lockFileStr: rootSrc: rootSubdir: let lockFile = builtins.fromJSON lockFileStr; allNodes = builtins.mapAttrs (key: node: let sourceInfo = if key == lockFile.root then rootSrc else fetchTree (node.info or {} // removeAttrs node.locked ["dir"]); subdir = if key == lockFile.root then rootSubdir else node.locked.dir or ""; flake = import (sourceInfo + (if subdir != "" then "/" else "") + subdir + "/flake.nix"); inputs = builtins.mapAttrs (inputName: inputSpec: allNodes.${resolveInput inputSpec}) (node.inputs or {}); # Resolve a input spec into a node name. An input spec is # either a node name, or a 'follows' path from the root # node. resolveInput = inputSpec: if builtins.isList inputSpec then getInputByPath lockFile.root inputSpec else inputSpec; # Follow an input path (e.g. ["dwarffs" "nixpkgs"]) from the # root node, returning the final node. getInputByPath = nodeName: path: if path == [] then nodeName else getInputByPath # Since this could be a 'follows' input, call resolveInput. (resolveInput lockFile.nodes.${nodeName}.inputs.${builtins.head path}) (builtins.tail path); outputs = flake.outputs (inputs // { self = result; }); result = outputs // sourceInfo // { inherit inputs; inherit outputs; inherit sourceInfo; }; in if node.flake or true then assert builtins.isFunction flake.outputs; result else sourceInfo ) lockFile.nodes; in allNodes.${lockFile.root}