# # @copyright Copyright (c) 2022, Daniel Calviño Sánchez (danxuliu@gmail.com) # # @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """ Helper script that provides a command line interface for Talkbuchet, the helper tool for load/stress testing of Nextcloud Talk. Talkbuchet is a JavaScript script (Talkbuchet.js), and it is run using a web browser. A Python script (Talkbuchet-cli.py) is provided to launch a web browser, load Talkbuchet and control it from a command line interface (which requires Selenium and certain Python packages to be available in the system). A Bash script (Talkbuchet-run.sh) is provided to set up a Docker container with Selenium, a web browser and all the needed Python dependencies for Talkbuchet-cli.py. Please refer to the documentation in Talkbuchet.js and Talkbuchet-run.sh for information on Talkbuchet and on how to easily run it. Documentation on the control functions provided by Talkbuchet-cli.py can be printed while Talkbuchet-cli.py is running by calling "help(XXX)" (where XXX is the function to get help about). Talkbuchet-cli.py provides wrapper classes to start and interact with Talkbuchet.js instances. Creating an object of a wrapper class launches a new browser instance, opens the given Nextcloud URL and loads Talkbuchet.js on it. After that the methods in the object call their counterpart in the wrapped Talkbuchet.js instance; the wrapper objects provide full control of their wrapped Talkbuchet.js instance. Besides the helper classes Talkbuchet-cli.py also provides a set of global functions to easily create several wrapper objects with common settings. Some control functions are also provided, for example, to check the status of connections during a siege, but in general the global functions only cover creating and deleting the wrappers, and once created any specific action should be executed on the wrapper objects themselves. The values set using the global functions are not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created; they only affect the wrappers created using the global functions. Moreover, existing Talkbuchet wrappers already created by the global helper functions are not affected either, only those created after the value was changed. By default the browser instances will be launched in the local Selenium server. A remote server can be used instead with: >>>> setRemoteSeleniumUrl(THE-SELENIUM-SERVER-URL) Independently of the server used, by default the browser will be launched in headless mode. If the browser needs to be interacted with this can be disabled with: >>>> setHeadless(False) Talkbuchet-cli.py supports launching Chrome and Firefox instances. Nevertheless, note that the browser to be used also needs to be supported by the Selenium server. When Talkbuchet-cli.py was started through Talkbuchet-run.sh and a remote Selenium server is not set the available browser in the container will be automatically used. Otherwise the browser to be used needs to be explicitly set with: >>>> setBrowser(THE-BROWSER-NAME) Talkbuchet-cli.py supports both the siege and virtual participant modes of Talkbuchet. Although there are a few common functions each mode has its own set of specific functions, so there are separate wrapper classes and global functions for each mode. Switching between the two modes can be done by calling "switchToSiegeMode()" and "switchToVirtualParticipantMode()". By default Talkbuchet-cli.py starts in siege mode. The documentation for each specific mode can be shown with "help(switchToSiegeMode)" and "help(switchToVirtualParticipantMode)". Note that there are some slight differences in the behaviour between Firefox and Chrome. Chrome has a hardcoded limit in the number of connections that can be created, and it does not properly clean them once closed, so it could be less suitable for sieges where a high number of connections are typically required. Nevertheless, this could be overcomed by creating several smaller sieges at the same time rather than a single, larger one. On the other hand, Firefox requires more resources for each browser instance than Chrome, so it could be less suitable for virtual participants where a high number of browser instances are typically required. But of course this might not be a problem if the system running the browser has enough resources. Regarding the sent media, Firefox sends a continuous beep for audio, while Chrome sends a short beep every ~500ms. Firefox sends more audio data (~11 kBps) than Chrome (~4 kBps), and also uses more CPU in the system running the browser when sending and receiving audio (specially on large sieges with a high number of connections). On the other hand, Firefox uses slightly less CPU than Chrome in the system running the browser when receiving video, although more when sending it; Firefox sends a changing colour animation for video (640x480x30FPS, ~40 kBps), while Chrome sends an animation with the time since the video started and a one second "clock" (640x480x20FPS, ~64 kBps). Besides the siege and virtual participant modes Talkbuchet-cli.py provides an additional mode, real participant, that is not part of Talkbuchet itself. This mode can be used to open browser instances and join the conversation and/or the call, exactly as it would be done by a real participant. However, please note that this mode is meant only for developing purposes; load/stress testing should be done with the other two modes, as the number of participants that can be simulated with them in the system running the test is much higher. Unlike the other modes, the real participant mode does not require an HPB server to be configured in Nextcloud Talk. """ import atexit import json import threading import websocket from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait from shutil import disk_usage from time import sleep class BiDiLogsHelper: """ Helper class to get browser logs using the BiDi protocol. A new thread is started by each object to receive the logs, so they can be printed in real time even if the main thread is waiting for some script to finish. """ def __init__(self, driver): if not 'webSocketUrl' in driver.capabilities: raise Exception('webSocketUrl not found in capabilities') self.realtimeLogsEnabled = False self.pendingLogs = [] self.logsLock = threading.Lock() # Web socket connection is rejected by Firefox with "Bad request" if # "Origin" header is present; logs show: # "The handshake request has incorrect Origin header". self.websocket = websocket.create_connection(driver.capabilities['webSocketUrl'], suppress_origin=True) self.websocket.send(json.dumps({ 'id': 1, 'method': 'session.subscribe', 'params': { 'events': ['log.entryAdded'], }, })) self.initialLogsLock = threading.Lock() self.initialLogsLock.acquire() self.loggingThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__processLogEvents, daemon=True) self.loggingThread.start() # Do not return until the existing logs were fetched, except if it is # taking too long. self.initialLogsLock.acquire(timeout=10) def __del__(self): if self.websocket: self.websocket.close() if self.loggingThread: self.loggingThread.join() def __messageFromEvent(self, event): if not 'params' in event: return '???' method = '' if 'method' in event['params']: method = event['params']['method'] elif 'level' in event['params']: method = event['params']['level'] if event['params']['level'] != 'warning' else 'warn' text = '' if 'text' in event['params']: text = event['params']['text'] time = '??:??:??' if 'timestamp' in event['params']: timestamp = event['params']['timestamp'] # JavaScript timestamps are millisecond based, Python timestamps # are second based. time = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp / 1000).strftime('%H:%M:%S') methodShort = '?' if method == 'error': methodShort = 'E' elif method == 'warn': methodShort = 'W' elif method == 'log': methodShort = 'L' elif method == 'info': methodShort = 'I' elif method == 'debug': methodShort = 'D' return time + ' ' + methodShort + ' ' + text def __processLogEvents(self): while True: try: event = json.loads(self.websocket.recv()) except: print('BiDi WebSocket closed') return if 'id' in event and event['id'] == 1: self.initialLogsLock.release() continue if not 'method' in event or event['method'] != 'log.entryAdded': continue message = self.__messageFromEvent(event) with self.logsLock: if self.realtimeLogsEnabled: print(message) else: self.pendingLogs.append(message) def clearLogs(self): """ Clears, without printing, the logs received while realtime logs were not enabled. """ with self.logsLock: self.pendingLogs = [] def printLogs(self): """ Prints the logs received while realtime logs were not enabled. The logs are cleared after printing them. """ with self.logsLock: for log in self.pendingLogs: print(log) self.pendingLogs = [] def setRealtimeLogsEnabled(self, realtimeLogsEnabled): """ Enable or disable realtime logs. If logs are received while realtime logs are not enabled they can be printed using "printLogs()". """ with self.logsLock: self.realtimeLogsEnabled = realtimeLogsEnabled class SeleniumHelper: """ Helper class to start a browser and execute scripts in it using Selenium. By default the browser will be started in headless mode, so the browser will not be visible. It is not possible to make it visible once the browser was launched; in order to show it the browser has to be started again in non-headless mode. The browser, as well as the Selenium server, are expected to be available in the local system. A remote Selenium server can be used instead by specifying the URL when starting the browser. However, when a remote Selenium server is used its session timeout (which is independent from the timeouts set in the driver) must be kept in mind, as it can cause the browser to "unexpectedly" close. """ def __init__(self): self.driver = None self.bidiLogsHelper = None def __del__(self): if self.driver: # The session must be explicitly quit to remove the temporary files # created in "/tmp". self.driver.quit() def startChrome(self, headless = True, remoteSeleniumUrl = None): """ Starts a Chrome instance. :param headless: whether the browser will be started in headless mode or not; headless mode is used by default. :param remoteSeleniumUrl: the URL of the Selenium server to connect to; the local server is used by default. """ options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.set_capability("goog:loggingPrefs", { 'browser': 'ALL' }) options.add_argument('--use-fake-device-for-media-stream') options.add_argument('--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream') # Headless mode uses a little less memory on each instance, so it is # specially useful when there are several virtual participants. if headless: options.add_argument('--headless') if remoteSeleniumUrl: self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=remoteSeleniumUrl, options=options ) else: # Error messages like "Failed to fetch" or crashes when starting the # driver are usually caused by not having enough space in "/dev/shm" # or in "/tmp". # Using "/dev/shm" provides better performance, but it is not # strictly needed, so it can be disabled if there is not enough free # space. The limit is set to 64 MiB just based on the memory usage # observed during some tests. if disk_usage('/dev/shm').free < 67108864: print('Less than 64 MiB available in "/dev/shm", usage disabled') options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") if disk_usage('/tmp').free < 134217728: print('Warning: less than 128 MiB available in "/tmp", strange failures may occur') self.driver = webdriver.Chrome( options=options ) def startFirefox(self, headless = True, remoteSeleniumUrl = None): """ Starts a Firefox instance. :param headless: whether the browser will be started in headless mode or not; headless mode is used by default. :param remoteSeleniumUrl: the URL of the Selenium server to connect to; the local server is used by default. """ options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() # "webSocketUrl" is needed for BiDi; this should be set already by # default, but just in case. options.set_capability('webSocketUrl', True) # In Firefox < 101 BiDi protocol was not enabled by default, although it # works fine for getting the logs with Firefox 99, so it is explicitly # enabled. # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1753997 options.set_preference('remote.active-protocols', 3) options.set_preference('media.navigator.permission.disabled', True) options.set_preference('media.navigator.streams.fake', True) # Headless mode uses a little less memory on each instance, so it is # specially useful when there are several virtual participants. options.headless = headless if remoteSeleniumUrl: self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=remoteSeleniumUrl, options=options ) else: if disk_usage('/tmp').free < 134217728: print('Warning: less than 128 MiB available in "/tmp", strange failures may occur') self.driver = webdriver.Firefox( options=options ) self.bidiLogsHelper = BiDiLogsHelper(self.driver) def clearLogs(self): """ Clears browser logs not printed yet. This does not affect the logs in the browser itself, only the ones received by the SeleniumHelper. """ if self.bidiLogsHelper: self.bidiLogsHelper.clearLogs() return self.driver.get_log('browser') def printLogs(self): """ Prints browser logs received since last print. These logs do not include realtime logs, as they are printed as soon as they are received. """ if self.bidiLogsHelper: self.bidiLogsHelper.printLogs() return for log in self.driver.get_log('browser'): print(log['message']) def execute(self, script): """ Executes the given script. If the script contains asynchronous code "executeAsync()" should be used instead to properly wait until the asynchronous code finished before returning. Technically Chrome (unlike Firefox) works as expected with something like "execute('await someFunctionCall(); await anotherFunctionCall()'", but "executeAsync" has to be used instead for something like "someFunctionReturningAPromise().then(() => { more code })"). If realtime logs are available logs are printed as soon as they are received. Otherwise they will be printed once the script has finished. """ # Real time logs are enabled while the command is being executed. if self.bidiLogsHelper: self.printLogs() self.bidiLogsHelper.setRealtimeLogsEnabled(True) self.driver.execute_script(script) if self.bidiLogsHelper: # Give it some time to receive the last real time logs before # disabling them again. sleep(0.5) self.bidiLogsHelper.setRealtimeLogsEnabled(False) self.printLogs() def executeAsync(self, script): """ Executes the given script asynchronously. This function should be used to execute JavaScript code that needs to wait for a promise to be fulfilled, either explicitly or through "await" calls. The script needs to explicitly signal that the execution has finished by including the special text "{RETURN}" (without quotes). If "{RETURN}" is not included the function will automatically return once all the root statements of the script were executed (which works as expected if using "await" calls, but not if the script includes something like "someFunctionReturningAPromise().then(() => { more code })"; in that case the script should be written as "someFunctionReturningAPromise().then(() => { more code {RETURN} })"). If realtime logs are available logs are printed as soon as they are received. Otherwise they will be printed once the script has finished. """ # Real time logs are enabled while the command is being executed. if self.bidiLogsHelper: self.printLogs() self.bidiLogsHelper.setRealtimeLogsEnabled(True) # Add an explicit return point at the end of the script if none is # given. if script.find('{RETURN}') == -1: script += '{RETURN}' # await is not valid in the root context in Firefox, so the script to be # executed needs to be wrapped in an async function. script = '(async() => { ' + script + ' })().catch(error => { console.error(error) {RETURN} })' # Asynchronous scripts need to explicitly signal that they are finished # by invoking the callback injected as the last argument. # https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/legacy/json_wire_protocol/#sessionsessionidexecute_async script = script.replace('{RETURN}', '; arguments[arguments.length - 1]()') self.driver.execute_async_script(script) if self.bidiLogsHelper: # Give it some time to receive the last real time logs before # disabling them again. sleep(0.5) self.bidiLogsHelper.setRealtimeLogsEnabled(False) self.printLogs() class TalkbuchetCommon: """ Base class for Talkbuchet wrappers. Talkbuchet wrappers load Talkbuchet on a given Nextcloud URL and provide methods to call the different Talkbuchet functions in the browser. """ def __init__(self, browser, nextcloudUrl, headless = True, remoteSeleniumUrl = None): """ Loads Talkbuchet on the given Nextcloud URL using the given browser. :param browser: "firefox" or "chrome". :param nextcloudUrl: the URL of the Nextcloud instance to load Talkbuchet on. :param headless: whether the browser will be started in headless mode or not; headless mode is used by default. :param remoteSeleniumUrl: the URL of the Selenium server to connect to; the local server is used by default. """ self.seleniumHelper = SeleniumHelper() if browser == 'chrome': self.seleniumHelper.startChrome(headless, remoteSeleniumUrl) elif browser == 'firefox': self.seleniumHelper.startFirefox(headless, remoteSeleniumUrl) else: raise Exception('Invalid browser: ' + browser) self.seleniumHelper.driver.get(nextcloudUrl) self.__loadTalkbuchet() def __loadTalkbuchet(self): talkbuchet = Path('Talkbuchet.js').read_text() # Explicitly assign all the needed functions defined in Talkbuchet.js to # the Window object to be able to access them at a later point. talkbuchet = talkbuchet + ''' window.getPublishers = getPublishers window.getSubscribers = getSubscribers window.closeConnections = closeConnections window.setAudioEnabled = setAudioEnabled window.setVideoEnabled = setVideoEnabled window.setSentAudioStreamEnabled = setSentAudioStreamEnabled window.setSentVideoStreamEnabled = setSentVideoStreamEnabled window.checkPublishersConnections = checkPublishersConnections window.checkSubscribersConnections = checkSubscribersConnections window.printPublisherStats = printPublisherStats window.printSubscriberStats = printSubscriberStats window.setCredentials = setCredentials window.setToken = setToken window.setPublishersAndSubscribersCount = setPublishersAndSubscribersCount window.startMedia = startMedia window.setConnectionWarningTimeout = setConnectionWarningTimeout window.siege = siege window.getVirtualParticipant = getVirtualParticipant window.startVirtualParticipant = startVirtualParticipant window.stopVirtualParticipant = stopVirtualParticipant window.sendMediaEnabledStateThroughDataChannel = sendMediaEnabledStateThroughDataChannel window.sendSpeakingStateThroughDataChannel = sendSpeakingStateThroughDataChannel window.sendNickThroughDataChannel = sendNickThroughDataChannel ''' # Clear previous logs self.seleniumHelper.clearLogs() self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync(talkbuchet) def setAudioEnabled(self, audioEnabled): """ Sets the enabled state of the audio track in the media stream. :param audioEnabled: True to enable, False to disable. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('setAudioEnabled(' + ('true' if audioEnabled else 'false') + ')') def setVideoEnabled(self, videoEnabled): """ Sets the enabled state of the video track in the media stream. :param videoEnabled: True to enable, False to disable. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('setVideoEnabled(' + ('true' if videoEnabled else 'false') + ')') def setSentAudioStreamEnabled(self, sentAudioStreamEnabled): """ Sets whether the audio track is sent or not. :param sentAudioStreamEnabled: True to send the actual track, False to send a null track. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('setSentAudioStreamEnabled(' + ('true' if sentAudioStreamEnabled else 'false') + ')') def setSentVideoStreamEnabled(self, sentVideoStreamEnabled): """ Sets whether the video track is sent or not. :param sentVideoStreamEnabled: True to send the actual track, False to send a null track. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('setSentVideoStreamEnabled(' + ('true' if sentVideoStreamEnabled else 'false') + ')') def setCredentials(self, user, appToken): """ The user and app token to use. An app token/password can be generated in the Security section of the personal settings (index.php/settings/user/security). In siege mode the credentials always need to be set. In virtual participant mode the participant will be a guest if the credentials are not set. :param user: the user ID. :param appToken: the app token for the user. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('setCredentials(\'' + user + '\', \'' + appToken + '\')') def setToken(self, token): """ Sets the conversation token to use. In siege mode this should be set only when conversation clustering is enabled in the server. In virtual participant mode the token always needs to be set. :param token: the conversation token. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('setToken(\'' + token + '\')') def startMedia(self, audio, video): """ Starts the media stream to be used by publishers (including virtual participants). By default in siege mode audio will be used, and in virtual participant mode neither audio nor video will be used. Only one media stream can be active at the same time, so any previous stream is stopped when starting a new one. This should be done only when the siege or the virtual participant is not active. If both audio and video are False then there will be no media. This is only allowed in virtual participant mode, but not in siege mode. :param audio: True to start audio, False otherwise :param video: True to start video, False otherwise """ self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync('await startMedia(' + ('true' if audio else 'false') + ', ' + ('true' if video else 'false') + ')') class Siege(TalkbuchetCommon): """ Wrapper for Talkbuchet in siege mode. Besides the common functions this wrapper exposes only the Talkbuchet functions for siege mode. """ def __init__(self, browser, nextcloudUrl, headless = True, remoteSeleniumUrl = None): """ See :py:meth:`TalkbuchetCommon.__init__`. """ super().__init__(browser, nextcloudUrl, headless, remoteSeleniumUrl) # Set default values from Talkbuchet.js. self.publishersCount = 5 self.subscribersPerPublisherCount = 40 self.connectionWarningTimeout = 5000 def closeConnections(self): """ Stops the siege by closing the publisher and subscriber connections As the media stream is no longer needed it is also stopped. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('closeConnections()') def checkPublishersConnections(self): """ Prints the state of the publisher connections. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('checkPublishersConnections()') def checkSubscribersConnections(self): """ Prints the state of the subscriber connections. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('checkSubscribersConnections()') def printPublisherStats(self, publisherSessionId): """ Prints the stats of the given publisher connection. :param publisherSessionId: the session ID of the publisher. """ self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync('await printPublisherStats(\'' + publisherSessionId + '\', true)') def printSubscriberStats(self, index): """ Prints the stats of the given subscriber connection. :param index: the index of the subscriber in the list of subscribers. """ self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync('await printSubscriberStats(' + str(index) + ', true)') def setPublishersAndSubscribersCount(self, publishersCount, subscribersPerPublisherCount): """ Sets the number of publishers and subscribers per publisher to use. If not explicitly set the default number from Talkbuchet.js is used, which is 5 publishers and 40 subscribers per publisher. :param publishersCount: the number of publishers. :param subscribersPerPublisherCount: the number of subscribers for each publisher. """ self.publishersCount = publishersCount self.subscribersPerPublisherCount = subscribersPerPublisherCount self.seleniumHelper.execute('setPublishersAndSubscribersCount(' + str(publishersCount) + ', ' + str(subscribersPerPublisherCount) + ')') def setConnectionWarningTimeout(self, connectionWarningTimeout): """ Sets the milliseconds to wait before warning about connection problems. A message is printed when a connection was not established after or has been disconnected for more than the given time. However, note that the message might not be printed in CLI until another command is executed. :param connectionWarningTimeout: the milliseconds to wait before warning about connection issues. """ self.connectionWarningTimeout = connectionWarningTimeout self.seleniumHelper.execute('setConnectionWarningTimeout(' + str(connectionWarningTimeout) + ')') def siege(self): """ Starts a siege. """ savedScriptTimeout = self.seleniumHelper.driver.timeouts.script # Adjust script timeout to prevent it from ending before the siege has # started. scriptTimeout = (self.publishersCount + self.publishersCount * self.subscribersPerPublisherCount) * (self.connectionWarningTimeout / 1000) if scriptTimeout > savedScriptTimeout: self.seleniumHelper.driver.set_script_timeout(scriptTimeout) self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync('await siege()') self.seleniumHelper.driver.set_script_timeout(savedScriptTimeout) class VirtualParticipant(TalkbuchetCommon): """ Wrapper for Talkbuchet in virtual participant mode. Besides the common functions this wrapper exposes only the Talkbuchet functions for virtual participant mode. """ def __init__(self, browser, nextcloudUrl, headless = True, remoteSeleniumUrl = None): """ See :py:meth:`TalkbuchetCommon.__init__`. """ super().__init__(browser, nextcloudUrl, headless, remoteSeleniumUrl) def startVirtualParticipant(self): """ Starts the virtual participant. """ self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync('await startVirtualParticipant()') def stopVirtualParticipant(self): """ Stops the virtual participant. """ self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync('await stopVirtualParticipant()') def sendMediaEnabledStateThroughDataChannel(self, mediaType, enabled): """ Sends the enabled state of the media using a data channel message. :param mediaType: "audio" or "video". :param enabled: True or False. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('sendMediaEnabledStateThroughDataChannel(\'' + mediaType + '\', ' + ('true' if enabled else 'false') + ')') def sendSpeakingStateThroughDataChannel(self, speaking): """ Sends the speaking state using a data channel message. :param speaking: True for speaking, False for not speaking. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('sendSpeakingStateThroughDataChannel(' + ('true' if speaking else 'false') + ')') def sendNickThroughDataChannel(self, nick): """ Sends the nick of the participant using a data channel message. :param nick: the nick to send. """ self.seleniumHelper.execute('sendNickThroughDataChannel(\'' + nick + '\')') class RealParticipant(): """ Wrapper for Talkbuchet in real participant mode. This wrapper exposes functions to use a real participant in a browser. """ def __init__(self, browser, nextcloudUrl, headless = True, remoteSeleniumUrl = None): """ Starts a real participant in the given Nextcloud URL using the given browser. :param browser: "firefox" or "chrome". :param nextcloudUrl: the URL of the Nextcloud instance to start the real participant in. :param headless: whether the browser will be started in headless mode or not; headless mode is used by default. :param remoteSeleniumUrl: the URL of the Selenium server to connect to; the local server is used by default. """ self.nextcloudUrl = nextcloudUrl self.seleniumHelper = SeleniumHelper() if browser == 'chrome': self.seleniumHelper.startChrome(headless, remoteSeleniumUrl) elif browser == 'firefox': self.seleniumHelper.startFirefox(headless, remoteSeleniumUrl) else: raise Exception('Invalid browser: ' + browser) self.seleniumHelper.driver.get(nextcloudUrl) def login(self, user, appToken): """ Logs in Nextcloud as the given user with the given app token. :param user: the ID of the user to log as. :param appToken: an app token of the user. """ # Fetching a Nextcloud URL in the browser console with a user and an app # token implicitly does a login with that user. Visiting any page in the # Nextcloud server will be done as a logged in user after that. self.seleniumHelper.executeAsync(''' const fetchOptions = { headers: { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa(\'''' + user + ':' + appToken + '''\'), }, } await fetch(\'''' + self.nextcloudUrl + '''\', fetchOptions) ''') def joinRoom(self, token): """ Joins the room with the given token. If no login was done before the participant will join as a guest. :param token: the token of the room to join. """ self.seleniumHelper.driver.get(self.nextcloudUrl + '/call/' + token) def joinCall(self): """ Joins (or starts) the call in the current room. A room must have been joined before joining the call. """ self.seleniumHelper.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.top-bar #call_button').click() try: # If the device selector is shown click on the "Join call" button # in the dialog to actually join the call. WebDriverWait(self.seleniumHelper.driver, timeout=5).until(lambda driver: driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.device-checker #call_button')) self.seleniumHelper.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.device-checker #call_button').click() except: pass def leaveCall(self): """ Leaves the current call. The call must have been joined first. """ self.seleniumHelper.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.top-bar #call_button').click() _talkbuchetMode = '' _browser = '' _browserDefault = '' _nextcloudUrl = '' _remoteSeleniumUrl = '' _headless = True _user = '' _appToken = '' _token = '' _audio = False _video = False def _isValidBrowser(): if not _browser: print("Set browser first") return False if _remoteSeleniumUrl and _browser == 'default': print("Set an explicit browser name to be used in the remote Selenium instance") return False if _browser == 'default' and not _browserDefault: print("Set an explicit browser name, no default browser found") return False return True def _findDefaultBrowser(): global _browserDefault # Try to get the browser from the Selenium Docker image. try: _browserDefault = Path('/opt/selenium/browser_name').read_text().strip() except: pass if _browserDefault: setBrowser('default') else: print('No default browser found, please set the browser to use with setBrowser("chrome") or setBrowser("firefox")') def _getBrowser(): if _browser == 'chrome' or (_browser == 'default' and _browserDefault == 'chrome'): return 'chrome' return 'firefox' def setBrowser(browser): """ Sets the browser to use. Supported browsers are "chrome" and "firefox"; the browser needs to be available in the Selenium server. The special value "default" (which is the default value) can be set to try to find which is the default browser in the Selenium server and use it without having to specify it. This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param browser: "default", "chrome" or "firefox". """ if browser != 'default' and browser != 'chrome' and browser != 'firefox': print('Browser value not valid. Allowed values: "default", "chrome" or "firefox"') return global _browser _browser = browser def setTarget(nextcloudUrl): """ Sets the Nextcloud URL to use. This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param nextcloudUrl: the URL of the Nextcloud instance to test against (for example, "https://cloud.mydomain.com"). """ global _nextcloudUrl _nextcloudUrl = nextcloudUrl def setHeadless(headless): """ Sets whether the browsers will be started in headless mode or not. By default browsers are started in headless mode, as each instance uses a little less memory. This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param headless: True for headless mode, False otherwise. """ global _headless _headless = headless def setRemoteSeleniumUrl(remoteSeleniumUrl): """ Sets the URL of the remote Selenium server to use. By default the local Selenium server is used. When a remote Selenium server is used its session timeout (which is independent from the timeouts set in the driver) must be kept in mind, as it can cause the browser to "unexpectedly" close. Also note that each Talkbuchet wrapper will use its own browser instance, so the remote Selenium server should have enough available sessions for all the instances running at the same time (for example, if several virtual participants are used). This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param remoteSeleniumUrl: the URL of the remote Selenium server, or None to use the local one. """ global _remoteSeleniumUrl _remoteSeleniumUrl = remoteSeleniumUrl def setCredentials(user, appToken): """ Sets the credentials to use. An app token/password can be generated in the Security section of the personal settings (index.php/settings/user/security). This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param user: the user ID. :param appToken: the app token for the user. """ global _user, _appToken _user = user _appToken = appToken def setToken(token): """ Sets the conversation token to use. This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param token: the conversation token. """ global _token _token = token def setMedia(audio, video): """ Sets the media to be started in the Talkbuchet wrappers. By default in siege mode audio will be used, and in virtual participant mode neither audio nor video will be used. Note that audio will be used too in siege mode even if both audio and video are disabled, as some media needs to be published. This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param audio: True to start audio, False otherwise :param video: True to start video, False otherwise """ global _audio, _video _audio = audio _video = video _publishersCount = None _subscribersPerPublisherCount = None sieges = [] def switchToSiegeMode(): """ Sets the siege mode as the active one. This adjusts the global helper functions to those relevant for this mode (so, for example, there will be no function to add a virtual participant). A siege can be started in the following way: >>>> setTarget('https://THE-NEXTCLOUD-DOMAIN') >>>> setCredentials('THE-USER-ID', 'THE-APP-TOKEN') >>>> setPublishersAndSubscribersCount(XXX, YYY) >>>> startSiege() Note that a conversation token does not need to be set, except if the server is configured in conversation clustering mode. Setting the publishers and subscribers count is not mandatory, but it is recommended to adjust it based on the maximum number supported by the client machine running the browser, as well as the values that need to be tested on the server. In any case, it is recommended to initially set a low number, for example "setPublishersAndSubscribersCount(1, 2)", start a siege to verify that everything works as expected, and then perform the real test. Note that starting a new siege does not stop the previous one. That should be explicitly done by calling "endSiege()". Starting several sieges instead of a single siege with a higher number of publishers and subscribers could be needed in powerful client machines that can handle more connections than what a single browser is able to (for example, Chromium has a hardcoded limit on the maximum number of concurrent connections). Sieges are done with audio only connections by default. If a different media needs to be used (either video but not audio, or both audio and video) this needs to be specified (before starting the siege) with: >>>> setMedia(CONNECT-WITH-AUDIO, CONNECT-WITH-VIDEO) When a siege is active it is possible to check the state of the publisher connections with "checkPublishersConnections()" and the state of the subscriber connections with "checkSubscribersConnections()". Global functions for additional actions, like enabling or disabling media during the siege, are not provided. They must be directly called on the Talkbuchet wrapper objects in the "sieges" list. For example: >>>> sieges[0].setAudioEnabled(False) """ def _isValidConfiguration(): if not _isValidBrowser(): return False if not _nextcloudUrl: print("Set target Nextcloud URL first") return False if not _user or not _appToken: print("Set credentials (user and app token) first") return False return True def setPublishersAndSubscribersCount(publishersCount, subscribersPerPublisherCount): """ Sets the number of publishers and subscribers per publisher to use. By the default the number from Talkbuchet.js is used, which is 5 publishers and 40 subscribers per publisher. This is used only for the global helper functions and is not taken into account if a Talkbuchet wrapper is manually created. :param publishersCount: the number of publishers. :param subscribersPerPublisherCount: the number of subscribers for each publisher. """ global _publishersCount, _subscribersPerPublisherCount _publishersCount = publishersCount _subscribersPerPublisherCount = subscribersPerPublisherCount def startSiege(): """ Starts a siege. The global target Nextcloud URL and credentials need to be set first. If global token, media or publishers and subscribers count were set they will be applied to the siege. Note that changing any of those values later will have no effect on a running siege, the updated value will be used only on sieges started after they were changed. If there is already a running siege it will not be ended when a new one is started; the new one will run along the previous one. """ if not _isValidConfiguration(): return siege = Siege(_getBrowser(), _nextcloudUrl, _headless, _remoteSeleniumUrl) sieges.append(siege) siege.setCredentials(_user, _appToken) if _token: siege.setToken(_token) if _audio or _video: siege.startMedia(_audio, _video) if _publishersCount != None and _subscribersPerPublisherCount != None: siege.setPublishersAndSubscribersCount(_publishersCount, _subscribersPerPublisherCount) siege.siege() def _getSiegeIndex(index = None): if not sieges: return -1 if index == None and len(sieges) > 1: print("Index needs to be specified") return -1 if index == None and len(sieges) == 1: index = 0 if index < 0 or index >= len(sieges): print("Index out of range") return -1 return index def checkPublishersConnections(index = None): """ Checks the publisher connections of the siege with the given index. If a single siege is active the index does not need to be specified. :param index: the index in :py:data:`sieges` of the siege to check its publisher connections. """ index = _getSiegeIndex(index) if index < 0: return sieges[index].checkPublishersConnections() def checkSubscribersConnections(index = None): """ Checks the subscriber connections of the siege with the given index. If a single siege is active the index does not need to be specified. :param index: the index in :py:data:`sieges` of the siege to check its subscriber connections. """ index = _getSiegeIndex(index) if index < 0: return sieges[index].checkSubscribersConnections() def endSiege(index = None): """ Ends the siege with the given index. If a single siege is active the index does not need to be specified. :param index: the index in :py:data:`sieges` of the siege to remove. """ index = _getSiegeIndex(index) if index < 0: return sieges[index].closeConnections() del sieges[index] if globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] == 'virtualParticipant': if removeVirtualParticipants: removeVirtualParticipants() del globals()['addVirtualParticipant'] del globals()['addVirtualParticipants'] del globals()['removeVirtualParticipant'] del globals()['removeVirtualParticipants'] if globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] == 'realParticipant': if removeRealParticipants: removeRealParticipants() del globals()['addRealParticipant'] del globals()['addRealParticipants'] del globals()['removeRealParticipant'] del globals()['removeRealParticipants'] globals()['setPublishersAndSubscribersCount'] = setPublishersAndSubscribersCount globals()['startSiege'] = startSiege globals()['checkPublishersConnections'] = checkPublishersConnections globals()['checkSubscribersConnections'] = checkSubscribersConnections globals()['endSiege'] = endSiege globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] = 'siege' virtualParticipants = [] def switchToVirtualParticipantMode(): """ Sets the virtual participant mode as the active one. This adjusts the global helper functions to those relevant for this mode (so, for example, there will be no function to start a siege). Virtual participants can be added to a call in the following way: >>>> setTarget('https://THE-NEXTCLOUD-DOMAIN') >>>> setToken('THE-CONVERSATION-TOKEN') >>>> addVirtualParticipants(NUMBER-OF-VIRTUAL-PARTICIPANTS) If no credentials are set the added participants will be guests. To add a registered user (note that the same user can be added several times) set the credentials first before adding the virtual participants: >>>> setCredentials('THE-USER-ID', 'THE-APP-TOKEN') If no media is explicitly set virtual participants will join without media. To join with specific media set the desired type first before adding the virtual participants: >>>> setMedia(JOIN-WITH-AUDIO, JOIN-WITH-VIDEO) Note that adding a new participant does not remove the previous ones. That should be explicitly done by calling "removeVirtualParticipants()" (or "removeVirtualParticipant(INDEX)" to remove just a specific participant). Therefore, it is possible to add several participants with different parameters (like several guests and then several users, or participants with and without media) by setting the parameters, calling "addVirtualParticipants(NUMBER)", setting the new parameters and calling "addVirtualParticipants(NUMBER)" again. Global functions provided for virtual participants only cover adding and removing them. Any specific action, like enabling or disabling media of a virtual participant, must be directly called on the Talkbuchet wrapper objects in the "virtualParticipants" list. For example: >>>> virtualParticipants[0].setAudioEnabled(False) Note that clients may not show any nick for the virtual participants unless explicitly given, even if the virtual participant is a registered user. The nick for a specific virtual participant can be set with: >>>> virtualParticipants[INDEX].sendNickThroughDataChannel(NICK) """ def _isValidConfiguration(): if not _isValidBrowser(): return False if not _nextcloudUrl: print("Set target Nextcloud URL first") return False if not _token: print("Set conversation token first") return False return True def addVirtualParticipant(): """ Adds a single virtual participant. The global target Nextcloud URL and conversation token need to be set first. If global credentials or media were set they will be applied to the virtual participant. Note that changing any of those values later will have no effect on an existing virtual participant, the updated value will be used only by virtual participants added after they were changed. """ if not _isValidConfiguration(): return virtualParticipant = VirtualParticipant(_getBrowser(), _nextcloudUrl, _headless, _remoteSeleniumUrl) virtualParticipants.append(virtualParticipant) virtualParticipant.setToken(_token) if _user or _appToken: virtualParticipant.setCredentials(_user, _appToken) if _audio or _video: virtualParticipant.startMedia(_audio, _video) virtualParticipant.startVirtualParticipant() def addVirtualParticipants(count): """ Adds as many virtual participants as the given count. See :py:func:`addVirtualParticipant`. :param count: the number of virtual participants to add. """ if not _isValidConfiguration(): return for i in range(count): addVirtualParticipant() print('.', end='', flush=True) print("") def removeVirtualParticipant(index): """ Removes the virtual participant with the given index. :param index: the index in :py:data:`virtualParticipants` of the virtual participant to remove. """ if index < 0 or index >= len(virtualParticipants): print("Index out of range") return virtualParticipants[index].stopVirtualParticipant() del virtualParticipants[index] def removeVirtualParticipants(): """ Removes all the virtual participants previously added. """ while virtualParticipants: removeVirtualParticipant(0) if globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] == 'siege': if endSiege: endSiege() del globals()['setPublishersAndSubscribersCount'] del globals()['startSiege'] del globals()['checkPublishersConnections'] del globals()['checkSubscribersConnections'] del globals()['endSiege'] if globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] == 'realParticipant': if removeRealParticipants: removeRealParticipants() del globals()['addRealParticipant'] del globals()['addRealParticipants'] del globals()['removeRealParticipant'] del globals()['removeRealParticipants'] globals()['addVirtualParticipant'] = addVirtualParticipant globals()['addVirtualParticipants'] = addVirtualParticipants globals()['removeVirtualParticipant'] = removeVirtualParticipant globals()['removeVirtualParticipants'] = removeVirtualParticipants globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] = 'virtualParticipant' realParticipants = [] def switchToRealParticipantMode(): """ Sets the real participant mode as the active one. This adjusts the global helper functions to those relevant for this mode (so, for example, there will be no function to start a siege). Real participants can be added to a conversation in the following way: >>>> setTarget('https://THE-NEXTCLOUD-DOMAIN') >>>> setToken('THE-CONVERSATION-TOKEN') >>>> addRealParticipants(NUMBER-OF-REAL-PARTICIPANTS) If no credentials are set the added participants will be guests. To add a registered user (note that the same user can be added several times) set the credentials first before adding the real participants: >>>> setCredentials('THE-USER-ID', 'THE-APP-TOKEN') Note that adding a new participant does not remove the previous ones. That should be explicitly done by calling "removeRealParticipants()" (or "removeRealParticipant(INDEX)" to remove just a specific participant). Therefore, it is possible to add several participants with different parameters (like several guests and then several users) by setting the parameters, calling "addRealParticipants(NUMBER)", setting the new parameters and calling "addRealParticipants(NUMBER)" again. Global functions provided for real participants only cover joining and leaving the conversation. Joining the call must be directly done on the Talkbuchet wrapper objects in the "realParticipants" list with: >>>> realParticipants[INDEX].joinCall() """ def _isValidConfiguration(): if not _isValidBrowser(): return False if not _nextcloudUrl: print("Set target Nextcloud URL first") return False if not _token: print("Set conversation token first") return False return True def addRealParticipant(): """ Adds a single real participant. The global target Nextcloud URL and conversation token need to be set first. If global credentials were set the user will be logged in with them. Note that changing any of those values later will have no effect on an existing real participant, the updated value will be used only by real participants added after they were changed. """ if not _isValidConfiguration(): return realParticipant = RealParticipant(_getBrowser(), _nextcloudUrl, _headless, _remoteSeleniumUrl) realParticipants.append(realParticipant) if _user or _appToken: realParticipant.login(_user, _appToken) realParticipant.joinRoom(_token) def addRealParticipants(count): """ Adds as many real participants as the given count. See :py:func:`addRealParticipant`. :param count: the number of real participants to add. """ if not _isValidConfiguration(): return for i in range(count): addRealParticipant() print('.', end='', flush=True) print("") def removeRealParticipant(index): """ Removes the real participant with the given index. :param index: the index in :py:data:`realParticipants` of the real participant to remove. """ if index < 0 or index >= len(realParticipants): print("Index out of range") return del realParticipants[index] def removeRealParticipants(): """ Removes all the real participants previously added. """ while realParticipants: removeRealParticipant(0) if globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] == 'siege': if endSiege: endSiege() del globals()['setPublishersAndSubscribersCount'] del globals()['startSiege'] del globals()['checkPublishersConnections'] del globals()['checkSubscribersConnections'] del globals()['endSiege'] if globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] == 'virtualParticipant': if removeVirtualParticipants: removeVirtualParticipants() del globals()['addVirtualParticipant'] del globals()['addVirtualParticipants'] del globals()['removeVirtualParticipant'] del globals()['removeVirtualParticipants'] globals()['addRealParticipant'] = addRealParticipant globals()['addRealParticipants'] = addRealParticipants globals()['removeRealParticipant'] = removeRealParticipant globals()['removeRealParticipants'] = removeRealParticipants globals()['_talkbuchetMode'] = 'realParticipant' def _deleteTalkbuchetInstancesOnExit(): while sieges: del sieges[0] while virtualParticipants: del virtualParticipants[0] while realParticipants: del realParticipants[0] # Talkbuchet instances should be explicitly deleted before exiting, as if they # are implicitly deleted while exiting the Selenium driver may not cleanly quit. atexit.register(_deleteTalkbuchetInstancesOnExit) _findDefaultBrowser() print('Full documentation can be shown by calling help(__name__)') switchToSiegeMode()