path: root/l10n/gl.js
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2023-05-02 03:28:05 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2023-05-02 03:28:05 +0000
commit76eaaee883331b57d37c9cd4a09696c94054a8e0 (patch)
tree6b8516c526f7a4fd9a89356b1b32d46803db5474 /l10n/gl.js
parent3491ba27b335b4fc668403c800fb6496ea7ebeb7 (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/gl.js')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js
index 86b0d9434..b47cf4786 100644
--- a/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/l10n/gl.js
@@ -617,11 +617,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save changes" : "Gardar cambios",
"Saving …" : "Gardando…",
"Saved!" : "Gardado!",
- "None" : "Ningún",
- "User" : "Usuario",
- "Disabled" : "Desactivado",
- "Moderators" : "Moderadores",
- "Users" : "Usuarios",
"Commands" : "Ordes",
"Beta" : "Beta",
"Name" : "Nome",
@@ -630,6 +625,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Response to" : "Resposta a",
"Enabled for" : "Activado para",
"Commands are a new beta feature in Nextcloud Talk. They allow you to run scripts on your Nextcloud server. You can define them with our command line interface. An example of a calculator script can be found in our {linkstart}documentation{linkend}." : "As ordes son unha nova función beta no Nextcloud Talk. Permiten executar scripts no seu servidor Nextcloud. Pódense definir coa nosa interface de liña de ordes. Pode atopar un exemplo de script de calculadora na nosa {linkstart}documentación{linkend}.",
+ "None" : "Ningún",
+ "User" : "Usuario",
+ "Disabled" : "Desactivado",
+ "Moderators" : "Moderadores",
+ "Users" : "Usuarios",
"General settings" : "Axustes xerais",
"Default notification settings" : "Axustes predeterminados das notificacións",
"Default group notification" : "Notificación predeterminada de grupo",
@@ -644,7 +644,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Our partner Struktur AG provides a service where a hosted signaling server can be requested. For this you only need to fill out the form below and your Nextcloud will request it. Once the server is set up for you the credentials will be filled automatically. This will overwrite the existing signaling server settings." : "O noso patrocinador Struktur AG ofrece un servizo onde se pode solicitar un servidor de sinalización aloxado. Para isto, só ten que cumprimentar o seguinte formulario e o seu Nextcloud solicitarao. Unha vez que o servidor estea configurado para vostede, as credenciais cubriranse automaticamente. Isto sobrescribirá a configuración do servidor de sinalización existente.",
"URL of this Nextcloud instance" : "URL desta instancia do Nextcloud",
"Full name of the user requesting the trial" : "Nome completo do usuario que solicita a proba",
- "Name of the user requesting the trial" : "Nome do usuario que solicita a proba",
"Email of the user" : "Correo electrónico do usuario",
"Language" : "Idioma",
"Country" : "País",
@@ -666,13 +665,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_%n user_::_%n users_" : ["%n usuario","%n usuarios"],
"Matterbridge integration" : "Integración con Matterbridge",
"Enable Matterbridge integration" : "Activar a integración con Matterbridge",
- "Downloading …" : "Descargando…",
- "Install Talk Matterbridge" : "Instalar Talk Matterbridge",
"Installed version: {version}" : "Versión instalada: {version}",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}Nextcloud App Store{linkend}." : "Podes instalar Matterbridge para vincular Nextcloud Talk con outros servizos, visita a súa {linkstart1}páxina de GitHub{linkend} para obter máis detalles. A descarga e a instalación da aplicación pode levar un tempo. No caso de que se agote, instálao manualmente desde a {linkstart2}Tenda de Aplicacións de Nextcloud{linkend}.",
"Matterbridge binary has incorrect permissions. Please make sure the Matterbridge binary file is owned by the correct user and can be executed. It can be found in \"/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/\"." : "O binario do Matterbridge ten permisos incorrectos. Asegúrese de que o ficheiro binario do Matterbridge é propiedade do usuario correcto e que se pode executar. Pódeo atopar en «/.../nextcloud/apps/talk_matterbridge/bin/».",
"Matterbridge binary was not found or couldn't be executed." : "Non se atopou o binario do Matterbridge ou non foi posíbel executalo.",
"You can also set the path to the Matterbridge binary manually via the config. Check the {linkstart}Matterbridge integration documentation{linkend} for more information." : "Tamén pode configurar a ruta ao binario d Matterbridge manualmente a través da configuración. Consulte a {linkstart}documentación de integración do Matterbridge{linkend} para obter máis información.",
+ "Downloading …" : "Descargando…",
+ "Install Talk Matterbridge" : "Instalar Talk Matterbridge",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually" : "Produciuse un erro ao instalar o Talk Matterbridge. Instáleo manualmente",
"Failed to execute Matterbridge binary." : "Produciuse un fallo ao executar o binario de Matterbridge.",
"Recording backend URL" : "URL do backend de gravación",
@@ -691,35 +690,34 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"SIP configuration" : "Configuración SIP",
"SIP configuration is only possible with a high-performance backend." : "A configuración SIP só é posible cun backend de alto rendemento.",
"Restrict SIP configuration" : "Restrinxir a configuración SIP",
- "Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "Só os usuarios dos seguintes grupos poden activar SIP nas conversas que moderan",
"Enable SIP configuration" : "Activar a configuración SIP",
- "This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "Esta información envíase en correos-e de convite e amosase na barra lateral a todos os participantes.",
+ "Only users of the following groups can enable SIP in conversations they moderate" : "Só os usuarios dos seguintes grupos poden activar SIP nas conversas que moderan",
"Phone number (Country)" : "Número de teléfono (País)",
+ "This information is sent in invitation emails as well as displayed in the sidebar to all participants." : "Esta información envíase en correos-e de convite e amosase na barra lateral a todos os participantes.",
"SIP configuration saved!" : "Configuración SIP gardada!",
"High-performance backend URL" : "URL da infraestrutura de alto rendemento",
"Could not get version" : "Non se puido obter a versión",
"Error: Running version: {version}; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk" : "Erro: Versión en execución: {version}; O servidor debe actualizarse para ser compatible con esta versión de Talk",
"High-performance backend" : "Infraestrutura de alto rendemento",
- "Add a new high-performance backend server" : "Engade un novo servidor backend de alto rendemento",
"An external signaling server should optionally be used for larger installations. Leave empty to use the internal signaling server." : "Opcionalmente debería empregarse un servidor de sinalización externo para instalacións grandes. Déixeo baleiro para usar o servidor de sinalización interno.",
- "Please note that calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices." : "Teña en conta quen nas chamadas con máis de 4 participantes sen servidor de sinalización externo, os participantes poden experimentar problemas de conectividade e provocar cargas excesivas nos dispositivos participantes.",
"It is highly recommended to set up a distributed cache when using Nextcloud Talk together with a High Performance Back-end." : "É moi recomendábel configurar unha caché distribuída cando se use Nextcloud Talk xunto cunha infraestrutura de alto rendemento.",
+ "Add a new high-performance backend server" : "Engade un novo servidor backend de alto rendemento",
"Don't warn about connectivity issues in calls with more than 4 participants" : "Non avisar sobre problemas de conectividade en chamadas con máis de 4 participantes",
"Missing high-performance backend warning hidden" : "Falta o aviso de backend de alto rendemento oculto",
"High-performance backend settings saved" : "Gardouse a configuración do back-end de alto rendemento",
"STUN server URL" : "URL do servidor STUN",
"The server address is invalid" : "O enderezo do servidor non é válido",
"STUN servers" : "Servidores STUN",
- "Add a new STUN server" : "Engade un novo servidor STUN",
"A STUN server is used to determine the public IP address of participants behind a router." : "O servidor STUN usase para determinar o enderezo IP público dos participantes que se atopan detrás dun encamiñador.",
+ "Add a new STUN server" : "Engade un novo servidor STUN",
"STUN settings saved" : "Gardouse a configuración de STUN",
"TURN server schemes" : "Esquemas de servidor TURN",
- "{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} e {option2}",
- "{option} only" : "Só {option}",
"TURN server URL" : "URL do servidor TURN",
"TURN server secret" : "Servidor TURN segredo",
"TURN server protocols" : "Protocolos de servidor TURN",
"{schema} scheme must be used with a domain" : "O esquema {schema} debe usarse cun dominio",
+ "{option1} and {option2}" : "{option1} e {option2}",
+ "{option} only" : "Só {option}",
"OK: Successful ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "Correcto: o servidor TURN devolveu satisfactoriamente candidatos ICE",
"Error: No working ICE candidates returned by the TURN server" : "Erro: o servidor TURN non devolveu ningún candidato ICE traballando",
"Testing whether the TURN server returns ICE candidates" : "Probe se o servidor TURN devolve candidatos ICE",
@@ -1224,11 +1222,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Android app" : "Apli de Android",
"iOS app" : "Apli de iOS",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Produciuse un erro. Póñase en contacto cun administrador.",
+ "Name of the user requesting the trial" : "Nome do usuario que solicita a proba",
"You can install the Matterbridge to link Nextcloud Talk to some other services, visit their {linkstart1}GitHub page{linkend} for more details. Downloading and installing the app can take a while. In case it times out, please install it manually from the {linkstart2}appstore{linkend}." : "Pode instalar o Matterbridge para ligar o Talk do Nextcloud con outros servizos, visite a súa {linkstart1}páxina no GitHub{linkend} para máis detalles. A descarga e instalación da aplicación pode levar un tempo. No caso de que se esgote, instáleo manualmente dende a {linkstart2}tenda de aplicacións{linkend}.",
"An error occurred while installing the Matterbridge app." : "Produciuse un erro ao instalar a aplicación Matterbridge.",
"An error occurred while installing the Talk Matterbridge. Please install it manually." : "Produciuse un erro ao instalar o Talk Matterbridge. Instáleo manualmente",
"Saved" : "Gardado",
"Add a new server" : "Engadir un novo servidor",
+ "Please note that calls with more than 4 participants without external signaling server, participants can experience connectivity issues and cause high load on participating devices." : "Teña en conta quen nas chamadas con máis de 4 participantes sen servidor de sinalización externo, os participantes poden experimentar problemas de conectividade e provocar cargas excesivas nos dispositivos participantes.",
"Files required for background blur can be loaded" : "Pódense cargar os ficheiros necesarios para o desenfoque do fondo",
"Conversation link copied to clipboard." : "A ligazón de conversa foi copiada no portapapeis.",
"The link could not be copied." : "Non foi posíbel copiar a ligazón.",