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-Date: Mon, 9 Jun 97 08:00:33 +0200
-From: Holger.Reif@PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE (Holger Reif)
-Subject: ms3-ca.doc
-Organization: TU Ilmenau, Fak. IA, FG Telematik
-Content-Length: 14575
-Status: RO
-Loading client certs into MSIE 3.01
-This document conatains all the information necessary to succesfully set up
-some scripts to issue client certs to Microsoft Internet Explorer. It
-includes the required knowledge about the model MSIE uses for client
-certification and includes complete sample scripts ready to play with. The
-scripts were tested against a modified ca program of SSLeay 0.6.6 and should
-work with the regular ca program that comes with version 0.8.0. I haven't
-tested against MSIE 4.0
-You can use the information contained in this document in either way you
-want. However if you feel it saved you a lot of time I ask you to be as fair
-as to mention my name: Holger Reif <>.
-1.) The model used by MSIE
-The Internet Explorer doesn't come with a embedded engine for installing
-client certs like Netscape's Navigator. It rather uses the CryptoAPI (CAPI)
-defined by Microsoft. CAPI comes with WindowsNT 4.0 or is installed together
-with Internet Explorer since 3.01. The advantage of this approach is a higher
-flexibility because the certificates in the (per user) system open
-certificate store may be used by other applications as well. The drawback
-however is that you need to do a bit more work to get a client cert issued.
-CAPI defines functions which will handle basic cryptographic work, eg.
-generating keys, encrypting some data, signing text or building a certificate
-request. The procedure is as follows: A CAPI function generates you a key
-pair and saves it into the certificate store. After that one builds a
-Distinguished Name. Together with that key pair another CAPI function forms a
-PKCS#10 request which you somehow need to submit to a CA. Finally the issued
-cert is given to a yet another CAPI function which saves it into the
-certificate store.
-The certificate store with the user's keys and certs is in the registry. You
-will find it under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/ (I
-leave it to you as a little exercise to figure out what all the entries mean
-;-). Note that the keys are protected only with the user's usual Windows
-login password.
-2.) The practical usage
-Unfortunatly since CAPI is a system API you can't access its functions from
-HTML code directly. For this purpose Microsoft provides a wrapper called
-certenr3.dll. This DLL accesses the CAPI functions and provides an interface
-usable from Visual Basic Script. One needs to install that library on the
-computer which wants to have client cert. The easiest way is to load it as an
-ActiveX control (certenr3.dll is properly authenticode signed by MS ;-). If
-you have ever enrolled e cert request at a CA you will have installed it.
-At time of writing certenr3.dll is contained in
- It comes
-with an README file which explains the available functions. It is labeled
-beta but every CA seems to use it anyway. The license.txt allows you the
-usage for your own purposes (as far as I understood) and a somehow limited
-The two functions of main interest are GenerateKeyPair and AcceptCredentials.
-For complete explanation of all possible parameters see the README file. Here
-are only minimal required parameters and their values.
-GenerateKeyPair(sessionID, FASLE, szName, 0, "ClientAuth", TRUE, FALSE, 1)
-- sessionID is a (locally to that computer) unique string to correlate the
-generated key pair with a cert installed later.
-- szName is the DN of the form "C=DE; S=Thueringen; L=Ilmenau; CN=Holger
-Reif;". Note that S is the
-abreviation for StateOrProvince. The recognized abreviation include CN, O, C,
-OU, G, I, L, S, T. If the abreviation is unknown (eg. for PKCS#9 email addr)
-you need to use the full object identifier. The starting point for searching
-them could be crypto/objects.h since all OIDs know to SSLeay are listed
-- note: the possible ninth parameter which should give a default name to the
-certificate storage location doesn't seem to work. Changes to the constant
-values in the call above doesn't seem to make sense. You can't generate
-PKCS#10 extensions with that function.
-The result of GenerateKeyPair is the base64 encoded PKCS#10 request. However
-it has a little strange format that SSLeay doesn't accept. (BTW I feel the
-decision of rejecting that format as standard conforming.) It looks like
- 1st line with 76 chars
- 2nd line with 76 chars
- ...
- (n-2)th line with 76 chars
- (n-1)th line contains a multiple of 4 chars less then 76 (possible
- (n)th line has zero or 4 chars (then with 1 or 2 equal signs - the
- original text's lenght wasn'T a multiple of 3)
- The line separator has two chars: 0x0d 0x0a
-AcceptCredentials(sessionID, credentials, 0, FALSE)
-- sessionID needs to be the same as while generating the key pair
-- credentials is the base64 encoded PKCS#7 object containing the cert.
-CRL's and CA certs are not required simply just the client cert. (It seems to
-me that both are not even checked somehow.) The only format of the base64
-encoded object I succesfully used was all characters in a very long string
-without line feeds or carriage returns. (Hey, it doesn't matter, only a
-computer reads it!)
-The result should be S_OK. For error handling see the example that comes with
-A note about ASN.1 character encodings. certenr3.dll seems to know only about
-2 of them: UniversalString and PrintableString. First it is definitely wrong
-for an email address which is IA5STRING (checked by ssleay's ca). Second
-unfortunately MSIE (at least until version 3.02) can't handle UniversalString
-correctly - they just blow up you cert store! Therefore ssleay's ca (starting
-from version 0.8.0) tries to convert the encodings automatically to IA5STRING
-or TeletexString. The beef is it will work only for the latin-1 (western)
-charset. Microsoft still has to do abit of homework...
-3.) An example
-At least you need two steps: generating the key & request and then installing
-the certificate. A real world CA would have some more steps involved, eg.
-accepting some license. Note that both scripts shown below are just
-experimental state without any warrenty!
-First how to generate a request. Note that we can't use a static page because
-of the sessionID. I generate it from system time plus pid and hope it is
-unique enough. Your are free to feed it through md5 to get more impressive
-ID's ;-) Then the intended text is read in with sed which inserts the
------BEGIN ms-enroll.cgi-----
-SESSION_ID=`date '+%y%m%d%H%M%S'`$$
-echo Content-type: text/html
-sed s/template_for_sessId/$SESSION_ID/ <<EOF
-<TITLE>Certificate Enrollment Test Page</TITLE>
- classid="clsid:33BEC9E0-F78F-11cf-B782-00C04FD7BF43"
- codebase=certenr3.dll
- id=certHelper
- >
-<H2>enrollment for a personal cert</H2>
-<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR><P>
-<FORM NAME="MSIE_Enrollment" ACTION="ms-gencert.cgi" ENCTYPE=x-www-form-
-encoded METHOD=POST>
- <TR><TD>Country</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="Country" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>State</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="StateOrProvince" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>Location</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="Location" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>Organization</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="Organization"
- <TR><TD>Organizational Unit</TD>
- <TD><INPUT NAME="OrganizationalUnit" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>Name</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="CommonName" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD>eMail Address</TD>
- <TD><INPUT NAME="EmailAddress" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD></TD>
- <TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="submit" VALUE="Beantragen"></TD></TR>
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="SessionId" VALUE="template_for_sessId">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Request" VALUE="">
-<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR><P>
- Dim DN
- Sub Submit_OnClick
- Dim TheForm
- Set TheForm = Document.MSIE_Enrollment
- sessionId = TheForm.SessionId.value
- reqHardware = FALSE
- C = TheForm.Country.value
- SP = TheForm.StateOrProvince.value
- L = TheForm.Location.value
- O = TheForm.Organization.value
- OU = TheForm.OrganizationalUnit.value
- CN = TheForm.CommonName.value
- Email = TheForm.EmailAddress.value
- szPurpose = "ClientAuth"
- doAcceptanceUINow = FALSE
- doOnline = TRUE
- DN = ""
- Call Add_RDN("C", C)
- Call Add_RDN("S", SP)
- Call Add_RDN("L", L)
- Call Add_RDN("O", O)
- Call Add_RDN("OU", OU)
- Call Add_RDN("CN", CN)
- Call Add_RDN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", Email)
- ' rsadsi
- ' pkcs
- ' pkcs9
- ' eMailAddress
- On Error Resume Next
- sz10 = certHelper.GenerateKeyPair(sessionId, _
- FALSE, DN, 0, ClientAuth, FASLE, TRUE, 1)_
- theError = Err.Number
- On Error Goto 0
- if (sz10 = Empty OR theError <> 0) Then
- sz = "The error '" & Hex(theError) & "' occurred." & chr(13) & _
- chr(10) & "Your credentials could not be generated."
- result = MsgBox(sz, 0, "Credentials Enrollment")
- Exit Sub
- else
- TheForm.Request.value = sz10
- TheForm.Submit
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub Add_RDN(sn, value)
- if (value <> "") then
- if (DN <> "") then
- DN = DN & "; "
- end if
- DN = DN & sn & "=" & value
- end if
- End Sub
------END ms-enroll.cgi-----
-Second, how to extract the request and feed the certificate back? We need to
-"normalize" the base64 encoding of the PKCS#10 format which means
-regenerating the lines and wrapping with BEGIN and END line. This is done by
-gawk. The request is taken by ca the normal way. Then the cert needs to be
-packed into a PKCS#7 structure (note: the use of a CRL is necessary for
-crl2pkcs7 as of version 0.6.6. Starting with 0.8.0 it it might probably be
-ommited). Finally we need to format the PKCS#7 object and generate the HTML
-text. I use two templates to have a clearer script.
-1st note: postit2 is slightly modified from a program I found at ncsa's ftp
-site. Grab it from You
-need utils.c from there too.
-2nd note: I'm note quite sure wether the gawk script really handles all
-possible inputs for the request right! Today I don't use this construction
-anymore myself.
-3d note: the cert must be of version 3! This could be done with the nsComment
-line in ssleay.cnf...
-------BEGIN ms-gencert.cgi-----
-FILE="/tmp/"`date '+%y%m%d%H%M%S'-`$$
-rm -f "$FILE".*
-HOME=`pwd`; export HOME # as ssleay.cnf insists on having such an env var
-cd /usr/local/ssl #where demoCA (as named in ssleay.conf) is located
-postit2 -s " " -i 0x0d > "$FILE".inp # process the FORM vars
-SESSION_ID=`gawk '$1 == "SessionId" { print $2; exit }' "$FILE".inp`
-gawk \
- 'BEGIN { \
- OFS = ""; \
- print "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; \
- req_seen=0 \
- } \
- $1 == "Request" { \
- req_seen=1; \
- if (length($2) == 72) print($2); \
- lastline=$2; \
- next; \
- } \
- { \
- if (req_seen == 1) { \
- if (length($1) >= 72) print($1); \
- else if (length(lastline) < 72) { \
- req_seen=0; \
- print (lastline,$1); \
- } \
- lastline=$1; \
- } \
- } \
- END { \
- print "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; \
- }' > "$FILE".pem < "$FILE".inp
-ssleay ca -batch -in "$FILE".pem -key passwd -out "$FILE".out
-ssleay crl2pkcs7 -certfile "$FILE".out -out "$FILE".pkcs7 -in demoCA/crl.pem
-sed s/template_for_sessId/$SESSION_ID/ <ms-enroll2a.html >"$FILE".cert
-/usr/local/bin/gawk \
- 'BEGIN { \
- OFS = ""; \
- dq = sprintf("%c",34); \
- } \
- $0 ~ "PKCS7" { next; } \
- { \
- print dq$0dq" & _"; \
- }' <"$FILE".pkcs7 >> "$FILE".cert
-cat ms-enroll2b.html >>"$FILE".cert
-echo Content-type: text/html
-echo Content-length: `wc -c "$FILE".cert`
-cat "$FILE".cert
-rm -f "$FILE".*
------END ms-gencert.cgi-----
-----BEGIN ms-enroll2a.html----
-<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Certificate Acceptance Test Page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
- classid="clsid:33BEC9E0-F78F-11cf-B782-00C04FD7BF43"
- codebase=certenr3.dll
- id=certHelper
- >
-<H2>Your personal certificate</H2>
-<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR><P>
-Press the button!
-<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Nimm mich!" NAME="InstallCert">
-<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR>
- Sub InstallCert_OnClick
- sessionId = "template_for_sessId"
-credentials = "" & _
-----END ms-enroll2a.html----
-----BEGIN ms-enroll2b.html----
- On Error Resume Next
- result = certHelper.AcceptCredentials(sessionId, credentials, 0,
- if (IsEmpty(result)) Then
- sz = "The error '" & Err.Number & "' occurred." & chr(13) &
-chr(10) & "This Digital ID could not be registered."
- msgOut = MsgBox(sz, 0, "Credentials Registration Error")
- navigate "error.html"
- else
- sz = "Digital ID successfully registered."
- msgOut = MsgBox(sz, 0, "Credentials Registration")
- navigate "success.html"
- end if
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
-----END ms-enroll2b.html----
-4.) What do do with the cert?
-The cert is visible (without restarting MSIE) under the following menu:
-View->Options->Security->Personal certs. You can examine it's contents at
-least partially.
-To use it for client authentication you need to use SSL3.0 (fortunately
-SSLeay supports it with 0.8.0). Furthermore MSIE is told to only supports a
-kind of automatic selection of certs (I personally wasn't able to test it
-myself). But there is a requirement that the issuer of the server cert and
-the issuer of the client cert needs to be the same (according to a developer
-from MS). Which means: you need may more then one cert to talk to all
-I'm sure we will get a bit more experience after ApacheSSL is available for
-SSLeay 0.8.8.
-I hope you enjoyed reading and that in future questions on this topic will
-rarely appear on ;-)
-Ilmenau, 9th of June 1997
-Holger Reif <>
-read you later - Holger Reif
----------------------------------------- Signaturprojekt Deutsche Einheit
-TU Ilmenau - Informatik - Telematik (Verdamp lang her)
-Holger.Reif@PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE Alt wie ein Baum werden, um ueber
-http://Remus.PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE/Reif/ alle 7 Bruecken gehen zu koennen