diff options
2 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/release.nix b/nixos/release.nix
index 8016dba09152..858c01d75806 100644
--- a/nixos/release.nix
+++ b/nixos/release.nix
@@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ in rec {
tests.predictable-interface-names = callSubTests tests/predictable-interface-names.nix {};
tests.printing = callTest tests/printing.nix {};
tests.prometheus = callTest tests/prometheus.nix {};
+ tests.prometheus-exporters = callTest tests/prometheus-exporters.nix {};
tests.prosody = callTest tests/prosody.nix {};
tests.proxy = callTest tests/proxy.nix {};
tests.quagga = callTest tests/quagga.nix {};
diff --git a/nixos/tests/prometheus-exporters.nix b/nixos/tests/prometheus-exporters.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f2c06dcb7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/prometheus-exporters.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+import ./make-test.nix ({ lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ escape' = str: lib.replaceChars [''"'' "$" "\n"] [''\\\"'' "\\$" ""] str;
+ * The attrset `exporterTests` contains one attribute
+ * for each exporter test. Each of these attributes
+ * is expected to be an attrset containing:
+ *
+ * `exporterConfig`:
+ * this attribute set contains config for the exporter itself
+ *
+ * `exporterTest`
+ * this attribute set contains test instructions
+ *
+ * `metricProvider` (optional)
+ * this attribute contains additional machine config
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * exporterTests.<exporterName> = {
+ * exporterConfig = {
+ * enable = true;
+ * };
+ * metricProvider = {
+ * services.<metricProvider>.enable = true;
+ * };
+ * exporterTest = ''
+ * waitForUnit("prometheus-<exporterName>-exporter.service");
+ * waitForOpenPort("1234");
+ * succeed("curl -sSf 'localhost:1234/metrics'");
+ * '';
+ * };
+ *
+ * # this would generate the following test config:
+ *
+ * nodes.<exporterName> = {
+ * services.prometheus.<exporterName> = {
+ * enable = true;
+ * };
+ * services.<metricProvider>.enable = true;
+ * };
+ *
+ * testScript = ''
+ * $<exporterName>->start();
+ * $<exporterName>->waitForUnit("prometheus-<exporterName>-exporter.service");
+ * $<exporterName>->waitForOpenPort("1234");
+ * $<exporterName>->succeed("curl -sSf 'localhost:1234/metrics'");
+ * $<exporterName>->shutdown();
+ * '';
+ */
+ exporterTests = {
+ blackbox = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "config.yml" (builtins.toJSON {
+ modules.icmp_v6 = {
+ prober = "icmp";
+ icmp.preferred_ip_protocol = "ip6";
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-blackbox-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9115);
+ succeed("curl -sSf 'http://localhost:9115/probe?target=localhost&module=icmp_v6' | grep -q 'probe_success 1'");
+ '';
+ };
+ collectd = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ extraFlags = [ "--web.collectd-push-path /collectd" ];
+ };
+ exporterTest =let postData = escape' ''
+ [{
+ "values":[23],
+ "dstypes":["gauge"],
+ "type":"gauge",
+ "interval":1000,
+ "host":"testhost",
+ "plugin":"testplugin",
+ "time":$(date +%s)
+ }]
+ ''; in ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-collectd-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9103);
+ succeed("curl -sSfH 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST --data \"${postData}\" localhost:9103/collectd");
+ succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9103/metrics | grep -q 'collectd_testplugin_gauge{instance=\"testhost\"} 23'");
+ '';
+ };
+ dnsmasq = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ leasesPath = "/var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases";
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ services.dnsmasq.enable = true;
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-dnsmasq-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9153);
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9153/metrics | grep -q 'dnsmasq_leases 0'");
+ '';
+ };
+ dovecot = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ scopes = [ "global" ];
+ socketPath = "/var/run/dovecot2/old-stats";
+ user = "root"; # <- don't use user root in production
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ services.dovecot2.enable = true;
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-dovecot-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9166);
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9166/metrics | grep -q 'dovecot_up{scope=\"global\"} 1'");
+ '';
+ };
+ fritzbox = { # TODO add proper test case
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-fritzbox-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9133);
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9133/metrics | grep -q 'fritzbox_exporter_collect_errors 0'");
+ '';
+ };
+ json = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ url = "http://localhost";
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "json-exporter-conf.json" (builtins.toJSON [{
+ name = "json_test_metric";
+ path = "$.test";
+ }]);
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ = [ "nginx.service" ];
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts.localhost.locations."/".extraConfig = ''
+ return 200 "{\"test\":1}";
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("nginx.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(80);
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-json-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(7979);
+ succeed("curl -sSf localhost:7979/metrics | grep -q 'json_test_metric 1'");
+ '';
+ };
+ nginx = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ statusPage = true;
+ virtualHosts."/".extraConfig = "return 204;";
+ };
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("nginx.service")
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-nginx-exporter.service")
+ waitForOpenPort(9113)
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9113/metrics | grep -q 'nginx_up 1'")
+ '';
+ };
+ node = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-node-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9100);
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9100/metrics | grep -q 'node_exporter_build_info{.\\+} 1'");
+ '';
+ };
+ postfix = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ services.postfix.enable = true;
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-postfix-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9154);
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9154/metrics | grep -q 'postfix_smtpd_connects_total 0'");
+ '';
+ };
+ snmp = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ configuration.default = {
+ version = 2;
+ = "public";
+ };
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-snmp-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9116);
+ succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9116/metrics | grep -q 'snmp_request_errors_total 0'");
+ '';
+ };
+ surfboard = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ modemAddress = "localhost";
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ = [ "nginx.service" ];
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts.localhost.locations."/cgi-bin/status".extraConfig = ''
+ return 204;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("nginx.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(80);
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-surfboard-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9239);
+ succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9239/metrics | grep -q 'surfboard_up 1'");
+ '';
+ };
+ varnish = {
+ exporterConfig = {
+ enable = true;
+ instance = "/var/spool/varnish/varnish";
+ group = "varnish";
+ };
+ metricProvider = {
+ = [
+ "varnish.service"
+ ];
+ services.varnish = {
+ enable = true;
+ config = ''
+ vcl 4.0;
+ backend default {
+ .host = "";
+ .port = "80";
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ exporterTest = ''
+ waitForUnit("prometheus-varnish-exporter.service");
+ waitForOpenPort(9131);
+ succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9131/metrics | grep -q 'varnish_up 1'");
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ nodes = lib.mapAttrs (exporter: testConfig: lib.mkMerge [{
+ services.prometheus.exporters.${exporter} = testConfig.exporterConfig;
+ } testConfig.metricProvider or {}]) exporterTests;
+ testScript = lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList (exporter: testConfig: (''
+ subtest "${exporter}", sub {
+ ${"$"+exporter}->start();
+ ${lib.concatStringsSep " " (map (line: ''
+ ${"$"+exporter}->${line};
+ '') (lib.splitString "\n" (lib.removeSuffix "\n" testConfig.exporterTest)))}
+ ${"$"+exporter}->shutdown();
+ };
+ '')) exporterTests);
+ name = "prometheus-exporters";
+ inherit nodes testScript;
+ meta = with lib.maintainers; {
+ maintainers = [ willibutz ];
+ };