# Talk occ commands ## talk:bot:install Install a new bot on the server ### Usage * `talk:bot:install [--output [OUTPUT]] [--no-setup] [--] []` | Arguments | Description | Is required | Is array | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `name` | The name under which the messages will be posted | yes | no | `NULL` | | `secret` | Secret used to validate API calls | yes | no | `NULL` | | `url` | Webhook endpoint to post messages to | yes | no | `NULL` | | `description` | Optional description shown in the admin settings | no | no | `NULL` | | Options | Accept value | Is value required | Is multiple | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `--output` | Output format (plain, json or json_pretty, default is plain) | yes | no | no | 'plain'` | | `--no-setup` | Prevent moderators from setting up the bot in a conversation | no | no | no | false` | ## talk:bot:list List all installed bots of the server or a conversation ### Usage * `talk:bot:list [--output [OUTPUT]] [--] []` | Arguments | Description | Is required | Is array | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `token` | Conversation token to limit the bot list for | no | no | `NULL` | | Options | Accept value | Is value required | Is multiple | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `--output` | Output format (plain, json or json_pretty, default is plain) | yes | no | no | 'plain'` | ## talk:bot:remove Remove a bot from a conversation ### Usage * `talk:bot:remove [--output [OUTPUT]] [--] [...]` | Arguments | Description | Is required | Is array | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `bot-id` | The ID of the bot to remove in a conversation | yes | no | `NULL` | | `token` | Conversation tokens to remove bot up for | no | yes | `array ()` | | Options | Accept value | Is value required | Is multiple | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `--output` | Output format (plain, json or json_pretty, default is plain) | yes | no | no | 'plain'` | ## talk:bot:state List all installed bots of the server or a conversation ### Usage * `talk:bot:state [--output [OUTPUT]] [--] ` | Arguments | Description | Is required | Is array | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `bot-id` | Bot ID to change the state for | yes | no | `NULL` | | `state` | New state for the bot (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = no setup via GUI) | yes | no | `NULL` | | Options | Accept value | Is value required | Is multiple | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `--output` | Output format (plain, json or json_pretty, default is plain) | yes | no | no | 'plain'` | ## talk:bot:setup Add a bot to a conversation ### Usage * `talk:bot:setup [--output [OUTPUT]] [--] [...]` | Arguments | Description | Is required | Is array | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `bot-id` | The ID of the bot to set up in a conversation | yes | no | `NULL` | | `token` | Conversation tokens to set the bot up for | no | yes | `array ()` | | Options | Accept value | Is value required | Is multiple | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `--output` | Output format (plain, json or json_pretty, default is plain) | yes | no | no | 'plain'` | ## talk:bot:uninstall Uninstall a bot from the server ### Usage * `talk:bot:uninstall [--output [OUTPUT]] [--] ` | Arguments | Description | Is required | Is array | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `id` | The ID of the bot | yes | no | `NULL` | | Options | Accept value | Is value required | Is multiple | Default | |---|---|---|---|---| | `--output` | Output format (plain, json or json_pretty, default is plain) | yes | no | no | 'plain'` | ## talk:command:add Add a new command ### Usage * `talk:command:add [--output [OUTPUT]] [--]