/** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Marco Ambrosini * * @author Marco Ambrosini * * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import attachMediaStream from 'attachmediastream' import hark from 'hark' import TrackToStream from '../utils/media/pipeline/TrackToStream.js' import VirtualBackground from '../utils/media/pipeline/VirtualBackground.js' import { mediaDevicesManager } from '../utils/webrtc/index.js' export const devices = { data() { return { mediaDevicesManager, pendingGetUserMediaAudioCount: 0, pendingGetUserMediaVideoCount: 0, audioStream: null, audioStreamError: null, videoStream: null, videoStreamError: null, hark: null, initialized: false, currentVolume: -100, volumeThreshold: -100, virtualBackground: null, videoTrackToStream: null, } }, props: { initializeOnMounted: { type: Boolean, default: true, }, }, methods: { initializeDevicesMixin() { this.initialized = true if (!this.mediaDevicesManager.isSupported()) { // DOMException constructor is not supported in Internet Explorer, // so a plain object is used instead. this.audioStreamError = { message: 'MediaDevicesManager is not supported', name: 'NotSupportedError', } this.videoStreamError = { message: 'MediaDevicesManager is not supported', name: 'NotSupportedError', } } this.mediaDevicesManager.enableDeviceEvents() this.updateAudioStream() this.updateVideoStream() }, stopDevicesMixin() { this.initialized = false this.stopAudioStream() this.stopVideoStream() this.mediaDevicesManager.disableDeviceEvents() }, updateAudioStream() { if (!this.mediaDevicesManager.isSupported()) { return } if (this.audioStreamInputId && this.audioStreamInputId === this.audioInputId) { return } if (this.pendingGetUserMediaAudioCount) { this.pendingGetUserMediaAudioCount++ return } // When the audio input device changes the previous stream must be // stopped before a new one is requested, as for example currently // Firefox does not support having two different audio input devices // active at the same time: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1468700 this.stopAudioStream() this.audioStreamError = null if (this.audioInputId === null || this.audioInputId === undefined) { return } this.pendingGetUserMediaAudioCount = 1 const resetPendingGetUserMediaAudioCount = () => { const updateAudioStreamAgain = this.pendingGetUserMediaAudioCount > 1 this.pendingGetUserMediaAudioCount = 0 if (updateAudioStreamAgain) { this.updateAudioStream() } } this.mediaDevicesManager.getUserMedia({ audio: true }) .then(stream => { if (!this.initialized) { // The promise was fulfilled once the stream is no // longer needed, so just discard it. stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => { track.stop() }) } else { this.setAudioStream(stream) } resetPendingGetUserMediaAudioCount() }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error getting audio stream: ' + error.name + ': ' + error.message) this.audioStreamError = error this.setAudioStream(null) resetPendingGetUserMediaAudioCount() }) }, updateVideoStream() { if (!this.mediaDevicesManager.isSupported()) { return } if (this.videoStreamInputId && this.videoStreamInputId === this.videoInputId) { return } if (this.pendingGetUserMediaVideoCount) { this.pendingGetUserMediaVideoCount++ return } // Video stream is stopped too to avoid potential issues similar to // the audio ones (see "updateAudioStream"). this.stopVideoStream() this.videoStreamError = null if (this.videoInputId === null || this.videoInputId === undefined) { return } this.pendingGetUserMediaVideoCount = 1 const resetPendingGetUserMediaVideoCount = () => { const updateVideoStreamAgain = this.pendingGetUserMediaVideoCount > 1 this.pendingGetUserMediaVideoCount = 0 if (updateVideoStreamAgain) { this.updateVideoStream() } } this.mediaDevicesManager.getUserMedia({ video: true }) .then(stream => { if (!this.initialized) { // The promise was fulfilled once the stream is no // longer needed, so just discard it. stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => { track.stop() }) } else { this.setVideoStream(stream) } resetPendingGetUserMediaVideoCount() }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error getting video stream: ' + error.name + ': ' + error.message) this.videoStreamError = error this.setVideoStream(null) resetPendingGetUserMediaVideoCount() }) }, setAudioStream(audioStream) { this.audioStream = audioStream if (!audioStream) { return } this.hark = hark(this.audioStream) this.hark.on('volume_change', (volume, volumeThreshold) => { this.currentVolume = volume this.volumeThreshold = volumeThreshold }) }, setVideoStream(videoStream) { this.videoStream = videoStream if (!this.$refs.video) { return } if (!videoStream) { this.virtualBackground._setInputTrack('default', null) return } this.virtualBackground._setInputTrack('default', this.videoStream.getVideoTracks()[0]) const options = { autoplay: true, mirror: true, muted: true, } attachMediaStream(this.videoTrackToStream.getStream(), this.$refs.video, options) }, stopAudioStream() { if (!this.audioStream) { return } this.audioStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop() }) this.audioStream = null if (this.hark) { this.hark.stop() this.hark.off('volume_change') this.hark = null } }, stopVideoStream() { this.virtualBackground._setInputTrack('default', null) if (!this.videoStream) { return } this.videoStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop() }) this.videoStream = null if (this.$refs.video) { this.$refs.video.srcObject = null } }, }, mounted() { this.virtualBackground = new VirtualBackground() // The virtual background should be enabled and disabled as needed by // the inheriters of the mixin. this.virtualBackground.setEnabled(false) this.videoTrackToStream = new TrackToStream() this.videoTrackToStream.addInputTrackSlot('video') this.virtualBackground.connectTrackSink('default', this.videoTrackToStream, 'video') if (this.initializeOnMounted) { this.initializeDevicesMixin() } }, destroyed() { this.stopDevicesMixin() }, watch: { audioInputId(audioInputId) { if (!this.initialized) { return } this.updateAudioStream() }, videoInputId(videoInputId) { if (!this.initialized) { return } this.updateVideoStream() }, }, computed: { devices() { return mediaDevicesManager.attributes.devices }, audioInputId: { get() { return mediaDevicesManager.attributes.audioInputId }, set(value) { mediaDevicesManager.set('audioInputId', value) }, }, videoInputId: { get() { return mediaDevicesManager.attributes.videoInputId }, set(value) { mediaDevicesManager.set('videoInputId', value) }, }, audioStreamInputId() { if (!this.audioStream) { return null } const audioTracks = this.audioStream.getAudioTracks() if (audioTracks.length < 1) { return null } return audioTracks[0].getSettings().deviceId }, videoStreamInputId() { if (!this.videoStream) { return null } const videoTracks = this.videoStream.getVideoTracks() if (videoTracks.length < 1) { return null } return videoTracks[0].getSettings().deviceId }, audioPreviewAvailable() { return !!this.audioInputId && !!this.audioStream }, audioStreamErrorMessage() { if (!this.audioStreamError) { return null } if (this.audioStreamError.name === 'NotSupportedError' && !window.RTCPeerConnection) { return t('spreed', 'Calls are not supported in your browser') } // In newer browser versions MediaDevicesManager is not supported in // insecure contexts; in older browser versions it is, but getting // the user media fails with "NotAllowedError". const isInsecureContext = 'isSecureContext' in window && !window.isSecureContext const isInsecureContextAccordingToErrorMessage = this.audioStreamError.message && this.audioStreamError.message.includes('Only secure origins') if ((this.audioStreamError.name === 'NotSupportedError' && isInsecureContext) || (this.audioStreamError.name === 'NotAllowedError' && isInsecureContextAccordingToErrorMessage)) { return t('spreed', 'Access to microphone is only possible with HTTPS') } if (this.audioStreamError.name === 'NotAllowedError') { return t('spreed', 'Access to microphone was denied') } return t('spreed', 'Error while accessing microphone') }, videoStreamErrorMessage() { if (!this.videoStreamError) { return null } if (this.videoStreamError.name === 'NotSupportedError' && !window.RTCPeerConnection) { return t('spreed', 'Calls are not supported in your browser') } // In newer browser versions MediaDevicesManager is not supported in // insecure contexts; in older browser versions it is, but getting // the user media fails with "NotAllowedError". const isInsecureContext = 'isSecureContext' in window && !window.isSecureContext const isInsecureContextAccordingToErrorMessage = this.videoStreamError.message && this.videoStreamError.message.includes('Only secure origins') if ((this.videoStreamError.name === 'NotSupportedError' && isInsecureContext) || (this.videoStreamError.name === 'NotAllowedError' && isInsecureContextAccordingToErrorMessage)) { return t('spreed', 'Access to camera is only possible with HTTPS') } if (this.videoStreamError.name === 'NotAllowedError') { return t('spreed', 'Access to camera was denied') } return t('spreed', 'Error while accessing camera') }, videoPreviewAvailable() { return !!this.videoInputId && !!this.videoStream }, }, }