. * */ namespace OCA\Talk\Controller; use OCA\Talk\Chat\AutoComplete\SearchPlugin; use OCA\Talk\Chat\AutoComplete\Sorter; use OCA\Talk\Chat\ChatManager; use OCA\Talk\Chat\MessageParser; use OCA\Talk\Chat\ReactionManager; use OCA\Talk\GuestManager; use OCA\Talk\MatterbridgeManager; use OCA\Talk\Middleware\Attribute\RequireLoggedInParticipant; use OCA\Talk\Middleware\Attribute\RequireModeratorOrNoLobby; use OCA\Talk\Middleware\Attribute\RequireModeratorParticipant; use OCA\Talk\Middleware\Attribute\RequireParticipant; use OCA\Talk\Middleware\Attribute\RequirePermission; use OCA\Talk\Middleware\Attribute\RequireReadWriteConversation; use OCA\Talk\Model\Attachment; use OCA\Talk\Model\Attendee; use OCA\Talk\Model\Message; use OCA\Talk\Model\Session; use OCA\Talk\Participant; use OCA\Talk\Room; use OCA\Talk\Service\AttachmentService; use OCA\Talk\Service\AvatarService; use OCA\Talk\Service\ParticipantService; use OCA\Talk\Service\ReminderService; use OCA\Talk\Service\SessionService; use OCA\Talk\Share\RoomShareProvider; use OCP\App\IAppManager; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException; use OCP\AppFramework\Http; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\NoAdminRequired; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\PublicPage; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\UserRateLimit; use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse; use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory; use OCP\Collaboration\AutoComplete\IManager; use OCP\Collaboration\Collaborators\ISearchResult; use OCP\Comments\IComment; use OCP\Comments\MessageTooLongException; use OCP\Comments\NotFoundException; use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\IRequest; use OCP\IUserManager; use OCP\RichObjectStrings\InvalidObjectExeption; use OCP\RichObjectStrings\IValidator; use OCP\Security\ITrustedDomainHelper; use OCP\Share\Exceptions\ShareNotFound; use OCP\User\Events\UserLiveStatusEvent; use OCP\UserStatus\IManager as IUserStatusManager; use OCP\UserStatus\IUserStatus; class ChatController extends AEnvironmentAwareController { private ?string $userId; private IUserManager $userManager; private IAppManager $appManager; private ChatManager $chatManager; private ReactionManager $reactionManager; private ParticipantService $participantService; private SessionService $sessionService; protected AttachmentService $attachmentService; protected avatarService $avatarService; private GuestManager $guestManager; /** @var string[] */ protected array $guestNames; private MessageParser $messageParser; protected RoomShareProvider $shareProvider; private IManager $autoCompleteManager; private IUserStatusManager $statusManager; protected MatterbridgeManager $matterbridgeManager; private SearchPlugin $searchPlugin; private ISearchResult $searchResult; protected ITimeFactory $timeFactory; protected IEventDispatcher $eventDispatcher; protected IValidator $richObjectValidator; protected ITrustedDomainHelper $trustedDomainHelper; private IL10N $l; public function __construct( string $appName, ?string $UserId, IRequest $request, IUserManager $userManager, IAppManager $appManager, ChatManager $chatManager, ReactionManager $reactionManager, ParticipantService $participantService, SessionService $sessionService, AttachmentService $attachmentService, avatarService $avatarService, protected ReminderService $reminderService, GuestManager $guestManager, MessageParser $messageParser, RoomShareProvider $shareProvider, IManager $autoCompleteManager, IUserStatusManager $statusManager, MatterbridgeManager $matterbridgeManager, SearchPlugin $searchPlugin, ISearchResult $searchResult, ITimeFactory $timeFactory, IEventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, IValidator $richObjectValidator, ITrustedDomainHelper $trustedDomainHelper, IL10N $l, ) { parent::__construct($appName, $request); $this->userId = $UserId; $this->userManager = $userManager; $this->appManager = $appManager; $this->chatManager = $chatManager; $this->reactionManager = $reactionManager; $this->participantService = $participantService; $this->sessionService = $sessionService; $this->attachmentService = $attachmentService; $this->avatarService = $avatarService; $this->guestManager = $guestManager; $this->messageParser = $messageParser; $this->shareProvider = $shareProvider; $this->autoCompleteManager = $autoCompleteManager; $this->statusManager = $statusManager; $this->matterbridgeManager = $matterbridgeManager; $this->searchPlugin = $searchPlugin; $this->searchResult = $searchResult; $this->timeFactory = $timeFactory; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->richObjectValidator = $richObjectValidator; $this->trustedDomainHelper = $trustedDomainHelper; $this->l = $l; } protected function getActorInfo(string $actorDisplayName = ''): array { if ($this->userId === null) { $actorType = Attendee::ACTOR_GUESTS; $actorId = $this->participant->getAttendee()->getActorId(); if ($actorDisplayName) { $this->guestManager->updateName($this->room, $this->participant, $actorDisplayName); } } elseif ($this->userId === MatterbridgeManager::BRIDGE_BOT_USERID && $actorDisplayName) { $actorType = Attendee::ACTOR_BRIDGED; $actorId = str_replace(["/", "\""], "", $actorDisplayName); } else { $actorType = Attendee::ACTOR_USERS; $actorId = $this->userId; } return [$actorType, $actorId]; } public function parseCommentToResponse(IComment $comment, Message $parentMessage = null): DataResponse { $chatMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($chatMessage); if (!$chatMessage->getVisibility()) { $response = new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_CREATED); if ($this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room)); } return $response; } $data = $chatMessage->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); if ($parentMessage instanceof Message) { $data['parent'] = $parentMessage->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); } $response = new DataResponse($data, Http::STATUS_CREATED); if ($this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room)); } return $response; } /** * Sends a new chat message to the given room. * * The author and timestamp are automatically set to the current user/guest * and time. * * @param string $message the message to send * @param string $actorDisplayName for guests * @param string $referenceId for the message to be able to later identify it again * @param int $replyTo Parent id which this message is a reply to * @param bool $silent If sent silent the chat message will not create any notifications * @return DataResponse the status code is "201 Created" if successful, and * "404 Not found" if the room or session for a guest user was not * found". */ #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] #[RequirePermission(permission: RequirePermission::CHAT)] #[RequireReadWriteConversation] public function sendMessage(string $message, string $actorDisplayName = '', string $referenceId = '', int $replyTo = 0, bool $silent = false): DataResponse { if (trim($message) === '') { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } [$actorType, $actorId] = $this->getActorInfo($actorDisplayName); if (!$actorId) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $parent = $parentMessage = null; if ($replyTo !== 0) { try { $parent = $this->chatManager->getParentComment($this->room, (string) $replyTo); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // Someone is trying to reply cross-rooms or to a non-existing message return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } $parentMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $parent, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($parentMessage); if (!$parentMessage->isReplyable()) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } } $this->participantService->ensureOneToOneRoomIsFilled($this->room); $creationDateTime = $this->timeFactory->getDateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); try { $comment = $this->chatManager->sendMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $actorType, $actorId, $message, $creationDateTime, $parent, $referenceId, $silent); } catch (MessageTooLongException $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE); } catch (\Exception $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } return $this->parseCommentToResponse($comment, $parentMessage); } /** * Sends a rich-object to the given room. * * The author and timestamp are automatically set to the current user/guest * and time. * * @param string $objectType * @param string $objectId * @param string $metaData * @param string $actorDisplayName * @param string $referenceId * @return DataResponse the status code is "201 Created" if successful, and * "404 Not found" if the room or session for a guest user was not * found". */ #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] #[RequirePermission(permission: RequirePermission::CHAT)] #[RequireReadWriteConversation] public function shareObjectToChat(string $objectType, string $objectId, string $metaData = '', string $actorDisplayName = '', string $referenceId = ''): DataResponse { [$actorType, $actorId] = $this->getActorInfo($actorDisplayName); if (!$actorId) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $data = $metaData !== '' ? json_decode($metaData, true) : []; if (!is_array($data)) { $data = []; } $data['type'] = $objectType; $data['id'] = $objectId; $data['icon-url'] = $this->avatarService->getAvatarUrl($this->room); if (isset($data['link']) && !$this->trustedDomainHelper->isTrustedUrl($data['link'])) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } try { $this->richObjectValidator->validate('{object}', ['object' => $data]); } catch (InvalidObjectExeption $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } if ($data['type'] === 'geo-location' && !preg_match(ChatManager::GEO_LOCATION_VALIDATOR, $data['id'])) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } $this->participantService->ensureOneToOneRoomIsFilled($this->room); $creationDateTime = $this->timeFactory->getDateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $message = json_encode([ 'message' => 'object_shared', 'parameters' => [ 'objectType' => $objectType, 'objectId' => $objectId, 'metaData' => $data, ], ]); try { $comment = $this->chatManager->addSystemMessage($this->room, $actorType, $actorId, $message, $creationDateTime, true, $referenceId); } catch (MessageTooLongException $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE); } catch (\Exception $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } return $this->parseCommentToResponse($comment); } /* * Gather share IDs from the comments and preload share definitions * to avoid separate database query for each individual share. * * @param IComment[] $comments */ protected function preloadShares(array $comments): void { // Scan messages for share IDs $shareIds = []; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $verb = $comment->getVerb(); if ($verb === 'object_shared') { $message = $comment->getMessage(); $data = json_decode($message, true); if (isset($data['parameters']['share'])) { $shareIds[] = $data['parameters']['share']; } } } if (!empty($shareIds)) { // Ignore the result for now. Retrieved Share objects will be cached by // the RoomShareProvider and returned from the cache to // the Parser\SystemMessage without additional database queries. $this->shareProvider->getSharesByIds($shareIds); } } /** * Receives chat messages from the given room. * * - Receiving the history ($lookIntoFuture=0): * The next $limit messages after $lastKnownMessageId will be returned. * The new $lastKnownMessageId for the follow up query is available as * `X-Chat-Last-Given` header. * * - Looking into the future ($lookIntoFuture=1): * If there are currently no messages the response will not be sent * immediately. Instead, HTTP connection will be kept open waiting for new * messages to arrive and, when they do, then the response will be sent. The * connection will not be kept open indefinitely, though; the number of * seconds to wait for new messages to arrive can be set using the timeout * parameter; the default timeout is 30 seconds, maximum timeout is 60 * seconds. If the timeout ends a successful but empty response will be * sent. * If messages have been returned (status=200) the new $lastKnownMessageId * for the follow up query is available as `X-Chat-Last-Given` header. * * The limit specifies the maximum number of messages that will be returned, * although the actual number of returned messages could be lower if some * messages are not visible to the participant. Note that if none of the * messages are visible to the participant the returned number of messages * will be 0, yet the status will still be 200. Also note that * `X-Chat-Last-Given` may reference a message not visible and thus not * returned, but it should be used nevertheless as the $lastKnownMessageId * for the follow-up query. * * @param int $lookIntoFuture Polling for new messages (1) or getting the history of the chat (0) * @param int $limit Number of chat messages to receive (100 by default, 200 at most) * @param int $lastKnownMessageId The last known message (serves as offset) * @param int $lastCommonReadId The last known common read message * (so the response is 200 instead of 304 when * it changes even when there are no messages) * @param int $timeout Number of seconds to wait for new messages (30 by default, 30 at most) * @param int $setReadMarker Automatically set the last read marker when 1, * if your client does this itself via chat/{token}/read set to 0 * @param int $includeLastKnown Include the $lastKnownMessageId in the messages when 1 (default 0) * @param int $noStatusUpdate When the user status should not be automatically set to online set to 1 (default 0) * @param int $markNotificationsAsRead Set to 0 when notifications should not be marked as read (default 1) * @return DataResponse an array of chat messages, "404 Not found" if the * room token was not valid or "304 Not modified" if there were no messages; * each chat message is an array with * fields 'id', 'token', 'actorType', 'actorId', * 'actorDisplayName', 'timestamp' (in seconds and UTC timezone) and * 'message'. */ #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] public function receiveMessages(int $lookIntoFuture, int $limit = 100, int $lastKnownMessageId = 0, int $lastCommonReadId = 0, int $timeout = 30, int $setReadMarker = 1, int $includeLastKnown = 0, int $noStatusUpdate = 0, int $markNotificationsAsRead = 1): DataResponse { $limit = min(200, $limit); $timeout = min(30, $timeout); $session = $this->participant->getSession(); if ($noStatusUpdate === 0 && $session instanceof Session) { // The mobile apps dont do internal signaling unless in a call $isMobileApp = $this->request->isUserAgent([ IRequest::USER_AGENT_TALK_ANDROID, IRequest::USER_AGENT_TALK_IOS, ]); if ($isMobileApp && $session->getInCall() === Participant::FLAG_DISCONNECTED) { $this->sessionService->updateLastPing($session, $this->timeFactory->getTime()); if ($lookIntoFuture) { $attendee = $this->participant->getAttendee(); if ($attendee->getActorType() === Attendee::ACTOR_USERS) { // Bump the user status again $event = new UserLiveStatusEvent( $this->userManager->get($attendee->getActorId()), IUserStatus::ONLINE, $this->timeFactory->getTime() ); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchTyped($event); } } } } /** * Automatic last read message marking for old clients * This is pretty dumb and does not give the best and native feeling * you are used to from other chat apps. The clients should manually * set the read marker depending on the view port of the set of messages. * * We are only setting it automatically here for old clients and the * web UI, until it can be fixed in Vue. To not use too much broken data, * we only update the read marker to the last known id, when it is higher * then the current read marker. */ $attendee = $this->participant->getAttendee(); if ($lookIntoFuture && $setReadMarker === 1 && $lastKnownMessageId > $attendee->getLastReadMessage()) { $this->participantService->updateLastReadMessage($this->participant, $lastKnownMessageId); } $currentUser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); if ($lookIntoFuture) { $comments = $this->chatManager->waitForNewMessages($this->room, $lastKnownMessageId, $limit, $timeout, $currentUser, (bool)$includeLastKnown, (bool)$markNotificationsAsRead); } else { $comments = $this->chatManager->getHistory($this->room, $lastKnownMessageId, $limit, (bool)$includeLastKnown); } return $this->prepareCommentsAsDataResponse($comments); } protected function prepareCommentsAsDataResponse(array $comments, int $lastCommonReadId = 0): DataResponse { if (empty($comments)) { $response = new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED); if ($lastCommonReadId && $this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $newLastCommonRead = $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room); if ($lastCommonReadId !== $newLastCommonRead) { // Set the status code to 200 so the header is sent to the client. // As per "section 10.3.5 of RFC 2616" entity headers shall be // stripped out on 304: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17822709 $response->setStatus(Http::STATUS_OK); $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $newLastCommonRead); } } return $response; } $this->preloadShares($comments); $i = 0; $now = $this->timeFactory->getDateTime(); $messages = $commentIdToIndex = $parentIds = []; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $id = (int) $comment->getId(); $message = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($message); $expireDate = $message->getComment()->getExpireDate(); if ($expireDate instanceof \DateTime && $expireDate < $now) { $commentIdToIndex[$id] = null; continue; } if (!$message->getVisibility()) { $commentIdToIndex[$id] = null; continue; } if ($comment->getParentId() !== '0') { $parentIds[$id] = $comment->getParentId(); } $messages[] = $message->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); $commentIdToIndex[$id] = $i; $i++; } /** * Set the parent for reply-messages */ $loadedParents = []; foreach ($parentIds as $commentId => $parentId) { $commentKey = $commentIdToIndex[$commentId]; // Parent is already parsed in the message list if (isset($commentIdToIndex[$parentId])) { $parentKey = $commentIdToIndex[$parentId]; $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = $messages[$parentKey]; // We don't show nested parents… unset($messages[$commentKey]['parent']['parent']); continue; } // Parent was already loaded manually for another comment if (!empty($loadedParents[$parentId])) { $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = $loadedParents[$parentId]; continue; } // Parent was not skipped due to visibility, so we need to manually grab it. if (!isset($commentIdToIndex[$parentId])) { try { $comment = $this->chatManager->getParentComment($this->room, $parentId); $message = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($message); if ($message->getVisibility()) { $loadedParents[$parentId] = $message->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = $loadedParents[$parentId]; continue; } $expireDate = $message->getComment()->getExpireDate(); if ($expireDate instanceof \DateTime && $expireDate < $now) { $commentIdToIndex[$id] = null; continue; } $loadedParents[$parentId] = [ 'id' => (int) $parentId, 'deleted' => true, ]; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } } // Message is not visible to the user $messages[$commentKey]['parent'] = [ 'id' => (int) $parentId, 'deleted' => true, ]; } $messages = $this->loadSelfReactions($messages, $commentIdToIndex); $response = new DataResponse($messages, Http::STATUS_OK); $newLastKnown = end($comments); if ($newLastKnown instanceof IComment) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Given', (string) $newLastKnown->getId()); /** * This falsely set the read marker on new messages, although you * navigated away to a different chat already. So we removed this * and instead update the read marker before your next waiting. * So when you are still there, it will just have a wrong read * marker for the time until your next request starts, while it will * not update the value, when you actually left the chat already. * if ($setReadMarker === 1 && $lookIntoFuture) { * $this->participantService->updateLastReadMessage($this->participant, (int) $newLastKnown->getId()); * } */ if ($this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room)); } } return $response; } /** * @param int $messageId The focused message which should be in the "middle" of the returned context * @param int $limit Number of chat messages to receive in both directions (50 by default, 100 at most, might return 201 messages) * @return DataResponse */ #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] public function getMessageContext( int $messageId, int $limit = 50): DataResponse { $limit = min(100, $limit); $currentUser = $this->userManager->get($this->userId); $commentsHistory = $this->chatManager->getHistory($this->room, $messageId, $limit, true); $commentsHistory = array_reverse($commentsHistory); $commentsFuture = $this->chatManager->waitForNewMessages($this->room, $messageId, $limit, 0, $currentUser, false); return $this->prepareCommentsAsDataResponse(array_merge($commentsHistory, $commentsFuture)); } protected function loadSelfReactions(array $messages, array $commentIdToIndex): array { // Get message ids with reactions $messageIdsWithReactions = array_map( static fn (array $message) => $message['id'], array_filter($messages, static fn (array $message) => !empty($message['reactions'])) ); // Get parents with reactions $parentsWithReactions = array_map( static fn (array $message) => ['parent' => $message['parent']['id'], 'message' => $message['id']], array_filter($messages, static fn (array $message) => !empty($message['parent']['reactions'])) ); // Create a map, so we can translate the parent's $messageId to the correct child entries $parentMap = $parentIdsWithReactions = []; foreach ($parentsWithReactions as $entry) { $parentMap[(int) $entry['parent']] ??= []; $parentMap[(int) $entry['parent']][] = (int) $entry['message']; $parentIdsWithReactions[] = (int) $entry['parent']; } // Unique list for the query $idsWithReactions = array_unique(array_merge($messageIdsWithReactions, $parentIdsWithReactions)); $reactionsById = $this->reactionManager->getReactionsByActorForMessages($this->participant, $idsWithReactions); // Inject the reactions self into the $messages array foreach ($reactionsById as $messageId => $reactions) { if (isset($commentIdToIndex[$messageId]) && isset($messages[$commentIdToIndex[$messageId]])) { $messages[$commentIdToIndex[$messageId]]['reactionsSelf'] = $reactions; } // Add the self part also to potential parent elements if (isset($parentMap[$messageId])) { foreach ($parentMap[$messageId] as $mid) { if (isset($messages[$commentIdToIndex[$mid]])) { $messages[$commentIdToIndex[$mid]]['parent']['reactionsSelf'] = $reactions; } } } } return $messages; } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] #[RequirePermission(permission: RequirePermission::CHAT)] #[RequireReadWriteConversation] public function deleteMessage(int $messageId): DataResponse { try { $message = $this->chatManager->getComment($this->room, (string) $messageId); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $attendee = $this->participant->getAttendee(); $isOwnMessage = $message->getActorType() === $attendee->getActorType() && $message->getActorId() === $attendee->getActorId(); // Special case for if the message is a bridged message, then the message is the bridge bot's message. $isOwnMessage = $isOwnMessage || ($message->getActorType() === Attendee::ACTOR_BRIDGED && $attendee->getActorId() === MatterbridgeManager::BRIDGE_BOT_USERID); if (!$isOwnMessage && (!$this->participant->hasModeratorPermissions(false) || $this->room->getType() === Room::TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE || $this->room->getType() === Room::TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE_FORMER)) { // Actor is not a moderator or not the owner of the message return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } if ($message->getVerb() !== ChatManager::VERB_MESSAGE && $message->getVerb() !== ChatManager::VERB_OBJECT_SHARED) { // System message (since the message is not parsed, it has type "system") return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); } $maxDeleteAge = $this->timeFactory->getDateTime(); $maxDeleteAge->sub(new \DateInterval('PT6H')); if ($message->getCreationDateTime() < $maxDeleteAge) { // Message is too old return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } try { $systemMessageComment = $this->chatManager->deleteMessage( $this->room, $message, $this->participant, $this->timeFactory->getDateTime() ); } catch (ShareNotFound $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $systemMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $systemMessageComment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($systemMessage); $comment = $this->chatManager->getComment($this->room, (string) $messageId); $message = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($message); $data = $systemMessage->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); $data['parent'] = $message->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); $bridge = $this->matterbridgeManager->getBridgeOfRoom($this->room); $response = new DataResponse($data, $bridge['enabled'] ? Http::STATUS_ACCEPTED : Http::STATUS_OK); if ($this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room)); } return $response; } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireLoggedInParticipant] #[UserRateLimit(limit: 60, period: 3600)] public function setReminder(int $messageId, int $timestamp): DataResponse { try { $this->chatManager->getComment($this->room, (string) $messageId); } catch (NotFoundException) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $reminder = $this->reminderService->setReminder( $this->participant->getAttendee()->getActorId(), $this->room->getToken(), $messageId, $timestamp ); return new DataResponse($reminder->jsonSerialize(), Http::STATUS_CREATED); } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireLoggedInParticipant] public function getReminder(int $messageId): DataResponse { try { $this->chatManager->getComment($this->room, (string) $messageId); } catch (NotFoundException) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } try { $reminder = $this->reminderService->getReminder( $this->participant->getAttendee()->getActorId(), $messageId, ); return new DataResponse($reminder->jsonSerialize(), Http::STATUS_OK); } catch (DoesNotExistException) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireLoggedInParticipant] public function deleteReminder(int $messageId): DataResponse { try { $this->chatManager->getComment($this->room, (string) $messageId); } catch (NotFoundException) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } $this->reminderService->deleteReminder( $this->participant->getAttendee()->getActorId(), $this->room->getToken(), $messageId, ); return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_OK); } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireModeratorParticipant] #[RequireReadWriteConversation] public function clearHistory(): DataResponse { $attendee = $this->participant->getAttendee(); if (!$this->participant->hasModeratorPermissions(false) || $this->room->getType() === Room::TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE || $this->room->getType() === Room::TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE_FORMER) { // Actor is not a moderator or not the owner of the message return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } $systemMessageComment = $this->chatManager->clearHistory( $this->room, $attendee->getActorType(), $attendee->getActorId() ); $systemMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $systemMessageComment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($systemMessage); $data = $systemMessage->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); $bridge = $this->matterbridgeManager->getBridgeOfRoom($this->room); $response = new DataResponse($data, $bridge['enabled'] ? Http::STATUS_ACCEPTED : Http::STATUS_OK); if ($this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room)); } return $response; } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireParticipant] public function setReadMarker(int $lastReadMessage): DataResponse { $this->participantService->updateLastReadMessage($this->participant, $lastReadMessage); $response = new DataResponse(); if ($this->participant->getAttendee()->getReadPrivacy() === Participant::PRIVACY_PUBLIC) { $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Common-Read', (string) $this->chatManager->getLastCommonReadMessage($this->room)); } return $response; } #[NoAdminRequired] #[RequireParticipant] public function markUnread(): DataResponse { $message = $this->room->getLastMessage(); $unreadId = 0; if ($message instanceof IComment) { try { $previousMessage = $this->chatManager->getPreviousMessageWithVerb( $this->room, (int)$message->getId(), [ChatManager::VERB_MESSAGE], $message->getVerb() === ChatManager::VERB_MESSAGE ); $unreadId = (int) $previousMessage->getId(); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // No chat message found, only system messages. // Marking unread from beginning } } return $this->setReadMarker($unreadId); } #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] public function getObjectsSharedInRoomOverview(int $limit = 7): DataResponse { $limit = min(20, $limit); $objectTypes = [ Attachment::TYPE_AUDIO, Attachment::TYPE_DECK_CARD, Attachment::TYPE_FILE, Attachment::TYPE_LOCATION, Attachment::TYPE_MEDIA, Attachment::TYPE_OTHER, Attachment::TYPE_POLL, Attachment::TYPE_RECORDING, Attachment::TYPE_VOICE, ]; $messages = []; $messageIdsByType = []; // Get all attachments foreach ($objectTypes as $objectType) { $attachments = $this->attachmentService->getAttachmentsByType($this->room, $objectType, 0, $limit); $messageIdsByType[$objectType] = array_map(static fn (Attachment $attachment): int => $attachment->getMessageId(), $attachments); } $messages = $this->getMessagesForRoom(array_merge(...array_values($messageIdsByType))); $messagesByType = []; // Convert list of $messages to array grouped by type foreach ($objectTypes as $objectType) { $messagesByType[$objectType] = []; foreach ($messageIdsByType[$objectType] as $messageId) { if (isset($messages[$messageId])) { $messagesByType[$objectType][] = $messages[$messageId]; } } } return new DataResponse($messagesByType, Http::STATUS_OK); } #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] public function getObjectsSharedInRoom(string $objectType, int $lastKnownMessageId = 0, int $limit = 100): DataResponse { $offset = max(0, $lastKnownMessageId); $limit = min(200, $limit); $attachments = $this->attachmentService->getAttachmentsByType($this->room, $objectType, $offset, $limit); $messageIds = array_map(static fn (Attachment $attachment): int => $attachment->getMessageId(), $attachments); $messages = $this->getMessagesForRoom($messageIds); $response = new DataResponse($messages, Http::STATUS_OK); if (!empty($messages)) { $newLastKnown = min(array_keys($messages)); $response->addHeader('X-Chat-Last-Given', $newLastKnown); } return $response; } protected function getMessagesForRoom(array $messageIds): array { $comments = $this->chatManager->getMessagesForRoomById($this->room, $messageIds); $this->preloadShares($comments); $messages = []; $comments = $this->chatManager->filterCommentsWithNonExistingFiles($comments); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $message = $this->messageParser->createMessage($this->room, $this->participant, $comment, $this->l); $this->messageParser->parseMessage($message); $now = $this->timeFactory->getDateTime(); $expireDate = $message->getComment()->getExpireDate(); if ($expireDate instanceof \DateTime && $expireDate < $now) { continue; } if (!$message->getVisibility()) { continue; } $messages[(int) $comment->getId()] = $message->toArray($this->getResponseFormat()); } return $messages; } #[PublicPage] #[RequireModeratorOrNoLobby] #[RequireParticipant] #[RequirePermission(permission: RequirePermission::CHAT)] #[RequireReadWriteConversation] public function mentions(string $search, int $limit = 20, bool $includeStatus = false): DataResponse { $this->searchPlugin->setContext([ 'itemType' => 'chat', 'itemId' => $this->room->getId(), 'room' => $this->room, ]); $this->searchPlugin->search($search, $limit, 0, $this->searchResult); $results = $this->searchResult->asArray(); $exactMatches = $results['exact']; unset($results['exact']); $results = array_merge_recursive($exactMatches, $results); $this->autoCompleteManager->registerSorter(Sorter::class); $this->autoCompleteManager->runSorters(['talk_chat_participants'], $results, [ 'itemType' => 'chat', 'itemId' => (string) $this->room->getId(), 'search' => $search, ]); $statuses = []; if ($this->userId !== null && $includeStatus && $this->appManager->isEnabledForUser('user_status')) { $userIds = array_filter(array_map(static function (array $userResult) { return $userResult['value']['shareWith']; }, $results['users'])); $statuses = $this->statusManager->getUserStatuses($userIds); } $results = $this->prepareResultArray($results, $statuses); $results = $this->chatManager->addConversationNotify($results, $search, $this->room, $this->participant); return new DataResponse($results); } /** * @param array $results * @param IUserStatus[] $statuses * @return array */ protected function prepareResultArray(array $results, array $statuses): array { $output = []; foreach ($results as $type => $subResult) { foreach ($subResult as $result) { $data = [ 'id' => $result['value']['shareWith'], 'label' => $result['label'], 'source' => $type, ]; if ($type === Attendee::ACTOR_USERS && isset($statuses[$data['id']])) { $data['status'] = $statuses[$data['id']]->getStatus(); $data['statusIcon'] = $statuses[$data['id']]->getIcon(); $data['statusMessage'] = $statuses[$data['id']]->getMessage(); $data['statusClearAt'] = $statuses[$data['id']]->getClearAt(); } $output[] = $data; } } return $output; } }