"""ngxtop - ad-hoc query for nginx access log. Usage: ngxtop [options] ngxtop [options] (print|top|avg|sum) ... ngxtop info ngxtop [options] query ... Options: -l , --access-log access log file to parse. -f , --log-format log format as specify in log_format directive. [default: combined] --no-follow ngxtop default behavior is to ignore current lines in log and only watch for new lines as they are written to the access log. Use this flag to tell ngxtop to process the current content of the access log instead. -t , --interval report interval when running in follow mode [default: 2.0] -g , --group-by group by variable [default: request_path] -w , --having having clause [default: 1] -o , --order-by order of output for default query [default: count] -n , --limit limit the number of records included in report for top command [default: 10] -a ..., --a ... add exp (must be aggregation exp: sum, avg, min, max, etc.) into output -v, --verbose more verbose output -d, --debug print every line and parsed record -h, --help print this help message. --version print version information. Advanced / experimental options: -c , --config allow ngxtop to parse nginx config file for log format and location. -i , --filter filter in, records satisfied given expression are processed. -p , --pre-filter in-filter expression to check in pre-parsing phase. Examples: All examples read nginx config file for access log location and format. If you want to specify the access log file and / or log format, use the -f and -a options. "top" like view of nginx requests $ ngxtop Top 10 requested path with status 404: $ ngxtop top request_path --filter 'status == 404' Top 10 requests with highest total bytes sent $ ngxtop --order-by 'avg(bytes_sent) * count' Top 10 remote address, e.g., who's hitting you the most $ ngxtop --group-by remote_addr Print requests with 4xx or 5xx status, together with status and http referer $ ngxtop -i 'status >= 400' print request status http_referer Average body bytes sent of 200 responses of requested path begin with 'foo': $ ngxtop avg bytes_sent --filter 'status == 200 and request_path.startswith("foo")' Analyze apache access log from remote machine using 'common' log format $ ssh remote tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | ngxtop -f common """ from __future__ import print_function import atexit from contextlib import closing import curses import logging import os import sqlite3 import time import sys import signal try: import urlparse except ImportError: import urllib.parse as urlparse from docopt import docopt import tabulate from config_parser import detect_log_config, detect_config_path, extract_variables, build_pattern from utils import error_exit DEFAULT_QUERIES = [ ('Summary:', '''SELECT count(1) AS count, avg(bytes_sent) AS avg_bytes_sent, count(CASE WHEN status_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS '2xx', count(CASE WHEN status_type = 3 THEN 1 END) AS '3xx', count(CASE WHEN status_type = 4 THEN 1 END) AS '4xx', count(CASE WHEN status_type = 5 THEN 1 END) AS '5xx' FROM log ORDER BY %(--order-by)s DESC LIMIT %(--limit)s'''), ('Detailed:', '''SELECT %(--group-by)s, count(1) AS count, avg(bytes_sent) AS avg_bytes_sent, count(CASE WHEN status_type = 2 THEN 1 END) AS '2xx', count(CASE WHEN status_type = 3 THEN 1 END) AS '3xx', count(CASE WHEN status_type = 4 THEN 1 END) AS '4xx', count(CASE WHEN status_type = 5 THEN 1 END) AS '5xx' FROM log GROUP BY %(--group-by)s HAVING %(--having)s ORDER BY %(--order-by)s DESC LIMIT %(--limit)s''') ] DEFAULT_FIELDS = set(['status_type', 'bytes_sent']) # ====================== # generator utilities # ====================== def follow(the_file): """ Follow a given file and yield new lines when they are available, like `tail -f`. """ with open(the_file) as f: f.seek(0, 2) # seek to eof while True: line = f.readline() if not line: time.sleep(0.1) # sleep briefly before trying again continue yield line def map_field(field, func, dict_sequence): """ Apply given function to value of given key in every dictionary in sequence and set the result as new value for that key. """ for item in dict_sequence: try: item[field] = func(item.get(field, None)) yield item except ValueError: pass def add_field(field, func, dict_sequence): """ Apply given function to the record and store result in given field of current record. Do nothing if record already contains given field. """ for item in dict_sequence: if field not in item: item[field] = func(item) yield item def trace(sequence, phase=''): for item in sequence: logging.debug('%s:\n%s', phase, item) yield item # ====================== # Access log parsing # ====================== def parse_request_path(record): if 'request_uri' in record: uri = record['request_uri'] elif 'request' in record: uri = ' '.join(record['request'].split(' ')[1:-1]) else: uri = None return urlparse.urlparse(uri).path if uri else None def parse_status_type(record): return record['status'] // 100 if 'status' in record else None def to_int(value): return int(value) if value and value != '-' else 0 def to_float(value): return float(value) if value and value != '-' else 0.0 def parse_log(lines, pattern): matches = (pattern.match(l) for l in lines) records = (m.groupdict() for m in matches if m is not None) records = map_field('status', to_int, records) records = add_field('status_type', parse_status_type, records) records = add_field('bytes_sent', lambda r: r['body_bytes_sent'], records) records = map_field('bytes_sent', to_int, records) records = map_field('request_time', to_float, records) records = add_field('request_path', parse_request_path, records) return records # ================================= # Records and statistic processor # ================================= class SQLProcessor(object): def __init__(self, report_queries, fields, index_fields=None): self.begin = False self.report_queries = report_queries self.index_fields = index_fields if index_fields is not None else [] self.column_list = ','.join(fields) self.holder_list = ','.join(':%s' % var for var in fields) self.conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') self.init_db() def process(self, records): self.begin = time.time() insert = 'insert into log (%s) values (%s)' % (self.column_list, self.holder_list) logging.info('sqlite insert: %s', insert) with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor: for r in records: cursor.execute(insert, r) def report(self): if not self.begin: return '' count = self.count() duration = time.time() - self.begin status = 'running for %.0f seconds, %d records processed: %.2f req/sec' output = [status % (duration, count, count / duration)] with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor: for query in self.report_queries: if isinstance(query, tuple): label, query = query else: label = '' cursor.execute(query) columns = (d[0] for d in cursor.description) result = tabulate.tabulate(cursor.fetchall(), headers=columns, tablefmt='orgtbl', floatfmt='.3f') output.append('%s\n%s' % (label, result)) return '\n\n'.join(output) def init_db(self): create_table = 'create table log (%s)' % self.column_list with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor: logging.info('sqlite init: %s', create_table) cursor.execute(create_table) for idx, field in enumerate(self.index_fields): sql = 'create index log_idx%d on log (%s)' % (idx, field) logging.info('sqlite init: %s', sql) cursor.execute(sql) def count(self): with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute('select count(1) from log') return cursor.fetchone()[0] # =============== # Log processing # =============== def process_log(lines, pattern, processor, arguments): pre_filer_exp = arguments['--pre-filter'] if pre_filer_exp: lines = (line for line in lines if eval(pre_filer_exp, {}, dict(line=line))) records = parse_log(lines, pattern) filter_exp = arguments['--filter'] if filter_exp: records = (r for r in records if eval(filter_exp, {}, r)) processor.process(records) print(processor.report()) # this will only run when start in --no-follow mode def build_processor(arguments): fields = arguments[''] if arguments['print']: label = ', '.join(fields) + ':' selections = ', '.join(fields) query = 'select %s from log group by %s' % (selections, selections) report_queries = [(label, query)] elif arguments['top']: limit = int(arguments['--limit']) report_queries = [] for var in fields: label = 'top %s' % var query = 'select %s, count(1) as count from log group by %s order by count desc limit %d' % (var, var, limit) report_queries.append((label, query)) elif arguments['avg']: label = 'average %s' % fields selections = ', '.join('avg(%s)' % var for var in fields) query = 'select %s from log' % selections report_queries = [(label, query)] elif arguments['sum']: label = 'sum %s' % fields selections = ', '.join('sum(%s)' % var for var in fields) query = 'select %s from log' % selections report_queries = [(label, query)] elif arguments['query']: report_queries = arguments[''] fields = arguments[''] else: report_queries = [(name, query % arguments) for name, query in DEFAULT_QUERIES] fields = DEFAULT_FIELDS.union(set([arguments['--group-by']])) for label, query in report_queries: logging.info('query for "%s":\n %s', label, query) processor_fields = [] for field in fields: processor_fields.extend(field.split(',')) processor = SQLProcessor(report_queries, processor_fields) return processor def build_source(access_log, arguments): # constructing log source if access_log == 'stdin': lines = sys.stdin elif arguments['--no-follow']: lines = open(access_log) else: lines = follow(access_log) return lines def setup_reporter(processor, arguments): if arguments['--no-follow']: return scr = curses.initscr() atexit.register(curses.endwin) def print_report(sig, frame): output = processor.report() scr.erase() try: scr.addstr(output) except curses.error: pass scr.refresh() signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, print_report) interval = float(arguments['--interval']) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0.1, interval) def process(arguments): access_log = arguments['--access-log'] log_format = arguments['--log-format'] if access_log is None and not sys.stdin.isatty(): # assume logs can be fetched directly from stdin when piped access_log = 'stdin' if access_log is None: access_log, log_format = detect_log_config(arguments) logging.info('access_log: %s', access_log) logging.info('log_format: %s', log_format) if not os.path.exists(access_log): error_exit('access log file "%s" does not exist' % access_log) if arguments['info']: print('nginx configuration file:\n ', detect_config_path()) print('access log file:\n ', access_log) print('access log format:\n ', log_format) print('available variables:\n ', ', '.join(sorted(extract_variables(log_format)))) return source = build_source(access_log, arguments) pattern = build_pattern(log_format) processor = build_processor(arguments) setup_reporter(processor, arguments) process_log(source, pattern, processor, arguments) def main(): args = docopt(__doc__, version='xstat 0.1') log_level = logging.WARNING if args['--verbose']: log_level = logging.INFO if args['--debug']: log_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') logging.debug('arguments:\n%s', args) try: process(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()