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6 files changed, 855 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/ b/crypto/aes/asm/
index c132d1d7fe..d0ae34bc48 100755
--- a/crypto/aes/asm/
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/
@@ -384,6 +384,836 @@ ___
+# Performance in cycles per byte.
+# Processed with AES-ECB different key size.
+# It shows the value before and after optimization as below:
+# (before/after):
+# AES-128-ECB AES-192-ECB AES-256-ECB
+# Cortex-A57 1.85/0.82 2.16/0.96 2.47/1.10
+# Cortex-A72 1.64/0.85 1.82/0.99 2.13/1.14
+# Optimization is implemented by loop unrolling and interleaving.
+# Commonly, we choose the unrolling factor as 5, if the input
+# data size smaller than 5 blocks, but not smaller than 3 blocks,
+# choose 3 as the unrolling factor.
+# If the input data size dsize >= 5*16 bytes, then take 5 blocks
+# as one iteration, every loop the left size lsize -= 5*16.
+# If 5*16 > lsize >= 3*16 bytes, take 3 blocks as one iteration,
+# every loop lsize -=3*16.
+# If lsize < 3*16 bytes, treat them as the tail, interleave the
+# two blocks AES instructions.
+# There is one special case, if the original input data size dsize
+# = 16 bytes, we will treat it seperately to improve the
+# performance: one independent code block without LR, FP load and
+# store, just looks like what the original ECB implementation does.
+my ($inp,$out,$len,$key)=map("x$_",(0..3));
+my ($enc,$rounds,$cnt,$key_,$step)=("w4","w5","w6","x7","x8");
+my ($dat0,$dat1,$in0,$in1,$tmp0,$tmp1,$tmp2,$rndlast)=map("q$_",(0..7));
+my ($dat,$tmp,$rndzero_n_last)=($dat0,$tmp0,$tmp1);
+### q7 last round key
+### q10-q15 q7 Last 7 round keys
+### q8-q9 preloaded round keys except last 7 keys for big size
+### q5, q6, q8-q9 preloaded round keys except last 7 keys for only 16 byte
+my ($dat2,$in2,$tmp2)=map("q$_",(10,11,9));
+my ($dat3,$in3,$tmp3); # used only in 64-bit mode
+my ($dat4,$in4,$tmp4);
+if ($flavour =~ /64/) {
+ ($dat2,$dat3,$dat4,$in2,$in3,$in4,$tmp3,$tmp4)=map("q$_",(16..23));
+.globl ${prefix}_ecb_encrypt
+.type ${prefix}_ecb_encrypt,%function
+.align 5
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ subs $len,$len,#16
+ // Original input data size bigger than 16, jump to big size processing.
+ .Lecb_big_size
+ vld1.8 {$dat0},[$inp]
+ cmp $enc,#0 // en- or decrypting?
+ ldr $rounds,[$key,#240]
+ vld1.32 {q5-q6},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ b.eq .Lecb_small_dec
+ aese $dat0,q5
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q6
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#10 // if rounds==10, jump to aes-128-ecb processing
+ b.eq .Lecb_128_enc
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key],#16 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key],#16 // load key schedule...
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2 // bias
+ .Lecb_round_loop
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q10
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q11
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aese $dat0,q12
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q13
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key]
+ aese $dat0,q14
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat0,q15
+ veor $dat0,$dat0,$rndlast
+ vst1.8 {$dat0},[$out]
+ b .Lecb_Final_abort
+ aesd $dat0,q5
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q6
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#10 // bias
+ b.eq .Lecb_128_dec
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key],#16 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key],#16 // load key schedule...
+ subs $rounds,$rounds,#2 // bias
+ .Lecb_dec_round_loop
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q10
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q11
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key],#32 // load key schedule...
+ aesd $dat0,q12
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q13
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key]
+ aesd $dat0,q14
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat0,q15
+ veor $dat0,$dat0,$rndlast
+ vst1.8 {$dat0},[$out]
+ b .Lecb_Final_abort
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ stp x29,x30,[sp,#-16]!
+ add x29,sp,#0
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour !~ /64/);
+ mov ip,sp
+ stmdb sp!,{r4-r8,lr}
+ vstmdb sp!,{d8-d15} @ ABI specification says so
+ ldmia ip,{r4-r5} @ load remaining args
+ subs $len,$len,#16
+ mov $step,#16
+ b.lo .Lecb_done
+ cclr $step,eq
+ cmp $enc,#0 // en- or decrypting?
+ ldr $rounds,[$key,#240]
+ and $len,$len,#-16
+ vld1.8 {$dat},[$inp],$step
+ vld1.32 {q8-q9},[$key] // load key schedule...
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#6
+ add $key_,$key,x5,lsl#4 // pointer to last 7 round keys
+ sub $rounds,$rounds,#2
+ vld1.32 {q10-q11},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {q12-q13},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {q14-q15},[$key_],#32
+ vld1.32 {$rndlast},[$key_]
+ add $key_,$key,#32
+ mov $cnt,$rounds
+ b.eq .Lecb_dec
+ vld1.8 {$dat1},[$inp],#16
+ subs $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ add $cnt,$rounds,#2
+ vorr $in1,$dat1,$dat1
+ vorr $dat2,$dat1,$dat1
+ vorr $dat1,$dat,$dat
+ b.lo .Lecb_enc_tail
+ vorr $dat1,$in1,$in1
+ vld1.8 {$dat2},[$inp],#16
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ cmp $len,#32
+ b.lo .Loop3x_ecb_enc
+ vld1.8 {$dat3},[$inp],#16
+ vld1.8 {$dat4},[$inp],#16
+ sub $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ mov $cnt,$rounds
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q8
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q8
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $cnt,$cnt,#2
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q9
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q9
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Loop5x_ecb_enc
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q8
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q8
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ cmp $len,#0x40 // because .Lecb_enc_tail4x
+ sub $len,$len,#0x50
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q9
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q9
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ csel x6,xzr,$len,gt // borrow x6, $cnt, "gt" is not typo
+ mov $key_,$key
+ aese $dat0,q10
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q10
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q10
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q10
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q10
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ add $inp,$inp,x6 // $inp is adjusted in such way that
+ // at exit from the loop $dat1-$dat4
+ // are loaded with last "words"
+ add x6,$len,#0x60 // because .Lecb_enc_tail4x
+ aese $dat0,q11
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q11
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q11
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q11
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q11
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q12
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q12
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q12
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q12
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q12
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q13
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q13
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q13
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q13
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q13
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q14
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q14
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q14
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat3,q14
+ aesmc $dat3,$dat3
+ aese $dat4,q14
+ aesmc $dat4,$dat4
+ aese $dat0,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in0},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat1,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in1},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat2,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat3,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in3},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat4,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in4},[$inp],#16
+ cbz x6,.Lecb_enc_tail4x
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ veor $tmp0,$rndlast,$dat0
+ vorr $dat0,$in0,$in0
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ vorr $dat1,$in1,$in1
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$dat2
+ vorr $dat2,$in2,$in2
+ veor $tmp3,$rndlast,$dat3
+ vorr $dat3,$in3,$in3
+ veor $tmp4,$rndlast,$dat4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat4,$in4,$in4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ mov $cnt,$rounds
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp4},[$out],#16
+ b.hs .Loop5x_ecb_enc
+ add $len,$len,#0x50
+ cbz $len,.Lecb_done
+ add $cnt,$rounds,#2
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ vorr $dat0,$in2,$in2
+ vorr $dat1,$in3,$in3
+ vorr $dat2,$in4,$in4
+ b.lo .Lecb_enc_tail
+ b .Loop3x_ecb_enc
+.align 4
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$dat2
+ veor $tmp3,$rndlast,$dat3
+ veor $tmp4,$rndlast,$dat4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp4},[$out],#16
+ b .Lecb_done
+.align 4
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $cnt,$cnt,#2
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Loop3x_ecb_enc
+ aese $dat0,q8
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ mov.lo x6,$len // x6, $cnt, is zero at this point
+ aese $dat0,q9
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ add $inp,$inp,x6 // $inp is adjusted in such way that
+ // at exit from the loop $dat1-$dat2
+ // are loaded with last "words"
+ mov $key_,$key
+ aese $dat0,q12
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q12
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q12
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$in0},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat0,q13
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q13
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q13
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$in1},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat0,q14
+ aesmc $dat0,$dat0
+ aese $dat1,q14
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q14
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ aese $dat0,q15
+ aese $dat1,q15
+ aese $dat2,q15
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ add $cnt,$rounds,#2
+ veor $tmp0,$rndlast,$dat0
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$rndlast
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat0,$in0,$in0
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat1,$in1,$in1
+ vst1.8 {$dat2},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat2,$in2,$in2
+ b.hs .Loop3x_ecb_enc
+ cmn $len,#0x30
+ b.eq .Lecb_done
+ nop
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $cnt,$cnt,#2
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Lecb_enc_tail
+ aese $dat1,q8
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q8
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat1,q9
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q9
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat1,q12
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q12
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ cmn $len,#0x20
+ aese $dat1,q13
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q13
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat1,q14
+ aesmc $dat1,$dat1
+ aese $dat2,q14
+ aesmc $dat2,$dat2
+ aese $dat1,q15
+ aese $dat2,q15
+ b.eq .Lecb_enc_one
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$dat2
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ b .Lecb_done
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat2
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ b .Lecb_done
+.align 5
+ vld1.8 {$dat1},[$inp],#16
+ subs $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ add $cnt,$rounds,#2
+ vorr $in1,$dat1,$dat1
+ vorr $dat2,$dat1,$dat1
+ vorr $dat1,$dat,$dat
+ b.lo .Lecb_dec_tail
+ vorr $dat1,$in1,$in1
+ vld1.8 {$dat2},[$inp],#16
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ cmp $len,#32
+ b.lo .Loop3x_ecb_dec
+ vld1.8 {$dat3},[$inp],#16
+ vld1.8 {$dat4},[$inp],#16
+ sub $len,$len,#32 // bias
+ mov $cnt,$rounds
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q8
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q8
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $cnt,$cnt,#2
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q9
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q9
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Loop5x_ecb_dec
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q8
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q8
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ cmp $len,#0x40 // because .Lecb_tail4x
+ sub $len,$len,#0x50
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q9
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q9
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ csel x6,xzr,$len,gt // borrow x6, $cnt, "gt" is not typo
+ mov $key_,$key
+ aesd $dat0,q10
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q10
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q10
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q10
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q10
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ add $inp,$inp,x6 // $inp is adjusted in such way that
+ // at exit from the loop $dat1-$dat4
+ // are loaded with last "words"
+ add x6,$len,#0x60 // because .Lecb_tail4x
+ aesd $dat0,q11
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q11
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q11
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q11
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q11
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q12
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q12
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q12
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q12
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q12
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q13
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q13
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q13
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q13
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q13
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q14
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q14
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q14
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat3,q14
+ aesimc $dat3,$dat3
+ aesd $dat4,q14
+ aesimc $dat4,$dat4
+ aesd $dat0,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in0},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat1,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in1},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat2,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat3,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in3},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat4,q15
+ vld1.8 {$in4},[$inp],#16
+ cbz x6,.Lecb_tail4x
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ veor $tmp0,$rndlast,$dat0
+ vorr $dat0,$in0,$in0
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ vorr $dat1,$in1,$in1
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$dat2
+ vorr $dat2,$in2,$in2
+ veor $tmp3,$rndlast,$dat3
+ vorr $dat3,$in3,$in3
+ veor $tmp4,$rndlast,$dat4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat4,$in4,$in4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ mov $cnt,$rounds
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp4},[$out],#16
+ b.hs .Loop5x_ecb_dec
+ add $len,$len,#0x50
+ cbz $len,.Lecb_done
+ add $cnt,$rounds,#2
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ vorr $dat0,$in2,$in2
+ vorr $dat1,$in3,$in3
+ vorr $dat2,$in4,$in4
+ b.lo .Lecb_dec_tail
+ b .Loop3x_ecb_dec
+.align 4
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$dat2
+ veor $tmp3,$rndlast,$dat3
+ veor $tmp4,$rndlast,$dat4
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp3},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp4},[$out],#16
+ b .Lecb_done
+.align 4
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $cnt,$cnt,#2
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Loop3x_ecb_dec
+ aesd $dat0,q8
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ subs $len,$len,#0x30
+ mov.lo x6,$len // x6, $cnt, is zero at this point
+ aesd $dat0,q9
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ add $inp,$inp,x6 // $inp is adjusted in such way that
+ // at exit from the loop $dat1-$dat2
+ // are loaded with last "words"
+ mov $key_,$key
+ aesd $dat0,q12
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q12
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q12
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$in0},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat0,q13
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q13
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q13
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$in1},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat0,q14
+ aesimc $dat0,$dat0
+ aesd $dat1,q14
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q14
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.8 {$in2},[$inp],#16
+ aesd $dat0,q15
+ aesd $dat1,q15
+ aesd $dat2,q15
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[0]
+ add $cnt,$rounds,#2
+ veor $tmp0,$rndlast,$dat0
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ veor $dat2,$dat2,$rndlast
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16 // re-pre-load rndkey[1]
+ vst1.8 {$tmp0},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat0,$in0,$in0
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat1,$in1,$in1
+ vst1.8 {$dat2},[$out],#16
+ vorr $dat2,$in2,$in2
+ b.hs .Loop3x_ecb_dec
+ cmn $len,#0x30
+ b.eq .Lecb_done
+ nop
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q8},[$key_],#16
+ subs $cnt,$cnt,#2
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ vld1.32 {q9},[$key_],#16
+ .Lecb_dec_tail
+ aesd $dat1,q8
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q8
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat1,q9
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q9
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat1,q12
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q12
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ cmn $len,#0x20
+ aesd $dat1,q13
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q13
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat1,q14
+ aesimc $dat1,$dat1
+ aesd $dat2,q14
+ aesimc $dat2,$dat2
+ aesd $dat1,q15
+ aesd $dat2,q15
+ b.eq .Lecb_dec_one
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat1
+ veor $tmp2,$rndlast,$dat2
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+ vst1.8 {$tmp2},[$out],#16
+ b .Lecb_done
+ veor $tmp1,$rndlast,$dat2
+ vst1.8 {$tmp1},[$out],#16
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour !~ /64/);
+ vldmia sp!,{d8-d15}
+ ldmia sp!,{r4-r8,pc}
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ ldr x29,[sp],#16
+$code.=<<___ if ($flavour =~ /64/);
+ ret
+.size ${prefix}_ecb_encrypt,.-${prefix}_ecb_encrypt
my ($inp,$out,$len,$key,$ivp)=map("x$_",(0..4)); my $enc="w5";
my ($rounds,$cnt,$key_,$step,$step1)=($enc,"w6","x7","x8","x12");
diff --git a/include/crypto/ciphermode_platform.h b/include/crypto/ciphermode_platform.h
index b1868e1a6d..03afd719af 100644
--- a/include/crypto/ciphermode_platform.h
+++ b/include/crypto/ciphermode_platform.h
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ void AES_xts_decrypt(const unsigned char *inp, unsigned char *out, size_t len,
# define HWAES_encrypt aes_v8_encrypt
# define HWAES_decrypt aes_v8_decrypt
# define HWAES_cbc_encrypt aes_v8_cbc_encrypt
+# define HWAES_ecb_encrypt aes_v8_ecb_encrypt
# define HWAES_ctr32_encrypt_blocks aes_v8_ctr32_encrypt_blocks
# endif
# endif
@@ -411,6 +412,9 @@ void HWAES_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
void HWAES_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t length, const AES_KEY *key,
unsigned char *ivec, const int enc);
+void HWAES_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
+ size_t length, const AES_KEY *key,
+ const int enc);
void HWAES_ctr32_encrypt_blocks(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t len, const AES_KEY *key,
const unsigned char ivec[16]);
diff --git a/include/openssl/modes.h b/include/openssl/modes.h
index 1c672d2a46..e19079912b 100644
--- a/include/openssl/modes.h
+++ b/include/openssl/modes.h
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ typedef void (*cbc128_f) (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t len, const void *key,
unsigned char ivec[16], int enc);
+typedef void (*ecb128_f) (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
+ size_t len, const void *key,
+ int enc);
typedef void (*ctr128_f) (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t blocks, const void *key,
const unsigned char ivec[16]);
diff --git a/providers/implementations/ciphers/cipher_aes_hw.c b/providers/implementations/ciphers/cipher_aes_hw.c
index bc733ee16a..e9a7c31f98 100644
--- a/providers/implementations/ciphers/cipher_aes_hw.c
+++ b/providers/implementations/ciphers/cipher_aes_hw.c
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ static int cipher_hw_aes_initkey(PROV_CIPHER_CTX *dat,
if (dat->mode == EVP_CIPH_CBC_MODE)
dat->stream.cbc = (cbc128_f)HWAES_cbc_encrypt;
# endif
+# ifdef HWAES_ecb_encrypt
+ if (dat->mode == EVP_CIPH_ECB_MODE)
+ dat->stream.ecb = (ecb128_f)HWAES_ecb_encrypt;
+# endif
} else
@@ -64,6 +68,11 @@ static int cipher_hw_aes_initkey(PROV_CIPHER_CTX *dat,
dat->stream.cbc = (cbc128_f)HWAES_cbc_encrypt;
# endif
+# ifdef HWAES_ecb_encrypt
+ if (dat->mode == EVP_CIPH_ECB_MODE)
+ dat->stream.ecb = (ecb128_f)HWAES_ecb_encrypt;
+ else
+# endif
# ifdef HWAES_ctr32_encrypt_blocks
if (dat->mode == EVP_CIPH_CTR_MODE)
dat->stream.ctr = (ctr128_f)HWAES_ctr32_encrypt_blocks;
diff --git a/providers/implementations/ciphers/ciphercommon_hw.c b/providers/implementations/ciphers/ciphercommon_hw.c
index f1c466edc8..31062f1bc6 100644
--- a/providers/implementations/ciphers/ciphercommon_hw.c
+++ b/providers/implementations/ciphers/ciphercommon_hw.c
@@ -34,8 +34,13 @@ int cipher_hw_generic_ecb(PROV_CIPHER_CTX *dat, unsigned char *out,
if (len < bl)
return 1;
- for (i = 0, len -= bl; i <= len; i += bl)
- (*dat->block) (in + i, out + i, dat->ks);
+ if (dat->stream.ecb) {
+ (*dat->stream.ecb) (in, out, len, dat->ks, dat->enc);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 0, len -= bl; i <= len; i += bl)
+ (*dat->block) (in + i, out + i, dat->ks);
+ }
return 1;
diff --git a/providers/implementations/include/prov/ciphercommon.h b/providers/implementations/include/prov/ciphercommon.h
index 1072b577fe..bf77a4021e 100644
--- a/providers/implementations/include/prov/ciphercommon.h
+++ b/providers/implementations/include/prov/ciphercommon.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ struct prov_cipher_ctx_st {
union {
cbc128_f cbc;
ctr128_f ctr;
+ ecb128_f ecb;
} stream;
unsigned int mode;