path: root/l10n
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2023-04-15 03:27:12 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2023-04-15 03:27:12 +0000
commit6caec64d5d182b1c943e8617f18080ae4d57f12a (patch)
tree566097af276a3c244e75bf59849f4ab63442923f /l10n
parent3deb22df12fea0b201ca6ebb49b49461c01a00b1 (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n')
2 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/eu.js b/l10n/eu.js
index bf2747694..5a6c5fbb5 100644
--- a/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/l10n/eu.js
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"- Configure an expiration time for chat messages" : "- Konfiguratu txat-mezuen iraungitze-ordua",
"- Start calls without notifying others in big conversations. You can send individual call notifications once the call has started." : "- Hasi deiak elkarrizketa handietan besteei jakinarazi gabe. Deia hasitakoan banakako deien jakinarazpenak bidal ditzakezu.",
"- Send chat messages without notifying the recipients in case it is not urgent" : "- Bidali txat mezuak hartzaileei jakinarazi gabe premiazkoa ez bada",
+ "- Emojis can now be autocompleted by typing a \":\"" : "- Emojiak automatikoki osa daitezke orain \":\" bat idatzita",
+ "- Link various items using the new smart-picker by typing a \"/\"" : "- Lotu hainbat elementu erabiliz hautatzaile adimendun berria \"/\" bat idatzita",
+ "- Moderators can now create breakout rooms (requires the external signaling server)" : "- Moderatzaileek atseden-gelak sor ditzakete (kanpo seinaleztatze-zerbitzaria behar da)",
+ "- Calls can now be recorded (requires the external signaling server)" : "- Deiak orain grabatu daitezke (kanpo seinaleztatze-zerbitzaria behar da)",
"There are currently no commands available." : "Une honetan ez dago komandorik erabilgarri.",
"The command does not exist" : "Komandoa ez da existitzen",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "Errore bat gertatu da komandoa exekutatzean. Eskatu administratzaile bati egunkariak egiaztatzeko",
@@ -92,6 +96,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You opened the conversation to everyone" : "Elkarrizketa ireki duzu edozeinentzat",
"{actor} restricted the conversation to moderators" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa moderatzaileentzako murriztu du",
"You restricted the conversation to moderators" : "Elkarrizketa moderatzaileentzako murriztu duzu",
+ "{actor} started breakout rooms" : "{actor}-(e)k taldekako gelak hasi ditu",
+ "You started breakout rooms" : "Taldekako gelak hasi dituzu",
+ "{actor} stopped breakout rooms" : "{actor}-(e)k taldekako gelak geldiarazi ditu",
+ "You stopped breakout rooms" : "Taldekako gelak geldiarazi dituzu",
"{actor} allowed guests" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak gonbidatuak baimendu ditu",
"You allowed guests" : "Gonbidatuak baimendu dituzu",
"An administrator allowed guests" : "Administratzaile batek gonbidatuak baimendu ditu",
@@ -177,8 +185,21 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You disabled message expiration" : "Mezuaren iraungitzea desgaitu duzu",
"{actor} cleared the history of the conversation" : "{actor} elkarrizketaren historia ezabatu du",
"You cleared the history of the conversation" : "Elkarrizketaren historia ezabatu duzu",
+ "{actor} set the conversation picture" : "{actor}-(e)k ezarri du elkarrizketaren argazkia",
+ "You set the conversation picture" : " Ezarri duzu elkarrizketaren argazkia",
+ "{actor} removed the conversation picture" : "{actor}-(e)k elkarrizketaren argazkia kendu du",
+ "You removed the conversation picture" : "Elkarrizketaren argazkia kendu duzu",
"{actor} ended the poll {poll}" : "{actor}(e)k {poll} galdeketa bukatu du",
"You ended the poll {poll}" : "{poll} galdeketa bukatu duzu",
+ "{actor} started the video recording" : "{actor} bideoa grabatzen hasi da",
+ "You started the video recording" : "Bideoa grabatzen hasi zara",
+ "{actor} stopped the video recording" : "{actor}-(e)k bideoaren grabazioa gelditu du",
+ "You stopped the video recording" : "bideoaren grabazioa gelditu duzu",
+ "{actor} started the audio recording" : "{actor}-(e)k audio-grabazioa hasi du",
+ "You started the audio recording" : "Audio-grabazioa hasi duzu",
+ "{actor} stopped the audio recording" : "{actor}-(e)k audio-grabaketa gelditu du",
+ "You stopped the audio recording" : "Audio-grabaketa gelditu duzu",
+ "The recording failed" : "Grabaketak huts egin du",
"Someone voted on the poll {poll}" : "Norbaitek {poll} galdeketan bozkatu du.",
"Message deleted by author" : "Egileak mezua ezabatu du",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak mezua ezabatu du",
@@ -229,8 +250,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password request: %s" : "Pasahitz eskaera: %s",
"Private conversation" : "Elkarrizketa pribatua",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzailea (%s)",
+ "Failed to upload call recording" : "Deien grabaketaren igotzeak huts egin du",
+ "The recording server failed to upload recording of call {call}. Please reach out to the administration." : "Grabaketa-zerbitzariak huts egin du {call} deiaren grabazioa kargatzean. Jarri harremanetan administrazioarekin.",
"Share to chat" : "Partekatu txatarekin",
"Dismiss notification" : "Baztertu jakinarazpena",
+ "Call recording now available" : "Deien grabaketa ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "The recording for the call in {call} was uploaded to {file}." : "{deia} deiaren grabazioa {file} -ra kargatu da.",
"{user1} shared room {roomName} on {remoteServer} with you" : "{user1}-(e)k {roomName} gela partekatu du zurekin {remoteServer} zerbitzuan",
"{user} in {call}" : "{user} erabiltzailea {call} deian",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "Erabiltzailea ezabatu da {call} deian",
@@ -252,9 +277,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{guest} (guest) reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{gonbidatua} (gonbidatua) {reaction} erabili du zure mezuari {deia} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"A guest reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {reaction} rabili du zure mezuari {call} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"{user} mentioned you in a private conversation" : "{user} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa pribatu batean aipatu zaitu",
+ "{user} mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "{user}-(e)k taldea {group} aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "{user} mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "{user}-(e)k guztiak aipatu ditu {call} elkarrizketan",
"{user} mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{user} erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
+ "A deleted user mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek {group} taldea aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "A deleted user mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek {call} elkarrizketan guztiak aipatu ditu",
"A deleted user mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
+ "{guest} (guest) mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatuak) {group} taldea aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "{guest} (guest) mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatuak) {group} guztiak aipatu ditu {call} elkarrizketan",
"{guest} (guest) mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatua) erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
+ "A guest mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {group} taldea aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "A guest mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {call} elkarrizketan guztiak aipatu ditu ",
"A guest mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
"View chat" : "Ikusi txata",
"{user} invited you to a private conversation" : "{user} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa pribatu batera gonbidatu zaitu",
@@ -281,6 +314,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Messages in {conversation}" : "Mezuak {conversation} elkarrizketan",
"{user} in {conversation}" : "{user} erabiltzailea {conversation} elkarrizketan",
"Messages in other conversations" : "Mezuak beste elkarrizketa batzuetan",
+ "One-to-one rooms always need to show the other users avatar" : "Batetik baterako gelek beti erakutsi behar dute beste erabiltzaileen avatarra",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Abatarreko irudia ez da karratua",
"Room {number}" : "{number} gela",
"Failed to request trial because the trial server is unreachable. Please try again later." : "Proba eskaerak huts egin du ezin delako atzitu probako zerbitzaria. Saiatu berriro beranduago.",
@@ -648,7 +682,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "Matterbridge bitarrak baimen okerrak dauzka. Ziurtatu Matterbridgen fitxategi bitarra erabiltzaile egokiaren jabetzan dagoela eta exekutatu daitekeela. Hemen aurki daiteke: \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\".",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "Matterbridge bitarra ez da aurkitu edo ezin izan da exekutatu.",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "Matterbridge bitarrerako bidea eskuz ere konfigura dezakezu konfigurazioaren bidez. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, begiratu {linkstart}Matterbridge integrazio dokumentazioa {linkend}.",
+ "An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app" : "Errore bat gertatu da Matterbridge aplikazioa instalatzean",
+ "An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually" : "Errore bat gertatu da Talk Matterbridge instalatzean. Instala ezazu eskuz",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "Matterbridge bitarra exekutatzeak huts egin du.",
+ "Recording backend URL" : "Atzealdeko URLa grabatzen",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "Balioztatu SSL ziurtagiria",
"Delete this server" : "Ezabatu zerbitzari hau",
"Status: Checking connection" : "Egoera: konexioa egiaztatzen",
@@ -657,7 +694,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Errorea: zerbitzariak ez du JSON egokiarekin erantzun",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Errorea: zerbitzariak {error} errorearekin erantzun du",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Errorea: errore ezezaguna gertatu da",
+ "Recording backend" : "Atzealdeko grabaketa",
+ "Add a new recording backend server" : "Gehitu atzealdeko zerbitzari grabaketa berri bat",
"Shared secret" : "Partekatutako sekretua",
+ "The PHP settings \"upload_max_filesize\" or \"post_max_size\" only will allow to upload files up to {maxUpload}." : "\"upload_max_filesize\" edo \"post_max_size\" PHP ezarpenek {maxUpload} arteko fitxategiak kargatzeko aukera emango dute soilik.",
+ "Recording backend settings saved" : "Atzealdeko grabaketa ezarpena gordeta",
"SIP configuration" : "SIP konfigurazioa",
"SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "SIP konfigurazioa soilik posible da errendimendu handiko motor (backend) batekin.",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "Murriztu SIP konfigurazioa",
@@ -707,13 +748,31 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were not properly returned by the web server. Please check \"System requirements\" section in Talk documentation." : "Huts egin du: \".wasm\" eta \".tflite\" fitxategiak ez ditu behar bezala itzuli web zerbitzariak. Egiaztatu Talk-en dokumentazioan \"Sistemaren eskakizunak\" atala.",
"OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "Ados: \".wasm\" eta \".tflite\" fitxategiak behar bezala itzuli ditu web zerbitzariak.",
"It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Badirudi PHP eta Apache konfigurazioa ez dela bateragarria. Mesedez, kontuan hartu PHP MPM_PREFORK moduluarekin soilik erabili daitekela and PHP-FPM MPM_EVENT moduluarekin erabili daitekela.",
+ "Could not detect the PHP and Apache configuration because exec is disabled or apachectl is not working as expected. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Ezin izan dira PHP eta Apache konfigurazioak detektatu exec desgaituta dagoelako edo apachectl ez dagoelako espero bezala funtzionatzen. Kontuan izan PHP MPM_PREFORK moduluarekin soilik erabil daitekeela eta PHP-FPM MPM_EVENT moduluarekin soilik erabil daitekeela.",
+ "Number of breakout rooms" : "Taldekako-gela kopurua",
+ "Assignment method" : "Esleitzeko modua",
+ "Automatically assign participants" : "Parte-hartzaileak automatikoki esleitu",
+ "Manually assign participants" : "Parte-hartzaileak eskuz esleitu ",
+ "Allow participants to choose" : "Baimendu parte-hartzaileek aukera dezaten",
+ "Assign participants to rooms" : "Esleitu parte-hartzaileak geletara",
"Create rooms" : "Sortu gelak",
+ "Configure breakout rooms" : "Konfiguratu taldekako gelak",
+ "Unassigned participants" : "Esleitu gabeko parte-hartzaileak",
"Back" : "Atzera",
"Assign" : "Esleitu",
"Confirm" : "Berretsi",
+ "Create breakout rooms" : "Sortu taldekako gelak",
"Reset" : "Berrezarri",
+ "Delete breakout rooms" : "Ezabatu taldekako gelak",
+ "Room {roomNumber}" : "{roomNumber} gela",
+ "Current breakout rooms and settings will be lost" : "Uneko taldekako gelak eta ezarpenak galduko dira",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Post message" : "Argitaratu mezua",
+ "Send a message to all breakout rooms" : "Bidali mezu bat taldekako gela guztietara",
+ "Send a message to \"{roomName}\"" : "Bidali mezu bat \"{roomName}\"-(e)ra",
+ "The message was sent to all breakout rooms" : "Mezua taldekako gela guztietara bidali da",
+ "The message was sent to \"{roomName}\"" : "Mezua \"{roomName}\"-(e)ra bidali da",
+ "The message could not be sent" : "Ezin izan da mezua bidali",
"{nickName} raised their hand." : "{nickName} eskua jaso du.",
"A participant raised their hand." : "Parte-hartzaile batek eskua jaso du",
"Previous page of videos" : "Bideoen aurreko orria",
@@ -722,6 +781,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expand stripe" : "Zabaldu marra",
"Copy link" : "Kopiatu esteka",
"Connecting …" : "Konektatzen ...",
+ "Waiting for {user} to join the call" : "{user} deian sartzeko zain",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "Besteak deira batzeko itxaroten...",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar" : "Besteak gonbidatu ditzakezu alboko barrako parte-hartzaileak fitxan",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar or share this link to invite others!" : "Besteak gonbidatu ditzakezu alboko barrako parte-hartzaileak fitxan edo esteka hau partekatuz!",
@@ -797,14 +857,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Drop your files to upload" : "Jaregin zure fitxategiak kargatzeko",
"Favorite" : "Gogokoa",
"Picture" : "Irudia",
+ "Enter a name for this conversation" : "Idatzi izen bat elkarrizketa honetarako",
+ "Edit conversation name" : "Editatu elkarrizketaren izena",
"Description" : "Deskribapena",
"Edit conversation description" : "Editatu elkarrizketaren deskribapena",
"Enter a description for this conversation" : "Sartu deskribapen bat elkarrrizketa honentzat",
+ "Error while updating conversation name" : "Errore bat gertatu da elkarrizketaren izena eguneratzean",
"Error while updating conversation description" : "Errorea elkarrizketa deskribapena eguneratzen",
+ "Set up breakout rooms for this conversation" : "Konfiguratu taldekako gelak elkarrizketa honetarako",
+ "Breakout rooms" : "Taldekako gelak",
"Upload profile picture" : "Kargatu profil-irudia",
"Choose profile picture from files" : "Aukeratu profil-irudia fitxategietatik",
"Remove profile picture" : "Kendu profil-irudia",
+ "The file must be a PNG or JPG" : "Fitxategiak PNG edo JPG izan behar du",
+ "Set as conversation picture" : "Ezarri elkarrizketa-irudi gisa",
"Choose your profile picture" : "Aukeratu zure profil-irudia",
+ "Please select a valid PNG or JPG file" : "Mesedez, hautatu baliozko PNG edo JPG fitxategi bat",
"Error setting profile picture" : "Errorea profil-irudia ezartzean",
"Error cropping profile picture" : "Errorea profil-irudia moztean",
"Error saving profile picture" : "Errorea profil-irudia gordetzean",
@@ -820,11 +888,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Default permissions modified for {conversationName}" : "Lehenetsitako baimenak aldatu dira {conversationName}(r)entzat",
"Could not modify default permissions for {conversationName}" : "Ezin izan dira {conversationName}(r)en baimenak aldatu",
"Conversation settings" : "Elkarrizketaren ezarpenak",
+ "Basic Info" : "Oinarrizko informazioa",
"Personal" : "Pertsonala",
"Always show the device preview screen before joining a call in this conversation." : "Erakutsi gailuaren aurreikuspen pantaila beti dei batera sartu baino lehen elkarrizketa honetan.",
"Moderation" : "Moderazioa",
"Meeting" : "Bilera",
"Permissions" : "Baimenak",
+ "Breakout Rooms" : "Taldekako gelak",
"Matterbridge" : "Matterbridge",
"Danger zone" : "Arrisku eremua",
"Be careful, these actions cannot be undone." : "Kontuz ibili, ekintza hauek ezin dira desegin.",
@@ -834,12 +904,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Permanently delete this conversation." : "Betirako ezabatu elkarrizketa hau.",
"Delete chat messages" : "Ezabatu txateko mezuak",
"Permanently delete all the messages in this conversation." : "Ezabatu betirako elkarrizketa honen mezu guztiak.",
+ "You need to promote a new moderator before you can leave the conversation" : "Moderatzaile berri bat sustatu behar duzu elkarrizketatik irten aurretik",
"Do you really want to delete \"{displayName}\"?" : "Ziur zaude \"{displayName}\" ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"Error while deleting conversation" : "Errorea elkarrizketa ezabatzen",
"Do you really want to delete all messages in \"{displayName}\"?" : "Ziur zaude \"{displayName}\" elkarrizketako mezu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"Delete all chat messages" : "Ezabatu txateko mezu guztiak",
"Error while clearing chat history" : "Errorea txataren historia garbitzen",
+ "Cancel editing" : "Utzi editatzeari",
"Submit" : "Bidali",
+ "The text must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "Testuak {maxLength} karaktere baino txikiagoa edo berdina izan behar du. Uneko testuak {charactersCount} karaktere ditu.",
"Message expiration" : "Mezuen iraungitzea",
"Chat messages can be expired after a certain time. Note: Files shared in chat will not be deleted for the owner, but will no longer be shared in the conversation." : "Txat-mezuak denbora jakin baten ondoren iraungi daitezke. Oharra: txatean partekatutako fitxategiak ez dira jabearentzat ezabatuko, baina ez dira gehiago elkarrizketan partekatuko.",
"Custom expiration time" : "Iraungitze denbora pertsonalizatua",
diff --git a/l10n/eu.json b/l10n/eu.json
index 7d83767b3..c2082461f 100644
--- a/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/l10n/eu.json
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
"- Configure an expiration time for chat messages" : "- Konfiguratu txat-mezuen iraungitze-ordua",
"- Start calls without notifying others in big conversations. You can send individual call notifications once the call has started." : "- Hasi deiak elkarrizketa handietan besteei jakinarazi gabe. Deia hasitakoan banakako deien jakinarazpenak bidal ditzakezu.",
"- Send chat messages without notifying the recipients in case it is not urgent" : "- Bidali txat mezuak hartzaileei jakinarazi gabe premiazkoa ez bada",
+ "- Emojis can now be autocompleted by typing a \":\"" : "- Emojiak automatikoki osa daitezke orain \":\" bat idatzita",
+ "- Link various items using the new smart-picker by typing a \"/\"" : "- Lotu hainbat elementu erabiliz hautatzaile adimendun berria \"/\" bat idatzita",
+ "- Moderators can now create breakout rooms (requires the external signaling server)" : "- Moderatzaileek atseden-gelak sor ditzakete (kanpo seinaleztatze-zerbitzaria behar da)",
+ "- Calls can now be recorded (requires the external signaling server)" : "- Deiak orain grabatu daitezke (kanpo seinaleztatze-zerbitzaria behar da)",
"There are currently no commands available." : "Une honetan ez dago komandorik erabilgarri.",
"The command does not exist" : "Komandoa ez da existitzen",
"An error occurred while running the command. Please ask an administrator to check the logs." : "Errore bat gertatu da komandoa exekutatzean. Eskatu administratzaile bati egunkariak egiaztatzeko",
@@ -90,6 +94,10 @@
"You opened the conversation to everyone" : "Elkarrizketa ireki duzu edozeinentzat",
"{actor} restricted the conversation to moderators" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa moderatzaileentzako murriztu du",
"You restricted the conversation to moderators" : "Elkarrizketa moderatzaileentzako murriztu duzu",
+ "{actor} started breakout rooms" : "{actor}-(e)k taldekako gelak hasi ditu",
+ "You started breakout rooms" : "Taldekako gelak hasi dituzu",
+ "{actor} stopped breakout rooms" : "{actor}-(e)k taldekako gelak geldiarazi ditu",
+ "You stopped breakout rooms" : "Taldekako gelak geldiarazi dituzu",
"{actor} allowed guests" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak gonbidatuak baimendu ditu",
"You allowed guests" : "Gonbidatuak baimendu dituzu",
"An administrator allowed guests" : "Administratzaile batek gonbidatuak baimendu ditu",
@@ -175,8 +183,21 @@
"You disabled message expiration" : "Mezuaren iraungitzea desgaitu duzu",
"{actor} cleared the history of the conversation" : "{actor} elkarrizketaren historia ezabatu du",
"You cleared the history of the conversation" : "Elkarrizketaren historia ezabatu duzu",
+ "{actor} set the conversation picture" : "{actor}-(e)k ezarri du elkarrizketaren argazkia",
+ "You set the conversation picture" : " Ezarri duzu elkarrizketaren argazkia",
+ "{actor} removed the conversation picture" : "{actor}-(e)k elkarrizketaren argazkia kendu du",
+ "You removed the conversation picture" : "Elkarrizketaren argazkia kendu duzu",
"{actor} ended the poll {poll}" : "{actor}(e)k {poll} galdeketa bukatu du",
"You ended the poll {poll}" : "{poll} galdeketa bukatu duzu",
+ "{actor} started the video recording" : "{actor} bideoa grabatzen hasi da",
+ "You started the video recording" : "Bideoa grabatzen hasi zara",
+ "{actor} stopped the video recording" : "{actor}-(e)k bideoaren grabazioa gelditu du",
+ "You stopped the video recording" : "bideoaren grabazioa gelditu duzu",
+ "{actor} started the audio recording" : "{actor}-(e)k audio-grabazioa hasi du",
+ "You started the audio recording" : "Audio-grabazioa hasi duzu",
+ "{actor} stopped the audio recording" : "{actor}-(e)k audio-grabaketa gelditu du",
+ "You stopped the audio recording" : "Audio-grabaketa gelditu duzu",
+ "The recording failed" : "Grabaketak huts egin du",
"Someone voted on the poll {poll}" : "Norbaitek {poll} galdeketan bozkatu du.",
"Message deleted by author" : "Egileak mezua ezabatu du",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak mezua ezabatu du",
@@ -227,8 +248,12 @@
"Password request: %s" : "Pasahitz eskaera: %s",
"Private conversation" : "Elkarrizketa pribatua",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzailea (%s)",
+ "Failed to upload call recording" : "Deien grabaketaren igotzeak huts egin du",
+ "The recording server failed to upload recording of call {call}. Please reach out to the administration." : "Grabaketa-zerbitzariak huts egin du {call} deiaren grabazioa kargatzean. Jarri harremanetan administrazioarekin.",
"Share to chat" : "Partekatu txatarekin",
"Dismiss notification" : "Baztertu jakinarazpena",
+ "Call recording now available" : "Deien grabaketa ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "The recording for the call in {call} was uploaded to {file}." : "{deia} deiaren grabazioa {file} -ra kargatu da.",
"{user1} shared room {roomName} on {remoteServer} with you" : "{user1}-(e)k {roomName} gela partekatu du zurekin {remoteServer} zerbitzuan",
"{user} in {call}" : "{user} erabiltzailea {call} deian",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "Erabiltzailea ezabatu da {call} deian",
@@ -250,9 +275,17 @@
"{guest} (guest) reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{gonbidatua} (gonbidatua) {reaction} erabili du zure mezuari {deia} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"A guest reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {reaction} rabili du zure mezuari {call} elkarrizketan erreakzionatzeko",
"{user} mentioned you in a private conversation" : "{user} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa pribatu batean aipatu zaitu",
+ "{user} mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "{user}-(e)k taldea {group} aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "{user} mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "{user}-(e)k guztiak aipatu ditu {call} elkarrizketan",
"{user} mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{user} erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
+ "A deleted user mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek {group} taldea aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "A deleted user mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek {call} elkarrizketan guztiak aipatu ditu",
"A deleted user mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Ezabatutako erabiltzaile batek aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
+ "{guest} (guest) mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatuak) {group} taldea aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "{guest} (guest) mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatuak) {group} guztiak aipatu ditu {call} elkarrizketan",
"{guest} (guest) mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (gonbidatua) erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
+ "A guest mentioned group {group} in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {group} taldea aipatu du {call} elkarrizketan",
+ "A guest mentioned everyone in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek {call} elkarrizketan guztiak aipatu ditu ",
"A guest mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Gonbidatu batek aipatu zaitu {call} deian",
"View chat" : "Ikusi txata",
"{user} invited you to a private conversation" : "{user} erabiltzaileak elkarrizketa pribatu batera gonbidatu zaitu",
@@ -279,6 +312,7 @@
"Messages in {conversation}" : "Mezuak {conversation} elkarrizketan",
"{user} in {conversation}" : "{user} erabiltzailea {conversation} elkarrizketan",
"Messages in other conversations" : "Mezuak beste elkarrizketa batzuetan",
+ "One-to-one rooms always need to show the other users avatar" : "Batetik baterako gelek beti erakutsi behar dute beste erabiltzaileen avatarra",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Abatarreko irudia ez da karratua",
"Room {number}" : "{number} gela",