diff options
authorDr. Stephen Henson <>2012-10-04 13:27:11 +0000
committerDr. Stephen Henson <>2012-10-04 13:27:11 +0000
commitc616200172f922718c7200002470a48d31ec4fb5 (patch)
parent7b899c10cd9ff366ef834615ecaabed8629edc06 (diff)
Add support for Windows CE and C64+ to FIPS module.
47 files changed, 4749 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/Configure b/Configure
index f93a9ee280..90b108baaa 100755
--- a/Configure
+++ b/Configure
@@ -610,12 +610,14 @@ my %table=(
"uClinux-dist","$ENV{'CC'}:\$(CFLAGS)::-D_REENTRANT::\$(LDFLAGS) \$(LDLIBS):BN_LLONG:${no_asm}:$ENV{'LIBSSL_dlfcn'}\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR):$ENV{'RANLIB'}::",
"uClinux-dist64","$ENV{'CC'}:\$(CFLAGS)::-D_REENTRANT::\$(LDFLAGS) \$(LDLIBS):SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG:${no_asm}:$ENV{'LIBSSL_dlfcn'}\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR):$ENV{'RANLIB'}::",
+"c64xplus","cl6x:-mv6400+ -o2 -ox -ms -pden -DNO_SYS_TYPES_H -DGETPID_IS_MEANINGLESS -DMD32_REG_T=int -DOPENSSL_SMALL_FOOTPRINT:<c6x.h>::DSPBIOS::BN_LLONG:c64xpluscpuid.o:bn-c64xplus.o c64xplus-gf2m.o::aes-c64xplus.o aes_cbc.o aes_ctr.o:::sha1-c64xplus.o sha256-c64xplus.o sha512-c64xplus.o:::::::ghash-c64xplus.o::void:",
my @MK1MF_Builds=qw(VC-WIN64I VC-WIN64A
debug-VC-WIN64I debug-VC-WIN64A
- BC-32
+ BC-32 c64xplus
netware-clib netware-clib-bsdsock
netware-libc netware-libc-bsdsock);
diff --git a/Makefile.fips b/Makefile.fips
index 157e901099..74db06574b 100644
--- a/Makefile.fips
+++ b/Makefile.fips
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ SHARED_LDFLAGS=
GENERAL= Makefile
BASENAME= openssl
-TARFILE= openssl-fips-2.0-test.tar
+TARFILE= openssl-fips-2.0.tar
WTARFILE= $(NAME)-win.tar
EXHEADER= e_os2.h
HEADER= e_os.h
diff --git a/c6x/do_fips b/c6x/do_fips
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1c29fcf83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/do_fips
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+perl Configure c64xplus fipscanisteronly no-engine
+perl util/ > MINFO
+perl util/ auto > c6x/fips.mak
+make -f c6x/fips.mak
+make -f c6x/fips_algvs.mak
diff --git a/c6x/env b/c6x/env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..543d33081e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/env
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# MSYS-style PATH
+export PATH=/c/CCStudio_v3.3/c6000/cgtools/bin:/c/Program\ Files/ActivePerl58/bin:$PATH
+# Windows-style variables
+export C6X_C_DIR='C:\CCStudio_v3.3\c6000\cgtools\include;C:\CCStudio_v3.3\c6000\cgtools\lib'
+export PERL5LIB=C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bin/utilities/ccs_scripting
diff --git a/c6x/fips_standalone_sha1 b/c6x/fips_standalone_sha1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea2268cb4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/fips_standalone_sha1
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
+require "";
+(!@ARV[0] && -f @ARGV[$#ARGV]) || die "usage: $0 [-verify] file";
+$verify=shift if (@ARGV[0] eq "-verify");
+sysopen(FD,@ARGV[0],0) || die "$!";
+my $ctx = HMAC->Init("etaonrishdlcupfm");
+while (read(FD,$blob,4*1024)) { $ctx->Update($blob); }
+my $signature = unpack("H*",$ctx->Final());
+print "HMAC-SHA1(@ARGV[0])= $signature\n";
+if ($verify) {
+ open(FD,"<@ARGV[0].sha1") || die "$!";
+ $line = <FD>;
+ close(FD);
+ exit(0) if ($line =~ /HMAC\-SHA1\([^\)]*\)=\s*([0-9a-f]+)/i &&
+ $1 eq $signature);
+ die "signature mismatch";
diff --git a/c6x/fipscanister.cmd b/c6x/fipscanister.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a06ee15cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/fipscanister.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ .text:
+ {
+ *(.fips_text:start)
+ *(.text)
+ *(.const:aes_asm)
+ *(.const:sha_asm)
+ *(.const:des_sptrans)
+ *(.switch)
+ *(.fips_text:end)
+ }
+ .const:
+ {
+ *(.fips_const:start)
+ *(.const)
+ *(.fips_const:end)
+ }
diff --git a/c6x/ b/c6x/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..494f7e8569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The OpenSSL Project.
+# SHA1 and HMAC in Perl by <>.
+{ package SHA1;
+ use integer;
+ {
+ ################################### SHA1 block code generator
+ my @V = ('$A','$B','$C','$D','$E');
+ my $i;
+ sub XUpdate {
+ my $ret;
+ $ret="(\$T=\$W[($i-16)%16]^\$W[($i-14)%16]^\$W[($i-8)%16]^\$W[($i-3)%16],\n\t";
+ if ((1<<31)<<1) {
+ $ret.=" \$W[$i%16]=((\$T<<1)|(\$T>>31))&0xffffffff)\n\t ";
+ } else {
+ $ret.=" \$W[$i%16]=(\$T<<1)|((\$T>>31)&1))\n\t ";
+ }
+ }
+ sub tail {
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@V;
+ my $ret;
+ if ((1<<31)<<1) {
+ $ret.="(($a<<5)|($a>>27));\n\t";
+ $ret.="$b=($b<<30)|($b>>2); $e&=0xffffffff; #$b&=0xffffffff;\n\t";
+ } else {
+ $ret.="(($a<<5)|($a>>27)&0x1f);\n\t";
+ $ret.="$b=($b<<30)|($b>>2)&0x3fffffff;\n\t";
+ }
+ $ret;
+ }
+ sub BODY_00_15 {
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@V;
+ "$e+=\$W[$i]+0x5a827999+((($c^$d)&$b)^$d)+".tail();
+ }
+ sub BODY_16_19 {
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@V;
+ "$e+=".XUpdate()."+0x5a827999+((($c^$d)&$b)^$d)+".tail();
+ }
+ sub BODY_20_39 {
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@V;
+ "$e+=".XUpdate()."+0x6ed9eba1+($b^$c^$d)+".tail();
+ }
+ sub BODY_40_59 {
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@V;
+ "$e+=".XUpdate()."+0x8f1bbcdc+(($b&$c)|(($b|$c)&$d))+".tail();
+ }
+ sub BODY_60_79 {
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@V;
+ "$e+=".XUpdate()."+0xca62c1d6+($b^$c^$d)+".tail();
+ }
+ my $sha1_impl =
+ 'sub block {
+ my $self = @_[0];
+ my @W = unpack("N16",@_[1]);
+ my ($A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$T) = @{$self->{H}};
+ ';
+ $sha1_impl.='
+ $A &= 0xffffffff;
+ $B &= 0xffffffff;
+ ' if ((1<<31)<<1);
+ for($i=0;$i<16;$i++){ $sha1_impl.=BODY_00_15(); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
+ for(;$i<20;$i++) { $sha1_impl.=BODY_16_19(); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
+ for(;$i<40;$i++) { $sha1_impl.=BODY_20_39(); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
+ for(;$i<60;$i++) { $sha1_impl.=BODY_40_59(); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
+ for(;$i<80;$i++) { $sha1_impl.=BODY_60_79(); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
+ $sha1_impl.='
+ $self->{H}[0]+=$A; $self->{H}[1]+=$B; $self->{H}[2]+=$C;
+ $self->{H}[3]+=$D; $self->{H}[4]+=$E; }';
+ #print $sha1_impl,"\n";
+ eval($sha1_impl); # generate code
+ }
+ sub Init {
+ my $class = shift; # multiple instances...
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self,$class;
+ $self->{H} = [0x67452301,0xefcdab89,0x98badcfe,0x10325476,0xc3d2e1f0];
+ $self->{N} = 0;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub Update {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $msg;
+ foreach $msg (@_) {
+ my $len = length($msg);
+ my $num = length($self->{buf});
+ my $off = 0;
+ $self->{N} += $len;
+ if (($num+$len)<64)
+ { $self->{buf} .= $msg; next; }
+ elsif ($num)
+ { $self->{buf} .= substr($msg,0,($off=64-$num));
+ $self->block($self->{buf});
+ }
+ while(($off+64) <= $len)
+ { $self->block(substr($msg,$off,64));
+ $off += 64;
+ }
+ $self->{buf} = substr($msg,$off);
+ }
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub Final {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $num = length($self->{buf});
+ $self->{buf} .= chr(0x80); $num++;
+ if ($num>56)
+ { $self->{buf} .= chr(0)x(64-$num);
+ $self->block($self->{buf});
+ $self->{buf}=undef;
+ $num=0;
+ }
+ $self->{buf} .= chr(0)x(56-$num);
+ $self->{buf} .= pack("N2",($self->{N}>>29)&0x7,$self->{N}<<3);
+ $self->block($self->{buf});
+ return pack("N*",@{$self->{H}});
+ }
+ sub Selftest {
+ my $hash;
+ $hash=SHA1->Init()->Update('abc')->Final();
+ die "SHA1 test#1" if (unpack("H*",$hash) ne 'a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d');
+ $hash=SHA1->Init()->Update('abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq')->Final();
+ die "SHA1 test#2" if (unpack("H*",$hash) ne '84983e441c3bd26ebaae4aa1f95129e5e54670f1');
+ #$hash=SHA1->Init()->Update('a'x1000000)->Final();
+ #die "SHA1 test#3" if (unpack("H*",$hash) ne '34aa973cd4c4daa4f61eeb2bdbad27316534016f');
+ }
+{ package HMAC;
+ sub Init {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self,$class;
+ if (length($key)>64) {
+ $key = SHA1->Init()->Update($key)->Final();
+ }
+ $key .= chr(0x00)x(64-length($key));
+ my @ikey = map($_^=0x36,unpack("C*",$key));
+ ($self->{hash} = SHA1->Init())->Update(pack("C*",@ikey));
+ $self->{okey} = pack("C*",map($_^=0x36^0x5c,@ikey));
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub Update {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{hash}->Update(@_);
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub Final {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ihash = $self->{hash}->Final();
+ return SHA1->Init()->Update($self->{okey},$ihash)->Final();
+ }
+ sub Selftest {
+ my $hmac;
+ $hmac = HMAC->Init('0123456789:;<=>?@ABC')->Update('Sample #2')->Final();
+ die "HMAC test" if (unpack("H*",$hmac) ne '0922d3405faa3d194f82a45830737d5cc6c75d24');
+ }
diff --git a/c6x/incore6x b/c6x/incore6x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be73aca2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/incore6x
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The OpenSSL Project.
+# The script embeds fingerprint into TI-COFF executable object.
+$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
+require "";
+# COFF symbol table parser by <>. The table entries
+# are extended with offset within executable file...
+{ package COFF;
+ use FileHandle;
+ sub dup { my %copy=map {$_} @_; return \%copy; }
+ sub Load {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ my $FD = FileHandle->new(); # autoclose
+ bless $self,$class;
+ sysopen($FD,shift,0) or die "$!";
+ binmode($FD);
+ #################################################
+ # read and parse COFF header...
+ #
+ read($FD,my $coff,22) or die "$!";
+ my %coff_header;
+ @coff_header{version,nsects,date,syms_off,nsyms,opt,flags,magic}=
+ unpack("v2V3v3",$coff);
+ $!=42; # signal fipsld to revert to two-step link
+ die "not TI-COFF file" if ($coff_header{version} != 0xC2);
+ my $big_endian = ($coff_header{flags}>>9)&1; # 0 or 1
+ my $strings;
+ my $symsize;
+ #################################################
+ # load strings table
+ #
+ seek($FD,$coff_header{syms_off}+18*$coff_header{nsyms},0) or die "$!";
+ read($FD,$strings,4) or die "$!";
+ $symsize = unpack("V",$strings);
+ read($FD,$strings,$symsize,4) or die "$!";
+ #################################################
+ # read sections
+ #
+ my $i;
+ my @sections;
+ # seek to section headers
+ seek($FD,22+@coff_header{opt},0) or die "$!";
+ for ($i=0;$i<$coff_header{nsects};$i++) {
+ my %coff_shdr;
+ my $name;
+ read($FD,my $section,48) or die "$!";
+ @coff_shdr{sh_name,sh_phaddr,sh_vaddr,
+ sh_size,sh_offset,sh_relocs,sh_reserved,
+ sh_relocoff,sh_lines,sh_flags} =
+ unpack("a8V9",$section);
+ $name = $coff_shdr{sh_name};
+ # see if sh_name is a an offset in $strings
+ my ($hi,$lo) = unpack("V2",$name);
+ if ($hi==0 && $lo<$symsize) {
+ $name = substr($strings,$lo,64);
+ }
+ $coff_shdr{sh_name} = (split(chr(0),$name))[0];
+ push(@sections,dup(%coff_shdr));
+ }
+ #################################################
+ # load symbols table
+ #
+ seek($FD,$coff_header{syms_off},0) or die "$!";
+ for ($i=0;$i<$coff_header{nsyms};$i++) {
+ my %coff_sym;
+ my $name;
+ read($FD,my $blob,18) or die "$!";
+ @coff_sym{st_name,st_value,st_shndx,reserved,class,aux} =
+ unpack("a8Vv2C2",$blob);
+ # skip aux entries
+ if ($coff_sym{aux}) {
+ seek($FD,18*$coff_sym{aux},1) or die "$!";
+ $i+=$coff_sym{aux};
+ }
+ $name = $coff_sym{st_name};
+ # see if st_name is a an offset in $strings
+ my ($hi,$lo) = unpack("V2",$name);
+ if ($hi==0 && $lo<$symsize) {
+ $name = substr($strings,$lo,64);
+ }
+ $coff_sym{st_name} = $name = (split(chr(0),$name))[0];
+ my $st_secn = $coff_sym{st_shndx}-1;
+ if ($st_secn>=0 && $st_secn<=$#sections
+ && @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_offset}
+ && $name =~ m/^_[a-z]+/i) {
+ # synthesize st_offset, ...
+ $coff_sym{st_offset} = $coff_sym{st_value}
+ - @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_vaddr}
+ + @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_offset};
+ $coff_sym{st_section} = @sections[$st_secn]->{sh_name};
+ # ... and add to lookup table
+ $self->{symbols}{$name} = dup(%coff_sym);
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub Lookup {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ return $self->{symbols}{"_$name"};
+ }
+ sub Traverse {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ if (ref($code) eq 'CODE') {
+ for (keys(%{$self->{symbols}})) { &$code($self->{symbols}{$_}); }
+ }
+ }
+# main()
+my $legacy_mode;
+if ($#ARGV<0 || ($#ARGV>0 && !($legacy_mode=(@ARGV[0] =~ /^\-(dso|exe)$/)))) {
+ print STDERR "usage: $0 [-dso|-exe] ti-coff-binary\n";
+ exit(1);
+$exe = COFF->Load(@ARGV[$#ARGV]);
+$FIPS_text_start = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_start") or die;
+$FIPS_text_end = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_end") or die;
+$FIPS_rodata_start = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_rodata_start") or die;
+$FIPS_rodata_end = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_rodata_end") or die;
+$FIPS_signature = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_signature") or die;
+# new cross-compile support
+$FIPS_text_startX = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_startX");
+$FIPS_text_endX = $exe->Lookup("FIPS_text_endX");
+if (!$legacy_mode) {
+ if (!$FIPS_text_startX || !$FIPS_text_endX) {
+ print STDERR "@ARGV[$#ARGV] is not cross-compiler aware.\n";
+ exit(42); # signal fipsld to revert to two-step link
+ }
+ $FINGERPRINT_ascii_value
+ = $exe->Lookup("FINGERPRINT_ascii_value");
+if ($FIPS_text_startX && $FIPS_text_endX) {
+ $FIPS_text_start = $FIPS_text_startX;
+ $FIPS_text_end = $FIPS_text_endX;
+sysopen(FD,@ARGV[$#ARGV],$legacy_mode?0:2) or die "$!"; # 2 is read/write
+sub HMAC_Update {
+ my ($hmac,$off,$len) = @_;
+ my $blob;
+ seek(FD,$off,0) or die "$!";
+ read(FD,$blob,$len) or die "$!";
+ $$hmac->Update($blob);
+# fips/fips.c:FIPS_incore_fingerprint's Perl twin
+sub FIPS_incore_fingerprint {
+ my $p1 = $FIPS_text_start->{st_offset};
+ my $p2 = $FIPS_text_end->{st_offset};
+ my $p3 = $FIPS_rodata_start->{st_offset};
+ my $p4 = $FIPS_rodata_end->{st_offset};
+ my $sig = $FIPS_signature->{st_offset};
+ my $ctx = HMAC->Init("etaonrishdlcupfm");
+ # detect overlapping regions
+ if ($p1<=$p3 && $p2>=$p3) {
+ $p3 = $p1; $p4 = $p2>$p4?$p2:$p4; $p1 = 0; $p2 = 0;
+ } elsif ($p3<=$p1 && $p4>=$p1) {
+ $p3 = $p3; $p4 = $p2>$p4?$p2:$p4; $p1 = 0; $p2 = 0;
+ }
+ if ($p1) {
+ HMAC_Update (\$ctx,$p1,$p2-$p1);
+ }
+ if ($sig>=$p3 && $sig<$p4) {
+ # "punch" hole
+ HMAC_Update(\$ctx,$p3,$sig-$p3);
+ $p3 = $sig+20;
+ HMAC_Update(\$ctx,$p3,$p4-$p3);
+ } else {
+ HMAC_Update(\$ctx,$p3,$p4-$p3);
+ }
+ return $ctx->Final();
+$fingerprint = FIPS_incore_fingerprint();
+if ($legacy_mode) {
+ print unpack("H*",$fingerprint);
+} elsif ($FINGERPRINT_ascii_value) {
+ seek(FD,$FINGERPRINT_ascii_value->{st_offset},0) or die "$!";
+ print FD unpack("H*",$fingerprint) or die "$!";
+} else {
+ seek(FD,$FIPS_signature->{st_offset},0) or die "$!";
+ print FD $fingerprint or die "$!";
+close (FD);
diff --git a/c6x/run6x b/c6x/run6x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aecfabeb04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c6x/run6x
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+$exe = @ARGV[0];
+$exe .= ".out" if (! -f $exe);
+die if (! -f $exe);
+my $studio=new CCS_SCRIPTING_PERL::CCS_Scripting();
+$studio->CCSOpenNamed("*","*",1); # connect to board
+print "loading $exe\n";
+sub write_string {
+ my ($studio,$addr,$str) = @_;
+ my $len = length($str);
+ my $i;
+ for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
+ $studio->MemoryWrite($CCS_SCRIPTING_PERL::PAGE_DATA,$addr+$i,8,vec($str,$i,8));
+ }
+ $studio->MemoryWrite($CCS_SCRIPTING_PERL::PAGE_DATA,$addr+$i,8,0);
+ return $i+1;
+$addr= $studio->SymbolGetAddress("__c_args");
+printf "setting up __c_args at 0x%X\n",$addr;#\n";
+for ($i=0,$strings=$addr+($#ARGV+3)*4; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {
+ $off = write_string($studio,$strings,@ARGV[$i]);
+ $studio->MemoryWrite($CCS_SCRIPTING_PERL::PAGE_DATA,$addr+4*($i+1),32,$strings);
+ $strings += $off;
+print "running...\n";
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/ b/crypto/aes/asm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..206d7dce88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/
@@ -0,0 +1,1329 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ====================================================================
+# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
+# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
+# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
+# details see
+# ====================================================================
+# [Endian-neutral] AES for C64x+.
+# Even though SPLOOPs are scheduled for 13 cycles, and thus expected
+# performance is ~8.5 cycles per byte processed with 128-bit key,
+# measured performance turned to be ~10 cycles per byte. Discrepancy
+# must be caused by limitations of L1D memory banking(*), see SPRU871
+# TI publication for further details. If any consolation it's still
+# ~20% faster than TI's linear assembly module anyway... Compared to
+# aes_core.c compiled with cl6x 6.0 with -mv6400+ -o2 options this
+# code is 3.75x faster and almost 3x smaller (tables included).
+# (*) This means that there might be subtle correlation between data
+# and timing and one can wonder if it can be ... attacked:-(
+# On the other hand this also means that *if* one chooses to
+# implement *4* T-tables variant [instead of 1 T-table as in
+# this implementation, or in addition to], then one ought to
+# *interleave* them. Even though it complicates addressing,
+# references to interleaved tables would be guaranteed not to
+# clash. I reckon that it should be possible to break 8 cycles
+# per byte "barrier," i.e. improve by ~20%, naturally at the
+# cost of 8x increased pressure on L1D. 8x because you'd have
+# to interleave both Te and Td tables...
+while (($output=shift) && ($output!~/\w[\w\-]*\.\w+$/)) {}
+open STDOUT,">$output";
+ .text
+ .asg B3,RA
+ .asg A4,INP
+ .asg B4,OUT
+ .asg A6,KEY
+ .asg A4,RET
+ .asg B15,SP
+ .eval 24,EXT0
+ .eval 16,EXT1
+ .eval 8,EXT2
+ .eval 0,EXT3
+ .eval 8,TBL1
+ .eval 16,TBL2
+ .eval 24,TBL3
+ .eval 24-EXT0,EXT0
+ .eval 24-EXT1,EXT1
+ .eval 24-EXT2,EXT2
+ .eval 24-EXT3,EXT3
+ .eval 32-TBL1,TBL1
+ .eval 32-TBL2,TBL2
+ .eval 32-TBL3,TBL3
+ .endif
+ .global _AES_encrypt
+ .asmfunc
+ MVK 1,B2
+ [B2] LDNDW *INP++,A9:A8 ; load input
+|| MVKL (AES_Te-_AES_encrypt),$TEA
+|| ADDKPC _AES_encrypt,B0
+ [B2] LDNDW *INP++,B9:B8
+|| MVKH (AES_Te-_AES_encrypt),$TEA
+|| ADD 0,KEY,$KPA
+|| ADD 4,KEY,$KPB
+ LDW *$KPA++[2],$Te0[0] ; zero round key
+|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$Te0[1]
+|| MVK 60,A0
+|| ADD B0,$TEA,$TEA ; AES_Te
+ LDW *KEY[A0],B0 ; rounds
+|| MVK 1024,A0 ; sizeof(AES_Te)
+ LDW *$KPA++[2],$Te0[2]
+|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$Te0[3]
+|| MV $TEA,$TEB
+ MV A9,$s[0]
+|| MV A8,$s[1]
+|| MV B9,$s[2]
+|| MV B8,$s[3]
+ .else
+ MV A8,$s[0]
+|| MV A9,$s[1]
+|| MV B8,$s[2]
+|| MV B9,$s[3]
+ .endif
+ XOR $Te0[0],$s[0],$s[0]
+|| XOR $Te0[1],$s[1],$s[1]
+|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[0] ; 1st round key
+|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[1]
+ SUB B0,2,B0
+|| MVC B0,ILC
+|| LDW *$KPA++[2],$K[2]
+|| LDW *$KPB++[2],$K[3]
+ EXTU $s[1],EXT1,24,$Te1[1]
+|| EXTU $s[0],EXT3,24,$Te3[0]
+ LDW *${TEB}[$Te1[1]],$Te1[1] ; Te1[s1>>8], t0
+|| LDW *${TEA}[$Te3[0]],$Te3[0] ; Te3[s0>>24], t1
+|| XOR $s[2],$Te0[2],$s[2] ; modulo-scheduled
+|| XOR $s[3],$Te0[3],$s[3] ; modulo-scheduled
+|| EXTU $s[1],EXT3,24,$Te3[1]
+|| EXTU $s[0],EXT1,24,$Te1[0]
+ LDW *${TEB}[$Te3[1]],$Te3[1] ; Te3[s1>>24], t2