cap_P 4 ___ # comment out OPENSSL_ia32cap_P declarations grep {s/(^extern\s+${under}OPENSSL_ia32cap_P)/\;$1/} @out; push (@out,$tmp); } } sub ::comment { foreach (@_) { push(@out,"\t; $_\n"); } } sub islabel # see is argument is known label { my $i; foreach $i (%label) { return $label{$i} if ($label{$i} eq $_[0]); } undef; } sub ::external_label { push(@labels,@_); foreach (@_) { push(@out,".") if ($::mwerks); push(@out, "extern\t${under}$_\n"); } } sub ::public_label { $label{$_[0]}="${under}${_[0]}" if (!defined($label{$_[0]})); push(@out,"global\t$label{$_[0]}\n"); } sub ::label { if (!defined($label{$_[0]})) { $label{$_[0]}="${lprfx}${label}${_[0]}"; $label++; } $label{$_[0]}; } sub ::set_label { my $label=&::label($_[0]); &::align($_[1]) if ($_[1]>1); push(@out,"$label{$_[0]}:\n"); } sub ::data_byte { push(@out,(($::mwerks)?".byte\t":"db\t").join(',',@_)."\n"); } sub ::data_word { push(@out,(($::mwerks)?".long\t":"dd\t").join(',',@_)."\n"); } sub ::align { push(@out,".") if ($::mwerks); push(@out,"align\t$_[0]\n"); } sub ::picmeup { my($dst,$sym)=@_; &::lea($dst,&::DWP($sym)); } sub ::initseg { my($f)=$under.shift; if ($::win32) { my($tmp)=<<___; segment .CRT\$XCU rdata align=4 extern $f dd $f ___ push(@out,$tmp); } } 1;