path: root/crypto/aes
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Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/aes')
1 files changed, 1426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/ b/crypto/aes/asm/
index d084885049..ee2e29823a 100755
--- a/crypto/aes/asm/
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/
@@ -2131,6 +2131,1432 @@ $code.=<<___;
.size ${prefix}_ctr32_encrypt_blocks,.-${prefix}_ctr32_encrypt_blocks
+# Performance in cycles per byte.
+# Processed with AES-XTS different key size.
+# It shows the value before and after optimization as below:
+# (before/after):
+# AES-128-XTS AES-256-XTS
+# Cortex-A57 3.36/1.09 4.02/1.37
+# Cortex-A72 3.03/1.02 3.28/1.33
+# Optimization is implemented by loop unrolling and interleaving.
+# Commonly, we choose the unrolling factor as 5, if the input
+# data size smaller than 5 blocks, but not smaller than 3 blocks,
+# choose 3 as the unrolling factor.
+# If the input data size dsize >= 5*16 bytes, then take 5 blocks
+# as one iteration, every loop the left size lsize -= 5*16.
+# If lsize < 5*16 bytes, treat them as the tail. Note: left 4*16 bytes
+# will be processed specially, which be integrated into the 5*16 bytes
+# loop to improve the efficiency.
+# There is one special case, if the original input data size dsize
+# = 16 bytes, we will treat it seperately to improve the
+# performance: one independent code block without LR, FP load and
+# store.
+# Encryption will process the (length -tailcnt) bytes as mentioned
+# previously, then encrypt the composite block as last second
+# cipher block.
+# Decryption will process the (length -tailcnt -1) bytes as mentioned
+# previously, then decrypt the last second cipher block to get the
+# last plain block(tail), decrypt the composite block as last second
+# plain text block.
+my ($inp,$out,$len,$key1,$key2,$ivp)=map("x$_",(0..5));
+my ($rounds0,$rounds,$key_,$step,$ivl,$ivh)=("w5","w6","x7","x8","x9","x10");
+my ($tmpoutp,$loutp,$l2outp,$tmpinp)=("x13","w14","w15","x20");
+my ($tailcnt,$midnum,$midnumx,$constnum,$constnumx)=("x21","w22","x22","w19","x19");
+my ($xoffset,$tmpmx,$tmpmw)=("x6","x11","w11");
+my ($dat0,$dat1,$in0,$in1,$tmp0,$tmp1,$tmp2,$rndlast)=map("q$_",(0..7));
+my ($iv0,$iv1,$iv2,$iv3,$iv4)=("v6.16b","v8.16b","v9.16b","v10.16b","v11.16b");
+my ($ivd00,$ivd01,$ivd20,$ivd21)=("d6","v6.d[1]","d9","v9.d[1]");
+my ($ivd10,$ivd11,$ivd30,$ivd31,$ivd40,$ivd41)=("d8","v8.d[1]","d10","v10.d[1]","d11","v11.d[1]");
+my ($tmpin)=("v26.16b");
+my ($dat,$tmp,$rndzero_n_last)=($dat0,$tmp0,$tmp1);
+# q7 last round key
+# q10-q15, q7 Last 7 round keys
+# q8-q9 preloaded round keys except last 7 keys for big size
+# q20, q21, q8-q9 preloaded round keys except last 7 keys for only 16 byte
+my ($dat2,$in2,$tmp2)=map("q$_",(10,11,9));
+my ($dat3,$in3,$tmp3); # used only in 64-bit mode
+my ($dat4,$in4,$tmp4);
+if ($flavour =~ /64/) {
+ ($dat2,$dat3,$dat4,$in2,$in3,$in4,$tmp3,$tmp4)=map("q$_",(16..23));
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+.globl ${prefix}_xts_encrypt
+.type ${prefix}_xts_encrypt,%function
+.align 5
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ cmp $len,#16
+ // Original input data size bigger than 16, jump to big size processing.
+ .Lxts_enc_big_size
+ // Encrypt the iv with key2, as the first XEX iv.
+ ldr $rounds,[$key2,#240]
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ vld1.8 {$iv0},[$ivp]
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ vld1.8 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ .Loop_enc_iv_enc
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2]
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ veor $iv0,$iv0,$dat
+ vld1.8 {$dat0},[$inp]
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$dat0
+ ldr $rounds,[$key1,#240]
+ vld1.32 {q20-q21},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q20
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q21
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#10 // if rounds==10, jump to aes-128-xts processing
+ b.eq .Lxts_128_enc
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key1],#16 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key1],#16 // load key schedule...
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2 // bias
+ .Lxts_enc_round_loop
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q10
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q11
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q12
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q13
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key1]
+ aese $dat0,q14
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q15
+ veor $dat0,$dat0,$rndlast
+ veor $dat0,$dat0,$iv0
+ vst1.8 {$dat0},[$out]
+ b .Lxts_enc_final_abort
+.align 4
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ stp $constnumx,$tmpinp,[sp,#-64]!
+ stp $tailcnt,$midnumx,[sp,#48]
+ stp $ivd10,$ivd20,[sp,#32]
+ stp $ivd30,$ivd40,[sp,#16]
+ // tailcnt store the tail value of length%16.
+ and $tailcnt,$len,#0xf
+ and $len,$len,#-16
+ subs $len,$len,#16
+ mov $step,#16
+ b.lo .Lxts_abort
+ csel $step,xzr,$step,eq
+ // Firstly, encrypt the iv with key2, as the first iv of XEX.
+ ldr $rounds,[$key2,#240]
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ vld1.8 {$iv0},[$ivp]
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ vld1.32 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ .Loop_iv_enc
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2]
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ veor $iv0,$iv0,$dat
+ // The iv for second block
+ // $ivl- iv(low), $ivh - iv(high)
+ // the five ivs stored into, $iv0,$iv1,$iv2,$iv3,$iv4
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd00
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd01
+ mov $constnum,#0x87
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd10,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd11,$ivh
+ ldr $rounds0,[$key1,#240] // next starting point
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$inp],$step
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key1] // load key schedule...
+ sub $rounds0,$rounds0,#6
+ add $key_,$key1,$ivp,lsl#4 // pointer to last 7 round keys
+ sub $rounds0,$rounds0,#2
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key_]
+ add $key_,$key1,#32
+ mov $rounds,$rounds0
+ // Encryption
+ vld1.8 {$dat2},[$inp],#16
+ subs $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ add $rounds,$rounds0,#2
+ vorr $in1,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $dat1,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $in3,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $in2,$dat2,$dat2
+ vorr $in4,$dat2,$dat2
+ b.lo .Lxts_inner_enc_tail
+ veor $dat,$dat,$iv0 // before encryption, xor with iv
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$iv1
+ // The iv for third block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd20,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd21,$ivh
+ vorr $dat1,$dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$dat2},[$inp],#16
+ vorr $in0,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $in1,$dat1,$dat1
+ veor $in2,$dat2,$iv2 // the third block
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$iv2
+ cmp $len,#32
+ b.lo .Lxts_outer_enc_tail
+ // The iv for fourth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd30,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd31,$ivh
+ vld1.8 {$dat3},[$inp],#16
+ // The iv for fifth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd40,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd41,$ivh
+ vld1.8 {$dat4},[$inp],#16
+ veor $dat3,$dat3,$iv3 // the fourth block
+ veor $dat4,$dat4,$iv4
+ sub $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ mov $rounds,$rounds0
+ b .Loop5x_xts_enc
+.align 4
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q8
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q8
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q9
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q9
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Loop5x_xts_enc
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q8
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q8
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ subs $len,$len,#0x50 // because .Lxts_enc_tail4x
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q9
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q9
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ csel $xoffset,xzr,$len,gt // borrow x6, w6, "gt" is not typo
+ mov $key_,$key1
+ aese $dat0,q10
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q10
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q10
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q10
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q10
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ add $inp,$inp,$xoffset // x0 is adjusted in such way that
+ // at exit from the loop v1.16b-v26.16b
+ // are loaded with last "words"
+ add $xoffset,$len,#0x60 // because .Lxts_enc_tail4x
+ aese $dat0,q11
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q11
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q11
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q11
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q11
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q12
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q12
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q12
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q12
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q12
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q13
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q13
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q13
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q13
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q13
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q14
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q14
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q14
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q14
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q14
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ veor $tmp0,$rndlast,$iv0
+ aese $dat0,q15
+ // The iv for first block of one iteration
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd00,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd01,$ivh
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$iv1
+ vld1.8 {$in0},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat1,q15
+ // The iv for second block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd10,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd11,$ivh
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$iv2
+ vld1.8 {$in1},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat2,q15
+ // The iv for third block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd20,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd21,$ivh
+ veor $tmp3,$rndlast,$iv3
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat3,q15
+ // The iv for fourth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd30,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd31,$ivh
+ veor $tmp4,$rndlast,$iv4
+ vld1.8 {$in3},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat4,q15
+ // The iv for fifth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd40,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd41,$ivh
+ vld1.8 {$in4},[$inp],#16
+ cbz $xoffset,.Lxts_enc_tail4x
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ veor $tmp0,$tmp0,$dat0
+ veor $dat0,$in0,$iv0
+ veor $tmp1,$tmp1,$dat1
+ veor $dat1,$in1,$iv1
+ veor $tmp2,$tmp2,$dat2
+ veor $dat2,$in2,$iv2
+ veor $tmp3,$tmp3,$dat3
+ veor $dat3,$in3,$iv3
+ veor $tmp4,$tmp4,$dat4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ veor $dat4,$in4,$iv4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ mov $rounds,$rounds0
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp4},[$out],#16
+ b.hs .Loop5x_xts_enc
+ // If left 4 blocks, borrow the five block's processing.
+ cmn $len,#0x10
+ .Loop5x_enc_after
+ vorr $iv4,$iv3,$iv3
+ vorr $iv3,$iv2,$iv2
+ vorr $iv2,$iv1,$iv1
+ vorr $iv1,$iv0,$iv0
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd40
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd41
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$in0
+ veor $dat1,$iv1,$in1
+ veor $dat2,$in2,$iv2
+ veor $dat3,$in3,$iv3
+ veor $dat4,$in4,$iv4
+ b.eq .Loop5x_xts_enc
+ add $len,$len,#0x50
+ cbz $len,.Lxts_enc_done
+ add $rounds,$rounds0,#2
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ b.lo .Lxts_inner_enc_tail
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$in2
+ veor $dat1,$iv1,$in3
+ veor $dat2,$in4,$iv2
+ b .Lxts_outer_enc_tail
+.align 4
+ add $inp,$inp,#16
+ veor $tmp1,$dat1,$tmp1
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ veor $tmp2,$dat2,$tmp2
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ veor $tmp3,$dat3,$tmp3
+ veor $tmp4,$dat4,$tmp4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3-$tmp4},[$out],#32
+ b .Lxts_enc_done
+.align 4
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Lxts_outer_enc_tail
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ veor $tmp0,$iv0,$rndlast
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ // The iv for first block
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd20
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd21
+ //mov $constnum,#0x87
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr#31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl#1
+ fmov $ivd00,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd01,$ivh
+ veor $tmp1,$iv1,$rndlast
+ csel $xoffset,$len,$xoffset,lo // x6, w6, is zero at this point
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ veor $tmp2,$iv2,$rndlast
+ add $xoffset,$xoffset,#0x20
+ add $inp,$inp,$xoffset
+ mov $key_,$key1
+ aese $dat0,q12
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q12
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q12
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat0,q13
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q13
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q13
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat0,q14
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q14
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q14
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat0,q15
+ aese $dat1,q15
+ aese $dat2,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ add $rounds,$rounds0,#2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ veor $tmp0,$tmp0,$dat0
+ veor $tmp1,$tmp1,$dat1
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$tmp2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$dat2},[$out],#16
+ cmn $len,#0x30
+ b.eq .Lxts_enc_done
+ vorr $in3,$in1,$in1
+ vorr $in4,$in2,$in2
+ nop
+ cmn $len,#0x10
+ veor $dat1,$in3,$iv0
+ veor $dat2,$in4,$iv1
+ b.eq .Lxts_enc_tail_loop
+ veor $dat2,$in4,$iv0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Lxts_enc_tail_loop
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat1,q12
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q12
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ cmn $len,#0x20
+ aese $dat1,q13
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q13
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ veor $tmp1,$iv0,$rndlast
+ aese $dat1,q14
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q14
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ veor $tmp2,$iv1,$rndlast
+ aese $dat1,q15
+ aese $dat2,q15
+ b.eq .Lxts_enc_one
+ veor $tmp1,$tmp1,$dat1
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ veor $tmp2,$tmp2,$dat2
+ vorr $iv0,$iv1,$iv1
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd10
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd11
+ mov $constnum,#0x87
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd00,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd01,$ivh
+ b .Lxts_enc_done
+ veor $tmp1,$tmp1,$dat2
+ vorr $iv0,$iv0,$iv0
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd00
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd01
+ mov $constnum,#0x87
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd00,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd01,$ivh
+ b .Lxts_enc_done
+.align 5
+ // Process the tail block with cipher stealing.
+ tst $tailcnt,#0xf
+ b.eq .Lxts_abort
+ mov $tmpinp,$inp
+ mov $tmpoutp,$out
+ sub $out,$out,#16
+ subs $tailcnt,$tailcnt,#1
+ ldrb $l2outp,[$out,$tailcnt]
+ ldrb $loutp,[$tmpinp,$tailcnt]
+ strb $l2outp,[$tmpoutp,$tailcnt]
+ strb $loutp,[$out,$tailcnt]
+ .composite_enc_loop
+ vld1.8 {$tmpin},[$out]
+ veor $tmpin,$tmpin,$iv0
+ // Encrypt the composite block to get the last second encrypted text block
+ ldr $rounds,[$key1,#240] // load key schedule...
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$key1],#16
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ vld1.8 {$dat1},[$key1],#16 // load key schedule...
+ aese $tmpin,$dat0
+ aesmc $tmpin,$tmpin
+ vld1.32 {$dat0},[$key1],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $tmpin,$dat1
+ aesmc $tmpin,$tmpin
+ vld1.32 {$dat1},[$key1],#16
+ .Loop_final_enc
+ aese $tmpin,$dat0
+ aesmc $tmpin,$tmpin
+ vld1.32 {$dat0},[$key1]
+ aese $tmpin,$dat1
+ veor $tmpin,$tmpin,$dat0
+ veor $tmpin,$tmpin,$iv0
+ vst1.8 {$tmpin},[$out]
+ ldp $tailcnt,$midnumx,[sp,#48]
+ ldp $ivd10,$ivd20,[sp,#32]
+ ldp $ivd30,$ivd40,[sp,#16]
+ ldp $constnumx,$tmpinp,[sp],#64
+ ret
+.size ${prefix}_xts_encrypt,.-${prefix}_xts_encrypt
+my ($inp,$out,$len,$key1,$key2,$ivp)=map("x$_",(0..5));
+my ($rounds0,$rounds,$key_,$step,$ivl,$ivh)=("w5","w6","x7","x8","x9","x10");
+my ($tmpoutp,$loutp,$l2outp,$tmpinp)=("x13","w14","w15","x20");
+my ($tailcnt,$midnum,$midnumx,$constnum,$constnumx)=("x21","w22","x22","w19","x19");
+my ($xoffset,$tmpmx,$tmpmw)=("x6","x11","w11");
+my ($dat0,$dat1,$in0,$in1,$tmp0,$tmp1,$tmp2,$rndlast)=map("q$_",(0..7));
+my ($iv0,$iv1,$iv2,$iv3,$iv4,$tmpin)=("v6.16b","v8.16b","v9.16b","v10.16b","v11.16b","v26.16b");
+my ($ivd00,$ivd01,$ivd20,$ivd21)=("d6","v6.d[1]","d9","v9.d[1]");
+my ($ivd10,$ivd11,$ivd30,$ivd31,$ivd40,$ivd41)=("d8","v8.d[1]","d10","v10.d[1]","d11","v11.d[1]");
+my ($dat,$tmp,$rndzero_n_last)=($dat0,$tmp0,$tmp1);
+# q7 last round key
+# q10-q15, q7 Last 7 round keys
+# q8-q9 preloaded round keys except last 7 keys for big size
+# q20, q21, q8-q9 preloaded round keys except last 7 keys for only 16 byte
+my ($dat2,$in2,$tmp2)=map("q$_",(10,11,9));
+my ($dat3,$in3,$tmp3); # used only in 64-bit mode
+my ($dat4,$in4,$tmp4);
+if ($flavour =~ /64/) {
+ ($dat2,$dat3,$dat4,$in2,$in3,$in4,$tmp3,$tmp4)=map("q$_",(16..23));
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+.globl ${prefix}_xts_decrypt
+.type ${prefix}_xts_decrypt,%function
+.align 5
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ cmp $len,#16
+ // Original input data size bigger than 16, jump to big size processing.
+ .Lxts_dec_big_size
+ // Encrypt the iv with key2, as the first XEX iv.
+ ldr $rounds,[$key2,#240]
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ vld1.8 {$iv0},[$ivp]
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ vld1.8 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ .Loop_dec_small_iv_enc
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2]
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ veor $iv0,$iv0,$dat
+ vld1.8 {$dat0},[$inp]
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$dat0
+ ldr $rounds,[$key1,#240]
+ vld1.32 {q20-q21},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q20
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q21
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#10 // bias
+ b.eq .Lxts_128_dec
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key1],#16 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key1],#16 // load key schedule...
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2 // bias
+ .Lxts_dec_round_loop
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q10
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q11
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key1],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q12
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q13
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key1]
+ aesd $dat0,q14
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q15
+ veor $dat0,$dat0,$rndlast
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$dat0
+ vst1.8 {$dat0},[$out]
+ b .Lxts_dec_final_abort
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ stp $constnumx,$tmpinp,[sp,#-64]!
+ stp $tailcnt,$midnumx,[sp,#48]
+ stp $ivd10,$ivd20,[sp,#32]
+ stp $ivd30,$ivd40,[sp,#16]
+ and $tailcnt,$len,#0xf
+ and $len,$len,#-16
+ subs $len,$len,#16
+ mov $step,#16
+ b.lo .Lxts_dec_abort
+ // Encrypt the iv with key2, as the first XEX iv
+ ldr $rounds,[$key2,#240]
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ vld1.8 {$iv0},[$ivp]
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ vld1.8 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat1},[$key2],#16
+ .Loop_dec_iv_enc
+ aese $iv0,$dat
+ aesmc $iv0,$iv0
+ vld1.32 {$dat},[$key2]
+ aese $iv0,$dat1
+ veor $iv0,$iv0,$dat
+ // The iv for second block
+ // $ivl- iv(low), $ivh - iv(high)
+ // the five ivs stored into, $iv0,$iv1,$iv2,$iv3,$iv4
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd00
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd01
+ mov $constnum,#0x87
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd10,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd11,$ivh
+ ldr $rounds0,[$key1,#240] // load rounds number
+ // The iv for third block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd20,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd21,$ivh
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key1] // load key schedule...
+ sub $rounds0,$rounds0,#6
+ add $key_,$key1,$ivp,lsl#4 // pointer to last 7 round keys
+ sub $rounds0,$rounds0,#2
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key_],#32 // load key schedule...
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key_]
+ // The iv for fourth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd30,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd31,$ivh
+ add $key_,$key1,#32
+ mov $rounds,$rounds0
+ b .Lxts_dec
+ // Decryption
+.align 5
+ tst $tailcnt,#0xf
+ b.eq .Lxts_dec_begin
+ subs $len,$len,#16
+ csel $step,xzr,$step,eq
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$inp],#16
+ b.lo .Lxts_done
+ sub $inp,$inp,#16
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$inp],$step
+ subs $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ add $rounds,$rounds0,#2
+ vorr $in1,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $dat1,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $in3,$dat,$dat
+ vld1.8 {$dat2},[$inp],#16
+ vorr $in2,$dat2,$dat2
+ vorr $in4,$dat2,$dat2
+ b.lo .Lxts_inner_dec_tail
+ veor $dat,$dat,$iv0 // before decryt, xor with iv
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$iv1
+ vorr $dat1,$dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$dat2},[$inp],#16
+ vorr $in0,$dat,$dat
+ vorr $in1,$dat1,$dat1
+ veor $in2,$dat2,$iv2 // third block xox with third iv
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$iv2
+ cmp $len,#32
+ b.lo .Lxts_outer_dec_tail
+ vld1.8 {$dat3},[$inp],#16
+ // The iv for fifth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd40,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd41,$ivh
+ vld1.8 {$dat4},[$inp],#16
+ veor $dat3,$dat3,$iv3 // the fourth block
+ veor $dat4,$dat4,$iv4
+ sub $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ mov $rounds,$rounds0
+ b .Loop5x_xts_dec
+.align 4
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q8
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q8
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // load key schedule...
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q9
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q9
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // load key schedule...
+ .Loop5x_xts_dec
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q8
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q8
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ subs $len,$len,#0x50 // because .Lxts_dec_tail4x
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q9
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q9
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ csel $xoffset,xzr,$len,gt // borrow x6, w6, "gt" is not typo
+ mov $key_,$key1
+ aesd $dat0,q10
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q10
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q10
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q10
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q10
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ add $inp,$inp,$xoffset // x0 is adjusted in such way that
+ // at exit from the loop v1.16b-v26.16b
+ // are loaded with last "words"
+ add $xoffset,$len,#0x60 // because .Lxts_dec_tail4x
+ aesd $dat0,q11
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q11
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q11
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q11
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q11
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q12
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q12
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q12
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q12
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q12
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q13
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q13
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q13
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q13
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q13
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q14
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q14
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q14
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q14
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q14
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ veor $tmp0,$rndlast,$iv0
+ aesd $dat0,q15
+ // The iv for first block of next iteration.
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd00,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd01,$ivh
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$iv1
+ vld1.8 {$in0},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat1,q15
+ // The iv for second block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd10,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd11,$ivh
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$iv2
+ vld1.8 {$in1},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat2,q15
+ // The iv for third block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd20,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd21,$ivh
+ veor $tmp3,$rndlast,$iv3
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat3,q15
+ // The iv for fourth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd30,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd31,$ivh
+ veor $tmp4,$rndlast,$iv4
+ vld1.8 {$in3},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat4,q15
+ // The iv for fifth block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd40,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd41,$ivh
+ vld1.8 {$in4},[$inp],#16
+ cbz $xoffset,.Lxts_dec_tail4x
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ veor $tmp0,$tmp0,$dat0
+ veor $dat0,$in0,$iv0
+ veor $tmp1,$tmp1,$dat1
+ veor $dat1,$in1,$iv1
+ veor $tmp2,$tmp2,$dat2
+ veor $dat2,$in2,$iv2
+ veor $tmp3,$tmp3,$dat3
+ veor $dat3,$in3,$iv3
+ veor $tmp4,$tmp4,$dat4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ veor $dat4,$in4,$iv4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ mov $rounds,$rounds0
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp4},[$out],#16
+ b.hs .Loop5x_xts_dec
+ cmn $len,#0x10
+ .Loop5x_dec_after
+ // If x2($len) equal to -0x10, the left blocks is 4.
+ // After specially processing, utilize the five blocks processing again.
+ // It will use the following IVs: $iv0,$iv0,$iv1,$iv2,$iv3.
+ vorr $iv4,$iv3,$iv3
+ vorr $iv3,$iv2,$iv2
+ vorr $iv2,$iv1,$iv1
+ vorr $iv1,$iv0,$iv0
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd40
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd41
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$in0
+ veor $dat1,$iv1,$in1
+ veor $dat2,$in2,$iv2
+ veor $dat3,$in3,$iv3
+ veor $dat4,$in4,$iv4
+ b.eq .Loop5x_xts_dec
+ add $len,$len,#0x50
+ cbz $len,.Lxts_done
+ add $rounds,$rounds0,#2
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ b.lo .Lxts_inner_dec_tail
+ veor $dat0,$iv0,$in2
+ veor $dat1,$iv1,$in3
+ veor $dat2,$in4,$iv2
+ b .Lxts_outer_dec_tail
+.align 4
+ add $inp,$inp,#16
+ vld1.32 {$dat0},[$inp],#16
+ veor $tmp1,$dat1,$tmp0
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ veor $tmp2,$dat2,$tmp2
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ veor $tmp3,$dat3,$tmp3
+ veor $tmp4,$dat4,$tmp4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3-$tmp4},[$out],#32
+ b .Lxts_done
+.align 4
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Lxts_outer_dec_tail
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ veor $tmp0,$iv0,$rndlast
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ // The iv for first block
+ fmov $ivl,$ivd20
+ fmov $ivh,$ivd21
+ mov $constnum,#0x87
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd00,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd01,$ivh
+ veor $tmp1,$iv1,$rndlast
+ csel $xoffset,$len,$xoffset,lo // x6, w6, is zero at this point
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ veor $tmp2,$iv2,$rndlast
+ // The iv for second block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd10,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd11,$ivh
+ add $xoffset,$xoffset,#0x20
+ add $inp,$inp,$xoffset // $inp is adjusted to the last data
+ mov $key_,$key1
+ // The iv for third block
+ extr $midnumx,$ivh,$ivh,#32
+ extr $ivh,$ivh,$ivl,#63
+ and $tmpmw,$constnum,$midnum,asr #31
+ eor $ivl,$tmpmx,$ivl,lsl #1
+ fmov $ivd20,$ivl
+ fmov $ivd21,$ivh
+ aesd $dat0,q12
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q12
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat