# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later site_name: Nextcloud Talk API documentation theme: name: readthedocs highlightjs: true hljs_languages: - php - js - bash markdown_extensions: - admonition - def_list - toc: permalink: "#" baselevel: 2 nav: - 'Overview': 'index.md' - 'User documentation': - 'User system requirements': 'user-requirements.md' - 'Administration documentation': - 'Server system requirements': 'system-requirements.md' - 'Scalability': 'scalability.md' - 'Call experience': 'call-experience.md' - 'Occ commands': 'occ.md' - 'Bots': 'bot-list.md' - 'Commands (deprecated)': 'commands.md' - 'Matterbridge integration': 'matterbridge.md' - 'Developer documentation': - 'Bots and webhooks': 'bots.md' - 'Constants': 'constants.md' - 'Capabilities': 'capabilities.md' - 'PHP events': 'events.md' - 'API documentation': - 'Global API status and headers': 'global.md' - 'Conversations management': 'conversation.md' - 'Conversation avatars management': 'avatar.md' - 'Participants management': 'participant.md' - 'Call management': 'call.md' - 'Call recording management': 'recording.md' - 'Chat management': 'chat.md' - 'Reaction management': 'reaction.md' - 'Poll management': 'poll.md' - 'Breakout rooms management': 'breakout-rooms.md' - 'Bots management': 'bot-management.md' - 'Integration by other apps': 'integration.md' - 'Webinar management': 'webinar.md' - 'Settings': 'settings.md' - 'Signaling API': 'internal-signaling.md' - 'Configuring a TURN server': - 'Overview': 'TURN.md' - 'coTURN': 'coturn.md' - 'eturnal': 'eturnal.md' - 'Removed features': - 'Commands': 'commands.md'