path: root/util
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authorRichard Levitte <>2020-03-31 16:42:04 +0200
committerRichard Levitte <>2020-04-07 11:16:56 +0200
commit77de6bb38d3bc247eac548715969b01cc2b752bb (patch)
treecad6bccac30b5c94716a60c28046fc426080df1e /util
parent3cb55fe47c3398b81956e4fe20c4004524d47519 (diff)
Add perl support to parse and DER encode ASN.1 OID specs
We have an old OID database that's not as readable as would be desired, and we have spots with hand coded DER for well known OIDs. The perl modules added here give enough support that we can parse OBJECT IDENTIFIER definitions and encode them as DER. OpenSSL::OID is a general OID parsing and encoding of ASN.1 definitions, and supports enough of the X.680 syntax to understand what we find in RFCs and similar documents and produce the DER encoding for them. oids_to_c is a specialized module to convert the DER encoding from OpenSSL::OID to C code. This is primarily useful in file templates that are processed with util/ Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <> (Merged from
Diffstat (limited to 'util')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/perl/OpenSSL/ b/util/perl/OpenSSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4d1049c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/perl/OpenSSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# Author note: this is originally RL::ASN1::OID,
+# repurposed by the author for OpenSSL use.
+package OpenSSL::OID;
+use 5.10.0;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(parse_oid encode_oid register_oid
+ registered_oid_arcs registered_oid_leaves);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(encode_oid_nums);
+use List::Util;
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSSL::OID - an OBJECT IDENTIFIER parser / encoder
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.1
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use OpenSSL::OID;
+ # This gives the array ( 1 2 840 113549 1 1 )
+ my @nums = parse_oid('{ pkcs-1 1 }');
+ # This gives the array of DER encoded bytes for the OID, i.e.
+ # ( 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 )
+ my @bytes = encode_oid('{ pkcs-1 1 }');
+ # This registers a name with an OID. It's saved internally and
+ # serves as repository of names for further parsing, such as 'pkcs-1'
+ # in the strings used above.
+ register_object('pkcs-1', '{ pkcs 1 }');
+ use OpenSSL::OID qw(:DEFAULT encode_oid_nums);
+ # This does the same as encode_oid(), but takes the output of
+ # parse_oid() as input.
+ my @bytes = encode_oid_nums(@nums);
+=head1 EXPORT
+The functions parse_oid and encode_oid are exported by default.
+The function encode_oid_nums() can be exported explicitly.
+######## REGEXPS
+# ASN.1 object identifiers come in two forms: 1) the bracketed form
+#(referred to as ObjectIdentifierValue in X.690), 2) the dotted form
+#(referred to as XMLObjIdentifierValue in X.690)
+# examples of 1 (these are all the OID for rsaEncrypted):
+# { iso (1) 2 840 11349 1 1 }
+# { pkcs 1 1 }
+# { pkcs1 1 }
+# examples of 2:
+# 1.2.840.113549.1.1
+# pkcs.1.1
+# pkcs1.1
+my $identifier_re = qr/[a-z](?:[-_A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9])?/;
+# The only difference between $objcomponent_re and $xmlobjcomponent_re is
+# the separator in the top branch. Each component is always parsed in two
+# groups, so we get a pair of values regardless. That's the reason for the
+# empty parentheses.
+# Because perl doesn't try to do an exhaustive try of every branch it rather
+# stops on the first that matches, we need to have them in order of longest
+# to shortest where there may be ambiguity.
+my $objcomponent_re = qr/(?|
+ (${identifier_re}) \s* \((\d+)\)
+ |
+ (${identifier_re}) ()
+ |
+ ()(\d+)
+ )/x;
+my $xmlobjcomponent_re = qr/(?|
+ (${identifier_re}) \. \((\d+)\)
+ |
+ (${identifier_re}) ()
+ |
+ () (\d+)
+ )/x;
+my $obj_re =
+ qr/(?: \{ \s* (?: ${objcomponent_re} \s+ )* ${objcomponent_re} \s* \} )/x;
+my $xmlobj_re =
+ qr/(?: (?: ${xmlobjcomponent_re} \. )* ${xmlobjcomponent_re} )/x;
+# Recorded OIDs, to support things like '{ pkcs1 1 }'
+# Do note that we don't currently support relative OIDs
+# The key is the identifier.
+# The value is a hash, composed of:
+# type => 'arc' | 'leaf'
+# nums => [ LIST ]
+# Note that the |type| always starts as a 'leaf', and may change to an 'arc'
+# on the fly, as new OIDs are parsed.
+my %name2oid = ();
+=over 4
+=item parse_oid()
+sub parse_oid {
+ my $input = shift;
+ croak "Invalid extra arguments" if (@_);
+ # The components become a list of ( identifier, number ) pairs,
+ # where they can also be the empty string if they are not present
+ # in the input.
+ my @components;
+ if ($input =~ m/^\s*(${obj_re})\s*$/x) {
+ my $oid = $1;
+ @components = ( $oid =~ m/${objcomponent_re}\s*/g );
+ } elsif ($input =~ m/^\s*(${xmlobj_re})\s*$/) {
+ my $oid = $1;
+ @components = ( $oid =~ m/${xmlobjcomponent_re}\.?/g );
+ }
+ croak "Invalid ASN.1 object '$input'" unless @components;
+ die "Internal error when parsing '$input'"
+ unless scalar(@components) % 2 == 0;
+ # As we currently only support a name without number as first
+ # component, the easiest is to have a direct look at it and
+ # hack it.
+ my @first = List::Util::pairmap {
+ return $b if $b ne '';
+ return @{$name2oid{$a}->{nums}} if $a ne '' && defined $name2oid{$a};
+ croak "Undefined identifier $a" if $a ne '';
+ croak "Empty OID element (how's that possible?)";
+ } ( @components[0..1] );
+ my @numbers =
+ (
+ @first,
+ List::Util::pairmap {
+ return $b if $b ne '';
+ croak "Unsupported relative OID $a" if $a ne '';
+ croak "Empty OID element (how's that possible?)";
+ } @components[2..$#components]
+ );
+ # If the first component has an identifier and there are other
+ # components following it, we change the type of that identifier
+ # to 'arc'.
+ if (scalar @components > 2
+ && $components[0] ne ''
+ && defined $name2oid{$components[0]}) {
+ $name2oid{$components[0]}->{type} = 'arc';
+ }
+ return @numbers;
+=item encode_oid()
+# Forward declaration
+sub encode_oid_nums;
+sub encode_oid {
+ return encode_oid_nums parse_oid @_;
+=item register_oid()
+sub register_oid {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my @nums = parse_oid @_;
+ if (defined $name2oid{$name}) {
+ my $str1 = join(',', @nums);
+ my $str2 = join(',', @{$name2oid{$name}->{nums}});
+ croak "Invalid redefinition of $name with different value"
+ unless $str1 eq $str2;
+ } else {
+ $name2oid{$name} = { type => 'leaf', nums => [ @nums ] };
+ }
+=item registered_oid_arcs()
+=item registered_oid_leaves()
+sub _registered_oids {
+ my $type = shift;
+ return grep { $name2oid{$_}->{type} eq $type } keys %name2oid;
+sub registered_oid_arcs {
+ return _registered_oids( 'arc' );
+sub registered_oid_leaves {
+ return _registered_oids( 'leaf' );
+=item encode_oid_nums()
+# Internal helper. It takes a numeric OID component and generates the
+# DER encoding for it.
+sub _gen_oid_bytes {
+ my $num = shift;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ return ( $num ) if $num < 128;
+ return ( ( map { $_ | 0x80 } _gen_oid_bytes($num >> 7) ), $num & 0x7f );
+sub encode_oid_nums {
+ my @numbers = @_;
+ croak 'Invalid OID values: ( ', join(', ', @numbers), ' )'
+ if (scalar @numbers < 2
+ || $numbers[0] < 0 || $numbers[0] > 2
+ || $numbers[1] < 0 || $numbers[1] > 39);
+ my $first = shift(@numbers) * 40 + shift(@numbers);
+ @numbers = ( $first, map { _gen_oid_bytes($_) } @numbers );
+ return @numbers;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Richard levitte, C<< <richard at> >>
+######## UNIT TESTING
+use Test::More;
+sub TEST {
+ # Order is important, so we make it a pairwise list
+ my @predefined =
+ (
+ 'pkcs' => '1.2.840.113549',
+ 'pkcs-1' => 'pkcs.1',
+ );
+ my %good_cases =
+ (
+ ' 1.2.840.113549.1.1 ' => [ 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 ],
+ 'pkcs.1.1' => [ 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 ],
+ 'pkcs-1.1' => [ 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 ],
+ ' { iso (1) 2 840 113549 1 1 } ' => [ 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 ],
+ '{ pkcs 1 1 } ' => [ 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 ],
+ '{pkcs-1 1 }' => [ 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1 ],
+ );
+ my @bad_cases =
+ (
+ ' { 1.2.840.113549.1.1 } ',
+ );
+ plan tests =>
+ scalar ( @predefined ) / 2
+ + scalar ( keys %good_cases )
+ + scalar @bad_cases;
+ note 'Predefine a few names OIDs';
+ foreach my $pair ( List::Util::pairs @predefined ) {
+ ok( defined eval { register_oid(@$pair) },
+ "Registering $pair->[0] => $pair->[1]" );
+ }
+ note 'Good cases';
+ foreach ( keys %good_cases ) {
+ subtest "Checking '$_'" => sub {
+ my $oid = shift;
+ plan tests => 5;
+ my (@l, @e);
+ ok( scalar (@l = eval { parse_oid $oid }) > 0,
+ "Parsing" );
+ diag $@ unless @l;
+ ok( scalar (@e = eval { encode_oid_nums @l }) > 0,
+ "Encoding via encode_oid_nums()" );
+ diag $@ unless @e;
+ is_deeply(\@e, $good_cases{$oid}, "Checking encoding");
+ note "'$oid' => ", join(', ', @e) if @e;
+ ok( scalar (@e = eval { encode_oid $oid }) > 0,
+ "Encoding directly" );
+ diag $@ unless @e;
+ is_deeply(\@e, $good_cases{$oid}, "Checking encoding");
+ note "'$oid' => ", join(', ', @e) if @e;
+ },
+ $_;
+ }
+ note 'Bad cases';
+ foreach ( @bad_cases ) {
+ subtest "Checking '$_'" => sub {
+ my $oid = shift;
+ plan tests => 2;
+ my (@l, @e);
+ ok( scalar (@l = eval { parse_oid $oid }) == 0,
+ "Parsing '$oid'" );
+ note $@ unless @l;
+ ok( scalar (@e = eval { encode_oid_nums @l }) == 0,
+ "Encoding '$oid'" );
+ note $@ unless @e;
+ note "'$oid' => ", join(', ', @e) if @e;
+ },
+ $_;
+ }
+1; # End of OpenSSL::OID