path: root/l10n/gl.js
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2023-04-25 03:24:20 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2023-04-25 03:24:20 +0000
commit3a2a5360a4d7cae79a8f16f9d67445512526e693 (patch)
tree6f27b598112eed50636f1b84efd15ff7a2794e7e /l10n/gl.js
parent55f759891ae8ca5cb38e02c9694d253dc2dadea2 (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/gl.js')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/gl.js b/l10n/gl.js
index 4570ae173..9d79c9cc6 100644
--- a/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/l10n/gl.js
@@ -997,6 +997,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error occurred when disabling SIP dial-in" : "Produciuse un erro ao deshabilitar a marcación SIP",
"Conversation actions" : "Accións de conversa",
"Mark as read" : "Marcar como lido",
+ "Mark as unread" : "Marcar como sen ler",
"Remove from favorites" : "Retirar de favoritos",
"Add to favorites" : "Engadir a favoritos",
"Joining conversation …" : "Uníndose á conversa…",
@@ -1056,7 +1057,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reply" : "Responder",
"Reply privately" : "Responder en privado",
"Copy message link" : "Copiar a ligazón da mensaxe",
- "Mark as unread" : "Marcar como sen ler",
"Go to file" : "Ir ao ficheiro",
"Contact" : "Contacto",
"{stack} in {board}" : "{stack} en {board}",
@@ -1232,7 +1232,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Conversation link copied to clipboard." : "A ligazón de conversa foi copiada no portapapeis.",
"The link could not be copied." : "Non foi posíbel copiar a ligazón.",
"More actions" : "Máis accións",
+ "Warning: Every time permissions are modified in this section, custom permissions previously assigned to individual participants will be lost." : "Aviso: cada vez que se modifiquen os permisos nesta sección, perderanse os permisos personalizados previamente asignados aos participantes individuais.",
+ "Device check" : "Comprobación do dispositivo",
"Guests access" : "Acceso de convidado",
+ "Participants permissions" : "Permisos dos participantes",
"Meeting settings" : "Axustes da xuntanza",
"Allow guests to use a public link to join this conversation." : "Permitirlle aos convidados usar unha ligazón pública para unirse a esta conversa.",
"Allow guests" : "Permitir convidados",
@@ -1245,26 +1248,32 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable lobby" : "Activar o vestíbulo",
"After the time limit the lobby will be automatically disabled." : "Após o límite de tempo, o vestíbulo desactivarase automaticamente.",
"Locking the conversation prevents anyone to post messages or start calls." : "Bloquear a conversa impide que calquera poida publicar mensaxes ou iniciar chamadas.",
+ "Chat messages" : "Mensaxes de chat",
"Calls" : "Chamadas",
"Allow participants to join from a phone." : "Permitirlle aos participantes unirse dende un teléfono.",
"Enable SIP dial-in" : "Activar a marcación SIP",
"Cancel editing description" : "Cancelar a edición da descrición",
"Submit conversation description" : "Enviar a descrición da conversa",
"The description must be less than or equal to {maxLength} characters long. Your current text is {charactersCount} characters long." : "A descrición debe ser de menos ou igual a {maxLength} caracteres. O seu texto actual ten {charactersCount} caracteres.",
+ "Always show this dialog before joining a call in this conversation." : "Mostra sempre este diálogo antes de unirte a unha chamada nesta conversa.",
"Link copied to the clipboard!" : "Ligazón copiada no portapapeis!",
"Choose a password" : "Escolla un contrasinal",
"Message link copied to clipboard." : "A ligazón da mensaxe foi copiada ao portapapeis.",
"Upload new files" : "Enviar novos ficheiros",
"Share from Files" : "Compartir dende «Ficheiros»",
"Invitation was sent to {actorId}." : "Enviouse o convite a {actorId}.",
+ "End meeting for all" : "Fin da reunión para todos",
"Rename conversation" : "Renomear a conversa",
"Deck card has been posted to the selected <a href=\"{link}\">conversation</a>." : "A tarxeta do Deck foi publicada na <a href=\"{link}\">conversa</a> seleccionada.",
"An error occurred while posting deck card to conversation." : "Produciuse un erro ao publicar a tarxeta do deck na conversa.",
"Sending signaling message has failed." : "Produciuse un fallo no envío da mensaxe de sinalización.",
+ "The configured signaling server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk. Please contact your administrator." : "O servidor de sinalización configurado debe actualizarse para ser compatible con esta versión de Talk. Póñase en contacto co seu administrador.",
+ "Message link copied to clipboard" : "A ligazón da mensaxe copiouse no portapapeis",
"{actor} set the conversation avatar" : "{actor} estableceu o avatar da conversa",
"You set the conversation avatar" : "Definiches o avatar da conversa",
"{actor} removed the conversation avatar" : "{actor} eliminou o avatar da conversa",
"You removed the conversation avatar" : "Quitaches o avatar da conversa",
- "The PHP settings 'upload_max_filesize' or 'post_max_size' only will allow to upload files up to {maxUpload}." : "A configuración de PHP 'upload_max_filesize' ou 'post_max_size' só permitirá cargar ficheiros ata {maxUpload}."
+ "The PHP settings 'upload_max_filesize' or 'post_max_size' only will allow to upload files up to {maxUpload}." : "A configuración de PHP 'upload_max_filesize' ou 'post_max_size' só permitirá cargar ficheiros ata {maxUpload}.",
+ "Always show this dialog before joining a call in this conversation. The dialog will always be shown when the call is being recorded." : "Mostra sempre este diálogo antes de unirte a unha chamada nesta conversa. O diálogo sempre aparecerá cando se grava a chamada."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");