diff options
authorRalf S. Engelschall <>1998-12-30 22:58:47 +0000
committerRalf S. Engelschall <>1998-12-30 22:58:47 +0000
commitdb1842132fc4e87cdc006757fbc27dc1c1562337 (patch)
parent0c106d75e38032d97d29f864bb772454beb5632f (diff)
Cleanup of doc/ directory: The old/obsolete SSLeay files are now assembled
together in a ssleay.txt file.
51 files changed, 6613 insertions, 6477 deletions
diff --git a/doc/API.doc b/doc/API.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index fe2820259a..0000000000
--- a/doc/API.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-SSL - SSLv2/v3/v23 etc.
-BIO - methods and how they plug together
-MEM - memory allocation callback
-CRYPTO - locking for threads
-EVP - Ciphers/Digests/signatures
-RSA - methods
-X509 - certificate retrieval
-X509 - validation
-X509 - X509v3 extensions
-Objects - adding object identifiers
-ASN.1 - parsing
-PEM - parsing
diff --git a/doc/README b/doc/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81c59803fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ openssl.pod ..... Documentation of OpenSSL `openssl' command
+ crypto.pod ...... Documentation of OpenSSL crypto.h+libcrypto.a
+ ssl.pod ......... Documentation of OpenSSL ssl.h+libssl.a
+ ssleay.txt ...... Assembled documentation files of ancestor SSLeay [obsolete}
diff --git a/doc/a_verify.doc b/doc/a_verify.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index 06eec17c2b..0000000000
--- a/doc/a_verify.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-From Fri Oct 4 18:29:06 1996
-Received: by id AA29080
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Fri, 4 Oct 1996 08:29:07 +1000
-Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 08:29:06 +1000 (EST)
-From: Eric Young <>
-X-Sender: eay@orb
-To: wplatzer <>
-Cc: Eric Young <>, SSL Mailing List <>
-Subject: Re: Netscape's Public Key
-In-Reply-To: <>
-Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961004081346.8018K-100000@orb>
-Mime-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
-Status: RO
-On Thu, 3 Oct 1996, wplatzer wrote:
-> I get Public Key from Netscape (Gold 3.0b4), but cannot do anything
-> with it... It looks like (asn1parse):
-> 0:d=0 hl=3 l=180 cons: SEQUENCE
-> 3:d=1 hl=2 l= 96 cons: SEQUENCE
-> 5:d=2 hl=2 l= 92 cons: SEQUENCE
-> 7:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
-> 9:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
-> 20:d=4 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
-> 22:d=3 hl=2 l= 75 prim: BIT STRING
-> 99:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: IA5STRING :
-> 101:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
-> 103:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :md5withRSAEncryption
-> 114:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
-> 116:d=1 hl=2 l= 65 prim: BIT STRING
-> The first BIT STRING is the public key and the second BIT STRING is
-> the signature.
-> But a public key consists of the public exponent and the modulus. Are
-> both numbers in the first BIT STRING?
-> Is there a document simply describing this coding stuff (checking
-> signature, get the public key, etc.)?
-Minimal in SSLeay. If you want to see what the modulus and exponent are,
-try asn1parse -offset 25 -length 75 <key.pem
-asn1parse will currently stuff up on the 'length 75' part (fixed in next
-release) but it will print the stuff. If you are after more
-documentation on ASN.1, have a look at and get their PKCS
-documents, most of my initial work on SSLeay was done using them.
-As for SSLeay,
-util/crypto.num and util/ssl.num are lists of all exported functions in
-the library (but not macros :-(.
-The ones for extracting public keys from certificates and certificate
-requests are EVP_PKEY * X509_REQ_extract_key(X509_REQ *req);
-EVP_PKEY * X509_extract_key(X509 *x509);
-To verify a signature on a signed ASN.1 object
-int X509_verify(X509 *a,EVP_PKEY *key);
-int X509_REQ_verify(X509_REQ *a,EVP_PKEY *key);
-int X509_CRL_verify(X509_CRL *a,EVP_PKEY *key);
-I should mention that EVP_PKEY can be used to hold a public or a private key,
-since for things like RSA and DSS, a public key is just a subset of what
-is stored for the private key.
-To sign any of the above structures
-int X509_sign(X509 *a,EVP_PKEY *key,EVP_MD *md);
-int X509_REQ_sign(X509_REQ *a,EVP_PKEY *key,EVP_MD *md);
-int X509_CRL_sign(X509_CRL *a,EVP_PKEY *key,EVP_MD *md);
-where md is the message digest to sign with.
-There are all defined in x509.h and all the _sign and _verify functions are
-actually macros to the ASN1_sign() and ASN1_verify() functions.
-These functions will put the correct algorithm identifiers in the correct
-places in the structures.
-Eric Young | BOOL is tri-state according to Bill Gates.
-AARNet: | RTFM Win32 GetMessage().
diff --git a/doc/apps.doc b/doc/apps.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index a2a4e0de72..0000000000
--- a/doc/apps.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-The applications
-Ok, where to begin....
-In the begining, when SSLeay was small (April 1995), there
-were but few applications, they did happily cohabit in
-the one bin directory. Then over time, they did multiply and grow,
-and they started to look like microsoft software; 500k to print 'hello world'.
-A new approach was needed. They were coalessed into one 'Monolithic'
-application, ssleay. This one program is composed of many programs that
-can all be compiled independantly.
-ssleay has 3 modes of operation.
-1) If the ssleay binaray has the name of one of its component programs, it
-executes that program and then exits. This can be achieve by using hard or
-symbolic links, or failing that, just renaming the binary.
-2) If the first argument to ssleay is the name of one of the component
-programs, that program runs that program and then exits.
-3) If there are no arguments, ssleay enters a 'command' mode. Each line is
-interpreted as a program name plus arguments. After each 'program' is run,
-ssleay returns to the comand line.
-dgst - message digests
-enc - encryption and base64 encoding
-ans1parse - 'pulls' appart ASN.1 encoded objects like certificates.
-dh - Diffle-Hellman parameter manipulation.
-rsa - RSA manipulations.
-crl - Certificate revokion list manipulations
-x509 - X509 cert fiddles, including signing.
-pkcs7 - pkcs7 manipulation, only DER versions right now.
-genrsa - generate an RSA private key.
-gendh - Generate a set of Diffle-Hellman parameters.
-req - Generate a PKCS#10 object, a certificate request.
-s_client - SSL client program
-s_server - SSL server program
-s_time - A SSL protocol timing program
-s_mult - Another SSL server, but it multiplexes
- connections.
-s_filter - under development
-errstr - Convert SSLeay error numbers to strings.
-ca - Sign certificate requests, and generate
- certificate revokion lists
-crl2pkcs7 - put a crl and certifcates into a pkcs7 object.
-speed - Benchmark the ciphers.
-verify - Check certificates
-hashdir - under development
-[ there a now a few more options, play with the program to see what they
- are ]
diff --git a/doc/asn1.doc b/doc/asn1.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index fdad17c05c..0000000000
--- a/doc/asn1.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-The ASN.1 Routines.
-ASN.1 is a specification for how to encode structured 'data' in binary form.
-The approach I have take to the manipulation of structures and their encoding
-into ASN.1 is as follows.
-For each distinct structure there are 4 function of the following form
-TYPE *TYPE_new(void);
-void TYPE_free(TYPE *);
-TYPE *d2i_TYPE(TYPE **a,unsigned char **pp,long length);
-long i2d_TYPE(TYPE *a,unsigned char **pp); /* CHECK RETURN VALUE */
-where TYPE is the type of the 'object'. The TYPE that have these functions
-can be in one of 2 forms, either the internal C malloc()ed data structure
-or in the DER (a variant of ASN.1 encoding) binary encoding which is just
-an array of unsigned bytes. The 'i2d' functions converts from the internal
-form to the DER form and the 'd2i' functions convert from the DER form to
-the internal form.
-The 'new' function returns a malloc()ed version of the structure with all
-substructures either created or left as NULL pointers. For 'optional'
-fields, they are normally left as NULL to indicate no value. For variable
-size sub structures (often 'SET OF' or 'SEQUENCE OF' in ASN.1 syntax) the
-STACK data type is used to hold the values. Have a read of stack.doc
-and have a look at the relevant header files to see what I mean. If there
-is an error while malloc()ing the structure, NULL is returned.
-The 'free' function will free() all the sub components of a particular
-structure. If any of those sub components have been 'removed', replace
-them with NULL pointers, the 'free' functions are tolerant of NULL fields.
-The 'd2i' function copies a binary representation into a C structure. It
-operates as follows. 'a' is a pointer to a pointer to
-the structure to populate, 'pp' is a pointer to a pointer to where the DER
-byte string is located and 'length' is the length of the '*pp' data.
-If there are no errors, a pointer to the populated structure is returned.
-If there is an error, NULL is returned. Errors can occur because of
-malloc() failures but normally they will be due to syntax errors in the DER
-encoded data being parsed. It is also an error if there was an
-attempt to read more that 'length' bytes from '*p'. If
-everything works correctly, the value in '*p' is updated
-to point at the location just beyond where the DER
-structure was read from. In this way, chained calls to 'd2i' type
-functions can be made, with the pointer into the 'data' array being
-'walked' along the input byte array.
-Depending on the value passed for 'a', different things will be done. If
-'a' is NULL, a new structure will be malloc()ed and returned. If '*a' is
-NULL, a new structure will be malloc()ed and put into '*a' and returned.
-If '*a' is not NULL, the structure in '*a' will be populated, or in the
-case of an error, free()ed and then returned.
-Having these semantics means that a structure
-can call a 'd2i' function to populate a field and if the field is currently
-NULL, the structure will be created.
-The 'i2d' function type is used to copy a C structure to a byte array.
-The parameter 'a' is the structure to convert and '*p' is where to put it.
-As for the 'd2i' type structure, 'p' is updated to point after the last
-byte written. If p is NULL, no data is written. The function also returns
-the number of bytes written. Where this becomes useful is that if the
-function is called with a NULL 'p' value, the length is returned. This can
-then be used to malloc() an array of bytes and then the same function can
-be recalled passing the malloced array to be written to. e.g.
-int len;
-unsigned char *bytes,*p;
-len=i2d_X509(x,NULL); /* get the size of the ASN1 encoding of 'x' */
-if ((bytes=(unsigned char *)malloc(len)) == NULL)
- goto err;
-Please note that a new variable, 'p' was passed to i2d_X509. After the
-call to i2d_X509 p has been incremented by len bytes.
-Now the reason for this functional organisation is that it allows nested
-structures to be built up by calling these functions as required. There
-are various macros used to help write the general 'i2d', 'd2i', 'new' and
-'free' functions. They are discussed in another file and would only be
-used by some-one wanting to add new structures to the library. As you
-might be able to guess, the process of writing ASN.1 files can be a bit CPU
-expensive for complex structures. I'm willing to live with this since the
-simpler library code make my life easier and hopefully most programs using
-these routines will have their execution profiles dominated by cipher or
-message digest routines.
-What follows is a list of 'TYPE' values and the corresponding ASN.1
-structure and where it is used.
-ASN1_T61STRING T61String
-ASN1_TYPE Any of the above mentioned types plus SEQUENCE and SET
-Most of the above mentioned types are actualled stored in the
-ASN1_BIT_STRING type and macros are used to differentiate between them.
-The 3 types used are
-typedef struct asn1_object_st
- {
- /* both null if a dynamic ASN1_OBJECT, one is
- * defined if a 'static' ASN1_OBJECT */
- char *sn,*ln;
- int nid;
- int length;
- unsigned char *data;
-This is used to store ASN1 OBJECTS. Read 'objects.doc' for details ono
-routines to manipulate this structure. 'sn' and 'ln' are used to hold text
-strings that represent the object (short name and long or lower case name).
-These are used by the 'OBJ' library. 'nid' is a number used by the OBJ
-library to uniquely identify objects. The ASN1 routines will populate the
-'length' and 'data' fields which will contain the bit string representing
-the object.
-typedef struct asn1_bit_string_st
- {
- int length;
- int type;
- unsigned char *data;
-This structure is used to hold all the other base ASN1 types except for
-ASN1_UTCTIME (which is really just a 'char *'). Length is the number of
-bytes held in data and type is the ASN1 type of the object (there is a list
-in asn1.h).
-typedef struct asn1_type_st
- {
- int type;
- union {
- char *ptr;
- ASN1_INTEGER * integer;
- ASN1_BIT_STRING * bit_string;
- ASN1_OCTET_STRING * octet_string;
- ASN1_OBJECT * object;
- ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING * printablestring;
- ASN1_T61STRING * t61string;
- ASN1_IA5STRING * ia5string;
- ASN1_UTCTIME * utctime;
- ASN1_BIT_STRING * set;
- ASN1_BIT_STRING * sequence;
- } value;
- } ASN1_TYPE;
-This structure is used in a few places when 'any' type of object can be
-X509 Certificate
-X509_CINF CertificateInfo
-X509_ALGOR AlgorithmIdentifier
-X509_NAME Name
-X509_NAME_ENTRY A single sub component of the name.
-X509_VAL Validity
-X509_PUBKEY SubjectPublicKeyInfo
-The above mentioned types are declared in x509.h. They are all quite
-straight forward except for the X509_NAME/X509_NAME_ENTRY pair.
-A X509_NAME is a STACK (see stack.doc) of X509_NAME_ENTRY's.
-typedef struct X509_name_entry_st
- {
- ASN1_OBJECT *object;
- ASN1_BIT_STRING *value;
- int set;
- int size; /* temp variable */
- } X509_NAME_ENTRY;
-The size is a temporary variable used by i2d_NAME and set is the set number
-for the particular NAME_ENTRY. A X509_NAME is encoded as a sequence of
-sequence of sets. Normally each set contains only a single item.
-Sometimes it contains more. Normally throughout this library there will be
-only one item per set. The set field contains the 'set' that this entry is
-a member of. So if you have just created a X509_NAME structure and
-populated it with X509_NAME_ENTRYs, you should then traverse the X509_NAME
-(which is just a STACK) and set the 'set/' field to incrementing numbers.
-For more details on why this is done, read the ASN.1 spec for Distinguished
-X509_REQ CertificateRequest
-X509_REQ_INFO CertificateRequestInfo
-These are used to hold certificate requests.
-X509_CRL CertificateRevocationList
-These are used to hold a certificate revocation list
-RSAPrivateKey PrivateKeyInfo
-RSAPublicKey PublicKeyInfo
-Both these 'function groups' operate on 'RSA' structures (see rsa.doc).
-The difference is that the RSAPublicKey operations only manipulate the m
-and e fields in the RSA structure.
-DSAPrivateKey DSS private key
-DSAPublicKey DSS public key
-Both these 'function groups' operate on 'DSS' structures (see dsa.doc).
-The difference is that the RSAPublicKey operations only manipulate the
-XXX fields in the DSA structure.
-DHparams DHParameter
-This is used to hold the p and g value for The Diffie-Hellman operation.
-The function deal with the 'DH' strucure (see dh.doc).
-Now all of these function types can be used with several other functions to give
-quite useful set of general manipulation routines. Normally one would
-not uses these functions directly but use them via macros.
-char *ASN1_dup(int (*i2d)(),char *(*d2i)(),char *x);
-'x' is the input structure case to a 'char *', 'i2d' is the 'i2d_TYPE'
-function for the type that 'x' is and d2i is the 'd2i_TYPE' function for the
-type that 'x' is. As is obvious from the parameters, this function
-duplicates the strucutre by transforming it into the DER form and then
-re-loading it into a new strucutre and returning the new strucutre. This
-is obviously a bit cpu intensive but when faced with a complex dynamic
-structure this is the simplest programming approach. There are macros for
-duplicating the major data types but is simple to add extras.
-char *ASN1_d2i_fp(char *(*new)(),char *(*d2i)(),FILE *fp,unsigned char **x);
-'x' is a pointer to a pointer of the 'desired type'. new and d2i are the
-corresponding 'TYPE_new' and 'd2i_TYPE' functions for the type and 'fp' is
-an open file pointer to read from. This function reads from 'fp' as much
-data as it can and then uses 'd2i' to parse the bytes to load and return
-the parsed strucutre in 'x' (if it was non-NULL) and to actually return the
-strucutre. The behavior of 'x' is as per all the other d2i functions.
-char *ASN1_d2i_bio(char *(*new)(),char *(*d2i)(),BIO *fp,unsigned char **x);
-The 'BIO' is the new IO type being used in SSLeay (see bio.doc). This
-function is the same as ASN1_d2i_fp() except for the BIO argument.
-ASN1_d2i_fp() actually calls this function.
-int ASN1_i2d_fp(int (*i2d)(),FILE *out,unsigned char *x);
-'x' is converted to bytes by 'i2d' and then written to 'out'. ASN1_i2d_fp
-and ASN1_d2i_fp are not really symetric since ASN1_i2d_fp will read all
-available data from the file pointer before parsing a single item while
-ASN1_i2d_fp can be used to write a sequence of data objects. To read a
-series of objects from a file I would sugest loading the file into a buffer
-and calling the relevent 'd2i' functions.
-char *ASN1_d2i_bio(char *(*new)(),char *(*d2i)(),BIO *fp,unsigned char **x);
-This function is the same as ASN1_i2d_fp() except for the BIO argument.
-ASN1_i2d_fp() actually calls this function.
-char * PEM_ASN1_read(char *(*d2i)(),char *name,FILE *fp,char **x,int (*cb)());
-This function will read the next PEM encoded (base64) object of the same
-type as 'x' (loaded by the d2i function). 'name' is the name that is in
-the '-----BEGIN name-----' that designates the start of that object type.
-If the data is encrypted, 'cb' will be called to prompt for a password. If
-it is NULL a default function will be used to prompt from the password.
-'x' is delt with as per the standard 'd2i' function interface. This
-function can be used to read a series of objects from a file. While any
-data type can be encrypted (see PEM_ASN1_write) only RSA private keys tend
-to be encrypted.
-char * PEM_ASN1_read_bio(char *(*d2i)(),char *name,BIO *fp,
- char **x,int (*cb)());
-Same as PEM_ASN1_read() except using a BIO. This is called by
-int PEM_ASN1_write(int (*i2d)(),char *name,FILE *fp,char *x,EVP_CIPHER *enc,
- unsigned char *kstr,int klen,int (*callback)());
-int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(int (*i2d)(),char *name,BIO *fp,
- char *x,EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,int klen,
- int (*callback)());
-int ASN1_sign(int (*i2d)(), X509_ALGOR *algor1, X509_ALGOR *algor2,
- ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature, char *data, RSA *rsa, EVP_MD *type);
-int ASN1_verify(int (*i2d)(), X509_ALGOR *algor1,
- ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature,char *data, RSA *rsa);
-ASN1_BIT_STRING *ASN1_BIT_STRING_type_new(int type );
-int ASN1_UTCTIME_check(ASN1_UTCTIME *a);
-void ASN1_UTCTIME_print(BIO *fp,ASN1_UTCTIME *a);
-ASN1_BIT_STRING *d2i_asn1_print_type(ASN1_BIT_STRING **a,unsigned char **pp,
- long length,int type);
-int i2d_ASN1_SET(STACK *a, unsigned char **pp,
- int (*func)(), int ex_tag, int ex_class);
-STACK * d2i_ASN1_SET(STACK **a, unsigned char **pp, long length,
- char *(*func)(), int ex_tag, int ex_class);
-int i2a_ASN1_OBJECT(BIO *bp,ASN1_OBJECT *object);
-int i2a_ASN1_INTEGER(BIO *bp, ASN1_INTEGER *a);
-int a2i_ASN1_INTEGER(BIO *bp,ASN1_INTEGER *bs,char *buf,int size);
-int ASN1_INTEGER_set(ASN1_INTEGER *a, long v);
-long ASN1_INTEGER_get(ASN1_INTEGER *a);
-/* given a string, return the correct type. Max is the maximum number
- * of bytes to parse. It stops parsing when 'max' bytes have been
- * processed or a '\0' is hit */
-int ASN1_PRINTABLE_type(unsigned char *s,int max);
-void ASN1_parse(BIO *fp,unsigned char *pp,long len);
-int i2d_ASN1_bytes(ASN1_BIT_STRING *a, unsigned char **pp, int tag, int class);
-ASN1_BIT_STRING *d2i_ASN1_bytes(ASN1_OCTET_STRING **a, unsigned char **pp,
- long length, int Ptag, int Pclass);
-/* PARSING */
-int asn1_Finish(ASN1_CTX *c);
-int ASN1_get_object(unsigned char **pp, long *plength, int *ptag,
- int *pclass, long omax);
-int ASN1_check_infinite_end(unsigned char **p,long len);
-void ASN1_put_object(unsigned char **pp, int constructed, int length,
- int tag, int class);
-int ASN1_object_size(int constructed, int length, int tag);
-X509 * X509_get_cert(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509_NAME * name,X509 *tmp_x509);
-int X509_add_cert(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509 *);
-char * X509_cert_verify_error_string(int n);
-int X509_add_cert_file(CERTIFICATE_CTX *c,char *file, int type);
-char * X509_gmtime (char *s, long adj);
-int X509_add_cert_dir (CERTIFICATE_CTX *c,char *dir, int type);
-int X509_load_verify_locations (CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,
- char *file_env, char *dir_env);
-int X509_set_default_verify_paths(CERTIFICATE_CTX *cts);
-X509 * X509_new_D2i_X509(int len, unsigned char *p);
-char * X509_get_default_cert_area(void );
-char * X509_get_default_cert_dir(void );
-char * X509_get_default_cert_file(void );
-char * X509_get_default_cert_dir_env(void );
-char * X509_get_default_cert_file_env(void );
-char * X509_get_default_private_dir(void );
-X509_REQ *X509_X509_TO_req(X509 *x, RSA *rsa);
-int X509_cert_verify(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509 *xs, int (*cb)());
-void X509_NAME_print(BIO *fp, X509_NAME *name, int obase);
-int X509_print_fp(FILE *fp,X509 *x);
-int X509_print(BIO *fp,X509 *x);
-X509_INFO * X509_INFO_new(void);
-void X509_INFO_free(X509_INFO *a);
-char * X509_NAME_oneline(X509_NAME *a);
-#define X509_verify(x,rsa)
-#define X509_REQ_verify(x,rsa)
-#define X509_CRL_verify(x,rsa)
-#define X509_sign(x,rsa,md)
-#define X509_REQ_sign(x,rsa,md)
-#define X509_CRL_sign(x,rsa,md)
-#define X509_dup(x509)
-#define d2i_X509_fp(fp,x509)
-#define i2d_X509_fp(fp,x509)
-#define d2i_X509_bio(bp,x509)
-#define i2d_X509_bio(bp,x509)
-#define X509_CRL_dup(crl)
-#define d2i_X509_CRL_fp(fp,crl)
-#define i2d_X509_CRL_fp(fp,crl)
-#define d2i_X509_CRL_bio(bp,crl)
-#define i2d_X509_CRL_bio(bp,crl)
-#define X509_REQ_dup(req)
-#define d2i_X509_REQ_fp(fp,req)
-#define i2d_X509_REQ_fp(fp,req)
-#define d2i_X509_REQ_bio(bp,req)
-#define i2d_X509_REQ_bio(bp,req)
-#define RSAPrivateKey_dup(rsa)
-#define d2i_RSAPrivateKey_fp(fp,rsa)
-#define i2d_RSAPrivateKey_fp(fp,rsa)
-#define d2i_RSAPrivateKey_bio(bp,rsa)
-#define i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio(bp,rsa)
-#define X509_NAME_dup(xn)
-#define X509_NAME_ENTRY_dup(ne)
-void X509_REQ_print_fp(FILE *fp,X509_REQ *req);
-void X509_REQ_print(BIO *fp,X509_REQ *req);
-RSA *X509_REQ_extract_key(X509_REQ *req);
-RSA *X509_extract_key(X509 *x509);
-int X509_issuer_and_serial_cmp(X509 *a, X509 *b);
-unsigned long X509_issuer_and_serial_hash(X509 *a);
-X509_NAME * X509_get_issuer_name(X509 *a);
-int X509_issuer_name_cmp(X509 *a, X509 *b);
-unsigned long X509_issuer_name_hash(X509 *a);
-X509_NAME * X509_get_subject_name(X509 *a);