path: root/demos
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Diffstat (limited to 'demos')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 2818 deletions
diff --git a/demos/tunala/.cvsignore b/demos/tunala/.cvsignore
deleted file mode 100644
index f9eca981d2..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/.cvsignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/demos/tunala/A-client.pem b/demos/tunala/A-client.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index a4caf6ef8a..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/A-client.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- Data:
- Version: 3 (0x2)
- Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
- Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
- Issuer: C=NZ, L=Wellington, O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA), OU=Cert-stamping, CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain
- Validity
- Not Before: Jan 16 05:19:30 2002 GMT
- Not After : Jan 14 05:19:30 2012 GMT
- Subject: C=NZ, L=Auckland, O=Mordor, OU=SSL grunt things, CN=tunala-client/Email=client@fake.domain
- Subject Public Key Info:
- Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
- RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
- Modulus (1024 bit):
- 00:b0:d3:56:5c:c8:7f:fb:f4:95:9d:04:84:4f:82:
- b7:a2:75:5c:81:48:8c:56:5d:52:ee:38:e1:5c:c8:
- 9a:70:8e:72:f2:00:1c:17:ef:df:b7:06:59:82:04:
- f1:f6:49:11:12:a6:4d:cb:1e:ed:ac:59:1c:4a:d0:
- 3d:de:e6:f2:8d:cd:39:c2:0f:e0:46:2f:db:cb:9f:
- 47:f7:56:e7:f8:16:5f:68:71:fb:3a:e3:ab:d2:e5:
- 05:b7:da:65:61:fe:6d:30:e4:12:a8:b5:c1:71:24:
- 6b:aa:80:05:41:17:a0:8b:6e:8b:e6:04:cf:85:7b:
- 2a:ac:a1:79:7d:f4:96:6e:77
- Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
- X509v3 extensions:
- X509v3 Basic Constraints:
- Netscape Comment:
- OpenSSL Generated Certificate
- X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
- F8:43:CB:4F:4D:4F:BC:6E:52:1A:FD:F9:7B:E1:12:3F:A7:A3:BA:93
- X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
- keyid:49:FB:45:72:12:C4:CC:E1:45:A1:D3:08:9E:95:C4:2C:6D:55:3F:17
- DirName:/C=NZ/L=Wellington/O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA)/OU=Cert-stamping/CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain
- serial:00
- Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
- 8f:5f:0e:43:da:9d:61:43:7e:03:38:9a:e6:50:9d:42:e8:95:
- 34:49:75:ec:04:8d:5c:85:99:94:70:a0:e7:1f:1e:a0:8b:0f:
- d6:e2:cb:f7:35:d9:96:72:bd:a6:e9:8d:4e:b1:e2:ac:97:7f:
- 2f:70:01:9d:aa:04:bc:d4:01:2b:63:77:a5:de:63:3c:a8:f5:
- f2:72:af:ec:11:12:c0:d4:70:cf:71:a6:fb:e9:1d:b3:27:07:
- aa:f2:b1:f3:87:d6:ab:8b:ce:c2:08:1b:3c:f9:ba:ff:77:71:
- 86:09:ef:9e:4e:04:06:63:44:e9:93:20:90:c7:2d:50:c6:50:
- f8:66
diff --git a/demos/tunala/A-server.pem b/demos/tunala/A-server.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index e9f37b1895..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/A-server.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- Data:
- Version: 3 (0x2)
- Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
- Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
- Issuer: C=NZ, L=Wellington, O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA), OU=Cert-stamping, CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain
- Validity
- Not Before: Jan 16 05:14:06 2002 GMT
- Not After : Jan 14 05:14:06 2012 GMT
- Subject: C=NZ, L=Wellington, O=Middle Earth, OU=SSL dev things, CN=tunala-server/Email=server@fake.domain
- Subject Public Key Info:
- Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
- RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
- Modulus (1024 bit):
- 00:a9:3e:62:87:97:13:6b:de:8f:bc:1d:0a:3f:65:
- 0c:f9:76:a3:53:ce:97:30:27:0d:c6:df:72:1f:8d:
- 5a:ce:58:23:6a:65:e5:e3:72:1a:8d:7f:fe:90:01:
- ea:42:f1:9f:6e:7b:0a:bd:eb:52:15:7b:f4:3d:9c:
- 4e:db:74:29:2b:d1:81:9d:b9:9e:18:2b:87:e1:da:
- 50:20:3c:59:6c:c9:83:3e:2c:11:0b:78:1e:03:f4:
- 56:3a:db:95:6a:75:33:85:a9:7b:cc:3c:4a:67:96:
- f2:24:b2:a0:cb:2e:cc:52:18:16:6f:44:d9:29:64:
- 07:2e:fb:56:cc:7c:dc:a2:d7
- Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
- X509v3 extensions:
- X509v3 Basic Constraints:
- Netscape Comment:
- OpenSSL Generated Certificate
- X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
- 70:AC:7A:B5:6E:97:C2:82:AF:11:9E:32:CB:8D:48:49:93:B7:DC:22
- X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
- keyid:49:FB:45:72:12:C4:CC:E1:45:A1:D3:08:9E:95:C4:2C:6D:55:3F:17
- DirName:/C=NZ/L=Wellington/O=Really Irresponsible Authorisation Authority (RIAA)/OU=Cert-stamping/CN=Jackov al-Trades/Email=none@fake.domain
- serial:00
- Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
- 2e:cb:a3:cd:6d:a8:9d:d1:dc:e5:f0:e0:27:7e:4b:5a:90:a8:
- 85:43:f0:05:f7:04:43:d7:5f:d1:a5:8f:5c:58:eb:fc:da:c6:
- 7c:e0:0b:2b:98:72:95:f6:79:48:96:7a:fa:0c:6b:09:ec:c6:
- 8c:91:74:45:9f:8f:0f:16:78:e3:66:14:fa:1e:f4:f0:23:ec:
- cd:a9:52:77:20:4d:c5:05:2c:52:b6:7b:f3:42:33:fd:90:1f:
- 3e:88:6f:9b:23:61:c8:80:3b:e6:57:84:2e:f7:26:c7:35:ed:
- 00:8b:08:30:9b:aa:21:83:b6:6d:b8:7c:8a:9b:2a:ef:79:3d:
- 96:31
diff --git a/demos/tunala/CA.pem b/demos/tunala/CA.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a55b5463e..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/CA.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/demos/tunala/INSTALL b/demos/tunala/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index a65bbeb8d1..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-There are two ways to build this code;
-(1) Manually
-(2) Using all-singing all-dancing (all-confusing) autotools, ie. autoconf,
-automake, and their little friends (autoheader, etc).
-Building Manually
-There is a basic "Makefile" in this directory that gets moved out of the way and
-ignored when building with autoconf et al. This Makefile is suitable for
-building tunala on Linux using gcc. Any other platform probably requires some
-tweaking. Here are the various bits you might need to do if you want to build
-this way and the default Makefile isn't sufficient;
-* Compiler: Edit the "CC" definition in Makefile
-* Headers, features: tunala.h controls what happens in the non-autoconf world.
- It, by default, assumes the system has *everything* (except autoconf's
- "config.h") so if a target system is missing something it must define the
- appropriate "NO_***" symbols in CFLAGS. These include;
- Indicates the compiling system doesn't have (or need) these header files.
- Indicates the compiling system doesn't have these functions. Replacements
- are compiled and used in breakage.c
- Pointless symbols - these indicate select() and/or socket() are missing in
- which case the program won't compile anyway.
- If you want to specify any of these, add them with "-D" prefixed to each in
- the CFLAGS definition in Makefile.
-* Compilation flags: edit DEBUG_FLAGS and/or CFLAGS directly to control the
- flags passed to the compiler. This can also be used to change the degree of
- optimisation.
-* Linker flags: some systems (eg. Solaris) require extra linker flags such as;
- -ldl, -lsocket, -lnsl, etc. If unsure, bring up the man page for whichever
- function is "undefined" when the linker fails - that usually indicates what
- you need to add. Make changes to the LINK_FLAGS symbol.
-* Linker command: if a different linker syntax or even a different program is
- required to link, edit the linker line directly in the "tunala:" target
- definition - it currently assumes the "CC" (compiler) program is used to link.
-Building Automagically
-Automagic building is handled courtesy of autoconf, automake, etc. There are in
-fact two steps required to build, and only the first has to be done on a system
-with these tools installed (and if I was prepared to bloat out the CVS
-repository, I could store these extra files, but I'm not).
-First step: ""
-The "./" script will call all the necessary autotool commands to
-create missing files and run automake and autoconf. The result is that a
-"./configure" script should be generated and a "" generated from the
-supplied "". NB: This script also moves the "manual" Makefile (see
-above) out of the way and calls it "Makefile.plain" - the "ungunk" script
-reverses this to leave the directory it was previously.
-Once "ungunk" has been run, the resulting directory should be able to build on
-other systems without autoconf, automake, or libtool. Which is what the second
-step describes;
-Second step: "./configure"
-The second step is to run the generated "./configure" script to create a
-config.h header for your system and to generate a "Makefile" (generated from
-"") tweaked to compile on your system. This is the standard sort of
-thing you see in GNU packages, for example, and the standard tricks also work.
-Eg. to override "configure"'s choice of compiler, set the CC environment
-variable prior to running configure, eg.
- CC=gcc ./configure
-would cause "gcc" to be used even if there is an otherwise preferable (to
-autoconf) native compiler on your system.
-After this run "make" and it should build the "tunala" executable.
-- Some versions of autoconf (or automake?) generate a Makefile syntax that gives
- trouble to some "make" programs on some systems (eg. OpenBSD). If this
- happens, either build 'Manually' (see above) or use "gmake" instead of "make".
- I don't like this either but like even less the idea of sifting into all the
- script magic crud that's involved.
-- On a solaris system I tried, the "configure" script specified some broken
- compiler flags in the resulting Makefile that don't even get echoed to
- stdout/err when the error happens (evil!). If this happens, go into the
- generated Makefile, find the two affected targets ("%.o:" and "%.lo"), and
- remove the offending hidden option in the $(COMPILE) line all the sludge after
- the two first lines of script (ie. after the "echo" and the "COMPILE" lines).
- NB: This will probably only function if "--disable-shared" was used, otherwise
- who knows what would result ...
diff --git a/demos/tunala/Makefile b/demos/tunala/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index bef1704a3c..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Edit these to suit
-# Oh yeah, and please read the README too.
-RM=rm -f
-DEBUG_FLAGS=-g -ggdb3 -Wall -Wshadow
-# Edit, particularly the "-ldl" if not building with "dlfcn" support
-LINK_FLAGS=-L$(SSL_LIBDIR) -lssl -lcrypto -ldl
-SRCS=buffer.c cb.c ip.c sm.c tunala.c breakage.c
-OBJS=buffer.o cb.o ip.o sm.o tunala.o breakage.o
-default: $(TARGETS)
- $(RM) $(OBJS) $(TARGETS) *.bak core
- $(COMPILE) $<
-tunala: $(OBJS)
- $(CC) -o tunala $(OBJS) $(LINK_FLAGS)
-# Extra dependencies, should really use makedepend
-buffer.o: buffer.c tunala.h
-cb.o: cb.c tunala.h
-ip.o: ip.c tunala.h
-sm.o: sm.c tunala.h
-tunala.o: tunala.c tunala.h
diff --git a/demos/tunala/ b/demos/tunala/
deleted file mode 100644
index 706c7806c9..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Our includes come from the OpenSSL build-tree we're in
-INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/../../include
-bin_PROGRAMS = tunala
-tunala_SOURCES = tunala.c buffer.c cb.c ip.c sm.c breakage.c
-tunala_LDADD = -L$(top_builddir)/../.. -lssl -lcrypto
diff --git a/demos/tunala/README b/demos/tunala/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 15690088f3..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-This is intended to be an example of a state-machine driven SSL application. It
-acts as an SSL tunneler (functioning as either the server or client half,
-depending on command-line arguments). *PLEASE* read the comments in tunala.h
-before you treat this stuff as anything more than a curiosity - YOU HAVE BEEN
-WARNED!! There, that's the draconian bit out of the way ...
-Why "tunala"??
-I thought I asked you to read tunala.h?? :-)
-Show me
-If you want to simply see it running, skip to the end and see some example
-command-line arguments to demonstrate with.
-Where to look and what to do?
-The code is split up roughly coinciding with the detaching of an "abstract" SSL
-state machine (which is the purpose of all this) and its surrounding application
-specifics. This is primarily to make it possible for me to know when I could cut
-corners and when I needed to be rigorous (or at least maintain the pretense as
-such :-).
-Network stuff:
-Basically, the network part of all this is what is supposed to be abstracted out
-of the way. The intention is to illustrate one way to stick OpenSSL's mechanisms
-inside a little memory-driven sandbox and operate it like a pure state-machine.
-So, the network code is inside both ip.c (general utility functions and gory
-IPv4 details) and tunala.c itself, which takes care of application specifics
-like the main select() loop. The connectivity between the specifics of this
-application (TCP/IP tunneling and the associated network code) and the
-underlying abstract SSL state machine stuff is through the use of the "buffer_t"
-type, declared in tunala.h and implemented in buffer.c.
-State machine:
-Which leaves us, generally speaking, with the abstract "state machine" code left
-over and this is sitting inside sm.c, with declarations inside tunala.h. As can
-be seen by the definition of the state_machine_t structure and the associated
-functions to manipulate it, there are the 3 OpenSSL "handles" plus 4 buffer_t
-structures dealing with IO on both the encrypted and unencrypted sides ("dirty"
-and "clean" respectively). The "SSL" handle is what facilitates the reading and
-writing of the unencrypted (tunneled) data. The two "BIO" handles act as the
-read and write channels for encrypted tunnel traffic - in other applications
-these are often socket BIOs so that the OpenSSL framework operates with the
-network layer directly. In this example, those two BIOs are memory BIOs
-(BIO_s_mem()) so that the sending and receiving of the tunnel traffic stays
-within the state-machine, and we can handle where this gets send to (or read
-from) ourselves.
-If you take a look at the "state_machine_t" section of tunala.h and the code in
-sm.c, you will notice that nothing related to the concept of 'transport' is
-involved. The binding to TCP/IP networking occurs in tunala.c, specifically
-within the "tunala_item_t" structure that associates a state_machine_t object
-with 4 file-descriptors. The way to best see where the bridge between the
-outside world (TCP/IP reads, writes, select()s, file-descriptors, etc) and the
-state machine is, is to examine the "tunala_item_io()" function in tunala.c.
-This is currently around lines 641-732 but of course could be subject to change.
-Well, although that function is around 90 lines of code, it could easily have
-been a lot less only I was trying to address an easily missed "gotcha" (item (2)
-below). The main() code that drives the select/accept/IO loop initialises new
-tunala_item_t structures when connections arrive, and works out which
-file-descriptors go where depending on whether we're an SSL client or server
-(client --> accepted connection is clean and proxied is dirty, server -->
-accepted connection is dirty and proxied is clean). What that tunala_item_io()
-function is attempting to do is 2 things;
- (1) Perform all reads and writes on the network directly into the
- state_machine_t's buffers (based on a previous select() result), and only
- then allow the abstact state_machine_t to "churn()" using those buffers.
- This will cause the SSL machine to consume as much input data from the two
- "IN" buffers as possible, and generate as much output data into the two
- "OUT" buffers as possible. Back up in the main() function, the next main
- loop loop will examine these output buffers and select() for writability
- on the corresponding sockets if the buffers are non-empty.
- (2) Handle the complicated tunneling-specific issue of cascading "close"s.
- This is the reason for most of the complexity in the logic - if one side
- of the tunnel is closed, you can't simply close the other side and throw
- away the whole thing - (a) there may still be outgoing data on the other
- side of the tunnel that hasn't been sent yet, (b) the close (or things
- happening during the close) may cause more data to be generated that needs
- sending on the other side. Of course, this logic is complicated yet futher
- by the fact that it's different depending on which side closes first :-)
- state_machine_close_clean() will indicate to the state machine that the
- unencrypted side of the tunnel has closed, so any existing outgoing data
- needs to be flushed, and the SSL stream needs to be closed down using the
- appropriate shutdown sequence. state_machine_close_dirty() is simpler
- because it indicates that the SSL stream has been disconnected, so all
- that remains before closing the other side is to flush out anything that
- remains and wait for it to all be sent.
-Anyway, with those things in mind, the code should be a little easier to follow
-in terms of "what is *this* bit supposed to achieve??!!".
-How might this help?
-Well, the reason I wrote this is that there seemed to be rather a flood of
-questions of late on the openssl-dev and openssl-users lists about getting this
-whole IO logic thing sorted out, particularly by those who were trying to either
-use non-blocking IO, or wanted SSL in an environment where "something else" was
-handling the network already and they needed to operate in memory only. This
-code is loosely based on some other stuff I've been working on, although that
-stuff is far more complete, far more dependant on a whole slew of other
-network/framework code I don't want to incorporate here, and far harder to look
-at for 5 minutes and follow where everything is going. I will be trying over
-time to suck in a few things from that into this demo in the hopes it might be
-more useful, and maybe to even make this demo usable as a utility of its own.
-Possible things include:
- * controlling multiple processes/threads - this can be used to combat
- latencies and get passed file-descriptor limits on some systems, and it uses
- a "controller" process/thread that maintains IPC links with the
- processes/threads doing the real work.
- * cert verification rules - having some say over which certs get in or out :-)
- * control over SSL protocols and cipher suites
- * A few other things you can already do in s_client and s_server :-)
- * Support (and control over) session resuming, particularly when functioning
- as an SSL client.
-If you have a particular environment where this model might work to let you "do
-SSL" without having OpenSSL be aware of the transport, then you should find you
-could use the state_machine_t structure (or your own variant thereof) and hook
-it up to your transport stuff in much the way tunala.c matches it up with those
-4 file-descriptors. The state_machine_churn(), state_machine_close_clean(), and
-state_machine_close_dirty() functions are the main things to understand - after
-that's done, you just have to ensure you're feeding and bleeding the 4
-state_machine buffers in a logical fashion. This state_machine loop handles not
-only handshakes and normal streaming, but also renegotiates - there's no special
-handling required beyond keeping an eye on those 4 buffers and keeping them in
-sync with your outer "loop" logic. Ie. if one of the OUT buffers is not empty,
-you need to find an opportunity to try and forward its data on. If one of the IN
-buffers is not full, you should keep an eye out for data arriving that should be
-placed there.
-This approach could hopefully also allow you to run the SSL protocol in very
-different environments. As an example, you could support encrypted event-driven
-IPC where threads/processes pass messages to each other inside an SSL layer;
-each IPC-message's payload would be in fact the "dirty" content, and the "clean"
-payload coming out of the tunnel at each end would be the real intended message.
-Likewise, this could *easily* be made to work across unix domain sockets, or
-even entirely different network/comms protocols.
-This is also a quick and easy way to do VPN if you (and the remote network's
-gateway) support virtual network devices that are encapsulted in a single
-network connection, perhaps PPP going through an SSL tunnel?
-Please let me know if you find this useful, or if there's anything wrong or
-simply too confusing about it. Patches are also welcome, but please attach a
-description of what it changes and why, and "diff -urN" format is preferred.
-Mail to should do the trick.
-Here is an example of how to use "tunala" ...
-First, it's assumed that OpenSSL has already built, and that you are building
-inside the ./demos/tunala/ directory. If not - please correct the paths and
-flags inside the Makefile. Likewise, if you want to tweak the building, it's
-best to try and do so in the makefile (eg. removing the debug flags and adding
-optimisation flags).
-Secondly, this code has mostly only been tested on Linux. However, some
-autoconf/etc support has been added and the code has been compiled on openbsd
-and solaris using that.
-Thirdly, if you are Win32, you probably need to do some *major* rewriting of
-ip.c to stand a hope in hell. Good luck, and please mail me the diff if you do
-this, otherwise I will take a look at another time. It can certainly be done,
-but it's very non-POSIXy.
-See the INSTALL document for details on building.
-Now, if you don't have an executable "tunala" compiled, go back to "First,...".
-Rinse and repeat.
-Inside one console, try typing;
-(i) ./tunala -listen localhost:8080 -proxy localhost:8081 -cacert CA.pem \
- -cert A-client.pem -out_totals -v_peer -v_strict
-In another console, type;
-(ii) ./tunala -listen localhost:8081 -proxy localhost:23 -cacert CA.pem \
- -cert A-server.pem -server 1 -out_totals -v_peer -v_strict
-Now if you open another console and "telnet localhost 8080", you should be
-tunneled through to the telnet service on your local machine (if it's running -
-you could change it to port "22" and tunnel ssh instead if you so desired). When
-you logout of the telnet session, the tunnel should cleanly shutdown and show
-you some traffic stats in both consoles. Feel free to experiment. :-)
- - the format for the "-listen" argument can skip the host part (eg. "-listen
- 8080" is fine). If you do, the listening socket will listen on all interfaces
- so you can connect from other machines for example. Using the "localhost"
- form listens only on so you can only connect locally (unless, of
- course, you've set up weird stuff with your networking in which case probably
- none of the above applies).
- - ./tunala -? gives you a list of other command-line options, but tunala.c is
- also a good place to look :-)
diff --git a/demos/tunala/ b/demos/tunala/
deleted file mode 100755
index c9783c6261..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# This script tries to follow the "GNU way" w.r.t. the autobits.
-# This does of course generate a number of irritating files.
-# Try to get over it (I am getting there myself).
-# This should generate any missing crud, and then run autoconf which should turn
-# into a "./configure" script and "" into a
-# "". Then running "./configure" should turn "" into
-# "Makefile" and should generate the config.h containing your systems various
-# settings. I know ... what a hassle ...
-# Also, sometimes these autobits things generate bizarre output (looking like
-# errors). So I direct everything "elsewhere" ...
-libtoolize --copy --force
-automake --foreign --add-missing --copy
-autoconf) 1> /dev/null 2>&1
-# Move the "no-autotools" Makefile out of the way
-if test ! -f Makefile.plain; then
- mv Makefile Makefile.plain
diff --git a/demos/tunala/ b/demos/tunala/
deleted file mode 100755
index 21790880d7..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# This script tries to clean up as much as is possible from whatever diabolical
-# mess has been left in the directory thanks to autoconf, automake, and their
-# friends.
-if test -f Makefile.plain; then
- if test -f Makefile; then
- make distclean
- fi
- mv Makefile.plain Makefile
- make clean
-rm -f aclocal.m4 config.* configure install-sh \
- missing mkinstalldirs stamp-h.* \
- ltconfig depcomp
-rm -rf autom4te.cache
diff --git a/demos/tunala/breakage.c b/demos/tunala/breakage.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdd64b0ef..0000000000
--- a/demos/tunala/breakage.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include "tunala.h"
-int int_strtoul(const char *str, unsigned long *val)
- char *tmp;
- unsigned long ret = strtoul(str, &tmp, 10);
- if((str == tmp) || (*tmp != '\0'))
- /* The value didn't parse cleanly */
- return 0;
- if(ret == ULONG_MAX)
- /* We hit a limit */
- return 0;
- *val = ret;
- return 1;
- char buf[2];
- unsigned long ret = 0;
- buf[1] = '\0';
- if(str == '\0')
- /* An empty string ... */
- return 0;
- while(*str != '\0') {
- /* We have to multiply 'ret' by 10 before absorbing the next
- * digit. If this will overflow, catch it now. */
- if(ret && (((ULONG_MAX + 10) / ret) &l