path: root/pkgs/build-support
diff options
authorzowoq <>2022-07-30 16:25:04 +1000
committerzowoq <>2022-08-07 18:26:01 +1000
commit9a49ca9f9aeed500aa3872a94c9f566ec003cfdc (patch)
treecbba4291843bcdaa4025dc0c677f1493cfd8c0b9 /pkgs/build-support
parent621cc6c8138347c83859320aafb8c78cfecb871a (diff)
buildGo{Module,Package}: move to build-support/go
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/build-support')
2 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/go/module.nix b/pkgs/build-support/go/module.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b5185979e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/go/module.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+{ go, cacert, git, lib, stdenv }:
+{ name ? "${args'.pname}-${args'.version}"
+, src
+, buildInputs ? []
+, nativeBuildInputs ? []
+, passthru ? {}
+, patches ? []
+# Go linker flags, passed to go via -ldflags
+, ldflags ? []
+# Go tags, passed to go via -tag
+, tags ? []
+# A function to override the go-modules derivation
+, overrideModAttrs ? (_oldAttrs : {})
+# path to go.mod and go.sum directory
+, modRoot ? "./"
+# vendorHash is the SRI hash of the vendored dependencies
+# if vendorHash is null, then we won't fetch any dependencies and
+# rely on the vendor folder within the source.
+, vendorHash ? "_unset"
+# same as vendorHash, but outputHashAlgo is hardcoded to sha256
+# so regular base32 sha256 hashes work
+, vendorSha256 ? "_unset"
+# Whether to delete the vendor folder supplied with the source.
+, deleteVendor ? false
+# Whether to fetch (go mod download) and proxy the vendor directory.
+# This is useful if your code depends on c code and go mod tidy does not
+# include the needed sources to build or if any dependency has case-insensitive
+# conflicts which will produce platform dependant `vendorHash` checksums.
+, proxyVendor ? false
+# We want parallel builds by default
+, enableParallelBuilding ? true
+# Do not enable this without good reason
+# IE: programs coupled with the compiler
+, allowGoReference ? false
+, meta ? {}
+# Not needed with buildGoModule
+, goPackagePath ? ""
+# needed for buildFlags{,Array} warning
+, buildFlags ? ""
+, buildFlagsArray ? ""
+, ... }@args':
+with builtins;
+assert goPackagePath != "" -> throw "`goPackagePath` is not needed with `buildGoModule`";
+assert (vendorSha256 == "_unset" && vendorHash == "_unset") -> throw "either `vendorHash` or `vendorSha256` is required";
+assert (vendorSha256 != "_unset" && vendorHash != "_unset") -> throw "both `vendorHash` and `vendorSha256` set. only one can be set.";
+ hasAnyVendorHash = (vendorSha256 != null && vendorSha256 != "_unset") || (vendorHash != null && vendorHash != "_unset");
+ vendorHashType =
+ if hasAnyVendorHash then
+ if vendorSha256 != null && vendorSha256 != "_unset" then
+ "sha256"
+ else
+ "sri"
+ else
+ null;
+ args = removeAttrs args' [ "overrideModAttrs" "vendorSha256" "vendorHash" ];
+ go-modules = if hasAnyVendorHash then stdenv.mkDerivation (let modArgs = {
+ name = "${name}-go-modules";
+ nativeBuildInputs = (args.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ [ go git cacert ];
+ inherit (args) src;
+ inherit (go) GOOS GOARCH;
+ patches = args.patches or [];
+ patchFlags = args.patchFlags or [];
+ preBuild = args.preBuild or "";
+ sourceRoot = args.sourceRoot or "";
+ GO111MODULE = "on";
+ impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars ++ [
+ ];
+ configurePhase = args.modConfigurePhase or ''
+ runHook preConfigure
+ export GOCACHE=$TMPDIR/go-cache
+ export GOPATH="$TMPDIR/go"
+ cd "${modRoot}"
+ runHook postConfigure
+ '';
+ buildPhase = args.modBuildPhase or ''
+ runHook preBuild
+ '' + lib.optionalString (deleteVendor == true) ''
+ if [ ! -d vendor ]; then
+ echo "vendor folder does not exist, 'deleteVendor' is not needed"
+ exit 10
+ else
+ rm -rf vendor
+ fi
+ '' + ''
+ if [ -d vendor ]; then
+ echo "vendor folder exists, please set 'vendorHash = null;' or 'vendorSha256 = null;' in your expression"
+ exit 10
+ fi
+ ${if proxyVendor then ''
+ mkdir -p "''${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/cache/download"
+ go mod download
+ '' else ''
+ if (( "''${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= 1 )); then
+ goModVendorFlags+=(-v)
+ fi
+ go mod vendor "''${goModVendorFlags[@]}"
+ ''}
+ mkdir -p vendor
+ runHook postBuild
+ '';
+ installPhase = args.modInstallPhase or ''
+ runHook preInstall
+ ${if proxyVendor then ''
+ rm -rf "''${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/cache/download/sumdb"
+ cp -r --reflink=auto "''${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/cache/download" $out
+ '' else ''
+ cp -r --reflink=auto vendor $out
+ ''}
+ runHook postInstall
+ '';
+ dontFixup = true;
+ }; in modArgs // (
+ {
+ outputHashMode = "recursive";
+ } // (if (vendorHashType == "sha256") then {
+ outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
+ outputHash = vendorSha256;
+ } else {
+ outputHash = vendorHash;
+ }) // (lib.optionalAttrs (vendorHashType == "sri" && vendorHash == "") {
+ outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
+ })
+ ) // overrideModAttrs modArgs) else "";
+ package = stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
+ nativeBuildInputs = [ go ] ++ nativeBuildInputs;
+ inherit (go) GOOS GOARCH;
+ GO111MODULE = "on";
+ GOFLAGS = lib.optionals (!proxyVendor) [ "-mod=vendor" ] ++ lib.optionals (!allowGoReference) [ "-trimpath" ];
+ inherit CGO_ENABLED;
+ configurePhase = args.configurePhase or ''
+ runHook preConfigure
+ export GOCACHE=$TMPDIR/go-cache
+ export GOPATH="$TMPDIR/go"
+ export GOPROXY=off
+ export GOSUMDB=off
+ cd "$modRoot"
+ '' + lib.optionalString hasAnyVendorHash ''
+ ${if proxyVendor then ''
+ export GOPROXY=file://${go-modules}
+ '' else ''
+ rm -rf vendor
+ cp -r --reflink=auto ${go-modules} vendor
+ ''}
+ '' + ''
+ runHook postConfigure
+ '';
+ buildPhase = args.buildPhase or ''
+ runHook preBuild
+ exclude='\(/_\|examples\|Godeps\|testdata'
+ if [[ -n "$excludedPackages" ]]; then
+ IFS=' ' read -r -a excludedArr <<<$excludedPackages
+ printf -v excludedAlternates '%s\\|' "''${excludedArr[@]}"
+ excludedAlternates=''${excludedAlternates%\\|} # drop final \| added by printf
+ exclude+='\|'"$excludedAlternates"
+ fi
+ exclude+='\)'
+ buildGoDir() {
+ local cmd="$1" dir="$2"
+ . $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray
+ declare -a flags
+ flags+=($buildFlags "''${buildFlagsArray[@]}")
+ flags+=(''${tags:+-tags=${lib.concatStringsSep "," tags}})
+ flags+=(''${ldflags:+-ldflags="$ldflags"})
+ flags+=("-v" "-p" "$NIX_BUILD_CORES")
+ if [ "$cmd" = "test" ]; then
+ flags+=($checkFlags)
+ fi
+ local OUT
+ if ! OUT="$(go $cmd "''${flags[@]}" $dir 2>&1)"; then
+ if ! echo "$OUT" | grep -qE '(no( buildable| non-test)?|build constraints exclude all) Go (source )?files'; then
+ echo "$OUT" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$OUT" ]; then
+ echo "$OUT" >&2
+ fi
+ return 0
+ }
+ getGoDirs() {
+ local type;
+ type="$1"
+ if [ -n "$subPackages" ]; then
+ echo "$subPackages" | sed "s,\(^\| \),\1./,g"
+ else
+ find . -type f -name \*$type.go -exec dirname {} \; | grep -v "/vendor/" | sort --unique | grep -v "$exclude"
+ fi
+ }
+ if (( "''${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= 1 )); then
+ buildFlagsArray+=(-x)
+ fi
+ if [ ''${#buildFlagsArray[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+ declare -p buildFlagsArray > $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray
+ else
+ touch $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$enableParallelBuilding" ]; then
+ export NIX_BUILD_CORES=1
+ fi
+ for pkg in $(getGoDirs ""); do
+ echo "Building subPackage $pkg"
+ buildGoDir install "$pkg"
+ done
+ '' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) ''
+ # normalize cross-compiled builds w.r.t. native builds
+ (
+ dir=$GOPATH/bin/${go.GOOS}_${go.GOARCH}
+ if [[ -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo $dir/*)" ]]; then
+ mv $dir/* $dir/..
+ fi
+ if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
+ rmdir $dir
+ fi
+ )
+ '' + ''
+ runHook postBuild
+ '';
+ doCheck = args.doCheck or true;
+ checkPhase = args.checkPhase or ''
+ runHook preCheck
+ # We do not set trimpath for tests, in case they reference test assets
+ export GOFLAGS=''${GOFLAGS//-trimpath/}
+ for pkg in $(getGoDirs test); do
+ buildGoDir test "$pkg"
+ done
+ runHook postCheck
+ '';
+ installPhase = args.installPhase or ''
+ runHook preInstall
+ mkdir -p $out
+ dir="$GOPATH/bin"
+ [ -e "$dir" ] && cp -r $dir $out
+ runHook postInstall
+ '';
+ strictDeps = true;
+ disallowedReferences = lib.optional (!allowGoReference) go;
+ passthru = passthru // { inherit go go-modules vendorSha256 vendorHash; };
+ enableParallelBuilding = enableParallelBuilding;
+ meta = {
+ # Add default meta information
+ platforms = go.meta.platforms or lib.platforms.all;
+ } // meta;
+ });
+lib.warnIf (buildFlags != "" || buildFlagsArray != "")
+ "Use the `ldflags` and/or `tags` attributes instead of `buildFlags`/`buildFlagsArray`"
+ package
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/go/package.nix b/pkgs/build-support/go/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56c8ceeca15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/go/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+{ go, govers, lib, fetchgit, fetchhg, fetchbzr, rsync
+, fetchFromGitHub, stdenv }:
+{ buildInputs ? []
+, nativeBuildInputs ? []
+, passthru ? {}
+, preFixup ? ""
+, shellHook ? ""
+# Go linker flags, passed to go via -ldflags
+, ldflags ? []
+# Go tags, passed to go via -tag
+, tags ? []
+# We want parallel builds by default
+, enableParallelBuilding ? true
+# Go import path of the package
+, goPackagePath
+# Go package aliases
+, goPackageAliases ? [ ]
+# Extra sources to include in the gopath
+, extraSrcs ? [ ]
+# Extra gopaths containing src subfolder
+# with sources to include in the gopath
+, extraSrcPaths ? [ ]
+# go2nix dependency file
+, goDeps ? null
+# Whether to delete the vendor folder supplied with the source.
+, deleteVendor ? false
+, dontRenameImports ? false
+# Do not enable this without good reason
+# IE: programs coupled with the compiler
+, allowGoReference ? false
+# needed for buildFlags{,Array} warning
+, buildFlags ? ""
+, buildFlagsArray ? ""
+, meta ? {}, ... } @ args:
+with builtins;
+ dep2src = goDep:
+ {
+ inherit (goDep) goPackagePath;
+ src = if goDep.fetch.type == "git" then
+ fetchgit {
+ inherit (goDep.fetch) url rev sha256;
+ }
+ else if goDep.fetch.type == "hg" then
+ fetchhg {
+ inherit (goDep.fetch) url rev sha256;
+ }
+ else if goDep.fetch.type == "bzr" then
+ fetchbzr {
+ inherit (goDep.fetch) url rev sha256;
+ }
+ else if goDep.fetch.type == "FromGitHub" then
+ fetchFromGitHub {
+ inherit (goDep.fetch) owner repo rev sha256;
+ }
+ else abort "Unrecognized package fetch type: ${goDep.fetch.type}";
+ };
+ importGodeps = { depsFile }:
+ map dep2src (import depsFile);
+ goPath = if goDeps != null then importGodeps { depsFile = goDeps; } ++ extraSrcs
+ else extraSrcs;
+ package = stdenv.mkDerivation (
+ (builtins.removeAttrs args [ "goPackageAliases" "disabled" "extraSrcs"]) // {
+ nativeBuildInputs = [ go ]
+ ++ (lib.optional (!dontRenameImports) govers) ++ nativeBuildInputs;
+ buildInputs = buildInputs;
+ inherit (go) GOOS GOARCH GO386;
+ GOHOSTOS = go.GOHOSTOS or null;
+ inherit CGO_ENABLED;
+ GO111MODULE = "off";
+ GOFLAGS = lib.optionals (!allowGoReference) [ "-trimpath" ];
+ GOARM = toString (lib.intersectLists [(stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.version or "")] ["5" "6" "7"]);
+ configurePhase = args.configurePhase or ''
+ runHook preConfigure
+ # Extract the source
+ mkdir -p "go/src/$(dirname "$goPackagePath")"
+ mv "$sourceRoot" "go/src/$goPackagePath"
+ '' + lib.optionalString (deleteVendor == true) ''
+ if [ ! -d "go/src/$goPackagePath/vendor" ]; then
+ echo "vendor folder does not exist, 'deleteVendor' is not needed"
+ exit 10
+ else
+ rm -rf "go/src/$goPackagePath/vendor"
+ fi
+ '' + lib.optionalString (goDeps != null) ''
+ if [ -d "go/src/$goPackagePath/vendor" ]; then
+ echo "vendor folder exists, 'goDeps' is not needed"
+ exit 10
+ fi
+ '' + lib.flip lib.concatMapStrings goPath ({ src, goPackagePath }: ''
+ mkdir goPath
+ (cd goPath; unpackFile "${src}")
+ mkdir -p "go/src/$(dirname "${goPackagePath}")"
+ chmod -R u+w goPath/*
+ mv goPath/* "go/src/${goPackagePath}"
+ rmdir goPath
+ '') + (lib.optionalString (extraSrcPaths != []) ''
+ ${rsync}/bin/rsync -a ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (p: "${p}/src") extraSrcPaths} go
+ '') + ''
+ export GOCACHE=$TMPDIR/go-cache
+ runHook postConfigure
+ '';
+ renameImports = args.renameImports or (
+ let
+ inputsWithAliases = lib.filter (x: x ? goPackageAliases)
+ (buildInputs ++ (args.propagatedBuildInputs or [ ]));
+ rename = to: from: "echo Renaming '${from}' to '${to}'; govers -d -m ${from} ${to}";
+ renames = p: lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (rename p.goPackagePath) p.goPackageAliases;
+ in lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" renames inputsWithAliases);
+ buildPhase = args.buildPhase or ''
+ runHook preBuild
+ runHook renameImports
+ exclude='\(/_\|examples\|Godeps\|testdata'
+ if [[ -n "$excludedPackages" ]]; then
+ IFS=' ' read -r -a excludedArr <<<$excludedPackages
+ printf -v excludedAlternates '%s\\|' "''${excludedArr[@]}"
+ excludedAlternates=''${excludedAlternates%\\|} # drop final \| added by printf
+ exclude+='\|'"$excludedAlternates"
+ fi
+ exclude+='\)'
+ buildGoDir() {
+ local cmd="$1" dir="$2"
+ . $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray
+ declare -a flags
+ flags+=($buildFlags "''${buildFlagsArray[@]}")
+ flags+=(''${tags:+-tags=${lib.concatStringsSep "," tags}})
+ flags+=(''${ldflags:+-ldflags="$ldflags"})
+ flags+=("-v" "-p" "$NIX_BUILD_CORES")
+ if [ "$cmd" = "test" ]; then
+ flags+=($checkFlags)
+ fi
+ local OUT
+ if ! OUT="$(go $cmd "''${flags[@]}" $dir 2>&1)"; then
+ if ! echo "$OUT" | grep -qE '(no( buildable| non-test)?|build constraints exclude all) Go (source )?files'; then
+ echo "$OUT" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$OUT" ]; then
+ echo "$OUT" >&2
+ fi
+ return 0
+ }
+ getGoDirs() {
+ local type;
+ type="$1"
+ if [ -n "$subPackages" ]; then
+ echo "$subPackages" | sed "s,\(^\| \),\1$goPackagePath/,g"
+ else
+ pushd "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/go/src" >/dev/null
+ find "$goPackagePath" -type f -name \*$type.go -exec dirname {} \; | grep -v "/vendor/" | sort | uniq | grep -v "$exclude"
+ popd >/dev/null
+ fi
+ }
+ if (( "''${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= 1 )); then
+ buildFlagsArray+=(-x)
+ fi
+ if [ ''${#buildFlagsArray[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+ declare -p buildFlagsArray > $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray
+ else
+ touch $TMPDIR/buildFlagsArray
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$enableParallelBuilding" ]; then
+ export NIX_BUILD_CORES=1
+ fi
+ for pkg in $(getGoDirs ""); do
+ echo "Building subPackage $pkg"
+ buildGoDir install "$pkg"
+ done
+ '' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) ''
+ # normalize cross-compiled builds w.r.t. native builds
+ (
+ dir=$NIX_BUILD_TOP/go/bin/${go.GOOS}_${go.GOARCH}
+ if [[ -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo $dir/*)" ]]; then
+ mv $dir/* $dir/..
+ fi
+ if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
+ rmdir $dir
+ fi
+ )
+ '' + ''
+ runHook postBuild
+ '';
+ doCheck = args.doCheck or false;
+ checkPhase = args.checkPhase or ''
+ runHook preCheck
+ # We do not set trimpath for tests, in case they reference test assets
+ export GOFLAGS=''${GOFLAGS//-trimpath/}
+ for pkg in $(getGoDirs test); do
+ buildGoDir test "$pkg"
+ done
+ runHook postCheck
+ '';
+ installPhase = args.installPhase or ''
+ runHook preInstall
+ mkdir -p $out
+ dir="$NIX_BUILD_TOP/go/bin"
+ [ -e "$dir" ] && cp -r $dir $out
+ runHook postInstall
+ '';
+ strictDeps = true;
+ shellHook = ''
+ d=$(mktemp -d "--suffix=-$name")
+ '' + toString (map (dep: ''
+ mkdir -p "$d/src/$(dirname "${dep.goPackagePath}")"
+ ln -s "${dep.src}" "$d/src/${dep.goPackagePath}"
+ ''
+ ) goPath) + ''
+ export GOPATH=${lib.concatStringsSep ":" ( ["$d"] ++ ["$GOPATH"] ++ ["$PWD"] ++ extraSrcPaths)}
+ '' + shellHook;
+ disallowedReferences = lib.optional (!allowGoReference) go
+ ++ lib.optional (!dontRenameImports) govers;
+ passthru = passthru //
+ { inherit go; } //
+ lib.optionalAttrs (goPackageAliases != []) { inherit goPackageAliases; };
+ enableParallelBuilding = enableParallelBuilding;
+ meta = {
+ # Add default meta information
+ homepage = "https://${goPackagePath}";
+ platforms = go.meta.platforms or lib.platforms.all;
+ } // meta;
+ });
+lib.warnIf (buildFlags != "" || buildFlagsArray != "")
+ "Use the `ldflags` and/or `tags` attributes instead of `buildFlags`/`buildFlagsArray`"
+ package