path: root/doc/session.doc
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diff --git a/doc/session.doc b/doc/session.doc
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-I have just checked over and re-worked the session stuff.
-The following brief example will ignore all setup information to do with
-Things operate as follows.
-The SSL environment has a 'context', a SSL_CTX structure. This holds the
-cached SSL_SESSIONS (which can be reused) and the certificate lookup
-information. Each SSL structure needs to be associated with a SSL_CTX.
-Normally only one SSL_CTX structure is needed per program.
-SSL_CTX *SSL_CTX_new(void );
-void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *);
-These 2 functions create and destroy SSL_CTX structures
-The SSL_CTX has a session_cache_mode which is by default,
-in SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER mode. What this means is that the library
-will automatically add new session-id's to the cache apon sucsessful
-SSL_accept() calls.
-If SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT is set, then client certificates are also added
-to the cache.
-SSL_set_session_cache_mode(ctx,mode) will set the 'mode' and
-SSL_get_session_cache_mode(ctx) will get the cache 'mode'.
-The modes can be
-SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF - no caching
-SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT - only SSL_connect()
-SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER - only SSL_accept()
-SSL_SESS_NO_CACHE_BOTH - Either SSL_accept() or SSL_connect().
-If SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR is set, old timed out sessions are
-not automatically removed each 255, SSL_connect()s or SSL_accept()s.
-By default, apon every 255 successful SSL_connect() or SSL_accept()s,
-the cache is flush. Please note that this could be expensive on
-a heavily loaded SSL server, in which case, turn this off and
-clear the cache of old entries 'manually' (with one of the functions
-listed below) every few hours. Perhaps I should up this number, it is hard
-to say. Remember, the '255' new calls is just a mechanims to get called
-every now and then, in theory at most 255 new session-id's will have been
-added but if 100 are added every minute, you would still have
-500 in the cache before any would start being flushed (assuming a 3 minute
-int SSL_CTX_sess_hits(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-int SSL_CTX_sess_misses(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-int SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-These 3 functions return statistics about the SSL_CTX. These 3 are the
-number of session id reuses. hits is the number of reuses, misses are the
-number of lookups that failed, and timeouts is the number of cached
-entries ignored because they had timeouted.
-ctx->new_session_cb is a function pointer to a function of type
-int new_session_callback(SSL *ssl,SSL_SESSION *new);
-This function, if set in the SSL_CTX structure is called whenever a new
-SSL_SESSION is added to the cache. If the callback returns non-zero, it
-means that the application will have to do a SSL_SESSION_free()
-on the structure (this is
-to do with the cache keeping the reference counts correct, without the
-application needing to know about it.
-The 'active' parameter is the current SSL session for which this connection
-was created.
-void SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,int (*cb)());
-to set the callback,
-int (*cb)() SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx)
-to get the callback.
-If the 'get session' callback is set, when a session id is looked up and
-it is not in the session-id cache, this callback is called. The callback is
-of the form
-SSL_SESSION *get_session_callback(unsigned char *sess_id,int sess_id_len,
- int *copy);
-The get_session_callback is intended to return null if no session id is found.
-The reference count on the SSL_SESSION in incremented by the SSL library,
-if copy is 1. Otherwise, the reference count is not modified.
-void SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(ctx,cb) sets the callback and
-int (*cb)()SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(ctx) returns the callback.
-These callbacks are basically indended to be used by processes to
-send their session-id's to other processes. I currently have not implemented
-non-blocking semantics for these callbacks, it is upto the appication
-to make the callbacks effiecent if they require blocking (perhaps
-by 'saving' them and then 'posting them' when control returns from
-the SSL_accept().
-LHASH *SSL_CTX_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx)
-This returns the session cache. The lhash strucutre can be accessed for
-statistics about the cache.
-void lh_stats(LHASH *lh, FILE *out);
-void lh_node_stats(LHASH *lh, FILE *out);
-void lh_node_usage_stats(LHASH *lh, FILE *out);
-can be used to print details about it's activity and current state.
-You can also delve directly into the lhash structure for 14 different
-counters that are kept against the structure. When I wrote the lhash library,
-I was interested in gathering statistics :-).
-Have a read of doc/lhash.doc in the SSLeay distribution area for more details
-on the lhash library.
-Now as mentioned ealier, when a SSL is created, it needs a SSL_CTX.
-SSL * SSL_new(SSL_CTX *);
-This stores a session. A session is secret information shared between 2
-SSL contexts. It will only be created if both ends of the connection have
-authenticated their peer to their satisfaction. It basically contains
-the information required to use a particular secret key cipher.
-To retrieve the SSL_CTX being used by a SSL,
-Now when a SSL session is established between to programs, the 'session'
-information that is cached in the SSL_CTX can me manipulated by the
-following functions.
-int SSL_set_session(SSL *s, SSL_SESSION *session);
-This will set the SSL_SESSION to use for the next SSL_connect(). If you use
-this function on an already 'open' established SSL connection, 'bad things
-will happen'. This function is meaning-less when used on a ssl strucutre
-that is just about to be used in a SSL_accept() call since the
-SSL_accept() will either create a new session or retrieve one from the
-SSL_SESSION *SSL_get_session(SSL *s);
-This will return the SSL_SESSION for the current SSL, NULL if there is
-no session associated with the SSL structure.
-The SSL sessions are kept in the SSL_CTX in a hash table, to remove a
-void SSL_CTX_remove_session(SSL_CTX *,SSL_SESSION *c);
-and to add one
-int SSL_CTX_add_session(SSL_CTX *s, SSL_SESSION *c);
-SSL_CTX_add_session() returns 1 if the session was already in the cache (so it
-was not added).
-Whenever a new session is created via SSL_connect()/SSL_accept(),
-they are automatically added to the cache, depending on the session_cache_mode
-settings. SSL_set_session()
-does not add it to the cache. Just call SSL_CTX_add_session() if you do want the
-session added. For a 'client' this would not normally be the case.
-SSL_CTX_add_session() is not normally ever used, except for doing 'evil' things
-which the next 2 funtions help you do.
-int i2d_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION *in,unsigned char **pp);
-SSL_SESSION *d2i_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION **a,unsigned char **pp,long length);
-These 2 functions are in the standard ASN1 library form and can be used to
-load and save to a byte format, the SSL_SESSION structure.
-With these functions, you can save and read these structures to a files or
-arbitary byte string.
-The PEM_write_SSL_SESSION(fp,x) and PEM_read_SSL_SESSION(fp,x,cb) will
-write to a file pointer in base64 encoding.
-What you can do with this, is pass session information between separate
-processes. Please note, that you will probably also need to modify the
-timeout information on the SSL_SESSIONs.
-long SSL_get_time(SSL_SESSION *s)
-will return the 'time' that the session
-was loaded. The timeout is relative to this time. This information is
-saved when the SSL_SESSION is converted to binarary but it is stored
-in as a unix long, which is rather OS dependant, but easy to convert back.
-long SSL_set_time(SSL_SESSION *s,long t) will set the above mentioned time.
-The time value is just the value returned from time(3), and should really
-be defined by be to be time_t.
-long SSL_get_timeout(SSL_SESSION *s);
-long SSL_set_timeout(SSL_SESSION *s,long t);
-These 2 retrieve and set the timeout which is just a number of secconds
-from the 'SSL_get_time()' value. When this time period has elapesed,
-the session will no longer be in the cache (well it will actually be removed
-the next time it is attempted to be retrieved, so you could 'bump'
-the timeout so it remains valid).
-The 'time' and 'timeout' are set on a session when it is created, not reset
-each time it is reused. If you did wish to 'bump it', just after establishing
-a connection, do a
-You can also use
-SSL_CTX_set_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx,unsigned long t) and
-SSL_CTX_get_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx) to manipulate the default timeouts for
-all SSL connections created against a SSL_CTX. If you set a timeout in
-an SSL_CTX, all new SSL's created will inherit the timeout. It can be over
-written by the SSL_set_timeout(SSL *s,unsigned long t) function call.
-If you 'set' the timeout back to 0, the system default will be used.
-void SSL_SESSION_free(SSL_SESSION *ses);
-These 2 functions are used to create and dispose of SSL_SESSION functions.
-You should not ever normally need to use them unless you are using
-i2d_SSL_SESSION() and/or d2i_SSL_SESSION(). If you 'load' a SSL_SESSION
-via d2i_SSL_SESSION(), you will need to SSL_SESSION_free() it.
-Both SSL_set_session() and SSL_CTX_add_session() will 'take copies' of the
-structure (via reference counts) when it is passed to them.
-The first function will clear all sessions from the cache, which have expired
-relative to 'time' (which could just be time(NULL)).
-This is a special case that clears everything.
-As a final comment, a 'session' is not enough to establish a new
-connection. If a session has timed out, a certificate and private key
-need to have been associated with the SSL structure.
-SSL_copy_session_id(SSL *to,SSL *from); will copy not only the session
-strucutre but also the private key and certificate associated with
-So lets play at being a wierd SSL server.
-/* setup a context */
-/* Lets load some session from binary into the cache, why one would do
- * this is not toally clear, but passing between programs does make sense
- * Perhaps you are using 4096 bit keys and are happy to keep them
- * valid for a week, to avoid the RSA overhead of 15 seconds, I'm not toally
- * sure, perhaps this is a process called from an SSL inetd and this is being
- * passed to the application. */
-/* Lets even add a session from a file */
-/* create a new SSL structure */
-/* At this point we want to be able to 'create' new session if
- * required, so we need a certificate and RSAkey. */
-/* Now since we are a server, it make little sence to load a session against
- * the ssl strucutre since a SSL_accept() will either create a new session or
- * grab an existing one from the cache. */
-/* grab a socket descriptor */
-/* associated it with the ssl strucutre */
-SSL_accept(ssl); /* 'do' SSL using out cert and RSA key */
-/* Lets print out the session details or lets save it to a file,
- * perhaps with a secret key cipher, so that we can pass it to the FBI
- * when they want to decode the session :-). While we have RSA
- * this does not matter much but when I do SSLv3, this will allow a mechanism
- * for the server/client to record the information needed to decode
- * the traffic that went over the wire, even when using Diffie-Hellman */
-Lets 'connect' back to the caller using the same session id.
-/* what the hell, lets accept no more connections using this session */
-/* we could have just as easily used ssl2 since they both are using the
- * same session.
- * You will note that both ssl and ssl2 are still using the session, and
- * the SSL_SESSION structure will be free()ed when both ssl and ssl2
- * finish using the session. Also note that you could continue to initiate
- * connections using this session by doing SSL_get_session(ssl) to get the
- * existing session, but SSL_accept() will not be able to find it to
- * use for incoming connections.
- * Of corse, the session will timeout at the far end and it will no
- * longer be accepted after a while. The time and timeout are ignored except
- * by SSL_accept(). */
-/* Since we have had our server running for 10 weeks, and memory is getting
- * short, perhaps we should clear the session cache to remove those
- * 100000 session entries that have expired. Some may consider this
- * a memory leak :-) */
-/* Ok, after a bit more time we wish to flush all sessions from the cache
- * so that all new connections will be authenticated and incure the
- * public key operation overhead */
-/* As a final note, to copy everything to do with a SSL, use */
-SSL_copy_session_id(SSL *to,SSL *from);
-/* as this also copies the certificate and RSA key so new session can
- * be established using the same details */