#!/usr/bin/env bash # # # Updates a package definition by downloading the patch from monitor.nixos.org, # creating a branch in the nixpkgs repo for it, applying the patch and # test-building the package if you want to. # # source $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/nix-utils.sh usage() { cat <] [-j ] [-C ] -u ") -y Don't ask before executing things (optional) (not implemented yet) -b Also test-build the package (optional) -u Download and apply this url -g Path of nixpkgs clone (Default: '$RC_NIXPKGS') -c Don't check out another branch for update -d Don't checkout base branch after successfull run. -j Pass "-j " to nix-build -C Pass "--cores " to nix-build -h Show this help and exit Helper for developers of Nix packages. With this command you can - Download package update diffs - Create package update commits on a new branch - Test build the updated package and everything in one step. All you need is the URL of the patch. The script asks before building the package, so you can abort if the script fails to find the package name. You really should base the update branch on the commit your current system is based on. This way you don't need to rebuild the whole world. Example usage: # Create in the current directory (which should be a clone # of the nixpkgs repo) a new branch for updateing ffmpeg, # download the patch and apply it (commit message gets generated # for you) and then test build it. # Verbosity is on. nix-script -v update-package-def -b -u http://monitor.nixos.org/patch?p=ffmpeg-full&v=2.7.1&m=Matthias+Beyer $(help_rcvars \ "RC_UPD_NIX_BUILD_J - Default number to pass to 'nix-build -j'" "RC_UPD_NIX_BUILD_CORES - Default number to pass to 'nix-build --cores'" ) $(help_end "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") EOS } YES=0 TESTBUILD=0 NIXPKGS=$RC_NIXPKGS URL= CHECKOUT=1 DONT_CHECKOUT_BASE= J="$RC_UPD_NIX_BUILD_J" CORES="$RC_UPD_NIX_BUILD_CORES" while getopts "ybu:g:cdj:C:h" OPTION do case $OPTION in y) YES=1 dbg "Setting YES" ;; b) TESTBUILD=1 dbg "Test-building enabled" ;; u) URL="$OPTARG" dbg "URL = $URL" ;; g) NIXPKGS="$OPTARG" dbg "NIXPKGS = $NIXPKGS" ;; c) CHECKOUT=0 stdout "CHECKOUT = $CHECKOUT" ;; d) DONT_CHECKOUT_BASE=1 stdout "DONT_CHECKOUT_BASE = $DONT_CHECKOUT_BASE" ;; j) J="$OPTARG" stderr "J = $J" ;; C) CORES="$OPTARG" stderr "CORES = $CORES" ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; esac done if [ -z "$URL" ] then stderr "No URL for the patch" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$NIXPKGS" ] then stderr "No nixpkgs passed." stderr "Checking whether the current directory is a git repository!" stderr "(this could possibly blow up pretty badly)" continue_question "Continue execution" || exit 1 if [[ -d ./.git ]] then stdout "Git directory found" NIXPKGS="." else stderr "No git directory" exit 1 fi fi stdout "Making temp directory" TMP=$(mktemp) dbg "TMP = $TMP" stdout "Fetching patch" curl $URL > $TMP stdout "Parsing subject to branch name" PKG=$(cat $TMP | grep Subject | cut -d: -f 2 | sed -r 's,(\ *)(.*)(\ *),\2,') #translate subject line if necessary if [[ $(cat $TMP | grep "update from") ]] then sed -i -r 's;Subject\:\ (.*)\:\ update from (.*) to (.*);Subject: \1\:\ \2 \ -> \3;' $TMP fi CURRENT_BRANCH=$(__git_current_branch "$NIXPKGS") [[ $CHECKOUT == 1 ]] && __git "$NIXPKGS" checkout -b update-$PKG || true if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then stderr "Switching to branch update-$PKG failed." exit 1 fi cat $TMP | __git "$NIXPKGS" am if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then stdout "Patch applied." else stderr "Patch apply failed. I'm exiting now" exit 1 fi if [[ $TESTBUILD -eq 1 ]] then __j="" [[ ! -z "$J" ]] && __j="-j $J" __cores="" [[ ! -z "$CORES" ]] && __cores="-j $CORES" ask_execute "Build '$PKG' in nixpkgs clone at '$NIXPKGS'" nix-build -A $PKG -I $NIXPKGS $__j $__cores fi # # If we checked out a new branch, we go back, too. # if [[ $CHECKOUT == 1 && -z "$DONT_CHECKOUT_BASE" ]] then stdout "Switching back to old commit which was current before we started." stdout "Switching to '$CURRENT_BRANCH'" __git "$NIXPKGS" checkout $CURRENT_BRANCH if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then stderr "Switching back to '$CURRENT_BRANCH' failed. Please check manually" exit 1 fi fi