# Conversation avatar API * API v1: Base endpoint `/ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v1`: since Nextcloud 27 ## Set conversations avatar * Required capability: `avatar` * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/avatar` * Data: | field | type | Description | |--------|--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `file` | string | Blob of image in a multipart/form-data request. Only accept images with mimetype equal to PNG or JPEG and need to be squared image. | * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `400 Bad Request` When: is one-to-one, no image, file is too big, invalid mimetype or resource, isn't square, unknown error + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator, owner or guest moderator + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Data: + `200 OK`: See array definition in `Get user´s conversations` + `400 Bad Request`: Array with a `message` field contain the error in user language ## Set emoji as avatar * Required capability: `avatar` * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/avatar/emoji` * Data: | field | type | Description | |---------|-------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `emoji` | string | A single emoji being used as avatar (can contain properties like gender, skin color, age, job, etc.) | | `color` | string/null | HEX color code (6 times 0-9A-F) without the leading `#` character (omit to fallback to the default bright/dark mode icon background color) | * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `400 Bad Request` When the conversation is a one-to-one conversation + `400 Bad Request` When the emoji is not a single emoji + `400 Bad Request` When color was provided but is not matching the expected pattern + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator, owner or guest moderator + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Data: + `200 OK`: See array definition in `Get user´s conversations` + `400 Bad Request`: Array with a `message` field contain the error in user language ## Delete conversations avatar !!! note To determine if the delete option should be presented to the user, it's recommended to check the `isCustomAvatar` property of the [Get user´s conversations](conversation.md#get-user-s-conversations) API. * Required capability: `avatar` * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/avatar` * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator, owner or guest moderator + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Data: See array definition in `Get user´s conversations` ## Get conversations avatar (binary) * Required capability: `avatar` * Federation capability: `federation-v1` * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/avatar` * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Body: the image file ## Get dark mode conversations avatar (binary) * Required capability: `avatar` * Federation capability: `federation-v1` * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/avatar/dark` * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Body: the image file ## Get federated user avatar (binary) * Required capability: `federation-v1` * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/proxy/{token}/user-avatar/{size}` * Data: | field | type | Description | |-----------|--------|------------------------------------------| | `size` | int | Only 64 and 512 are supported | | `cloudId` | string | Federation CloudID to get the avatar for | * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Body: the image file ## Get dark mode federated user avatar (binary) * Required capability: `federation-v1` * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/proxy/{token}/user-avatar/{size}/dark` * Data: | field | type | Description | |-----------|--------|------------------------------------------| | `size` | int | Only 64 and 512 are supported | | `cloudId` | string | Federation CloudID to get the avatar for | * Response: - Status code: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the conversation could not be found for the participant - Body: the image file