// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "TimelineFilter.h" #include #include #include "Logging.h" #include "TimelineModel.h" /// Searching currently can be done incrementally. For that we define a specific role to filter on /// and then process that role in chunk. This is the `FilterRole`. Of course we need to then also /// send proper update signals. Filtering then works as follows: /// /// - At first no range is filtered (incrementalSearchIndex == 0). /// - Then, when filtering is requested, we start posting events to the /// event loop with lower than low priority (low prio - 1). The only thing those events do is /// increment the incrementalSearchIndex and emit a dataChanged for that range of events. /// - This then causes those events to be reevaluated if they should be visible. static int FilterRole = Qt::UserRole * 3; static QEvent::Type getFilterEventType() { static QEvent::Type t = static_cast(QEvent::registerEventType()); return t; } TimelineFilter::TimelineFilter(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { setDynamicSortFilter(true); setFilterRole(FilterRole); } void TimelineFilter::startFiltering() { incrementalSearchIndex = 0; emit isFilteringChanged(); invalidateFilter(); beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); continueFiltering(); } void TimelineFilter::continueFiltering() { if (auto s = source(); s) { if (s->rowCount() > incrementalSearchIndex) { auto ev = new QEvent(getFilterEventType()); // request filtering a new chunk with lower than low priority. QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, ev, Qt::LowEventPriority - 1); } else { // We reached the end, so fetch more! fetchAgain(); } } } bool TimelineFilter::event(QEvent *ev) { if (ev->type() == getFilterEventType()) { if (incrementalSearchIndex < std::numeric_limits::max()) { int orgIndex = incrementalSearchIndex; // process the next 100 events by claiming their "filterrole" data has changed. incrementalSearchIndex += 100; if (auto s = source(); s) { auto count = s->rowCount(); if (incrementalSearchIndex >= count) { incrementalSearchIndex = std::numeric_limits::max(); } nhlog::ui()->debug("Filter progress {}/{}", incrementalSearchIndex, count); s->dataChanged(s->index(orgIndex), s->index(std::min(incrementalSearchIndex, count - 1)), {FilterRole}); continueFiltering(); } emit isFilteringChanged(); } return true; } return QSortFilterProxyModel::event(ev); } void TimelineFilter::setThreadId(const QString &t) { nhlog::ui()->debug("Filtering by thread '{}'", t.toStdString()); if (this->threadId != t) { this->threadId = t; emit threadIdChanged(); startFiltering(); fetchMore({}); } } void TimelineFilter::setContentFilter(const QString &c) { nhlog::ui()->debug("Filtering by content '{}'", c.toStdString()); if (this->contentFilter != c) { this->contentFilter = c; emit contentFilterChanged(); startFiltering(); fetchMore({}); } } void TimelineFilter::fetchAgain() { if (threadId.isEmpty() && contentFilter.isEmpty()) return; if (auto s = source(); s && incrementalSearchIndex == std::numeric_limits::max()) { if (this->rowCount() == cachedCount && s->canFetchMore(QModelIndex()) && // If we already have the event id of the thread in the timeline and we are filtering by // thread, we can stop fetching more messages In theory an event could have been edited // earlier in the timeline into the thread. So in theory this check is insufficient and // we should instead verify that all events referring to this thread are in the timeline // instead of just the thread root, but only Nheko supports that atm and the check would // be expensive. // TODO(Nico): check that all thread referrencing events are in the timeline by also // checking all edits inside the thread. (threadId.isEmpty() || s->idToIndex(threadId) == -1)) s->fetchMore(QModelIndex()); else cachedCount = this->rowCount(); } } void TimelineFilter::sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector &roles) { if (!roles.contains(TimelineModel::Roles::Body) && !roles.contains(TimelineModel::ThreadId)) return; if (auto s = source()) { s->dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight, {FilterRole}); } } void TimelineFilter::setSource(TimelineModel *s) { if (auto orig = this->source(); orig != s) { cachedCount = 0; incrementalSearchIndex = 0; if (orig) { disconnect(orig, &TimelineModel::currentIndexChanged, this, &TimelineFilter::currentIndexChanged); disconnect(orig, &TimelineModel::fetchedMore, this, &TimelineFilter::fetchAgain); disconnect(orig, &TimelineModel::dataChanged, this, &TimelineFilter::sourceDataChanged); } this->setSourceModel(s); if (s) { connect( s, &TimelineModel::currentIndexChanged, this, &TimelineFilter::currentIndexChanged); connect(s, &TimelineModel::fetchedMore, this, &TimelineFilter::fetchAgain, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(s, &TimelineModel::dataChanged, this, &TimelineFilter::sourceDataChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); } // reset the search index a second time just to be safe. incrementalSearchIndex = 0; emit sourceChanged(); emit isFilteringChanged(); invalidateFilter(); } } TimelineModel * TimelineFilter::source() const { return qobject_cast(sourceModel()); } void TimelineFilter::setCurrentIndex(int idx) { // TODO: maybe send read receipt in thread timeline? Or not at all? if (auto s = source()) { s->setCurrentIndex(this->mapToSource(index(idx, 0)).row()); } } int TimelineFilter::currentIndex() const { if (auto s = source()) return this->mapFromSource(s->index(s->currentIndex())).row(); else return -1; } bool TimelineFilter::isFiltering() const { return incrementalSearchIndex != std::numeric_limits::max() && !(threadId.isEmpty() && contentFilter.isEmpty()); } bool TimelineFilter::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &) const { // this chunk is still unfiltered. if (source_row > incrementalSearchIndex) return false; if (threadId.isEmpty() && contentFilter.isEmpty()) return true; if (auto s = sourceModel()) { auto idx = s->index(source_row, 0); if (!contentFilter.isEmpty() && !s->data(idx, TimelineModel::Body) .toString() .contains(contentFilter, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return false; } if (threadId.isEmpty()) return true; return s->data(idx, TimelineModel::EventId) == threadId || s->data(idx, TimelineModel::ThreadId) == threadId; } else { return true; } } #include "moc_TimelineFilter.cpp"