path: root/l10n
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2023-03-12 03:28:08 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2023-03-12 03:28:08 +0000
commit3133fb2d39d8524af383b9250d4fa563dea30b6e (patch)
tree59592c8b7d4f2f15c564f2201179eb3afeb0e317 /l10n
parent17eb960093d92101618efc87dda10014956a013d (diff)
Fix(l10n): 🔠 Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n')
4 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js
index 52fb0e9d2..02bc5a1f3 100644
--- a/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/l10n/gl.js
@@ -174,25 +174,61 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_You set the message expiration to %n hour_::_You set the message expiration to %n hours_" : ["Definiches a caducidade da mensaxe en %n hora","Definiches a caducidade da mensaxe en %n horas"],
"_You set the message expiration to %n minute_::_You set the message expiration to %n minutes_" : ["Definiches a caducidade da mensaxe en %n minuto","Definiches a caducidade da mensaxe en %n minutos"],
"_{actor} set the message expiration to %n week_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n weeks_" : ["{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n semana","{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n semanas"],
+ "_{actor} set the message expiration to %n day_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n days_" : ["{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n día","{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n días"],
+ "_{actor} set the message expiration to %n hour_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n hours_" : ["{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n hora","{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n horas"],
+ "_{actor} set the message expiration to %n minute_::_{actor} set the message expiration to %n minutes_" : ["{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n minuto","{actor} estableceu a caducidade da mensaxe en %n minutos"],
+ "{actor} disabled message expiration" : "{actor} desactivou a caducidade da mensaxe",
+ "You disabled message expiration" : "Desactivaches a caducidade da mensaxe",
+ "{actor} cleared the history of the conversation" : "{actor} limpou o historial da conversa",
+ "You cleared the history of the conversation" : "Borraches o historial da conversa",
+ "{actor} set the conversation avatar" : "{actor} estableceu o avatar da conversa",
+ "You set the conversation avatar" : "Definiches o avatar da conversa",
+ "{actor} removed the conversation avatar" : "{actor} eliminou o avatar da conversa",
+ "You removed the conversation avatar" : "Quitaches o avatar da conversa",
+ "{actor} ended the poll {poll}" : "{actor} rematou a enquisa {poll}",
+ "You ended the poll {poll}" : "Remataches a enquisa {poll}",
+ "{actor} started the video recording" : "{actor} comezou a gravación do vídeo",
+ "You started the video recording" : "Comezaches a gravación do vídeo",
+ "{actor} stopped the video recording" : "{actor} detivo a gravación do vídeo",
+ "You stopped the video recording" : "Detiveches a gravación do vídeo",
+ "{actor} started the audio recording" : "{actor} iniciou a gravación de audio",
+ "You started the audio recording" : "Comezaches a gravación de audio",
+ "{actor} stopped the audio recording" : "{actor} detivo a gravación de audio",
+ "You stopped the audio recording" : "Detiveches a gravación de audio",
+ "The recording failed" : "Fallou a gravación",
+ "Someone voted on the poll {poll}" : "Alguén votou na enquisa {poll}",
"Message deleted by author" : "Mensaxe eliminada polo autor",
"Message deleted by {actor}" : "Mensaxe eliminada por {actor}",
"Message deleted by you" : "Mensaxe eliminada por vostede",
"Deleted user" : "Usuario eliminado",
"%s (guest)" : "%s (convidado)",
"You missed a call from {user}" : "Perdeu unha chamada de {user}",
+ "You tried to call {user}" : "Tentaches chamar a {user}",
"_Call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_Call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["Chamada con %n convidado (Duración {duration})","Chamada con %n convidados (Duración {duration})"],
+ "_{actor} ended the call with %n guest (Duration {duration})_::_{actor} ended the call with %n guests (Duration {duration})_" : ["{actor} rematou a chamada con %n convidado (Duración {duration})","{actor} rematou a chamada con %n convidados (Duración {duration})"],
"Call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "Chamada con {user1} e {user2} (Duración {duration})",
+ "{actor} ended the call with {user1} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} rematou a chamada con {user1} (Duración {duration})",
+ "{actor} ended the call with {user1} and {user2} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} rematou a chamada con {user1} e {user2} (Duración {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "Chamada con {user1}, {user2} e {user3} (Duración {duration})",
+ "{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2} and {user3} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} rematou a chamada con {user1}, {user2} e {user3} (Duración {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "Chamada con {user1}, {user2}, {user3} e {user4} (Duración {duration})",
+ "{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3} and {user4} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} rematou a chamada con {user1}, {user2}, {user3} e {user4} (Duración {duration})",
"Call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "Chamada con {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} e {user5} (Duración {duration})",
+ "{actor} ended the call with {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} and {user5} (Duration {duration})" : "{actor} rematou a chamada con {user1}, {user2}, {user3}, {user4} e {user5} (Duración {duration})",
+ "Message of {user} in {conversation}" : "Mensaxe de {user} en {conversation}",
+ "Message of {user}" : "Mensaxe de {user}",
+ "Message of a deleted user in {conversation}" : "Mensaxe dun usuario eliminado en {conversation}",
"Talk to %s" : "Falar con %s",
+ "An error occurred. Please contact your administrator." : "Houbo un erro. Póñase en contacto co seu administrador.",
"File is not shared, or shared but not with the user" : "O ficheiro non está compartido, ou compartido, pero non co usuario",
"No account available to delete." : "Non hai conta dispoñíbel para eliminar.",
+ "No image file provided" : "Non se proporcionou ningún ficheiro de imaxe",
"File is too big" : "O ficheiro é grande de máis",
"Invalid file provided" : "O ficheiro fornecido non é válido",
"Invalid image" : "Imaxe incorrecta",
"Unknown filetype" : "Tipo de ficheiro descoñecido",
"Talk mentions" : "Mencións no Talk",
+ "More unread mentions" : "Máis mencións sen ler",
"Call in progress" : "Chamada en proceso",
"You were mentioned" : "Vostede foi mencionado",
"Write to conversation" : "Escribir á conversa",
@@ -209,7 +245,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password request: %s" : "Solicitude de contrasinal: %s",
"Private conversation" : "Conversa privada",
"Deleted user (%s)" : "Usuario eliminado (%s)",
+ "Failed to upload call recording" : "Produciuse un erro ao cargar a gravación da chamada",
+ "The recording server failed to upload recording of call {call}. Please reach out to the adminstrators." : "O servidor de gravación non puido cargar a gravación da chamada {call}. Póñase en contacto cos administradores.",
+ "Share to chat" : "Compartir ao chat",
"Dismiss notification" : "Rexeitar a notificación",
+ "Call recording now available" : "Xa está dispoñible a gravación de chamadas",
+ "The recording for the call in {call} was uploaded to {file}." : "A gravación da chamada en {call} cargouse en {file}.",
+ "{user1} shared room {roomName} on {remoteServer} with you" : "{user1} compartiu a sala {roomName} en {remoteServer} contigo",
"{user} in {call}" : "{user} en {call}",
"Deleted user in {call}" : "Usuario eliminado en {call}",
"{guest} (guest) in {call}" : "{guest} (guest) en {call}",
@@ -224,6 +266,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"A deleted user replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "Un usuario eliminado respondeu á súa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
"{guest} (guest) replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (convidado) respondeu á súa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
"A guest replied to your message in conversation {call}" : "Un convidado respondeu á súa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
+ "{user} reacted with {reaction} to your private message" : "{user} reaccionou con {reaction} á túa mensaxe privada",
+ "{user} reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{user} reaccionou con {reaction} á túa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
+ "A deleted user reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "Un usuario eliminado reaccionou con {reaction} á túa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
+ "{guest} (guest) reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "{guest} (convidado) reaccionou con {reaction} á túa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
+ "A guest reacted with {reaction} to your message in conversation {call}" : "Un convidado reaccionou con {reaction} á túa mensaxe na conversa {call}",
"{user} mentioned you in a private conversation" : "{user} mencionouno nunha conversa privada",
"{user} mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "{user} mencionouno na conversa {call}",
"A deleted user mentioned you in conversation {call}" : "Un usuario eliminado mencionouno na conversa {call}",
@@ -254,6 +301,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Messages in {conversation}" : "Mensaxes en {conversation}",
"{user} in {conversation}" : "{user} en {conversation}",
"Messages in other conversations" : "Mensaxes noutras conversas",
+ "One-to-one rooms always need to show the other users avatar" : "As salas individuais sempre deben mostrar o avatar dos outros usuarios",
"Avatar image is not square" : "A imaxe do avatar non é un cadrado",
"Room {number}" : "Sala {number}",
"Failed to request trial because the trial server is unreachable. Please try again later." : "Produciuse un fallo na solicitude de proba porque o servidor de proba non é accesíbel. Ténteo de novo máis tarde.",
@@ -545,9 +593,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request password" : "Solicitar contrasinal",
"Error requesting the password." : "Produciuse un erro ao solicitar o contrasinal.",
"This conversation has ended" : "Esta conversa rematou",
+ "Error occurred when joining the conversation" : "Produciuse un erro ao unirse á conversa",
+ "Close Talk sidebar" : "Pecha a barra lateral de Talk",
+ "Open Talk sidebar" : "Abre a barra lateral de Talk",
"Limit to groups" : "Límite para grupos",
"When at least one group is selected, only people of the listed groups can be part of conversations." : "Cando se selecciona polo menos un grupo, só as persoas dos grupos listados poden formar parte das conversas.",
"Guests can still join public conversations." : "Os convidados aínda poden unirse a conversas públicas.",
+ "Users that cannot use Talk anymore will still be listed as participants in their previous conversations and also their chat messages will be kept." : "Os usuarios que xa non poidan usar Talk seguirán figurando como participantes nas súas conversas anteriores e tamén se conservarán as súas mensaxes de chat.",
"Limit using Talk" : "Limitar o uso do Talk",
"Limit creating a public and group conversation" : "Limitar a creación dunha conversa pública e de grupo",
"Limit creating conversations" : "Limitar a creación de conversas",
@@ -557,6 +609,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Everyone" : "Todos",
"Users and moderators" : "Usuarios e moderadores",
"Moderators only" : "Só os moderadores",
+ "Disable calls" : "Desactivar chamadas",
"Save changes" : "Gardar cambios",
"Saving …" : "Gardando…",
"Saved!" : "Gardado!",
@@ -588,6 +641,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"URL of this Nextcloud instance" : "URL desta instancia do Nextcloud",
"Full name of the user requesting the trial" : "Nome completo do usuario que solicita a proba",
"Name of the user requesting the trial" : "Nome do usuario que solicita a proba",
+ "Email of the user" : "Correo electrónico do usuario",
"Language" : "Idioma",
"Country" : "País",
"Request signaling server trial" : "Solicitar a proba do servidor de sinalización",
@@ -611,35 +665,52 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Downloading …" : "Descargando…",
"Install Talk Matterbridge" : "Instalar Talk Matterbridge",
"Installed version: {version}" : "Versión instalada: {version}",
+ "You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}Nextcloud App Store{linkend}." : "Podes instalar Matterbridge para vincular Nextcloud Talk con outros servizos, visita a súa {linkstart1}páxina de GitHub{linkend} para obter máis detalles. A descarga e a instalación da aplicación pode levar un tempo. No caso de que se agote, instálao manualmente desde a {linkstart2}Tenda de Aplicacións de Nextcloud{linkend}.",
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "O binario do Matterbridge ten permisos incorrectos. Asegúrese de que o ficheiro binario do Matterbridge é propiedade do usuario correcto e que se pode executar. Pódeo atopar en «/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/».",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "Non se atopou o binario do Matterbridge ou non foi posíbel executalo.",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "Tamén pode configurar a ruta ao binario d Matterbridge manualmente a través da configuración. Consulte a {linkstart}documentación de integración do Matterbridge{linkend} para obter máis información.",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app." : "Produciuse un erro ao instalar a aplicación Matterbridge.",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually." : "Produciuse un erro ao instalar o Talk Matterbridge. Instáleo manualmente",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "Produciuse un fallo ao executar o binario de Matterbridge.",
+ "Recording backend URL" : "URL do backend de gravación",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "Validar certificado SSL",
"Delete this server" : "Eliminar este servidor",
"Status: Checking connection" : "Estado: comprobando a conexión",
"OK: Running version: {version}" : "Correcto: executando a versión: {versión}",
+ "Error: Cannot connect to server" : "Erro: Non se pode conectar ao servidor",
"Error: Server did not respond with proper JSON" : "Erro: o servidor non respondeu con JSON axeitado",
"Error: Server responded with: {error}" : "Erro: o servidor respondeu con: {error}",
"Error: Unknown error occurred" : "Erro: produciuse un erro descoñecido",
+ "Recording backend" : "Backend de gravación",
+ "Add a new recording backend server" : "Engade un novo servidor backend de gravación",
"Shared secret" : "Segredo compartido",
+ "The PHP settings 'upload_max_filesize' or 'post_max_size' only will allow to upload files up to {maxUpload}." : "A configuración de PHP 'upload_max_filesize' ou 'post_max_size' só permitirá cargar ficheiros ata {maxUpload}.",
+ "Recording backend settings saved" : "Gardouse a configuración do backend da gravación",
"SIP configuration" : "Configuración SIP",
+ "SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "A configuración SIP só é posible cun backend de alto rendemento.",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "Restrinxir a configuración SIP",
"Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "Só os usuarios dos seguintes grupos poden activar SIP nas conversas que moderan",
"Enable SIP configuration" : "Activar a configuración SIP",
"This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "Esta información envíase en correos-e de convite e amosase na barra lateral a todos os participantes.",
"Phone number (Country)" : "Número de teléfono (País)",
+ "SIP configuration saved!" : "Configuración SIP gardada!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "URL da infraestrutura de alto rendemento",
+ "Could not get version" : "Non se puido obter a versión",
+ "Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Erro: Versión en execución: {version}; O servidor debe actualizarse para ser compatible con esta versión de Talk",
"High-performance backend" : "Infraestrutura de alto rendemento",
+ "Add a new high-performance backend server" : "Engade un novo servidor backend de alto rendemento",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "Opcionalmente debería empregarse un servidor de sinalización externo para instalacións grandes. Déixeo baleiro para usar o servidor de sinalización interno.",
"Please note that calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices." : "Teña en conta quen nas chamadas con máis de 4 participantes sen servidor de sinalización externo, os participantes poden experimentar problemas de conectividade e provocar cargas excesivas nos dispositivos participantes.",
"It is highly recommended to set up a distributed cache when using Nextcloud Talk together with a High Performance Back-end." : "É moi recomendábel configurar unha caché distribuída cando se use Nextcloud Talk xunto cunha infraestrutura de alto rendemento.",
"Don't warn about connectivity issues in calls with more than 4 participants" : "Non avisar sobre problemas de conectividade en chamadas con máis de 4 participantes",
+ "Missing high-performance backend warning hidden" : "Falta o aviso de backend de alto rendemento oculto",
+ "High-performance backend settings saved" : "Gardouse a configuración do back-end de alto rendemento",
"STUN server URL" : "URL do servidor STUN",
+ "The server address is invalid" : "O enderezo do servidor non é válido",
"STUN servers" : "Servidores STUN",
+ "Add a new STUN server" : "Engade un novo servidor STUN",
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "O servidor STUN usase para determinar o enderezo IP público dos participantes que se atopan detrás dun encamiñador.",
+ "STUN settings saved" : "Gardouse a configuración de STUN",
"TURN server schemes" : "Esquemas de servidor TURN",
"{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} e {option2}",
"{option} only" : "Só {option}",
@@ -652,14 +723,43 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Testing whether the TURN server returns ICE candidates" : "Probe se o servidor TURN devolve candidatos ICE",
"Test this server" : "Probar este servidor",
"TURN servers" : "Servidores TURN",
+ "Add a new TURN server" : "Engade un novo servidor TURN",
+ "A TURN server is used to proxy the traffic from participants behind a firewall. If individual participants cannot connect to others a TURN server is most likely required. See {linkstart}this documentation{linkend} for setup instructions." : "Utilízase un servidor TURN para proxy o tráfico dos participantes detrás dun firewall. Se os participantes individuais non poden conectarse con outros, probablemente sexa necesario un servidor TURN. Consulta {linkstart}esta documentación{linkend} para obter instrucións de configuración.",
+ "TURN settings saved" : "Gardouse a configuración de TURN",
+ "Web server setup checks" : "Comprobacións da configuración do servidor web",
+ "Files required for background blur can be loaded" : "Pódense cargar os ficheiros necesarios para o desenfoque do fondo",
"Failed" : "Fallou",
"OK" : "Aceptar",
"Checking …" : "Comprobando...",
+ "Failed: WebAssembly is disabled or not supported in this browser. Please enable WebAssembly or use a browser with support for it to do the check." : "Fallou: WebAssembly está desactivado ou non é compatible neste navegador. Activa WebAssembly ou utiliza un navegador compatible con el para facer a comprobación.",
+ "Failed: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were not properly returned by the web server. Please check \"System requirements\" section in Talk documentation." : "Fallou: O servidor web non devolveu correctamente os ficheiros \".wasm\" e \".tflite\". Consulte a sección \"Requisitos do sistema\" na documentación de Talk.",
+ "OK: \".wasm\" and \".tflite\" files were properly returned by the web server." : "Vale: Os ficheiros \".wasm\" e \".tflite\" foron devoltos correctamente polo servidor web.",
+ "It seems that the PHP and Apache configuration is not compatible. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Parece que a configuración de PHP e Apache non é compatible. Teña en conta que PHP só se pode usar co módulo MPM_PREFORK e PHP-FPM só se pode usar co módulo MPM_EVENT.",
+ "Could not detect the PHP and Apache configuration because exec is disabled or apachectl is not working as expected. Please note that PHP can only be used with the MPM_PREFORK module and PHP-FPM can only be used with the MPM_EVENT module." : "Non se puido detectar a configuración de PHP e Apache porque exec está desactivado ou apachectl non funciona como se esperaba. Teña en conta que PHP só se pode usar co módulo MPM_PREFORK e PHP-FPM só se pode usar co módulo MPM_EVENT.",
+ "Number of breakout rooms" : "Número de salas de descanso",
+ "Assignment method" : "Método de asignación",
+ "Automatically assign participants" : "Asignar automaticamente participantes",
+ "Manually assign participants" : "Asigne os participantes manualmente",
+ "Allow participants to choose" : "Permitir que os participantes elixan",
+ "Assign participants to rooms" : "Asignar participantes a salas",
+ "Create rooms" : "Crear salas",
+ "Configure breakout rooms" : "Configura salas de descanso",
+ "Unassigned participants" : "Participantes sen asignar",
"Back" : "Atrás",
+ "Assign" : "Asignar",
"Confirm" : "Confirmar",
+ "Create breakout rooms" : "Crear salas de descanso",
"Reset" : "Restabelecer",
+ "Delete breakout rooms" : "Eliminar salas de descanso",
+ "Room {roomNumber}" : "Sala {roomNumber}",
+ "Current breakout rooms and settings will be lost" : "Perderanse as salas de descanso e a configuración actuais",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Post message" : "Publicar a mensaxe",
+ "Send a message to all breakout rooms" : "Envía unha mensaxe a todas as salas de descanso",
+ "Send a message to \"{roomName}\"" : "Enviar unha mensaxe a \"{roomName}\"",
+ "The message was sent to all breakout rooms" : "A mensaxe enviouse a todas as salas de descanso",
+ "The message was sent to \"{roomName}\"" : "Enviouse a mensaxe a \"{roomName}\"",
+ "The message could not be sent" : "Non se puido enviar a mensaxe",
"{nickName} raised their hand." : "{nickName} ergueu a man.",
"A participant raised their hand." : "Un participante ergueu a man.",
"Previous page of videos" : "Páxina anterior de vídeos",
@@ -668,19 +768,37 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Expand stripe" : "Expandir pola raia",
"Copy link" : "Copiar a ligazón",
"Connecting …" : "Conectando…",
+ "Waiting for {user} to join the call" : "Agardando a que {user} se una á chamada",
"Waiting for others to join the call …" : "Agardando que outros se unan á chamada…",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar" : "Pode convidar a outros na lapela do participante da barra lateral",
"You can invite others in the participant tab of the sidebar or share this link to invite others!" : "Pode convidar a outros na lapela do participante da barra lateral ou compartir esta ligazón para convidalos!",
"Share this link to invite others!" : "Comparta esta ligazón para convidar a outros!",
+ "Conversation link copied to clipboard" : "A ligazón da conversa copiouse no portapapeis",
+ "The link could not be copied" : "Non se puido copiar a ligazón",
"Dismiss" : "Rexeitar",
"Show your screen" : "Amosar a súa pantalla",
"Stop screensharing" : "Deixar de compartir a pantalla",
+ "Disable background blur" : "Desactivar o desenfoque de fondo",
+ "Blur background" : "Desenfoque de fondo",
+ "You are not allowed to enable audio" : "Non tes permiso para activar o audio",
+ "No audio. Click to select device" : "Sen audio. Fai clic para seleccionar o dispositivo",
"Mute audio" : "Silenciar o son",
+ "Mute audio (M)" : "Silenciar audio (M)",
"Unmute audio" : "Devolver o son",
+ "Unmute audio (M)" : "Activar audio (M)",
"Lower hand" : "Baixar a man",
+ "Lower hand (R)" : "Baixar a man (R)",
+ "You are not allowed to enable video" : "Non tes permiso para activar o vídeo",
+ "No video. Click to select device" : "Sen vídeo. Fai clic para seleccionar o dispositivo",
"Disable video" : "Desactivar o vídeo",
+ "Disable video (V)" : "Desactivar vídeo (V)",
"Enable video" : "Activar o vídeo",
+ "Enable video (V)" : "Activar vídeo (V)",
+ "Enable video - Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "Activar vídeo - A túa conexión interromperase brevemente ao activar o vídeo por primeira vez",
+ "Enable video (V) - Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "Activar vídeo (V) - A túa conexión interromperase brevemente ao activar o vídeo por primeira vez",
"Enable video. Your connection will be briefly interrupted when enabling the video for the first time" : "Activar vídeo. A súa conexión será interrompida brevemente ao activar o vídeo por primeira vez",
+ "You are not allowed to enable screensharing" : "Non tes permiso para activar o uso compartido de pantalla",
+ "No screensharing" : "Non hai uso compartido de pantalla",
"Screensharing options" : "Opcións de Screensharing",
"Enable screensharing" : "Activar a compartición da pantalla",
"Bad sent video and screen quality." : "Mala calidade de vídeo e pantalla enviados.",
@@ -690,10 +808,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Bad sent audio and screen quality." : "Mala calidade do son e da pantalla enviados.",
"Bad sent audio and video quality." : "Mala calidade do son e vídeo enviados.",
"Bad sent audio quality." : "Mala calidade do son enviado.",