/* lib/obj/obj_dat.h */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) * All rights reserved. * * This package is an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. * * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-). * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM Objects.h by obj_dat.pl via the * following command: * perl obj_dat.pl < objects.h > obj_dat.h */ #define NUM_NID 97 #define NUM_SN 70 #define NUM_LN 96 #define NUM_OBJ 78 static unsigned char lvalues[515]={ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D, /* [ 0] OBJ_rsadsi */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01, /* [ 6] OBJ_pkcs */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x02,0x02, /* [ 13] OBJ_md2 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x02,0x05, /* [ 21] OBJ_md5 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x03,0x04, /* [ 29] OBJ_rc4 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x01,0x01,/* [ 37] OBJ_rsaEncryption */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x01,0x02,/* [ 46] OBJ_md2WithRSAEncryption */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x01,0x04,/* [ 55] OBJ_md5WithRSAEncryption */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x05,0x01,/* [ 64] OBJ_pbeWithMD2AndDES_CBC */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x05,0x03,/* [ 73] OBJ_pbeWithMD5AndDES_CBC */ 0x55, /* [ 82] OBJ_X500 */ 0x55,0x04, /* [ 83] OBJ_X509 */ 0x55,0x04,0x03, /* [ 85] OBJ_commonName */ 0x55,0x04,0x06, /* [ 88] OBJ_countryName */ 0x55,0x04,0x07, /* [ 91] OBJ_localityName */ 0x55,0x04,0x08, /* [ 94] OBJ_stateOrProvinceName */ 0x55,0x04,0x0A, /* [ 97] OBJ_organizationName */ 0x55,0x04,0x0B, /* [100] OBJ_organizationalUnitName */ 0x55,0x08,0x01,0x01, /* [103] OBJ_rsa */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07, /* [107] OBJ_pkcs7 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07,0x01,/* [115] OBJ_pkcs7_data */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07,0x02,/* [124] OBJ_pkcs7_signed */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07,0x03,/* [133] OBJ_pkcs7_enveloped */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07,0x04,/* [142] OBJ_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07,0x05,/* [151] OBJ_pkcs7_digest */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x07,0x06,/* [160] OBJ_pkcs7_encrypted */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x03, /* [169] OBJ_pkcs3 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x03,0x01,/* [177] OBJ_dhKeyAgreement */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x06, /* [186] OBJ_des_ecb */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x09, /* [191] OBJ_des_cfb64 */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x07, /* [196] OBJ_des_cbc */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x11, /* [201] OBJ_des_ede */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x03,0x02, /* [206] OBJ_rc2_cbc */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x12, /* [214] OBJ_sha */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x0F, /* [219] OBJ_shaWithRSAEncryption */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x03,0x07, /* [224] OBJ_des_ede3_cbc */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x08, /* [232] OBJ_des_ofb64 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09, /* [237] OBJ_pkcs9 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x01,/* [245] OBJ_pkcs9_emailAddress */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x02,/* [254] OBJ_pkcs9_unstructuredName */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x03,/* [263] OBJ_pkcs9_contentType */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x04,/* [272] OBJ_pkcs9_messageDigest */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x05,/* [281] OBJ_pkcs9_signingTime */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x06,/* [290] OBJ_pkcs9_countersignature */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x07,/* [299] OBJ_pkcs9_challengePassword */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x08,/* [308] OBJ_pkcs9_unstructuredAddress */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x09,0x09,/* [317] OBJ_pkcs9_extCertAttributes */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42, /* [326] OBJ_netscape */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01, /* [333] OBJ_netscape_cert_extension */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x02, /* [341] OBJ_netscape_data_type */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x1A, /* [349] OBJ_sha1 */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x01,0x05,/* [354] OBJ_sha1WithRSAEncryption */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x0D, /* [363] OBJ_dsaWithSHA */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x0C, /* [368] OBJ_dsa */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x05,0x0B,/* [373] OBJ_pbeWithSHA1AndRC2_CBC */ 0x2A,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xF7,0x0D,0x01,0x05,0x0C,/* [382] OBJ_pbeWithSHA1AndRC4 */ 0x2B,0x0E,0x03,0x02,0x1B, /* [391] OBJ_dsaWithSHA1 */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x01,/* [396] OBJ_netscape_cert_type */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x02,/* [405] OBJ_netscape_base_url */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x03,/* [414] OBJ_netscape_revocation_url */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x04,/* [423] OBJ_netscape_ca_revocation_url */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x07,/* [432] OBJ_netscape_renewal_url */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x08,/* [441] OBJ_netscape_ca_policy_url */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x0C,/* [450] OBJ_netscape_ssl_server_name */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x01,0x0D,/* [459] OBJ_netscape_comment */ 0x60,0x86,0x48,0x01,0x86,0xF8,0x42,0x02,0x05,/* [468] OBJ_netscape_cert_sequence */ 0x55,0x1D, /* [477] OBJ_ld_ce */ 0x55,0x1D,0x0E, /* [479] OBJ_subject_key_identifier */ 0x55,0x1D,0x0F, /* [482] OBJ_key_usage */ 0x55,0x1D,0x10, /* [485] OBJ_private_key_usage_period */ 0x55,0x1D,0x11, /* [488] OBJ_subject_alt_name */ 0x55,0x1D,0x12, /* [491] OBJ_issuer_alt_name */ 0x55,0x1D,0x13, /* [494] OBJ_basic_constraints */ 0x55,0x1D,0x14, /* [497] OBJ_crl_number */ 0x55,0x1D,0x20, /* [500] OBJ_certificate_policies */ 0x55,0x1D,0x23, /* [503] OBJ_authority_key_identifier */ 0x55,0x08,0x03,0x65, /* [506] OBJ_mdc2 */ 0x55,0x08,0x03,0x64, /* [510] OBJ_mdc2WithRSA */ }; static ASN1_OBJECT nid_objs[NUM_NID]={ {"UNDEF","undefined",NID_undef,0,NULL}, {"rsadsi","rsadsi",NID_rsadsi,6,&(lvalues[0]),0}, {"pkcs","pkcs",NID_pkcs,7,&(lvalues[6]),0}, {"MD2","md2",NID_md2,8,&(lvalues[13]),0}, {"MD5","md5",NID_md5,8,&(lvalues[21]),0}, {"RC4","rc4",NID_rc4,8,&(lvalues[29]),0}, {"rsaEncryption","rsaEncryption",NID_rsaEncryption,9,&(lvalues[37]),0}, {"RSA-MD2","md2WithRSAEncryption",NID_md2WithRSAEncryption,9, &(lvalues[46]),0}, {"RSA-MD5","md5WithRSAEncryption",NID_md5WithRSAEncryption,9, &(lvalues[55]),0}, {"pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC","pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC", NID_pbeWithMD2AndDES_CBC,9,&(lvalues[64]),0}, {"pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC","pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC", NID_pbeWithMD5AndDES_CBC,9,&(lvalues[73]),0}, {"X500","X500",NID_X500,1,&(lvalues[82]),0}, {"X509","X509",NID_X509,2,&(lvalues[83]),0}, {"CN","commonName",NID_commonName,3,&(lvalues[85]),0}, {"C","countryName",NID_countryName,3,&(lvalues[88]),0}, {"L","localityName",NID_localityName,3,&(lvalues[91]),0}, {"ST","stateOrProvinceName",NID_stateOrProvinceName,3,&(lvalues[94]),0}, {"O","organizationName",NID_organizationName,3,&(lvalues[97]),0}, {"OU","organizationalUnitName",NID_organizationalUnitName,3, &(lvalues[100]),0}, {"RSA","rsa",NID_rsa,4,&(lvalues[103]),0}, {"pkcs7","pkcs7",NID_pkcs7,8,&(lvalues[107]),0}, {"pkcs7-data","pkcs7-data",NID_pkcs7_data,9,&(lvalues[115]),0}, {"pkcs7-signedData","pkcs7-signedData",NID_pkcs7_signed,9, &(lvalues[124]),0}, {"pkcs7-envelopedData","pkcs7-envelopedData",NID_pkcs7_enveloped,9, &(lvalues[133]),0}, {"pkcs7-signedAndEnvelopedData","pkcs7-signedAndEnvelopedData", NID_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped,9,&(lvalues[142]),0}, {"pkcs7-digestData","pkcs7-digestData",NID_pkcs7_digest,9, &(lvalues[151]),0}, {"pkcs7-encryptedData","pkcs7-encryptedData",NID_pkcs7_encrypted,9, &(lvalues[160]),0}, {"pkcs3","pkcs3",NID_pkcs3,8,&(lvalues[169]),0}, {"dhKeyAgreement","dhKeyAgreement",NID_dhKeyAgreement,9, &(lvalues[177]),0}, {"DES-ECB","des-ecb",NID_des_ecb,5,&(lvalues[186]),0}, {"DES-CFB","des-cfb",NID_des_cfb64,5,&(lvalues[191]),0}, {"DES-CBC","des-cbc",NID_des_cbc,5,&(lvalues[196]),0}, {"DES-EDE","des-ede",NID_des_ede,5,&(lvalues[201]),0}, {"DES-EDE3","des-ede3",NID_des_ede3,0,NULL}, {"IDEA-CBC","idea-cbc",NID_idea_cbc,0,NULL}, {"IDEA-CFB","idea-cfb",NID_idea_cfb64,0,NULL}, {"IDEA-ECB","idea-ecb",NID_idea_ecb,0,NULL}, {"RC2-CBC","rc2-cbc",NID_rc2_cbc,8,&(lvalues[206]),0}, {"RC2-ECB","rc2-ecb",NID_rc2_ecb,0,NULL}, {"RC2-CFB","rc2-cfb",NID_rc2_cfb64,0,NULL}, {"RC2-OFB","rc2-ofb",NID_rc2_ofb64,0,NULL}, {"SHA","sha",NID_sha,5,&(lvalues[214]),0}, {"RSA-SHA","shaWithRSAEncryption",NID_shaWithRSAEncryption,5, &(lvalues[219]),0}, {"DES-EDE-CBC","des-ede-cbc",NID_des_ede_cbc,0,NULL}, {"DES-EDE3-CBC","des-ede3-cbc",NID_des_ede3_cbc,8,&(lvalues[224]),0}, {"DES-OFB","des-ofb",NID_des_ofb64,5,&(lvalues[232]),0}, {"IDEA-OFB","idea-ofb",NID_idea_ofb64,0,NULL}, {"pkcs9","pkcs9",NID_pkcs9,8,&(lvalues[237]),0}, {"Email","emailAddress",NID_pkcs9_emailAddress,9,&(lvalues[245]),0}, {"unstructuredName","unstructuredName",NID_pkcs9_unstructuredName,9, &(lvalues[254]),0}, {"contentType","contentType",NID_pkcs9_contentType,9,&(lvalues[263]),0}, {"messageDigest","messageDigest",NID_pkcs9_messageDigest,9, &(lvalues[272]),0}, {"signingTime","signingTime",NID_pkcs9_signingTime,9,&(lvalues[281]),0}, {"countersignature","countersignature",NID_pkcs9_countersignature,9, &(lvalues[290]),0}, {"challengePassword","challengePassword",NID_pkcs9_challengePassword, 9,&(lvalues[299]),0}, {"unstructuredAddress","unstructuredAddress", NID_pkcs9_unstructuredAddress,9,&(lvalues[308]),0}, {"extendedCertificateAttributes","extendedCertificateAttributes", NID_pkcs9_extCertAttributes,9,&(lvalues[317]),0}, {"Netscape","Netscape Communications Corp.",NID_netscape,7, &(lvalues[326]),0}, {"nsCertExt","Netscape Certificate Extension", NID_netscape_cert_extension,8,&(lvalues[333]),0}, {"nsDataType","Netscape Data Type",NID_netscape_data_type,8, &(lvalues[341]),0}, {"DES-EDE-CFB","des-ede-cfb",NID_des_ede_cfb64,0,NULL}, {"DES-EDE3-CFB","des-ede3-cfb",NID_des_ede3_cfb64,0,NULL}, {"DES-EDE-OFB","des-ede-ofb",NID_des_ede_ofb64,0,NULL}, {"DES-EDE3-OFB","des-ede3-ofb",NID_des_ede3_ofb64,0,NULL}, {"SHA1","sha1",NID_sha1,5,&(lvalues[349]),0}, {"RSA-SHA1","sha1WithRSAEncryption",NID_sha1WithRSAEncryption,9, &(lvalues[354]),0}, {"DSA-SHA","dsaWithSHA",NID_dsaWithSHA,5,&(lvalues[363]),0}, {"DSA","dsaEncryption",NID_dsa,5,&(lvalues[368]),0}, {"pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC","pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC", NID_pbeWithSHA1AndRC2_CBC,9,&(lvalues[373]),0}, {"pbeWithSHA1AndRC4","pbeWithSHA1AndRC4",NID_pbeWithSHA1AndRC4,9, &(lvalues[382]),0}, {"DSA-SHA1","dsaWithSHA1",NID_dsaWithSHA1,5,&(lvalues[391]),0}, {"nsCertType","Netscape Cert Type",NID_netscape_cert_type,9, &(lvalues[396]),0}, {"nsBaseUrl","Netscape Base Url",NID_netscape_base_url,9, &(lvalues[405]),0}, {"nsRevocationUrl","Netscape Revocation Url", NID_netscape_revocation_url,9,&(lvalues[414]),0}, {"nsCaRevocationUrl","Netscape CA Revocation Url", NID_netscape_ca_revocation_url,9,&(lvalues[423]),0}, {"nsRenewalUrl","Netscape Renewal Url",NID_netscape_renewal_url,9, &(lvalues[432]),0}, {"nsCaPolicyUrl","Netscape CA Policy Url",NID_netscape_ca_policy_url, 9,&(lvalues[441]),0}, {"nsSslServerName","Netscape SSL Server Name", NID_netscape_ssl_server_name,9,&(lvalues[450]),0}, {"nsComment","Netscape Comment",NID_netscape_comment,9,&(lvalues[459]),0}, {"nsCertSequence","Netscape Certificate Sequence", NID_netscape_cert_sequence,9,&(lvalues[468]),0}, {"DESX-CBC","desx-cbc",NID_desx_cbc,0,NULL}, {"ld-ce","ld-ce",NID_ld_ce,2,&(lvalues[477]),0}, {"subjectKeyIdentifier","X509v3 Subject Key Identifier", NID_subject_key_identifier,3,&(lvalues[479]),0}, {"keyUsage","X509v3 Key Usage",NID_key_usage,3,&(lvalues[482]),0}, {"privateKeyUsagePeriod","X509v3 Private Key Usage Period", NID_private_key_usage_period,3,&(lvalues[485]),0}, {"subjectAltName","X509v3 Subject Alternative Name", NID_subject_alt_name,3,&(lvalues[488]),0}, {"issuerAltName","X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name",NID_issuer_alt_name, 3,&(lvalues[491]),0}, {"basicConstraints","X509v3 Basic Constraints",NID_basic_constraints, 3,&(lvalues[494]),0}, {"crlNumber","X509v3 CRL Number",NID_crl_number,3,&(lvalues[497]),0}, {"certificatePolicies","X509v3 Certificate Policies", NID_certificate_policies,3,&(lvalues[500]),0}, {"authorityKeyIdentifier","X509v3 Authority Key Identifier", NID_authority_key_identifier,3,&(lvalues[503]),0}, {"BF-CBC","bf-cbc",NID_bf_cbc,0,NULL}, {"BF-ECB","bf-ecb",NID_bf_ecb,0,NULL}, {"BF-CFB","bf-cfb",NID_bf_cfb64,0,NULL}, {"BF-OFB","bf-ofb",NID_bf_ofb64,0,NULL}, {"MDC2","mdc2",NID_mdc2,4,&(lvalues[506]),0}, {"RSA-MDC2","mdc2withRSA",NID_mdc2WithRSA,4,&(lvalues[510]),0}, }; static ASN1_OBJECT *sn_objs[NUM_SN]={ &(nid_objs[91]),/* "BF-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[93]),/* "BF-CFB" */ &(nid_objs[92]),/* "BF-ECB" */ &(nid_objs[94]),/* "BF-OFB" */ &(nid_objs[14]),/* "C" */ &(nid_objs[13]),/* "CN" */ &(nid_objs[31]),/* "DES-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[30]),/* "DES-CFB" */ &(nid_objs[29]),/* "DES-ECB" */ &(nid_objs[32]),/* "DES-EDE" */ &(nid_objs[43]),/* "DES-EDE-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[60]),/* "DES-EDE-CFB" */ &(nid_objs[62]),/* "DES-EDE-OFB" */ &(nid_objs[33]),/* "DES-EDE3" */ &(nid_objs[44]),/* "DES-EDE3-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[61]),/* "DES-EDE3-CFB" */ &(nid_objs[63]),/* "DES-EDE3-OFB" */ &(nid_objs[45]),/* "DES-OFB" */ &(nid_objs[80]),/* "DESX-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[67]),/* "DSA" */ &(nid_objs[66]),/* "DSA-SHA" */ &(nid_objs[70]),/* "DSA-SHA1" */ &(nid_objs[48]),/* "Email" */ &(nid_objs[34]),/* "IDEA-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[35]),/* "IDEA-CFB" */ &(nid_objs[36]),/* "IDEA-ECB" */ &(nid_objs[46]),/* "IDEA-OFB" */ &(nid_objs[15]),/* "L" */ &(nid_objs[ 3]),/* "MD2" */ &(nid_objs[ 4]),/* "MD5" */ &(nid_objs[95]),/* "MDC2" */ &(nid_objs[57]),/* "Netscape" */ &(nid_objs[17]),/* "O" */ &(nid_objs[18]),/* "OU" */ &(nid_objs[37]),/* "RC2-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[39]),/* "RC2-CFB" */ &(nid_objs[38]),/* "RC2-ECB" */ &(nid_objs[40]),/* "RC2-OFB" */ &(nid_objs[ 5]),/* "RC4" */ &(nid_objs[19]),/* "RSA" */ &(nid_objs[ 7]),/* "RSA-MD2" */ &(nid_objs[ 8]),/* "RSA-MD5" */ &(nid_objs[96]),/* "RSA-MDC2" */ &(nid_objs[42]),/* "RSA-SHA" */ &(nid_objs[65]),/* "RSA-SHA1" */ &(nid_objs[41]),/* "SHA" */ &(nid_objs[64]),/* "SHA1" */ &(nid_objs[16]),/* "ST" */ &(nid_objs[ 0]),/* "UNDEF" */ &(nid_objs[90]),/* "authorityKeyIdentifier" */ &(nid_objs[87]),/* "basicConstraints" */ &(nid_objs[89]),/* "certificatePolicies" */ &(nid_objs[88]),/* "crlNumber" */ &(nid_objs[86]),/* "issuerAltName" */ &(nid_objs[83]),/* "keyUsage" */ &(nid_objs[81]),/* "ld-ce" */ &(nid_objs[72]),/* "nsBaseUrl" */ &(nid_objs[76]),/* "nsCaPolicyUrl" */ &(nid_objs[74]),/* "nsCaRevocationUrl" */ &(nid_objs[58]),/* "nsCertExt" */ &(nid_objs[79]),/* "nsCertSequence" */ &(nid_objs[71]),/* "nsCertType" */ &(nid_objs[78]),/* "nsComment" */ &(nid_objs[59]),/* "nsDataType" */ &(nid_objs[75]),/* "nsRenewalUrl" */ &(nid_objs[73]),/* "nsRevocationUrl" */ &(nid_objs[77]),/* "nsSslServerName" */ &(nid_objs[84]),/* "privateKeyUsagePeriod" */ &(nid_objs[85]),/* "subjectAltName" */ &(nid_objs[82]),/* "subjectKeyIdentifier" */ }; static ASN1_OBJECT *ln_objs[NUM_LN]={ &(nid_objs[72]),/* "Netscape Base Url" */ &(nid_objs[76]),/* "Netscape CA Policy Url" */ &(nid_objs[74]),/* "Netscape CA Revocation Url" */ &(nid_objs[71]),/* "Netscape Cert Type" */ &(nid_objs[58]),/* "Netscape Certificate Extension" */ &(nid_objs[79]),/* "Netscape Certificate Sequence" */ &(nid_objs[78]),/* "Netscape Comment" */ &(nid_objs[57]),/* "Netscape Communications Corp." */ &(nid_objs[59]),/* "Netscape Data Type" */ &(nid_objs[75]),/* "Netscape Renewal Url" */ &(nid_objs[73]),/* "Netscape Revocation Url" */ &(nid_objs[77]),/* "Netscape SSL Server Name" */ &(nid_objs[11]),/* "X500" */ &(nid_objs[12]),/* "X509" */ &(nid_objs[90]),/* "X509v3 Authority Key Identifier" */ &(nid_objs[87]),/* "X509v3 Basic Constraints" */ &(nid_objs[88]),/* "X509v3 CRL Number" */ &(nid_objs[89]),/* "X509v3 Certificate Policies" */ &(nid_objs[86]),/* "X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name" */ &(nid_objs[83]),/* "X509v3 Key Usage" */ &(nid_objs[84]),/* "X509v3 Private Key Usage Period" */ &(nid_objs[85]),/* "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name" */ &(nid_objs[82]),/* "X509v3 Subject Key Identifier" */ &(nid_objs[91]),/* "bf-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[93]),/* "bf-cfb" */ &(nid_objs[92]),/* "bf-ecb" */ &(nid_objs[94]),/* "bf-ofb" */ &(nid_objs[54]),/* "challengePassword" */ &(nid_objs[13]),/* "commonName" */ &(nid_objs[50]),/* "contentType" */ &(nid_objs[53]),/* "countersignature" */ &(nid_objs[14]),/* "countryName" */ &(nid_objs[31]),/* "des-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[30]),/* "des-cfb" */ &(nid_objs[29]),/* "des-ecb" */ &(nid_objs[32]),/* "des-ede" */ &(nid_objs[43]),/* "des-ede-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[60]),/* "des-ede-cfb" */ &(nid_objs[62]),/* "des-ede-ofb" */ &(nid_objs[33]),/* "des-ede3" */ &(nid_objs[44]),/* "des-ede3-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[61]),/* "des-ede3-cfb" */ &(nid_objs[63]),/* "des-ede3-ofb" */ &(nid_objs[45]),/* "des-ofb" */ &(nid_objs[80]),/* "desx-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[28]),/* "dhKeyAgreement" */ &(nid_objs[67]),/* "dsaEncryption" */ &(nid_objs[66]),/* "dsaWithSHA" */ &(nid_objs[70]),/* "dsaWithSHA1" */ &(nid_objs[48]),/* "emailAddress" */ &(nid_objs[56]),/* "extendedCertificateAttributes" */ &(nid_objs[34]),/* "idea-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[35]),/* "idea-cfb" */ &(nid_objs[36]),/* "idea-ecb" */ &(nid_objs[46]),/* "idea-ofb" */ &(nid_objs[15]),/* "localityName" */ &(nid_objs[ 3]),/* "md2" */ &(nid_objs[ 7]),/* "md2WithRSAEncryption" */ &(nid_objs[ 4]),/* "md5" */ &(nid_objs[ 8]),/* "md5WithRSAEncryption" */ &(nid_objs[95]),/* "mdc2" */ &(nid_objs[96]),/* "mdc2withRSA" */ &(nid_objs[51]),/* "messageDigest" */ &(nid_objs[17]),/* "organizationName" */ &(nid_objs[18]),/* "organizationalUnitName" */ &(nid_objs[ 9]),/* "pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[10]),/* "pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[68]),/* "pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC" */ &(nid_objs[69]),/* "pbeWithSHA1AndRC4" */ &(nid_objs[ 2]),/* "pkcs" */ &(nid_objs[27]),/* "pkcs3" */ &(nid_objs[20]),/* "pkcs7" */ &(nid_objs[21]),/* "pkcs7-data" */ &(nid_objs[25]),/* "pkcs7-digestData" */ &(nid_objs[26]),/* "pkcs7-encryptedData" */ &(nid_objs[23]),/* "pkcs7-envelopedData" */ &(nid_objs[24]),/* "pkcs7-signedAndEnvelopedData" */ &(nid_objs[22]),/* "pkcs7-signedData" */ &(nid_objs[47]),/* "pkcs9" */ &(nid_objs[37]),/* "rc2-cbc" */ &(nid_objs[39]),/* "rc2-cfb" */ &(nid_objs[38]),/* "rc2-ecb" */ &(nid_objs[40]),/* "rc2-ofb" */ &(nid_objs[ 5]),/* "rc4" */ &(nid_objs[19]),/* "rsa" */ &(nid_objs[ 6]),/* "rsaEncryption" */ &(nid_objs[ 1]),/* "rsadsi" */ &(nid_objs[41]),/* "sha" */ &(nid_objs[64]),/* "sha1" */ &(nid_objs[65]),/* "sha1WithRSAEncryption" */ &(nid_objs[42]),/* "shaWithRSAEncryption" */ &(nid_objs[52]),/* "signingTime" */ &(nid_objs[16]),/* "stateOrProvinceName" */ &(nid_objs[ 0]),/* "undefined" */ &(nid_objs[55]),/* "unstructuredAddress" */ &(nid_objs[49]),/* "unstructuredName" */ }; static ASN1_OBJECT *obj_objs[NUM_OBJ]={ &(nid_objs[11]),/* OBJ_X500 2 5 */ &(nid_objs[12]),/* OBJ_X509 2 5 4 */ &(nid_objs[81]),/* OBJ_ld_ce 2 5 29 */ &(nid_objs[13]),/* OBJ_commonName 2 5 4 3 */ &(nid_objs[14]),/* OBJ_countryName 2 5 4 6 */ &(nid_objs[15]),/* OBJ_localityName 2 5 4 7 */ &(nid_objs[16]),/* OBJ_stateOrProvinceName 2 5 4 8 */ &(nid_objs[17]),/* OBJ_organizationName 2 5 4 10 */ &(nid_objs[18]),/* OBJ_organizationalUnitName 2 5 4 11 */ &(nid_objs[82]),/* OBJ_subject_key_identifier 2 5 29 14 */ &(nid_objs[83]),/* OBJ_key_usage 2 5 29 15 */ &(nid_objs[84]),/* OBJ_private_key_usage_period 2 5 29 16 */ &(nid_objs[85]),/* OBJ_subject_alt_name 2 5 29 17 */ &(nid_objs[86]),/* OBJ_issuer_alt_name 2 5 29 18 */ &(nid_objs[87]),/* OBJ_basic_constraints 2 5 29 19 */ &(nid_objs[88]),/* OBJ_crl_number 2 5 29 20 */ &(nid_objs[89]),/* OBJ_certificate_policies 2 5 29 32 */ &(nid_objs[90]),/* OBJ_authority_key_identifier 2 5 29 35 */ &(nid_objs[19]),/* OBJ_rsa 2 5 8 1 1 */ &(nid_objs[96]),/* OBJ_mdc2WithRSA 2 5 8 3 100 */ &(nid_objs[95]),/* OBJ_mdc2 2 5 8 3 101 */ &(nid_objs[29]),/* OBJ_des_ecb 1 3 14 3 2 6 */ &(nid_objs[31]),/* OBJ_des_cbc 1 3 14 3 2 7 */ &(nid_objs[45]),/* OBJ_des_ofb64 1 3 14 3 2 8 */ &(nid_objs[30]),/* OBJ_des_cfb64 1 3 14 3 2 9 */ &(nid_objs[67]),/* OBJ_dsa 1 3 14 3 2 12 */ &(nid_objs[66]),/* OBJ_dsaWithSHA 1 3 14 3 2 13 */ &(nid_objs[42]),/* OBJ_shaWithRSAEncryption 1 3 14 3 2 15 */ &(nid_objs[32]),/* OBJ_des_ede 1 3 14 3 2 17 */ &(nid_objs[41]),/* OBJ_sha 1 3 14 3 2 18 */ &(nid_objs[64]),/* OBJ_sha1 1 3 14 3 2 26 */ &(nid_objs[70]),/* OBJ_dsaWithSHA1 1 3 14 3 2 27 */ &(nid_objs[ 1]),/* OBJ_rsadsi 1 2 840 113549 */ &(nid_objs[ 2]),/* OBJ_pkcs 1 2 840 113549 1 */ &(nid_objs[57]),/* OBJ_netscape 2 16 840 1 113730 */ &(nid_objs[27]),/* OBJ_pkcs3 1 2 840 113549 1 3 */ &(nid_objs[20]),/* OBJ_pkcs7 1 2 840 113549 1 7 */ &(nid_objs[47]),/* OBJ_pkcs9 1 2 840 113549 1 9 */ &(nid_objs[ 3]),/* OBJ_md2 1 2 840 113549 2 2 */ &(nid_objs[ 4]),/* OBJ_md5 1 2 840 113549 2 5 */ &(nid_objs[37]),/* OBJ_rc2_cbc 1 2 840 113549 3 2 */ &(nid_objs[ 5]),/* OBJ_rc4 1 2 840 113549 3 4 */ &(nid_objs[44]),/* OBJ_des_ede3_cbc 1 2 840 113549 3 7 */ &(nid_objs[58]),/* OBJ_netscape_cert_extension 2 16 840 1 113730 1 */ &(nid_objs[59]),/* OBJ_netscape_data_type 2 16 840 1 113730 2 */ &(nid_objs[ 6]),/* OBJ_rsaEncryption 1 2 840 113549 1 1 1 */ &(nid_objs[ 7]),/* OBJ_md2WithRSAEncryption 1 2 840 113549 1 1 2 */ &(nid_objs[ 8]),/* OBJ_md5WithRSAEncryption 1 2 840 113549 1 1 4 */ &(nid_objs[65]),/* OBJ_sha1WithRSAEncryption 1 2 840 113549 1 1 5 */ &(nid_objs[28]),/* OBJ_dhKeyAgreement 1 2 840 113549 1 3 1 */ &(nid_objs[ 9]),/* OBJ_pbeWithMD2AndDES_CBC 1 2 840 113549 1 5 1 */ &(nid_objs[10]),/* OBJ_pbeWithMD5AndDES_CBC 1 2 840 113549 1 5 3 */ &(nid_objs[68]),/* OBJ_pbeWithSHA1AndRC2_CBC 1 2 840 113549 1 5 11 */ &(nid_objs[69]),/* OBJ_pbeWithSHA1AndRC4 1 2 840 113549 1 5 12 */ &(nid_objs[21]),/* OBJ_pkcs7_data 1 2 840 113549 1 7 1 */ &(nid_objs[22]),/* OBJ_pkcs7_signed 1 2 840 113549 1 7 2 */ &(nid_objs[23]),/* OBJ_pkcs7_enveloped 1 2 840 113549 1 7 3 */ &(nid_objs[24]),/* OBJ_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped 1 2 840 113549 1 7 4 */ &(nid_objs[25]),/* OBJ_pkcs7_digest 1 2 840 113549 1 7 5 */ &(nid_objs[26]),/* OBJ_pkcs7_encrypted 1 2 840 113549 1 7 6 */ &(nid_objs[48]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_emailAddress 1 2 840 113549 1 9 1 */ &(nid_objs[49]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_unstructuredName 1 2 840 113549 1 9 2 */ &(nid_objs[50]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_contentType 1 2 840 113549 1 9 3 */ &(nid_objs[51]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_messageDigest 1 2 840 113549 1 9 4 */ &(nid_objs[52]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_signingTime 1 2 840 113549 1 9 5 */ &(nid_objs[53]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_countersignature 1 2 840 113549 1 9 6 */ &(nid_objs[54]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_challengePassword 1 2 840 113549 1 9 7 */ &(nid_objs[55]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_unstructuredAddress 1 2 840 113549 1 9 8 */ &(nid_objs[56]),/* OBJ_pkcs9_extCertAttributes 1 2 840 113549 1 9 9 */ &(nid_objs[71]),/* OBJ_netscape_cert_type 2 16 840 1 113730 1 1 */ &(nid_objs[72]),/* OBJ_netscape_base_url 2 16 840 1 113730 1 2 */ &(nid_objs[73]),/* OBJ_netscape_revocation_url 2 16 840 1 113730 1 3 */ &(nid_objs[74]),/* OBJ_netscape_ca_revocation_url 2 16 840 1 113730 1 4 */ &(nid_objs[75]),/* OBJ_netscape_renewal_url 2 16 840 1 113730 1 7 */ &(nid_objs[76]),/* OBJ_netscape_ca_policy_url 2 16 840 1 113730 1 8 */ &(nid_objs[77]),/* OBJ_netscape_ssl_server_name 2 16 840 1 113730 1 12 */ &(nid_objs[78]),/* OBJ_netscape_comment 2 16 840 1 113730 1 13 */ &(nid_objs[79]),/* OBJ_netscape_cert_sequence 2 16 840 1 113730 2 5 */ };