* @copyright 2018, Maxence Lange * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\Social; use daita\MySmallPhpTools\Traits\TArrayTools; use OC; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\ItemUnknownException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\RedundancyLimitException; use OCA\Social\Exceptions\SocialAppConfigException; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\AcceptInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\AddInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\BlockInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\CreateInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\DeleteInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\RejectInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\RemoveInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\UndoInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Activity\UpdateInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Actor\PersonInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Actor\ServiceInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\IActivityPubInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Internal\SocialAppNotificationInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Object\AnnounceInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Object\DocumentInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Object\FollowInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Object\ImageInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Object\LikeInterface; use OCA\Social\Interfaces\Object\NoteInterface; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\ACore; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Accept; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Add; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Block; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Create; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Delete; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Reject; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Remove; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Undo; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Activity\Update; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Actor\Person; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Actor\Service; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Internal\SocialAppNotification; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Announce; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Document; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Follow; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Image; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Like; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Note; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Object\Tombstone; use OCA\Social\Model\ActivityPub\Stream; use OCA\Social\Service\ConfigService; use OCP\AppFramework\QueryException; /** * Class AP * * @package OCA\Social */ class AP { use TArrayTools; const REDUNDANCY_LIMIT = 10; /** @var AcceptInterface */ public $acceptInterface; /** @var AddInterface */ public $addInterface; /** @var AnnounceInterface */ public $announceInterface; /** @var BlockInterface */ public $blockInterface; /** @var CreateInterface */ public $createInterface; /** @var DeleteInterface */ public $deleteInterface; /** @var DocumentInterface */ public $documentInterface; /** @var FollowInterface */ public $followInterface; /** @var ImageInterface */ public $imageInterface; /** @var LikeInterface */ public $likeInterface; /** @var PersonInterface */ public $personInterface; /** @var NoteInterface */ public $noteInterface; /** @var RejectInterface */ public $rejectInterface; /** @var RemoveInterface */ public $removeInterface; /** @var ServiceInterface */ public $serviceInterface; /** @var UndoInterface */ public $undoInterface; /** @var UpdateInterface */ public $updateInterface; /** @var SocialAppNotificationInterface */ public $notificationInterface; /** @var ConfigService */ public $configService; /** @var AP */ public static $activityPub = null; /** * AP constructor. */ public function __construct() { } /** * */ public static function init() { $ap = new AP(); try { $ap->acceptInterface = OC::$server->query(AcceptInterface::class); $ap->addInterface = OC::$server->query(AddInterface::class); $ap->announceInterface = OC::$server->query(AnnounceInterface::class); $ap->blockInterface = OC::$server->query(BlockInterface::class); $ap->createInterface = OC::$server->query(CreateInterface::class); $ap->deleteInterface = OC::$server->query(DeleteInterface::class); $ap->documentInterface = OC::$server->query(DocumentInterface::class); $ap->followInterface = OC::$server->query(FollowInterface::class); $ap->imageInterface = OC::$server->query(ImageInterface::class); $ap->likeInterface = OC::$server->query(LikeInterface::class); $ap->noteInterface = OC::$server->query(NoteInterface::class); $ap->notificationInterface = OC::$server->query(SocialAppNotificationInterface::class); $ap->personInterface = OC::$server->query(PersonInterface::class); $ap->serviceInterface = OC::$server->query(ServiceInterface::class); $ap->rejectInterface = OC::$server->query(RejectInterface::class); $ap->removeInterface = OC::$server->query(RemoveInterface::class); $ap->undoInterface = OC::$server->query(UndoInterface::class); $ap->updateInterface = OC::$server->query(UpdateInterface::class); $ap->configService = OC::$server->query(ConfigService::class); AP::$activityPub = $ap; } catch (QueryException $e) { OC::$server->getLogger() ->logException($e); } } /** * @param array $data * @param ACore $parent * @param int $level * * @return ACore * @throws RedundancyLimitException * @throws SocialAppConfigException * @throws ItemUnknownException */ public function getItemFromData(array $data, ACore $parent = null, int $level = 0): ACore { if (++$level > self::REDUNDANCY_LIMIT) { throw new RedundancyLimitException($level); } $item = $this->getSimpleItemFromData($data); if ($parent !== null) { $item->setParent($parent); } $this->getObjectFromData($data, $item, $level); $this->getActorFromData($data, $item, $level); return $item; } /** * @param array $data * @param ACore $item * @param int $level * * @throws RedundancyLimitException * @throws SocialAppConfigException */ public function getObjectFromData(array $data, ACore &$item, int $level) { try { $objectData = $this->getArray('object', $data, []); if (empty($objectData)) { $objectId = $this->get('object', $data, ''); if ($objectId !== '') { // TODO: validate AS_URL $item->setObjectId($objectId); } } else { $object = $this->getItemFromData($objectData, $item, $level); $item->setObject($object); } } catch (ItemUnknownException $e) { } } /** * @param array $data * @param ACore $item * @param int $level * * @throws RedundancyLimitException * @throws SocialAppConfigException */ public function getActorFromData(array $data, ACore &$item, int $level) { try { $actorData = $this->getArray('actor_info', $data, []); if (!empty($actorData)) { /** @var Person $actor */ $actor = $this->getItemFromData($actorData, $item, $level); $item->setActor($actor); } } catch (ItemUnknownException $e) { } } /** * @param array $data * * @return ACore * @throws SocialAppConfigException * @throws ItemUnknownException */ public function getSimpleItemFromData(array $data): Acore { $item = $this->getItemFromType($this->get('type', $data, '')); $item->import($data); $item->setSource(json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); return $item; } /** * @param string $type * * @return ACore * @throws ItemUnknownException * @throws SocialAppConfigException */ public function getItemFromType(string $type): ACore { switch ($type) { case Accept::TYPE: $item = new Accept(); break; case Add::TYPE: $item = new Add(); break; case Announce::TYPE: $item = new Announce(); $item->setFilterDuplicate(true); break; case Block::TYPE: $item = new Block(); break; case Create::TYPE: $item = new Create(); break; case Delete::TYPE: $item = new Delete(); break; case Document::TYPE: $item = new Document(); break; case Follow::TYPE: $item = new Follow(); break; case Image::TYPE: $item = new Image(); break; case Like::TYPE: $item = new Like(); break; case Note::TYPE: $item = new Note(); break; case SocialAppNotification::TYPE: $item = new SocialAppNotification(); break; case Stream::TYPE: $item = new Stream(); break; case Person::TYPE: $item = new Person(); break; case Reject::TYPE: $item = new Reject(); break; case Remove::TYPE: $item = new Remove(); break; case Service::TYPE: $item = new Service(); break; case Tombstone::TYPE: $item = new Tombstone(); break; case Undo::TYPE: $item = new Undo(); break; case Update::TYPE: $item = new Update(); break; default: throw new ItemUnknownException(); } $item->setUrlCloud($this->configService->getCloudUrl()); return $item; } /** * @param ACore $activity * * @return IActivityPubInterface * @throws ItemUnknownException */ public function getInterfaceForItem(Acore $activity): IActivityPubInterface { return $this->getInterfaceFromType($activity->getType()); } /** * @param string $type * * @return IActivityPubInterface * @throws ItemUnknownException */ public function getInterfaceFromType(string $type): IActivityPubInterface { switch ($type) { case Accept::TYPE: $interface = $this->acceptInterface; break; case Add::TYPE: $interface = $this->addInterface; break; case Announce::TYPE: $interface = $this->announceInterface; break; case Block::TYPE: $interface = $this->blockInterface; break; case Create::TYPE: $interface = $this->createInterface; break; case Delete::TYPE: $interface = $this->deleteInterface; break; case Document::TYPE: $interface = $this->documentInterface; break; case Follow::TYPE: $interface = $this->followInterface; break; case Image::TYPE: $interface = $this->imageInterface; break; case Like::TYPE: $interface = $this->likeInterface; break; case Note::TYPE: $interface = $this->noteInterface; break; case SocialAppNotification::TYPE: $interface = $this->notificationInterface; break; case Person::TYPE: $interface = $this->personInterface; break; case Reject::TYPE: $interface = $this->rejectInterface; break; case Remove::TYPE: $interface = $this->removeInterface; break; case Service::TYPE: $interface = $this->serviceInterface; break; case Undo::TYPE: $interface = $this->undoInterface; break; case Update::TYPE: $interface = $this->updateInterface; break; default: throw new ItemUnknownException(); } return $interface; } /** * @param ACore $item * * @return bool */ public function isActor(ACore $item): bool { $types = [ Person::TYPE, Service::TYPE ]; return (in_array($item->getType(), $types)); } } AP::init();