@include icon-black-white('clip-add-file', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('no-password', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('share-window', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('clip-add-file', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('bell-outline', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('emoji-smile', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('lobby', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('text', 'filetypes', 1, true); @include icon-black-white('promoted-view', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('grid-view', 'spreed', 1); @include icon-black-white('folder-multiple-image', 'spreed', 1); // Mention bubbles in the chat input and messages .avatar-class-icon.icon-group-forced-white { background-image: url(../img/icon-contacts-white.svg); } .avatar-class-icon.icon-user-forced-white { background-image: url(../img/icon-contacts-white.svg); } .app-talk, .talk-modal, .talk-sidebar-callview, #talk-panel, #talk-sidebar, #call-container, .talkChatTab { // We always want to use the white icons, this is why we don't use var(--color-white) here. .icon-public { background-image: url(icon-color-path('public', 'actions', 'fff', 1, true)); } .icon-contacts { background-image: url(icon-color-path('contacts', 'places', 'fff', 1, true)); } .icon-password { background-image: url(icon-color-path('password', 'actions', 'fff', 1, true)); } .icon-file { background-image: url(icon-color-path('text', 'filetypes', 'fff', 1, true)); } .icon-mail { background-image: url(icon-color-path('mail', 'actions', 'fff', 1, true)); } .icon-changelog { background-image: url('../img/changelog.svg'); } .forced-white { filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 4px var(--color-box-shadow)); &.icon-promoted-view { background-image: url(icon-color-path('promoted-view', 'spreed', 'fff', 1)); } &.icon-grid-view { background-image: url(icon-color-path('toggle-pictures', 'actions', 'fff', 1, true)); } } .icon-favorite { /* Show favorite icon in yellow instead of default black. */ @include icon-color('star-dark', 'actions', 'FC0', 1, true); } .icon-active-call { /* Show red camera icon for ongoing calls. */ @include icon-color('video', 'actions', 'E9322D', 1, true); } } // The atwho panel is a direct child of the body, so it is not affected by // .app-Talk rules above. // "forced-white" needs to be included in the class name as the Avatar does // not accept several classes. .talk.candidate-mentions.atwho-panel .icon-group-forced-white { background-image: url(../img/icon-contacts-white.svg); } // Needed to use white color also in dark mode. .app-files .app-sidebar__close.forced-white { color: #ffffff; }