From ddeb4a2b56bd8fd42e51ec05b696c3508171b2c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nextcloud bot Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:44:58 +0000 Subject: Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot --- l10n/gl.js | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- l10n/gl.json | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- l10n/ru.js | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- l10n/ru.json | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 4 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js index 52265f517..f5c0e6236 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.js +++ b/l10n/gl.js @@ -718,6 +718,10 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Allow users to be invited to federated conversations" : "Permitir que os usuarios sexan convidados a conversas federadas", "Allow users to invite federated users into conversation" : "Permitir que os usuarios conviden a usuarios federados á conversa", "Only allow to federate with trusted servers" : "Permitir federarse só con servidores de confianza", + "When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can invite federated users to conversations." : "Cando se selecciona polo menos un grupo, só as persoas dos grupos listados poden convidar usuarios federados a conversas.", + "Groups allowed to invite federated users" : "Grupos autorizados para convidar usuarios federados", + "Select groups …" : "Seleccionar grupos…", + "Trusted servers can be configured at {linkstart}Sharing settings page{linkend}." : "Os servidores de confianza pódense configurar na {linkstart}Páxina de axustes da compartición{linkend}.", "General settings" : "Axustes xerais", "Default notification settings" : "Axustes predeterminados das notificacións", "Default group notification" : "Notificación predeterminada de grupo", @@ -839,7 +843,9 @@ OC.L10N.register( "OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "Conforme: Os ficheiros «.wasm» e «.tflite» foron devoltos correctamente polo servidor web.", "It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Semella que a configuración de PHP e Apache non é compatíbel. Teña en conta que PHP só se pode usar co módulo MPM_PREFORK e PHP-FPM só se pode usar co módulo MPM_EVENT.", "Could not detect the PHP and Apache configuration because exec is disabled or apachectl is not working as expected. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Non foi posíbel detectar a configuración de PHP e Apache porque exec está desactivado ou apachectl non funciona como se agardaba. Teña en conta que PHP só se pode usar co módulo MPM_PREFORK e PHP-FPM só se pode usar co módulo MPM_EVENT.", + "Federated user" : "Usuario federado", "Number of breakout rooms" : "Número de salas parciais", + "You can create from 1 to 20 breakout rooms." : "Vde. pode crear de 1 a 20 salas parciais.", "Assignment method" : "Método de asignación", "Automatically assign participants" : "Asignar automaticamente os participantes", "Manually assign participants" : "Asignar manualmente os participantes", @@ -902,6 +908,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Stop following" : "Deixar de seguir", "Mute" : "Silenciar", "Muted" : "Silenciado", + "Hide presenter video" : "Agochar o vídeo do presentador", "Connection could not be established …" : "Non foi posíbel estabelecer a conexión…", "Connection was lost and could not be re-established …" : "Perdeuse a conexión e non foi posíbel restabelecela…", "Connection could not be established. Trying again …" : "Non foi posíbel estabelecer a conexión. Tentando de novo…", @@ -915,6 +922,8 @@ OC.L10N.register( "This conversation is read-only" : "Esta conversa é só de lectura", "Drop your files to upload" : "Arrastre os seus ficheiros para envialos", "Favorite" : "Favorito", + "Federated conversation" : "Conversa federada", + "Public conversation" : "Conversa pública", "Enter a name for this conversation" : "Introduza un nome para esta conversa", "Edit conversation name" : "Editar o nome da conversa", "Edit conversation description" : "Editar a descrición da conversa", @@ -990,6 +999,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "_%n day_::_%n days_" : ["%n día","%n días"], "_%n week_::_%n weeks_" : ["%n semana","%n semanas"], "Guest access" : "Acceso de convidado", + "Breakout rooms are not allowed in public conversations." : "Non se permiten as salas de parciais nas conversas públicas.", "Allow guests to join this conversation via link" : "Permite que os convidados se unan a esta conversa mediante unha ligazón", "Password protection" : "Protección por contrasinal", "Enter new password" : "Introduza un novo contrasinal", @@ -1015,6 +1025,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Enable lobby, restricting the conversation to moderators" : "Activar o ástrago, limitando a conversa aos moderadores", "Meeting start time" : "Hora de inicio da xuntanza", "Start time (optional)" : "Hora de inicio (opcional)", + "Start time: {date}" : "Hora de inicio: {data}", "Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "Produciuse un erro ao restrinxir a conversa ao moderador", "Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "Produciuse un erro ao abrir a conversa a todos", "Start time has been updated" : "Actualizouse a hora de inicio", @@ -1030,6 +1041,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Delete" : "Eliminar", "You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "Co Matterbridge pode pontear canles de varios sistemas de mensaxería instantánea.", "More info on Matterbridge" : "Máis información en Matterbridge.", + "Messaging systems" : "Sistemas de mensaxería", "Enable bridge" : "Activar a ponte", "Show Matterbridge log" : "Amosar o rexistro do Matterbridge", "Log content" : "Contido do rexistro", @@ -1114,7 +1126,13 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Remove from favorites" : "Retirar de favoritos", "Add to favorites" : "Engadir a favoritos", "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation." : "Debe promover un novo moderador antes de poder deixar a conversa.", + "Pending invitations" : "Convites pendentes", + "Join conversations from remote Nextcloud servers" : "Únase a conversas dende servidores remotos de Nextcloud", + "From {user} at {remoteServer}" : "De {user} en {remoteServer}", + "Decline invitation" : "Declinar o convite", + "Accept invitation" : "Aceptar o convite", "Loading …" : "Cargando…", + "No pending invitations" : "Non hai convites pendentes", "Conversation list" : "Lista de conversas", "Filter unread mentions" : "Filtrar as mencións sen ler", "Filter unread messages" : "Filtrar as mensaxes sen ler", @@ -1125,10 +1143,13 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Clear filter" : "Limpar o filtro", "Unread mentions" : "Mencións sen ler", "No matches found" : "Non se atopou ningunha coincidencia", + "New group conversation" : "Nova conversa en grupo", "Open conversations" : "Conversas abertas", "Users" : "Usuarios", + "New private conversation" : "Nova conversa privada", "Groups" : "Grupos", "Teams" : "Equipos", + "Federated users" : "Usuarios federados", "No search results" : "Sen resultados de busca", "Loading" : "Cargando", "Talk settings" : "Axustes de Talk", @@ -1144,11 +1165,15 @@ OC.L10N.register( "You are currently waiting in the lobby" : "Agora está agardando no ástrago.", "The meeting will start soon" : "A xuntanza comezará decontado", "This meeting is scheduled for {startTime}" : "Esta xuntanza está programada para as {startTime}", + "Select a device" : "Seleccione un dispositivo", + "Refresh devices list" : "Actualizar a lista de dispositivos", "No microphone available" : "Non hai micrófonos dispoñíbeis", "Select microphone" : "Seleccione o micrófono", "No camera available" : "Non hai cámaras dispoñíbeis", "Select camera" : "Seleccione a cámara", "None" : "Ningún", + "Playing …" : "Reproducindo…", + "Test speakers" : "Probar os altofalantes", "Media settings" : "Axustes de multimedia", "Devices" : "Dispositivos", "Backgrounds" : "Fondos", @@ -1208,6 +1233,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Set reminder for tomorrow" : "Definir un lembrete para mañá", "Set reminder for this weekend" : "Definir un lembrete para este fin de semana", "Set reminder for next week" : "Definir un lembrete para a seguinte semana", + "Edited by {actor}" : "Editado por {actor}", "Message text copied to clipboard" : "Copiouse o texto da mensaxe no portapapeis", "Message text could not be copied" : "Non foi posíbel copiar o texto da mensaxe", "Message forwarded to \"Note to self\"" : "Reenviouse a mensaxe a «Nota para un mesmo»", @@ -1245,17 +1271,26 @@ OC.L10N.register( "You cannot send messages to this conversation at the moment" : "Non pode enviar mensaxes a esta conversa polo momento", "Code block copied to clipboard" : "Bloque de código copiado no portapapeis", "Code block could not be copied" : "Non foi posíbel copiar o bloque de código", + "Could not update the message" : "Non foi posíbel actualizar a mensaxe", "Poll" : "Enquisa", "See results" : "Ver os resultados", "Open poll • You voted already" : "Enquisa aberta • Vde. xa votou", "Open poll • Click to vote" : "Enquisa aberta • Prema para votar", "Poll • Ended" : "Enquisa • Finalizada", + "Show all reactions" : "Amosar todas as reaccións", "Add more reactions" : "Engadir máis reaccións", "No permission to post reactions in this conversation" : "Non hai permiso para publicar reaccións nesta conversa", + "_and %n other participant_::_and %n other participants_" : ["e outro participante","e outros %n participantes"], + "Reactions" : "Reaccións", + "(edited)" : "(editado)", + "(edited by you)" : "(editado por Vde.)", + "(edited by a deleted user)" : "(editado por un usuario eliminado)", + "(edited by {moderator})" : "(editado por {moderator})", "No messages" : "Non hai mensaxes", "All messages have expired or have been deleted." : "Todas as mensaxes caducaron ou foron eliminadas.", "Today" : "Hoxe", "Yesterday" : "Onte", + "A week ago" : "Hai unha semana", "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}", "_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" : ["Hai %n día","Hai %n días"], "Add a phone number" : "Engadir un número de teléfono", @@ -1271,13 +1306,20 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Allow guests to join via link" : "Permitir que os convidados se unan a través de ligazón", "Password protect" : "Protexido con contrasinal", "Enter password" : "Introduza o contrasinal", + "Maximum length exceeded ({maxlength} characters)" : "Excedeuse a lonxitude máxima ({maxlength} caracteres)", "Add emoji" : "Engadir un «emoji»", + "Adding a mention will only notify users who did not read the message." : "Engadir unha mención só notificará aos usuarios que non leron a mensaxe.", "Cancel editing" : "Cancelar a edición", "This conversation has been locked" : "Esta conversa foi bloqueada", "No permission to post messages in this conversation" : "Non hai permiso para publicar mensaxes nesta conversa", "Joining conversation …" : "Uníndose á conversa…", + "Send message silently" : "Enviar unha mensaxe en silenciosa", "Send message" : "Enviar a mensaxe", "Send without notification" : "Enviar sen notificación", + "The participant will not be notified about new messages" : "O participante non recibirá notificacións sobre novas mensaxes", + "Participants will not be notified about new messages" : "Os participantes non recibirán notificacións sobre novas mensaxes", + "The message could not be edited" : "Non foi posíbel editar a mensaxe", + "File upload is not available in this conversation" : "O envío de ficheiros non está dispoñíbel nesta conversa", "Group" : "Grupo", "{user} is out of office and might not respond." : "{usuario} está fóra da oficina e é posíbel que non responda.", "Share files to the conversation" : "Compartir ficheiros na conversa", @@ -1332,6 +1374,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "_Poll results • %n vote_::_Poll results • %n votes_" : ["Resultados da enquisa • %n voto","Resultados da enquisa • %n votos"], "_Open poll • %n vote_::_Open poll • %n votes_" : ["Enquisa aberta • %n voto","Enquisa aberta • %n votos"], "Voted participants" : "Participantes votados", + "(editing)" : "(editando)", "The message has expired or has been deleted" : "A mensaxe caducou ou foi eliminada", "Cancel quote" : "Cancelar a mención", "Join" : "Unirse", @@ -1352,9 +1395,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "moderator" : "moderador", "bot" : "bot", "guest" : "convidado", + "in the lobby" : "no ástrago", "Dial out phone" : "Marcar o número de teléfono", "Hang up phone" : "Colgar o teléfono", "Dial-in PIN" : "PIN de marcación", + "Move back to lobby" : "Volver ao ástrago", + "Move to conversation" : "Mover á conversa", "Demote from moderator" : "Relegar de moderador", "Promote to moderator" : "Promover a moderador", "Resend invitation" : "Volver enviar o convite", @@ -1386,7 +1432,9 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Remove group and members" : "Retirar grupo e membros", "Remove team and members" : "Retirar equipo e membros", "Remove participant" : "Retirar participante", + "Do you really want to remove group \"{displayName}\" and its members from this conversation?" : "Confirma que quere retirar o grupo «{displayName}» e os seus membros desta conversa?", "Do you really want to remove team \"{displayName}\" and its members from this conversation?" : "Confirma que quere retirar o equipo «{displayName}» e os seus membros desta conversa?", + "Do you really want to remove {displayName} from this conversation?" : "Confirma que quere retirar a {displayName} desta conversa?", "Invitation was sent to {actorId}" : "Enviouse o convite a {actorId}", "Could not send invitation to {actorId}" : "Non foi posíbel enviar o convite a {actorId}", "Notification was sent to {displayName}" : "Enviouse a notificación a {displayName}", @@ -1462,6 +1510,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Acelere a súa experiencia co Talk con estes atallos rápidos.", "Focus the chat input" : "Poñer en foco a entrada da parola", "Unfocus the chat input to use shortcuts" : "Retirar do foco a entrada da parola para usar atallos", + "Edit your last message" : "Editar a súa última mensaxe", "Fullscreen the chat or call" : "Poñer a pantalla completa a parola ou a chamada", "Search" : "Buscar", "Shortcuts while in a call" : "Atallos nunha chamada", @@ -1541,19 +1590,26 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Raise hand (R)" : "Erguer a man (R)", "Lower hand" : "Baixar a man", "Lower hand (R)" : "Baixar a man (R)", + "You need to close a dialog to toggle full screen" : "Debe pechar un diálogo para cambiar a pantalla completa.", "Remove participant {name}" : "Retirar o participante {name}", "Open dialpad" : "Abrir o dial de marcación", "Select a region" : "Seleccione unha rexión", "Submit" : "Enviar", "The text must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "O texto debe ser menor ou igual a {maxLength} caracteres. O seu texto actual ten {charactersCount} caracteres.", "Search …" : "Buscar…", + "Select a conversation" : "Seleccionar unha conversa", + "Select a mode" : "Seleccionar un modo", "Message without mention" : "Mensaxe sen mención", "Mention myself" : "Mencioname", + "Mention everyone" : "Mencionar a todos", "The conversation does not exist" : "Non existe a conversa", "Join a conversation or start a new one!" : "Únase a unha conversa ou inicie unha nova!", "You joined the conversation in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk so this session was closed." : "Uniuse á conversa noutra xanela ou dispositivo. Isto non é compatíbel actualmente con Nextcloud Talk polo que esta sesión pechouse.", "Tomorrow – {timeLocale}" : "Mañá – {timeLocale}", + "Creating and joining a conversation with \"{userid}\"" : "Crear e unirse a unha conversa con «{userid}»", + "Joining a conversation with \"{userid}\"" : "Unirse a unha conversa con «{userid}»", "Join a conversation or start a new one" : "Únase a unha conversa ou inicie unha nova", + "Error while joining the conversation" : "Produciuse un erro ao unirse á conversa", "Later today – {timeLocale}" : "Hoxe máis tarde today – {timeLocale}", "Media" : "Multimedia", "Polls" : "Enquisas", @@ -1575,7 +1631,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "You reconnected to the call" : "Vde. volveu conectarse á chamada", "{actor} reconnected to the call" : "{actor} volveu conectarse á chamada", "You added {user0} and {user1}" : "Vde. engadiu a {user0} e a {user1}", - "_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %nn participante máis","Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], "An administrator added you and {user0}" : "Alguén da administración do sitio engadiuno a Vde. e a {user0}", "{actor} added you and {user0}" : "{actor} engadiuno a Vde. e a {user0}", "_An administrator added you, {user0} and %n more participant_::_An administrator added you, {user0} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio engadiuno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio engadiuno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participantes máis"], @@ -1584,6 +1640,16 @@ OC.L10N.register( "{actor} added {user0} and {user1}" : "{actor} engadiu a {user0} e a {user1}", "_An administrator added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_An administrator added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], "_{actor} added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_{actor} added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["{actor} engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","{actor} engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "You removed {user0} and {user1}" : "Vde. retirou a {user0} e a {user1}", + "_You removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_You removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Vde. retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Vde. retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "An administrator removed you and {user0}" : "Alguén da administración retirouno a Vde. e a {user0}", + "{actor} removed you and {user0}" : "{actor} retirouno a Vde. e a {user0}", + "_An administrator removed you, {user0} and %n more participant_::_An administrator removed you, {user0} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participantes máis"], + "_{actor} removed you, {user0} and %n more participant_::_{actor} removed you, {user0} and %n more participants_" : ["{actor} retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participante máis","{actor} retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participantes máis"], + "An administrator removed {user0} and {user1}" : "Alguén da administración retirou a {user0} e a {user1}", + "{actor} removed {user0} and {user1}" : "{actor} retirou a {user0} e a {user1}", + "_An administrator removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_An administrator removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "_{actor} removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_{actor} removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["{actor} retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","{actor} retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], "You and {user0} joined the call" : "Vde. e {user0} uníronse á chamada", "_You, {user0} and %n more participant joined the call_::_You, {user0} and %n more participants joined the call_" : ["Vde., {user0} e %n participante máis uníronse á chamada","Vde., {user0} e %n participantes máis uníronse á chamada"], "{user0} and {user1} joined the call" : "{user0} e {user1} uníronse á chamada", @@ -1617,8 +1683,12 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Nextcloud Talk was updated, please reload the page" : "Actualizouse Nextcloud Talk, volva cargar a páxina", "Deck card has been posted to {conversation}" : "A tarxeta da Gabeta foi publicada en {conversation}", "The recording failed. Please contact your administrator." : "Produciuse un fallo de gravación. Póñase en contacto coa administración desta instancia.", + "Location has been posted to {conversation}" : "A localización publicouse en {conversation}", + "In conversation" : "Na conversa", + "Search in conversation: {conversation}" : "Buscar na conversa: {conversation}", "Nextcloud Talk Federation was updated, please reload the page" : "Actualizouse a federación de Nextcloud Talk, volva cargar a páxina", "Error while sharing file" : "Produciuse un erro ao compartir o ficheiro", + "Your requests are throttled at the moment due to brute force protection" : "As súas solicitudes están limitadas polo momento por mor da protección da forza bruta", "Error while clearing conversation history" : "Produciuse un erro ao limpar o historial da conversa", "Error occurred while allowing guests" : "Produciuse un erro ao permitir convidados", "Error occurred while disallowing guests" : "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de permitir convidados", @@ -1639,6 +1709,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Leave this page" : "Deixar esta páxina", "An error occurred while submitting your vote" : "Produciuse un erro ao enviar o seu voto", "An error occurred while ending the poll" : "Produciuse un erro ao finalizar a enquisa", + "Poll \"{name}\" was created by {user}. Click to vote" : "A enquisa «{name}» foi creada por {user}. Prema para votar", "An error occurred while creating breakout rooms" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear as salas parciais", "An error occurred while re-ordering the attendees" : "Produciuse un erro ao reordenar os asistentes", "An error occurred while deleting breakout rooms" : "Produciuse un erro ao eliminar as salas parciais", @@ -1648,6 +1719,8 @@ OC.L10N.register( "An error occurred while requesting assistance" : "Produciuse un erro ao solicitar asistencia", "An error occurred while resetting the request for assistance" : "Produciuse un erro ao restabelecer a solicitude de asistencia", "An error occurred while joining breakout room" : "Produciuse un erro ao entrar na sala parcial", + "An error occurred while accepting an invitation" : "Produciuse un erro ao aceptar un convite", + "An error occurred while rejecting an invitation" : "Produciuse un erro ao rexeitar un convite", "{guest} (guest)" : "{guest} (convidado)", "Failed to add reaction" : "Produciuse un fallo ao engadir a reacción", "Failed to remove reaction" : "Produciuse un fallo ao retirar a reacción", diff --git a/l10n/gl.json b/l10n/gl.json index 62d45b117..d372c226b 100644 --- a/l10n/gl.json +++ b/l10n/gl.json @@ -716,6 +716,10 @@ "Allow users to be invited to federated conversations" : "Permitir que os usuarios sexan convidados a conversas federadas", "Allow users to invite federated users into conversation" : "Permitir que os usuarios conviden a usuarios federados á conversa", "Only allow to federate with trusted servers" : "Permitir federarse só con servidores de confianza", + "When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can invite federated users to conversations." : "Cando se selecciona polo menos un grupo, só as persoas dos grupos listados poden convidar usuarios federados a conversas.", + "Groups allowed to invite federated users" : "Grupos autorizados para convidar usuarios federados", + "Select groups …" : "Seleccionar grupos…", + "Trusted servers can be configured at {linkstart}Sharing settings page{linkend}." : "Os servidores de confianza pódense configurar na {linkstart}Páxina de axustes da compartición{linkend}.", "General settings" : "Axustes xerais", "Default notification settings" : "Axustes predeterminados das notificacións", "Default group notification" : "Notificación predeterminada de grupo", @@ -837,7 +841,9 @@ "OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "Conforme: Os ficheiros «.wasm» e «.tflite» foron devoltos correctamente polo servidor web.", "It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Semella que a configuración de PHP e Apache non é compatíbel. Teña en conta que PHP só se pode usar co módulo MPM_PREFORK e PHP-FPM só se pode usar co módulo MPM_EVENT.", "Could not detect the PHP and Apache configuration because exec is disabled or apachectl is not working as expected. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Non foi posíbel detectar a configuración de PHP e Apache porque exec está desactivado ou apachectl non funciona como se agardaba. Teña en conta que PHP só se pode usar co módulo MPM_PREFORK e PHP-FPM só se pode usar co módulo MPM_EVENT.", + "Federated user" : "Usuario federado", "Number of breakout rooms" : "Número de salas parciais", + "You can create from 1 to 20 breakout rooms." : "Vde. pode crear de 1 a 20 salas parciais.", "Assignment method" : "Método de asignación", "Automatically assign participants" : "Asignar automaticamente os participantes", "Manually assign participants" : "Asignar manualmente os participantes", @@ -900,6 +906,7 @@ "Stop following" : "Deixar de seguir", "Mute" : "Silenciar", "Muted" : "Silenciado", + "Hide presenter video" : "Agochar o vídeo do presentador", "Connection could not be established …" : "Non foi posíbel estabelecer a conexión…", "Connection was lost and could not be re-established …" : "Perdeuse a conexión e non foi posíbel restabelecela…", "Connection could not be established. Trying again …" : "Non foi posíbel estabelecer a conexión. Tentando de novo…", @@ -913,6 +920,8 @@ "This conversation is read-only" : "Esta conversa é só de lectura", "Drop your files to upload" : "Arrastre os seus ficheiros para envialos", "Favorite" : "Favorito", + "Federated conversation" : "Conversa federada", + "Public conversation" : "Conversa pública", "Enter a name for this conversation" : "Introduza un nome para esta conversa", "Edit conversation name" : "Editar o nome da conversa", "Edit conversation description" : "Editar a descrición da conversa", @@ -988,6 +997,7 @@ "_%n day_::_%n days_" : ["%n día","%n días"], "_%n week_::_%n weeks_" : ["%n semana","%n semanas"], "Guest access" : "Acceso de convidado", + "Breakout rooms are not allowed in public conversations." : "Non se permiten as salas de parciais nas conversas públicas.", "Allow guests to join this conversation via link" : "Permite que os convidados se unan a esta conversa mediante unha ligazón", "Password protection" : "Protección por contrasinal", "Enter new password" : "Introduza un novo contrasinal", @@ -1013,6 +1023,7 @@ "Enable lobby, restricting the conversation to moderators" : "Activar o ástrago, limitando a conversa aos moderadores", "Meeting start time" : "Hora de inicio da xuntanza", "Start time (optional)" : "Hora de inicio (opcional)", + "Start time: {date}" : "Hora de inicio: {data}", "Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "Produciuse un erro ao restrinxir a conversa ao moderador", "Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "Produciuse un erro ao abrir a conversa a todos", "Start time has been updated" : "Actualizouse a hora de inicio", @@ -1028,6 +1039,7 @@ "Delete" : "Eliminar", "You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "Co Matterbridge pode pontear canles de varios sistemas de mensaxería instantánea.", "More info on Matterbridge" : "Máis información en Matterbridge.", + "Messaging systems" : "Sistemas de mensaxería", "Enable bridge" : "Activar a ponte", "Show Matterbridge log" : "Amosar o rexistro do Matterbridge", "Log content" : "Contido do rexistro", @@ -1112,7 +1124,13 @@ "Remove from favorites" : "Retirar de favoritos", "Add to favorites" : "Engadir a favoritos", "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation." : "Debe promover un novo moderador antes de poder deixar a conversa.", + "Pending invitations" : "Convites pendentes", + "Join conversations from remote Nextcloud servers" : "Únase a conversas dende servidores remotos de Nextcloud", + "From {user} at {remoteServer}" : "De {user} en {remoteServer}", + "Decline invitation" : "Declinar o convite", + "Accept invitation" : "Aceptar o convite", "Loading …" : "Cargando…", + "No pending invitations" : "Non hai convites pendentes", "Conversation list" : "Lista de conversas", "Filter unread mentions" : "Filtrar as mencións sen ler", "Filter unread messages" : "Filtrar as mensaxes sen ler", @@ -1123,10 +1141,13 @@ "Clear filter" : "Limpar o filtro", "Unread mentions" : "Mencións sen ler", "No matches found" : "Non se atopou ningunha coincidencia", + "New group conversation" : "Nova conversa en grupo", "Open conversations" : "Conversas abertas", "Users" : "Usuarios", + "New private conversation" : "Nova conversa privada", "Groups" : "Grupos", "Teams" : "Equipos", + "Federated users" : "Usuarios federados", "No search results" : "Sen resultados de busca", "Loading" : "Cargando", "Talk settings" : "Axustes de Talk", @@ -1142,11 +1163,15 @@ "You are currently waiting in the lobby" : "Agora está agardando no ástrago.", "The meeting will start soon" : "A xuntanza comezará decontado", "This meeting is scheduled for {startTime}" : "Esta xuntanza está programada para as {startTime}", + "Select a device" : "Seleccione un dispositivo", + "Refresh devices list" : "Actualizar a lista de dispositivos", "No microphone available" : "Non hai micrófonos dispoñíbeis", "Select microphone" : "Seleccione o micrófono", "No camera available" : "Non hai cámaras dispoñíbeis", "Select camera" : "Seleccione a cámara", "None" : "Ningún", + "Playing …" : "Reproducindo…", + "Test speakers" : "Probar os altofalantes", "Media settings" : "Axustes de multimedia", "Devices" : "Dispositivos", "Backgrounds" : "Fondos", @@ -1206,6 +1231,7 @@ "Set reminder for tomorrow" : "Definir un lembrete para mañá", "Set reminder for this weekend" : "Definir un lembrete para este fin de semana", "Set reminder for next week" : "Definir un lembrete para a seguinte semana", + "Edited by {actor}" : "Editado por {actor}", "Message text copied to clipboard" : "Copiouse o texto da mensaxe no portapapeis", "Message text could not be copied" : "Non foi posíbel copiar o texto da mensaxe", "Message forwarded to \"Note to self\"" : "Reenviouse a mensaxe a «Nota para un mesmo»", @@ -1243,17 +1269,26 @@ "You cannot send messages to this conversation at the moment" : "Non pode enviar mensaxes a esta conversa polo momento", "Code block copied to clipboard" : "Bloque de código copiado no portapapeis", "Code block could not be copied" : "Non foi posíbel copiar o bloque de código", + "Could not update the message" : "Non foi posíbel actualizar a mensaxe", "Poll" : "Enquisa", "See results" : "Ver os resultados", "Open poll • You voted already" : "Enquisa aberta • Vde. xa votou", "Open poll • Click to vote" : "Enquisa aberta • Prema para votar", "Poll • Ended" : "Enquisa • Finalizada", + "Show all reactions" : "Amosar todas as reaccións", "Add more reactions" : "Engadir máis reaccións", "No permission to post reactions in this conversation" : "Non hai permiso para publicar reaccións nesta conversa", + "_and %n other participant_::_and %n other participants_" : ["e outro participante","e outros %n participantes"], + "Reactions" : "Reaccións", + "(edited)" : "(editado)", + "(edited by you)" : "(editado por Vde.)", + "(edited by a deleted user)" : "(editado por un usuario eliminado)", + "(edited by {moderator})" : "(editado por {moderator})", "No messages" : "Non hai mensaxes", "All messages have expired or have been deleted." : "Todas as mensaxes caducaron ou foron eliminadas.", "Today" : "Hoxe", "Yesterday" : "Onte", + "A week ago" : "Hai unha semana", "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}" : "{relativeDate}, {absoluteDate}", "_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" : ["Hai %n día","Hai %n días"], "Add a phone number" : "Engadir un número de teléfono", @@ -1269,13 +1304,20 @@ "Allow guests to join via link" : "Permitir que os convidados se unan a través de ligazón", "Password protect" : "Protexido con contrasinal", "Enter password" : "Introduza o contrasinal", + "Maximum length exceeded ({maxlength} characters)" : "Excedeuse a lonxitude máxima ({maxlength} caracteres)", "Add emoji" : "Engadir un «emoji»", + "Adding a mention will only notify users who did not read the message." : "Engadir unha mención só notificará aos usuarios que non leron a mensaxe.", "Cancel editing" : "Cancelar a edición", "This conversation has been locked" : "Esta conversa foi bloqueada", "No permission to post messages in this conversation" : "Non hai permiso para publicar mensaxes nesta conversa", "Joining conversation …" : "Uníndose á conversa…", + "Send message silently" : "Enviar unha mensaxe en silenciosa", "Send message" : "Enviar a mensaxe", "Send without notification" : "Enviar sen notificación", + "The participant will not be notified about new messages" : "O participante non recibirá notificacións sobre novas mensaxes", + "Participants will not be notified about new messages" : "Os participantes non recibirán notificacións sobre novas mensaxes", + "The message could not be edited" : "Non foi posíbel editar a mensaxe", + "File upload is not available in this conversation" : "O envío de ficheiros non está dispoñíbel nesta conversa", "Group" : "Grupo", "{user} is out of office and might not respond." : "{usuario} está fóra da oficina e é posíbel que non responda.", "Share files to the conversation" : "Compartir ficheiros na conversa", @@ -1330,6 +1372,7 @@ "_Poll results • %n vote_::_Poll results • %n votes_" : ["Resultados da enquisa • %n voto","Resultados da enquisa • %n votos"], "_Open poll • %n vote_::_Open poll • %n votes_" : ["Enquisa aberta • %n voto","Enquisa aberta • %n votos"], "Voted participants" : "Participantes votados", + "(editing)" : "(editando)", "The message has expired or has been deleted" : "A mensaxe caducou ou foi eliminada", "Cancel quote" : "Cancelar a mención", "Join" : "Unirse", @@ -1350,9 +1393,12 @@ "moderator" : "moderador", "bot" : "bot", "guest" : "convidado", + "in the lobby" : "no ástrago", "Dial out phone" : "Marcar o número de teléfono", "Hang up phone" : "Colgar o teléfono", "Dial-in PIN" : "PIN de marcación", + "Move back to lobby" : "Volver ao ástrago", + "Move to conversation" : "Mover á conversa", "Demote from moderator" : "Relegar de moderador", "Promote to moderator" : "Promover a moderador", "Resend invitation" : "Volver enviar o convite", @@ -1384,7 +1430,9 @@ "Remove group and members" : "Retirar grupo e membros", "Remove team and members" : "Retirar equipo e membros", "Remove participant" : "Retirar participante", + "Do you really want to remove group \"{displayName}\" and its members from this conversation?" : "Confirma que quere retirar o grupo «{displayName}» e os seus membros desta conversa?", "Do you really want to remove team \"{displayName}\" and its members from this conversation?" : "Confirma que quere retirar o equipo «{displayName}» e os seus membros desta conversa?", + "Do you really want to remove {displayName} from this conversation?" : "Confirma que quere retirar a {displayName} desta conversa?", "Invitation was sent to {actorId}" : "Enviouse o convite a {actorId}", "Could not send invitation to {actorId}" : "Non foi posíbel enviar o convite a {actorId}", "Notification was sent to {displayName}" : "Enviouse a notificación a {displayName}", @@ -1460,6 +1508,7 @@ "Speed up your Talk experience with these quick shortcuts." : "Acelere a súa experiencia co Talk con estes atallos rápidos.", "Focus the chat input" : "Poñer en foco a entrada da parola", "Unfocus the chat input to use shortcuts" : "Retirar do foco a entrada da parola para usar atallos", + "Edit your last message" : "Editar a súa última mensaxe", "Fullscreen the chat or call" : "Poñer a pantalla completa a parola ou a chamada", "Search" : "Buscar", "Shortcuts while in a call" : "Atallos nunha chamada", @@ -1539,19 +1588,26 @@ "Raise hand (R)" : "Erguer a man (R)", "Lower hand" : "Baixar a man", "Lower hand (R)" : "Baixar a man (R)", + "You need to close a dialog to toggle full screen" : "Debe pechar un diálogo para cambiar a pantalla completa.", "Remove participant {name}" : "Retirar o participante {name}", "Open dialpad" : "Abrir o dial de marcación", "Select a region" : "Seleccione unha rexión", "Submit" : "Enviar", "The text must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "O texto debe ser menor ou igual a {maxLength} caracteres. O seu texto actual ten {charactersCount} caracteres.", "Search …" : "Buscar…", + "Select a conversation" : "Seleccionar unha conversa", + "Select a mode" : "Seleccionar un modo", "Message without mention" : "Mensaxe sen mención", "Mention myself" : "Mencioname", + "Mention everyone" : "Mencionar a todos", "The conversation does not exist" : "Non existe a conversa", "Join a conversation or start a new one!" : "Únase a unha conversa ou inicie unha nova!", "You joined the conversation in another window or device. This is currently not supported by Nextcloud Talk so this session was closed." : "Uniuse á conversa noutra xanela ou dispositivo. Isto non é compatíbel actualmente con Nextcloud Talk polo que esta sesión pechouse.", "Tomorrow – {timeLocale}" : "Mañá – {timeLocale}", + "Creating and joining a conversation with \"{userid}\"" : "Crear e unirse a unha conversa con «{userid}»", + "Joining a conversation with \"{userid}\"" : "Unirse a unha conversa con «{userid}»", "Join a conversation or start a new one" : "Únase a unha conversa ou inicie unha nova", + "Error while joining the conversation" : "Produciuse un erro ao unirse á conversa", "Later today – {timeLocale}" : "Hoxe máis tarde today – {timeLocale}", "Media" : "Multimedia", "Polls" : "Enquisas", @@ -1573,7 +1629,7 @@ "You reconnected to the call" : "Vde. volveu conectarse á chamada", "{actor} reconnected to the call" : "{actor} volveu conectarse á chamada", "You added {user0} and {user1}" : "Vde. engadiu a {user0} e a {user1}", - "_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %nn participante máis","Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_You added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Vde. engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], "An administrator added you and {user0}" : "Alguén da administración do sitio engadiuno a Vde. e a {user0}", "{actor} added you and {user0}" : "{actor} engadiuno a Vde. e a {user0}", "_An administrator added you, {user0} and %n more participant_::_An administrator added you, {user0} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio engadiuno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio engadiuno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participantes máis"], @@ -1582,6 +1638,16 @@ "{actor} added {user0} and {user1}" : "{actor} engadiu a {user0} e a {user1}", "_An administrator added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_An administrator added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], "_{actor} added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_{actor} added {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["{actor} engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","{actor} engadiu a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "You removed {user0} and {user1}" : "Vde. retirou a {user0} e a {user1}", + "_You removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_You removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Vde. retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Vde. retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "An administrator removed you and {user0}" : "Alguén da administración retirouno a Vde. e a {user0}", + "{actor} removed you and {user0}" : "{actor} retirouno a Vde. e a {user0}", + "_An administrator removed you, {user0} and %n more participant_::_An administrator removed you, {user0} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participantes máis"], + "_{actor} removed you, {user0} and %n more participant_::_{actor} removed you, {user0} and %n more participants_" : ["{actor} retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participante máis","{actor} retirouno a Vde., a {user0} e a %n participantes máis"], + "An administrator removed {user0} and {user1}" : "Alguén da administración retirou a {user0} e a {user1}", + "{actor} removed {user0} and {user1}" : "{actor} retirou a {user0} e a {user1}", + "_An administrator removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_An administrator removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["Alguén da administración do sitio retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","Alguén da administración do sitio retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], + "_{actor} removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participant_::_{actor} removed {user0}, {user1} and %n more participants_" : ["{actor} retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participante máis","{actor} retirou a {user0}, a {user1} e a %n participantes máis"], "You and {user0} joined the call" : "Vde. e {user0} uníronse á chamada", "_You, {user0} and %n more participant joined the call_::_You, {user0} and %n more participants joined the call_" : ["Vde., {user0} e %n participante máis uníronse á chamada","Vde., {user0} e %n participantes máis uníronse á chamada"], "{user0} and {user1} joined the call" : "{user0} e {user1} uníronse á chamada", @@ -1615,8 +1681,12 @@ "Nextcloud Talk was updated, please reload the page" : "Actualizouse Nextcloud Talk, volva cargar a páxina", "Deck card has been posted to {conversation}" : "A tarxeta da Gabeta foi publicada en {conversation}", "The recording failed. Please contact your administrator." : "Produciuse un fallo de gravación. Póñase en contacto coa administración desta instancia.", + "Location has been posted to {conversation}" : "A localización publicouse en {conversation}", + "In conversation" : "Na conversa", + "Search in conversation: {conversation}" : "Buscar na conversa: {conversation}", "Nextcloud Talk Federation was updated, please reload the page" : "Actualizouse a federación de Nextcloud Talk, volva cargar a páxina", "Error while sharing file" : "Produciuse un erro ao compartir o ficheiro", + "Your requests are throttled at the moment due to brute force protection" : "As súas solicitudes están limitadas polo momento por mor da protección da forza bruta", "Error while clearing conversation history" : "Produciuse un erro ao limpar o historial da conversa", "Error occurred while allowing guests" : "Produciuse un erro ao permitir convidados", "Error occurred while disallowing guests" : "Produciuse un erro ao deixar de permitir convidados", @@ -1637,6 +1707,7 @@ "Leave this page" : "Deixar esta páxina", "An error occurred while submitting your vote" : "Produciuse un erro ao enviar o seu voto", "An error occurred while ending the poll" : "Produciuse un erro ao finalizar a enquisa", + "Poll \"{name}\" was created by {user}. Click to vote" : "A enquisa «{name}» foi creada por {user}. Prema para votar", "An error occurred while creating breakout rooms" : "Produciuse un erro ao crear as salas parciais", "An error occurred while re-ordering the attendees" : "Produciuse un erro ao reordenar os asistentes", "An error occurred while deleting breakout rooms" : "Produciuse un erro ao eliminar as salas parciais", @@ -1646,6 +1717,8 @@ "An error occurred while requesting assistance" : "Produciuse un erro ao solicitar asistencia", "An error occurred while resetting the request for assistance" : "Produciuse un erro ao restabelecer a solicitude de asistencia", "An error occurred while joining breakout room" : "Produciuse un erro ao entrar na sala parcial", + "An error occurred while accepting an invitation" : "Produciuse un erro ao aceptar un convite", + "An error occurred while rejecting an invitation" : "Produciuse un erro ao rexeitar un convite", "{guest} (guest)" : "{guest} (convidado)", "Failed to add reaction" : "Produciuse un fallo ao engadir a reacción", "Failed to remove reaction" : "Produciuse un fallo ao retirar a reacción", diff --git a/l10n/ru.js b/l10n/ru.js index 9ee954550..858c27408 100644 --- a/l10n/ru.js +++ b/l10n/ru.js @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "- Talk can now have commands, send \"/help\" as a chat message to see if your administrator configured some" : "- Теперь в приложении есть команды. Напишите \"/help\" в чат, чтобы увидеть, какие команды настроил ваш администратор", "- With projects you can create quick links between conversations, files and other items" : "- С помощью проектов вы можете создавать быстрые ссылки между обсуждениями, файлами и другими объектами", "- You can now mention guests in the chat" : "- Возможноть упоминать гостей в обсуждении;", - "- Conversations can now have a lobby. This will allow moderators to join the chat and call already to prepare the meeting, while users and guests have to wait" : "- У обсуждений теперь может быть вестибюль. Это позволит модераторам присоединиться к обсужденям и вызовам, чтобы подготовить собрание, в то время как пользователям и гости смогут дождаться готовности;", + "- Conversations can now have a lobby. This will allow moderators to join the chat and call already to prepare the meeting, while users and guests have to wait" : "- У обсуждений теперь может быть лобби. Это позволит модераторам присоединиться к обсуждениям и вызовам раньше, чтобы подготовить собрание, в то время как пользователи и гости должны будут дождаться готовности", "- You can now directly reply to messages giving the other users more context what your message is about" : "- Возможность непосредственного ответа на сообщения позволяет другим пользователям получать больше контекстной информации о содержимом сообщения;", "- Searching for conversations and participants will now also filter your existing conversations, making it much easier to find previous conversations" : "- Использование фильтра при поиске обсуждений и участников в существующих обсуждениях для упрощения поиска;", "- You can now add custom user groups to conversations when the circles app is installed" : "- возможность добавлять к обсуждениям собственные группы пользователей при установленном приложении «Круги»;", @@ -721,6 +721,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can invite federated users to conversations." : "Когда выбрана хотя бы одна группа, только участники перечисленных групп могут приглашать федеративных пользователей в обсуждения.", "Groups allowed to invite federated users" : "Группы, которым разрешено приглашать федеративных пользователей", "Select groups …" : "Выбрать группы …", + "Trusted servers can be configured at {linkstart}Sharing settings page{linkend}." : "Доверенные серверы можно настроить на {linkstart}странице настроек обмена{linkend}.", "General settings" : "Основные настройки", "Default notification settings" : "Параметры уведомлений по умолчанию", "Default group notification" : "Групповое уведомление по умолчанию:", @@ -772,6 +773,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Status: Checking connection" : "Статус: Проверка соединения", "OK: Running version: {version}" : "OK: Запущена версия: {version}", "Error: Cannot connect to server" : "Ошибка: Не могу подключиться к серверу", + "Error: Server seems to be a Signaling server" : "Ошибка: сервер являетя сигнальным сервером", "Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Ошибка: Сервер вернул неверный JSON", "Error: Certificate expired" : "Ошибка: Сертификат истёк", "Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Ошибка: Ответ сервера: {error}", @@ -790,6 +792,8 @@ OC.L10N.register( "The consent to be recorded is not required." : "Согласие на запись не требуется.", "SIP configuration" : "Параметры SIP", "SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "Конфигурация SIP возможна только с высокопроизводительным сервером.", + "Enable SIP Dial-out option" : "Включить опцию исходящего вызова по SIP", + "Signaling server needs to be updated to supported SIP Dial-out feature." : "Сигнальный сервер необходимо обновить для поддержки функции исходящего вызова по SIP.", "Restrict SIP configuration" : "Ограничить возможность настройки SIP", "Enable SIP configuration" : "Выберите группы, которым разрешено использовать SIP", "Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "Разрешить использование протокола SIP только пользователям указанных групп в модерируемых ими конференциях", @@ -797,6 +801,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "Эти сведения будут добавлены в письма-приглашения и показаны всем участникам в боковой панели.", "SIP configuration saved!" : "Параметры SIP сохранены", "High-performance backend URL" : "URL сервера, предоставляющего высокопроизводительный механизм обработки вызовов", + "Warning: Running version: {version}; Server does not support all features of this Talk version, missing features: {features}" : "Внимание: Текущая версия: {version}; Сервер не поддерживает все функции этой версии Talk, недоступные функции: {features}", "Could not get version" : "Не удалось получить версию", "Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Ошибка: Запущенная версия: {version}; Сервер необходимо обновить для совместимости с этой версией Talk", "High-performance backend" : "Высокопроизводительный механизм обработки вызовов", @@ -838,6 +843,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "OK: файлы \".wasm\" и \".tflite\" корректно возвращены веб-сервером.", "It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Предположительно, конфигурация PHP и Apache несовместима. Обратите внимание, что PHP можно использовать только с модулем MPM_PREFORK, а PHP-FPM можно использовать только с модулем MPM_EVENT.", "Could not detect the PHP and Apache configuration because exec is disabled or apachectl is not working as expected. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Не удалось обнаружить конфигурацию PHP и Apache, так как exec отключен или apachectl не работает должным образом. Обратите внимание, что PHP можно использовать только с модулем MPM_PREFORK, а PHP-FPM можно использовать только с модулем MPM_EVENT.", + "Federated user" : "Федеративный пользователь", "Number of breakout rooms" : "Количество комнат обсуждения", "You can create from 1 to 20 breakout rooms." : "Вы можете создать от 1 до 20 комнат обсуждения.", "Assignment method" : "Метод назначения", @@ -902,6 +908,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Stop following" : "Прекратить отслеживание", "Mute" : "Отключить звук", "Muted" : "Звук отключен", + "Hide presenter video" : "Скрыть видео выступающего", "Connection could not be established …" : "Не удалось установить соединение ...", "Connection was lost and could not be re-established …" : "Соединение было потеряно и не может быть восстановлено ...", "Connection could not be established. Trying again …" : "Не удалось установить соединение. Повторите попытку ...", @@ -916,7 +923,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Drop your files to upload" : "Для загрузки файлов, перетащите их сюда", "Favorite" : "Добавить в избранное", "Federated conversation" : "Федеративное обсуждение", - "Public conversation" : "Открытая беседа", + "Public conversation" : "Открытое обсуждение", "Enter a name for this conversation" : "Введите название обсуждения", "Edit conversation name" : "Изменить название обсуждения", "Edit conversation description" : "Изменить описание обсуждения", @@ -992,6 +999,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "_%n day_::_%n days_" : ["%n день","%n дня","%n дней","%n дня"], "_%n week_::_%n weeks_" : ["%n неделя","%n недели","%n недель","%n недели"], "Guest access" : "Гостевой доступ", + "Breakout rooms are not allowed in public conversations." : "Комнаты обсуждения недоступны в открытых обсуждениях", "Allow guests to join this conversation via link" : "Разрешить гостям заходить по ссылке", "Password protection" : "Защита паролем", "Enter new password" : "Введите новый пароль", @@ -1009,12 +1017,15 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Also open to users created with the Guests app" : "Открыть также для пользователей, созданных в приложении Гости", "Open conversation" : "Открытое обсуждение", "This conversation is open to both registered users and users created with the Guests app" : "Это обсуждение открыто зарегистрированным пользователям и пользователям, созданным приложением Гости", + "This conversation is open to registered users" : "Обсуждение открыто для зарегистрированных пользователей", + "This conversation is limited to the current participants" : "Обсуждение ограничено текущими участниками", "You opened the conversation to both registered users and users created with the Guests app" : "Вы открыли обсуждение зарегистрированным пользователям и пользователям, созданным приложением Гости", "Error occurred when opening or limiting the conversation" : "Не удалось открыть или ограничить доступ к обсуждению", "Enabling the lobby will remove non-moderators from the ongoing call." : "Включение лобби удалит немодераторов из текущего разговора.", "Enable lobby, restricting the conversation to moderators" : "Включить лобби, ограничив обсуждение модераторами", "Meeting start time" : "Время начала встречи", "Start time (optional)" : "Время начала (необязательно)", + "Start time: {date}" : "Время начала: {date}", "Error occurred when restricting the conversation to moderator" : "Не удалось ограничить доступ к обсуждению только модератором", "Error occurred when opening the conversation to everyone" : "Не удалось открыть доступ к обсуждению всем пользователям", "Start time has been updated" : "Время начала изменено", @@ -1030,6 +1041,7 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Delete" : "Удалить", "You can bridge channels from various instant messaging systems with Matterbridge." : "Matterbridge позволяет настроить обмен сообщеними с различными службами моментальных сообщений.", "More info on Matterbridge" : "Дополнительные сведения о Matterbridge", + "Messaging systems" : "Системы обмена сообщениями", "Enable bridge" : "Включить обмен собщениями", "Show Matterbridge log" : "Открыть журнал Matterbridge", "Log content" : "Записи журнала", @@ -1084,7 +1096,14 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Bridge saved" : "Параметры обмена сохранены", "Notifications" : "Уведомления", "Notify about calls in this conversation" : "Уведомлять о звонках в этом разговоре", + "Recording Consent" : "Согласие на запись вызова", "Recording consent cannot be changed once a call or breakout session has started." : "Согласие на запись не может быть изменено после начала звонка или сессии.", + "Require recording consent before joining call in this conversation" : "Требовать согласие на запись вызова перед присоединением к вызову в этом обсуждении", + "Recording consent is required for all calls" : "Согласие на запись вызова требуется для всех вызовов", + "Recording consent is required for calls in this conversation" : "Согласие на запись вызова требуется для вызовов в этом обсуждении", + "Recording consent is not required for calls in this conversation" : "Согласие на запись вызова не требуется для вызовов в этом обсуждении", + "Recording consent requirement was updated" : "Требование на согласие с записью вызова было изменено", + "Error occurred while updating recording consent" : "Произошла ошибка при изменении согласия на запись вызова", "Phone and SIP dial-in" : "Телефон и SIP-вызовы", "Enable phone and SIP dial-in" : "Включить телефон и входящие SIP-вызовы", "Allow to dial-in without a PIN" : "Разрешить набор номера без PIN-кода", @@ -1095,15 +1114,25 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Error occurred when disabling SIP dial-in" : "Не удалос