$! CA - wrapper around ca to make it easier to use ... basically ca requires $! some setup stuff to be done before you can use it and this makes $! things easier between now and when Eric is convinced to fix it :-) $! $! CA -newca ... will setup the right stuff $! CA -newreq ... will generate a certificate request $! CA -sign ... will sign the generated request and output $! $! At the end of that grab newreq.pem and newcert.pem (one has the key $! and the other the certificate) and cat them together and that is what $! you want/need ... I'll make even this a little cleaner later. $! $! default openssl.cnf file has setup as per the following $! demoCA ... where everything is stored $ $ IF F$TYPE(OPENSSL_CONFIG) .EQS. "" THEN OPENSSL_CONFIG := SSLLIB:OPENSSL.CNF $ $ DAYS = "-days 365" $ REQ = openssl + " req " + OPENSSL_CONFIG $ CA = openssl + " ca " + OPENSSL_CONFIG $ VERIFY = openssl + " verify" $ X509 = openssl + " x509" $ PKCS12 = openssl + " pkcs12" $ echo = "write sys$Output" $ RET = 1 $! $! 2010-12-20 SMS. $! Use a concealed logical name to reduce command line lengths, to $! avoid DCL errors on VAX: $! %DCL-W-TKNOVF, command element is too long - shorten $! (Path segments like "openssl-1_0_1-stable-SNAP-20101217" accumulate $! quickly.) $! $ CATOP = F$PARSE( F$ENVIRONMENT( "DEFAULT"), "[]")- "].;"+ ".demoCA.]" $ define /translation_attributes = concealed CATOP 'CATOP' $! $ on error then goto clean_up $ on control_y then goto clean_up $! $ CAKEY = "CATOP:[private]cakey.pem" $ CACERT = "CATOP:[000000]cacert.pem" $ $ __INPUT := SYS$COMMAND $! $ i = 1 $opt_loop: $ if i .gt. 8 then goto opt_loop_end $ $ prog_opt = F$EDIT(P'i',"lowercase") $ $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "?" .OR. prog_opt .EQS. "-h" .OR. prog_opt .EQS. "-help") $ THEN $ echo "usage: CA -newcert|-newreq|-newca|-sign|-verify" $ goto clean_up $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-input") $ THEN $ ! Get input from somewhere other than SYS$COMMAND $ i = i + 1 $ __INPUT = P'i' $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-newcert") $ THEN $ ! Create a certificate. $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ REQ -new -x509 -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem 'DAYS' $ RET=$STATUS $ echo "Certificate (and private key) is in newreq.pem" $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-newreq") $ THEN $ ! Create a certificate request $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ REQ -new -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem 'DAYS' $ RET=$STATUS $ echo "Request (and private key) is in newreq.pem" $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-newca") $ THEN $ ! If explicitly asked for or it doesn't exist then setup the directory $ ! structure that Eric likes to manage things. $ IF F$SEARCH( "CATOP:[000000]serial.") .EQS. "" $ THEN $ CREATE /DIRECTORY /PROTECTION=OWNER:RWED CATOP:[000000] $ CREATE /DIRECTORY /PROTECTION=OWNER:RWED CATOP:[certs] $ CREATE /DIRECTORY /PROTECTION=OWNER:RWED CATOP:[crl] $ CREATE /DIRECTORY /PROTECTION=OWNER:RWED CATOP:[newcerts] $ CREATE /DIRECTORY /PROTECTION=OWNER:RWED CATOP:[private] $ $ OPEN /WRITE ser_file CATOP:[000000]serial. $ WRITE ser_file "01" $ CLOSE ser_file $ APPEND /NEW_VERSION NL: CATOP:[000000]index.txt $ $ ! The following is to make sure access() doesn't get confused. It $ ! really needs one file in the directory to give correct answers... $ COPY NLA0: CATOP:[certs].; $ COPY NLA0: CATOP:[crl].; $ COPY NLA0: CATOP:[newcerts].; $ COPY NLA0: CATOP:[private].; $ ENDIF $! $ IF F$SEARCH( CAKEY) .EQS. "" $ THEN $ READ '__INPUT' FILE - /PROMPT="CA certificate filename (or enter to create): " $ IF (FILE .NES. "") .AND. (F$SEARCH(FILE) .NES. "") $ THEN $ COPY 'FILE' 'CAKEY' $ RET=$STATUS $ ELSE $ echo "Making CA certificate ..." $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ REQ -new -x509 -keyout 'CAKEY' -out 'CACERT' 'DAYS' $ RET=$STATUS $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-pkcs12") $ THEN $ i = i + 1 $ cname = P'i' $ IF cname .EQS. "" THEN cname = "My certificate" $ PKCS12 -in newcert.pem -inkey newreq.pem -certfile 'CACERT' - -out newcert.p12 -export -name "''cname'" $ RET=$STATUS $ goto clean_up $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-xsign") $ THEN $! $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ CA -policy policy_anything -infiles newreq.pem $ RET=$STATUS $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF ((prog_opt .EQS. "-sign") .OR. (prog_opt .EQS. "-signreq")) $ THEN $! $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ CA -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem -infiles newreq.pem $ RET=$STATUS $ type newcert.pem $ echo "Signed certificate is in newcert.pem" $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-signcert") $ THEN $! $ echo "Cert passphrase will be requested twice - bug?" $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ X509 -x509toreq -in newreq.pem -signkey newreq.pem -out tmp.pem $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ CA -policy policy_anything -out newcert.pem -infiles tmp.pem y y $ type newcert.pem $ echo "Signed certificate is in newcert.pem" $ GOTO opt_loop_continue $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .EQS. "-verify") $ THEN $! $ i = i + 1 $ IF (p'i' .EQS. "") $ THEN $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ VERIFY "-CAfile" 'CACERT' newcert.pem $ ELSE $ j = i $ verify_opt_loop: $ IF j .GT. 8 THEN GOTO verify_opt_loop_end $ IF p'j' .NES. "" $ THEN $ DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$INPUT '__INPUT' $ __tmp = p'j' $ VERIFY "-CAfile" 'CACERT' '__tmp' $ tmp=$STATUS $ IF tmp .NE. 0 THEN RET=tmp $ ENDIF $ j = j + 1 $ GOTO verify_opt_loop $ verify_opt_loop_end: $ ENDIF $ $ GOTO opt_loop_end $ ENDIF $! $ IF (prog_opt .NES. "") $ THEN $! $ echo "Unknown argument ''prog_opt'" $ RET = 3 $ goto clean_up $ ENDIF $ $opt_loop_continue: $ i = i + 1 $ GOTO opt_loop $ $opt_loop_end: $! $clean_up: $! $ if f$trnlnm( "CATOP", "LNM$PROCESS") .nes. "" then - deassign /process CATOP $! $ EXIT 'RET'