path: root/doc/man1/
diff options
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1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61cf3cb9ef
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+=begin comment
+{- join("\n", @autowarntext) -}
+=end comment
+=head1 NAME
+openssl-pkeyutl - public key algorithm utility
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<openssl> B<pkeyutl>
+[B<-in> I<file>]
+[B<-digest> I<algorithm>]
+[B<-out> I<file>]
+[B<-sigfile> I<file>]
+[B<-inkey> I<file>]
+[B<-keyform> B<DER>|B<PEM>|B<ENGINE>]
+[B<-passin> I<arg>]
+[B<-peerkey> I<file>]
+[B<-peerform> B<DER>|B<PEM>|B<ENGINE>]
+[B<-kdf> I<algorithm>]
+[B<-kdflen> I<length>]
+[B<-pkeyopt> I<opt>:I<value>]
+[B<-pkeyopt_passin> I<opt>[:I<passarg>]]
+[B<-engine> I<id>]
+{- $OpenSSL::safe::opt_r_synopsis -}
+=for openssl ifdef engine engine_impl
+This command can be used to perform low level public key
+operations using any supported algorithm.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-help>
+Print out a usage message.
+=item B<-in> I<filename>
+This specifies the input filename to read data from or standard input
+if this option is not specified.
+=item B<-rawin>
+This indicates that the input data is raw data, which is not hashed by any
+message digest algorithm. The user can specify a digest algorithm by using
+the B<-digest> option. This option can only be used with B<-sign> and
+B<-verify> and must be used with the Ed25519 and Ed448 algorithms.
+=item B<-digest> I<algorithm>
+This specifies the digest algorithm which is used to hash the input data before
+signing or verifying it with the input key. This option could be omitted if the
+signature algorithm does not require one (for instance, EdDSA). If this option
+is omitted but the signature algorithm requires one, a default value will be
+used. For signature algorithms like RSA, DSA and ECDSA, SHA-256 will be the
+default digest algorithm. For SM2, it will be SM3. If this option is present,
+then the B<-rawin> option must be also specified.
+=item B<-out> I<filename>
+Specifies the output filename to write to or standard output by
+=item B<-sigfile> I<file>
+Signature file, required for B<-verify> operations only
+=item B<-inkey> I<file>
+The input key file, by default it should be a private key.
+=item B<-keyform> B<DER>|B<PEM>|B<ENGINE>
+The key format; the default is B<PEM>.
+See L<openssl(1)/Format Options> for details.
+=item B<-passin> I<arg>
+The input key password source. For more information about the format of I<arg>
+see L<openssl(1)/Pass Phrase Options>.
+=item B<-peerkey> I<file>
+The peer key file, used by key derivation (agreement) operations.
+=item B<-peerform> B<DER>|B<PEM>|B<ENGINE>
+The peer key format; the default is B<PEM>.
+See L<openssl(1)/Format Options> for details.
+=item B<-pubin>
+The input file is a public key.
+=item B<-certin>
+The input is a certificate containing a public key.
+=item B<-rev>
+Reverse the order of the input buffer. This is useful for some libraries
+(such as CryptoAPI) which represent the buffer in little endian format.
+=item B<-sign>
+Sign the input data (which must be a hash) and output the signed result. This
+requires a private key.
+=item B<-verify>
+Verify the input data (which must be a hash) against the signature file and
+indicate if the verification succeeded or failed.
+=item B<-verifyrecover>
+Verify the input data (which must be a hash) and output the recovered data.
+=item B<-encrypt>
+Encrypt the input data using a public key.
+=item B<-decrypt>
+Decrypt the input data using a private key.
+=item B<-derive>
+Derive a shared secret using the peer key.
+=item B<-kdf> I<algorithm>
+Use key derivation function I<algorithm>. The supported algorithms are
+at present B<TLS1-PRF> and B<HKDF>.
+Note: additional parameters and the KDF output length will normally have to be
+set for this to work.
+See L<EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md(3)> and L<EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_tls1_prf_md(3)>
+for the supported string parameters of each algorithm.
+=item B<-kdflen> I<length>
+Set the output length for KDF.
+=item B<-pkeyopt> I<opt>:I<value>
+Public key options specified as opt:value. See NOTES below for more details.
+=item B<-pkeyopt_passin> I<opt>[:I<passarg>]
+Allows reading a public key option I<opt> from stdin or a password source.
+If only I<opt> is specified, the user will be prompted to enter a password on
+stdin. Alternatively, I<passarg> can be specified which can be any value
+supported by L<openssl(1)/Pass phrase options>.
+=item B<-hexdump>
+hex dump the output data.
+=item B<-asn1parse>
+Parse the ASN.1 output data, this is useful when combined with the
+B<-verifyrecover> option when an ASN1 structure is signed.
+=item B<-engine> I<id>
+Specifying an engine (by its unique I<id> string) will cause this command
+to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
+thus initialising it if needed. The engine will then be set as the default
+for all available algorithms.
+=item B<-engine_impl>
+When used with the B<-engine> option, it specifies to also use
+engine I<id> for crypto operations.
+{- $OpenSSL::safe::opt_r_item -}
+=head1 NOTES
+The operations and options supported vary according to the key algorithm
+and its implementation. The OpenSSL operations and options are indicated below.
+Unless otherwise mentioned all algorithms support the B<digest:>I<alg> option
+which specifies the digest in use for sign, verify and verifyrecover operations.
+The value I<alg> should represent a digest name as used in the
+EVP_get_digestbyname() function for example B<sha1>. This value is not used to
+hash the input data. It is used (by some algorithms) for sanity-checking the
+lengths of data passed in and for creating the structures that make up the
+signature (e.g. B<DigestInfo> in RSASSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+This command does not hash the input data (except where -rawin is used) but
+rather it will use the data directly as input to the signature algorithm.
+Depending on the key type, signature type, and mode of padding, the maximum
+acceptable lengths of input data differ. The signed data can't be longer than
+the key modulus with RSA. In case of ECDSA and DSA the data shouldn't be longer
+than the field size, otherwise it will be silently truncated to the field size.
+In any event the input size must not be larger than the largest supported digest
+In other words, if the value of digest is B<sha1> the input should be the 20
+bytes long binary encoding of the SHA-1 hash function output.
+The RSA algorithm generally supports the encrypt, decrypt, sign,
+verify and verifyrecover operations. However, some padding modes
+support only a subset of these operations. The following additional
+B<pkeyopt> values are supported:
+=over 4
+=item B<rsa_padding_mode:>I<mode>
+This sets the RSA padding mode. Acceptable values for I<mode> are B<pkcs1> for
+PKCS#1 padding, B<sslv23> for SSLv23 padding, B<none> for no padding, B<oaep>
+for B<OAEP> mode, B<x931> for X9.31 mode and B<pss> for PSS.
+In PKCS#1 padding if the message digest is not set then the supplied data is
+signed or verified directly instead of using a B<DigestInfo> structure. If a
+digest is set then the a B<DigestInfo> structure is used and its the length
+must correspond to the digest type.
+For B<oaep> mode only encryption and decryption is supported.
+For B<x931> if the digest type is set it is used to format the block data
+otherwise the first byte is used to specify the X9.31 digest ID. Sign,
+verify and verifyrecover are can be performed in this mode.
+For B<pss> mode only sign and verify are supported and the digest type must be
+=item B<rsa_pss_saltlen:>I<len>
+For B<pss> mode only this option specifies the salt length. Three special
+values are supported: B<digest> sets the salt length to the digest length,
+B<max> sets the salt length to the maximum permissible value. When verifying
+B<auto> causes the salt length to be automatically determined based on the
+B<PSS> block structure.
+=item B<rsa_mgf1_md:>I<digest>
+For PSS and OAEP padding sets the MGF1 digest. If the MGF1 digest is not
+explicitly set in PSS mode then the signing digest is used.
+The RSA-PSS algorithm is a restricted version of the RSA algorithm which only
+supports the sign and verify operations with PSS padding. The following
+additional B<-pkeyopt> values are supported:
+=over 4
+=item B<rsa_padding_mode:>I<mode>, B<rsa_pss_saltlen:>I<len>,
+These have the same meaning as the B<RSA> algorithm with some additional
+restrictions. The padding mode can only be set to B<pss> which is the
+default value.
+If the key has parameter restrictions than the digest, MGF1
+digest and salt length are set to the values specified in the parameters.
+The digest and MG cannot be changed and the salt length cannot be set to a
+value less than the minimum restriction.
+The DSA algorithm supports signing and verification operations only. Currently
+there are no additional B<-pkeyopt> options other than B<digest>. The SHA1
+digest is assumed by default.
+The DH algorithm only supports the derivation operation and no additional
+B<-pkeyopt> options.
+The EC algorithm supports sign, verify and derive operations. The sign and
+verify operations use ECDSA and derive uses ECDH. SHA1 is assumed by default for
+the B<-pkeyopt> B<digest> option.
+=head1 X25519 AND X448 ALGORITHMS
+The X25519 and X448 algorithms support key derivation only. Currently there are
+no additional options.
+=head1 ED25519 AND ED448 ALGORITHMS
+These algorithms only support signing and verifying. OpenSSL only implements the
+"pure" variants of these algorithms so raw data can be passed directly to them
+without hashing them first. The option B<-rawin> must be used with these
+algorithms with no B<-digest> specified. Additionally OpenSSL only supports
+"oneshot" operation with these algorithms. This means that the entire file to
+be signed/verified must be read into memory before processing it. Signing or
+Verifying very large files should be avoided. Additionally the size of the file
+must be known for this to work. If the size of the file cannot be determined
+(for example if the input is stdin) then the sign or verify operation will fail.
+=head1 SM2
+The SM2 algorithm supports sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt operations. For
+the sign and verify operations, SM2 requires an ID string to be passed in. The
+following B<-pkeyopt> value is supported:
+=over 4
+=item B<sm2_id:>I<string>
+This sets the ID string used in SM2 sign or verify operations. While verifying
+an SM2 signature, the ID string must be the same one used when signing the data.
+Otherwise the verification will fail.
+=item B<sm2_hex_id:>I<hex_string>
+This sets the ID string used in SM2 sign or verify operations. While verifying
+an SM2 signature, the ID string must be the same one used when signing the data.
+Otherwise the verification will fail. The ID string provided with this option
+should be a valid hexadecimal value.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Sign some data using a private key:
+ openssl pkeyutl -sign -in file -inkey key.pem -out sig
+Recover the signed data (e.g. if an RSA key is used):
+ openssl pkeyutl -verifyrecover -in sig -inkey key.pem
+Verify the signature (e.g. a DSA key):
+ openssl pkeyutl -verify -in file -sigfile sig -inkey key.pem
+Sign data using a message digest value (this is currently only valid for RSA):
+ openssl pkeyutl -sign -in file -inkey key.pem -out sig -pkeyopt digest:sha256
+Derive a shared secret value:
+ openssl pkeyutl -derive -inkey key.pem -peerkey pubkey.pem -out secret
+Hexdump 48 bytes of TLS1 PRF using digest B<SHA256> and shared secret and
+seed consisting of the single byte 0xFF:
+ openssl pkeyutl -kdf TLS1-PRF -kdflen 48 -pkeyopt md:SHA256 \
+ -pkeyopt hexsecret:ff -pkeyopt hexseed:ff -hexdump
+Derive a key using B<scrypt> where the password is read from command line:
+ openssl pkeyutl -kdf scrypt -kdflen 16 -pkeyopt_passin pass \
+ -pkeyopt hexsalt:aabbcc -pkeyopt N:16384 -pkeyopt r:8 -pkeyopt p:1
+Derive using the same algorithm, but read key from environment variable MYPASS:
+ openssl pkeyutl -kdf scrypt -kdflen 16 -pkeyopt_passin pass:env:MYPASS \
+ -pkeyopt hexsalt:aabbcc -pkeyopt N:16384 -pkeyopt r:8 -pkeyopt p:1
+Sign some data using an L<SM2(7)> private key and a specific ID:
+ openssl pkeyutl -sign -in file -inkey sm2.key -out sig -rawin -digest sm3 \
+ -pkeyopt sm2_id:someid
+Verify some data using an L<SM2(7)> certificate and a specific ID:
+ openssl pkeyutl -verify -certin -in file -inkey sm2.cert -sigfile sig \
+ -rawin -digest sm3 -pkeyopt sm2_id:someid
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Copyright 2006-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
+this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at