path: root/l10n/eu.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/eu.js')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/eu.js b/l10n/eu.js
index f17114e35..e11c2e694 100644
--- a/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/l10n/eu.js
@@ -94,37 +94,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "STUN zerbitzariak router baten atzean dauden erabiltzaileen IP helbideak jakiteko erabiltzen da.",
"TURN server" : "TURN zerbitzaria",
"The TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall." : "TURN zerbitzariak firewall baten atzean dauden partehartzaileen trafikoa proxy bidez eramateko erabiltzen da",
- "Video calls" : "Bideo deiak",
"(group)" : "(taldea)",
- "New public call" : "Dei publiko berria",
- "Looking great today! :)" : "Itxura ederra gaur! :)",
- "Time to call your friends" : "Lagunak deitzeko garaia heldu da",
- "You can set your name on the top right of this page so other participants can identify you better." : "Pantailaren goi eskubian zure izena jar dezakezu, beste partaideek hobeto identifikatzeko.",
- "This call has ended" : "Deia bukatu da",
- "Saving failed" : "Gordetzean errorea",
- "Add person" : "Pertsona gehitu",
- "and you" : "eta zu",
- "Please adjust your configuration" : "Konfigurazioa zehaztu",
- "{actor} invited you to a private call" : "{actor} dei pribatu batera gonbidatu zaitu",
- "{actor} invited you to a group call" : "{actor} dei publiko batera gonbidatu zaitu",
- "{actor} invited you to the call {call}" : "{actor} {call } deira gonbidatu zaitu",
- "You were invited to a <strong>video call</strong>" : "<strong>bideo deia </strong> gonbidatua izan zara",
- "Video call" : "Bideo deia",
- "Invalid format, must be stunserver:port." : "Formatu desegokia, stunzerb:portua izan behar du",
- "Invalid port specified." : "Portu ezegokia jarri da",
- "Invalid protocols specified." : "Protokolo ezegokiak jarri dira",
- "%s invited you to a private call" : "%s- dei pribatu batera gonbidatu zaitu",
- "{user} invited you to a private call" : "{user}-rek dei pribatu batera gonbidatu zaitu",
- "%s invited you to a group call: %s" : "%s-k %s talde deira gonbidatu zaitu",
- "{user} invited you to a group call: {call}" : "{user}-k {call} talde deira gonbidatu zaitu",
- "%s invited you to a group call" : "%s talde deira gonbidatu zaitu",
- "{user} invited you to a group call" : "{user} talde deira gonbidatu zaitu",
- "Fullscreen" : "Pantaila osoa",
- "Mute audio" : "Audioa ixildu",
- "Smile in 3… 2… 1!" : "parre egin 3...2...1!",
- "Choose person …" : "Pertsona hautatu",
- "The STUN server is necessary so participants can connect to calls. The TURN server makes sure connection works even through firewalls." : "STUN zerbitzaria beharrezkoa da deiak konektatzeko. TURN zerbitzariak konexioa funtzionatzen duela bermatzen du, nahiz eta firewall bat egon.",
- "STUN server" : "STUN zerbitzaria",
- "The STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "STUN zerbitzaria router baten atzean dauden erabiltzaileen IP helbideak jakiteko balio du"
+ "and you" : "eta zu"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");