# API v1 Documentation - [Constants](#constants) * [Room types](#room-types) * [Participant types](#participant-types) - [Room management](#room-management) * [Creating a new room](#creating-a-new-room) * [Get user´s rooms](#get-user-s-rooms) * [Get single room (also for guests)](#get-single-room--also-for-guests-) * [Rename a room](#rename-a-room) * [Delete a room](#delete-a-room) * [Allow guests in a room (public room)](#allow-guests-in-a-room--public-room-) * [Disallow guests in a room (group room)](#disallow-guests-in-a-room--group-room-) - [Participant management](#participant-management) * [Get list of participants in a room](#get-list-of-participants-in-a-room) * [Add a participant to a room](#add-a-participant-to-a-room) * [Delete a participant from a room](#delete-a-participant-from-a-room) * [Remove yourself from a room](#remove-yourself-from-a-room) * [Promote a user to a moderator](#promote-a-user-to-a-moderator) * [Demote a moderator to a user](#demote-a-moderator-to-a-user) - [Call management](#call-management) * [Get list of connected participants](#get-list-of-connected-participants) * [Join a call](#join-a-call) * [Send ping to keep the call alive](#send-ping-to-keep-the-call-alive) * [Leave a call (but staying in the room for future calls)](#leave-a-call--but-staying-in-the-room-for-future-calls-) - [Signaling](#signaling) Base endpoint is: `/ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v1` ## Constants ### Room types * `1` "one to one" * `2` group * `3` public ### Participant types * `1` owner * `2` moderator * `3` user * `4` guest * `5` user following a public link ## Room management ### Creating a new room * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `roomType` | int | `invite` | string | user id (`roomType = 1`), group id (`roomType = 2`) * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` when the "one to one" room already exists + `201 Created` when the room was created + `400 Bad Request` when an invalid room type was given + `401 Unauthorized` when the user is not logged in + `404 Not Found` when the user or group does not exist - Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `token` | string | Token identifier of the room which is used for further interaction ### Get user´s rooms * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/room` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `401 Unauthorized` when the user is not logged in - Data: Array of rooms, each room has at least: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `token` | string | Token identifier of the room which is used for further interaction `type` | int | `name` | string | Name of the room (can also be empty) `displayName` | string | `name` if non empty, otherwise it falls back to a list of participants `participantType` | int | Permissions level of the current user `lastPing` | int | Timestamp of the last ping of the current user (should be used for sorting) `sessionId` | string | `'0'` if not connected, otherwise a 512 character long string ### Get single room (also for guests) * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant - Data: See array definition in `Get user´s rooms` ### Rename a room * Method: `PUT` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `roomName` | string | New name for the room (1-200 characters) * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `400 Bad Request` When the name is too long + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant + `405 Method Not Allowed` When the room is a one to one room ### Set password for a room * Method: `PUT` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/password` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `password` | string | New password for the room * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner or the room is not a public room + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Delete a room * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Allow guests in a room (public room) * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/public` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Disallow guests in a room (group room) * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/public` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Set room password * Method: `PUT` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/password` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `password` | string | Set a new password for the room * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `403 Forbidden` When the room is not a public room + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ## Participant management ### Get list of participants in a room * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant - Data: Array of participants, each participant has at least: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `userId` | string | Is empty for guests `displayName` | string | Can be empty for guests `participantType` | int | Permissions level of the participant `lastPing` | int | Timestamp of the last ping of the user (should be used for sorting) `sessionId` | string | `'0'` if not connected, otherwise a 512 character long string ### Add a participant to a room * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `newParticipant` | string | User to add * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant + `404 Not Found` When the user to add could not be found - Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `type` | string | In case the room type changed, the new value is returned ### Delete a participant from a room * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `participant` | string | User to remove * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `403 Forbidden` When the participant to remove is an owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant + `404 Not Found` When the participant to remove could not be found ### Remove a guest from a room * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants/guests` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `participant` | string | Session ID of the guest to remove * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `403 Forbidden` When the target participant is not a guest + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant + `404 Not Found` When the target participant could not be found ### Remove yourself from a room * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants/self` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Join a room (available for call and chat) * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants/active` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `password` | string | Optional: Password is only required for users which are of type `4` or `5` and only when the room has `hasPassword` set to true. * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the password is required and didn't match + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant - Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `sessionId` | string | 512 character long string ### Leave a room (not available for call and chat anymore) * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/participants/active` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Promote a user to a moderator * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/moderators` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `participant` | string | User to promote * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `403 Forbidden` When the participant to remove is an owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant + `404 Not Found` When the participant to remove could not be found + `412 Precondition Failed` When the participant to promote is not a normal user (type `3`) ### Demote a moderator to a user * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/room/{token}/moderators` * Data: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `participant` | string | User to promote * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `403 Forbidden` When the current user is not a moderator/owner + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant + `404 Not Found` When the participant to remove could not be found + `412 Precondition Failed` When the participant to demote is not a moderator (type `2`) ## Call management ### Get list of connected participants * Method: `GET` * Endpoint: `/call/{token}` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant - Data: Array of participants, each participant has at least: field | type | Description ------|------|------------ `userId` | string | Is empty for guests `lastPing` | int | Timestamp of the last ping of the user (should be used for sorting) `sessionId` | string | 512 character long string ### Join a call * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/call/{token}` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Send ping to keep the call alive * Method: `POST` * Endpoint: `/call/{token}/ping` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ### Leave a call (but staying in the room for future calls and chat) * Method: `DELETE` * Endpoint: `/call/{token}` * Response: - Header: + `200 OK` + `404 Not Found` When the room could not be found for the participant ## Signaling See the [Draft](https://github.com/nextcloud/spreed/wiki/Signaling-API) in the wiki…